Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 1: 凛冬(3)

The snow has been parked for a few days. The air in the city of Vaud is chilly. The streets and houses are black, white and gray. Under the eaves on both sides of the road, the caged people are lying there, watching the road. Pedestrians come and go, the white mist comes out of people's noses, not many people speak loudly, and the occasional staggered eyes on the road are mostly stunned. m. The most economical, mobile-free site for mobile phones.

Some people have already taken up their horses and horses and are ready to leave. Under a tree in front of the road, some children cry and cry, and in the opposite door, the children who have said goodbye to him have already burst into tears. I don't know what kind of little couples will want to see in the narrow alleys in the future. Most of the merchants have closed the door, and the green forest warriors are in a hurry. I don't know where to go to help.

This is a scene of chaos. Shi Jin’s first time I saw it more than ten years ago, now I have more feelings in my heart. This feeling is disappointing to the world, and there is always something that people can't put down. All the way to the temple of the Great Light and the altar of the altar, the sound of the cymbals sounded, the inside is the cry of the apologetic martial arts training, the outside is the monk's teaching and crowded half-street believers, everyone is seeking the blessing of the Buddha .

Shi Jin, wearing a cotton jacket, seems to be a farmer in the countryside, but the long baggage behind him also shows the clues of the green forest people. He goes in the direction of the back door, and there is a well-dressed and graceful man in the middle of the road. When I came up, I bowed my hand and made a lot of ceremonies: "The dragon king drives, please."

Shi Jin only went silently inside.

The martial arts martial arts in front of the temple screamed haha, and the momentum was majestic, but it was just a face that was shot out to the ignorant little people. At this time, the gathering at the rear was the master who came with Lin Zongwu, under the eaves, in the courtyard. Regardless of the vulgarity and youthfulness, most of them are sharp-eyed, and some people look at them. Some people have made a move in the courtyard.

The rivers and lakes seem to be idle, and in fact there are rules and arbitrage. Lin Zongwu is now the world's first master. It is a group of heroes. Most of them are going to enter the yard. Some people can't do it. Different attitudes and treatments are different for different people.

Compared with the literati, he also talks about a vain, and the martial arts are straightforward and straightforward. The skills are crafted, the face is sought, the craftsmanship is good, the face is not enough, and he has to earn himself. However, Shi Jin has long been absent from this category. Some people recognize this man who is like an old farmer, standing respectfully and respectfully, and some people whispered inquiries, then quietly retired and looked far away. . In the middle, young people are still blind, and middle-aged people never dare to make it. The older the rivers and lakes, the smaller the courage - in fact, it is not too courageous, but much more. Many things can be understood, and there will be no more unrealistic reverie.

This courtyard has passed two, and then went inside. It was a garden with plum blossoms. The pool water has not yet frozen. There is a pavilion on the water. Lin Zongwu greeted him from there: "Dragon King, there are some things, there are far-reaching welcomes. It’s slow.”

"Lin teaches the Lord." Shi Jin is only slightly handed.

Shi Jin did not like Lin Zongwu. This human rights desire is strong. Many things can be said to be unscrupulous. Daguangming teaches only expansion, confuses people, and the disciples of the disciples have made many bad things that have gone bad. However, if only in the view of Greenwood, this person is only an ambitious hero. He is very proud and behaving at the individual level. In the same year, Liangshan Songjiang Song Brother was not the case.

At the beginning of Shi Jin, he only sought loyalty. Liang Shan also entered. Later, the deeper his knowledge, especially after careful consideration of the life of Zhou Zongshi, Fang Zhiliang was also a wrong path. But for more than ten years, he has been mixed in this black and white world. He is not afraid of Lin Zongwu’s face because of such resentment. As for a comparison test in Zezhou last year, although he was beaten to the bottom by the other side, but a fair duel, it is indeed a skill is not as good as people, he is bright and upright, but has never been in the heart.

After greeting, Lin Zongwu led Shi Jin to go to the pavilion where the tea had been cooked. The mouth said something like "Dragon King is hard to please". When he got to the table, he turned back and officially arched. Arched hands.

"Wang Deng’s business, Lin heard that the Dragon King broke the six hundred people with 30 people, and saved the village from the old and the weak. The Dragon King is a true hero, and he is worshipped by Lin."

He is so full of the status of the world, and if he is the other Greenwood, he is afraid to be impressed immediately. Shi Jin just looked at it and shook his hand: "I heard that the Lin Jiaozhu had the news of Mu Anping. Shimou came here for this purpose, and he still hoped that the Lin Master would give it."

"...Sit first." Lin Zongwu saw him for a moment, laughing and spreading his hands. The two sat down in the pavilion. Lin Zongwu said: "The Eight-armed Dragon King is sad and sorrowful. When he led Chifeng Mountain and the Jurchen, it was Everyone mentioned the big hero who had to erect his thumb. You and I met last time in Zezhou, Zezhou. At that time, I was stunned by the view of Longwang Meiyu. I thought it was for the Chifeng Mountain chaos. However, I’m goodbye today. The Dragon King is suffering from the world."

Shi Jin listened to him, and my heart was my mother. I replied casually in my mouth: "Why can you see it?"

"If it is really for Chifeng Mountain, the Dragon King will kill him. It will be a year long, but he will run in Wozhou. I heard that the Dragon King was originally looking for Mu Anping, and later could not help but come for the Jurchen. Going, and now the dragon face is dead, it is the image of death that hates the world. Presumably, the monk is thinking, the dragon king is thinking, what is the shit..."

Lin Zongwu smiled and sighed and pushed over a cup of tea. Shi Jin thought for a moment: "I came for that Mu Anping. If Lin teaches the message of this child, I hope to give it."

Lin Zongwu nodded. "For this child, I also have some doubts. I want to ask the Dragon King. At the beginning of July, I came to Vaud because of some things. At that time, Master Tian of Weishantang hosted a banquet to entertain me. On the night of the third day of the month, something went wrong..."

The weather was cold, and the water mist rising from the hot tea in the pavilion was smashed. Lin Zongwu looked solemnly at the big night of that night, and the inexplicable beginning began to end inexplicably.

"...Walking on the rivers and lakes, sometimes it was dragged on by some things, and it was on the scene. It was a joke... I later started to explore it secretly. After some time, I realized the ins and outs of this matter. The name of Mu Yi was killed by his wife and his children. He was hysterical, the monk was retired, Tian Weishan was damned, and Tan Lu should kill.

Lin Zongwu paused: "It is still a few days before I learned that Mu Yi and the Dragon King are old. During this period, the monk heard that a big master sent a message for the message of the Jurchen, and later died in the camp of Leping. In the middle of the camp, it is said that it is a camp. In fact, this person is a master and wants to die. Later, he confirmed that this person is the one who catches up quickly, about for his wife and children, and does not want to live..."

When he said this, he reached for a cup of tea and looked at the mist on the tea: "Dragon King, I don't know what Mu Yi, what the end is."

"...people are already dead." Shi Jindao, "Is the forest teacher knowing, what is the use?"

Lin Zongwu smiled intricately on the face: "The Dragon King is afraid of some misunderstandings. This is a bit more confused than the fight. But this seat has said the world’s number one in the world, and it’s not necessarily the right thing to do. I have to go to the scene afterwards. Just... the Dragon King thought, Lin’s life, what is he asking for?”

Shi Jin quietly drank a cup of tea: "The martial arts of Lin teaches the Lord, Shimou is admired."

"Yeah." Lin Zongwu smiled slightly, and he paused. "Lin, this year, fifty-eight, in front of others, Lin is good to talk about something, so in front of the Dragon King, but it is too The dragon king looks down. The monk's life, six unclean, desires, but the deepest is the world's first reputation."

The huge monk drank a cup of tea: "When the monk was young, he thought he was a strong martial artist. However, Fang La, Fang Qifo, Liu Dazhao and others were in the middle of the day. There was Zhou Wei in the north, sitting in the Imperial Boxing Hall and playing the world invincible. The sacred religion is Fang La, and I have to avoid it with my sister and sister. I will wait until the martial arts Dacheng, Liu Dazhao is dead, Fang La, Fang Qifo are competing in the world, and lost to Hangzhou. I will continue to look for the world of martial arts until I regroup. The first Zhou Zongshi came to a test and thought that he was calling his name, but unfortunately... At that time, Zhou Hao was eighty years old. He didn’t want to fight with my juniors. I also think that even if he finds him, what can he do? Defeating him is also a victory. After a while, he went to stab and slay and die."

"... From then on, the world is the first, I will never be able to grab him." Lin Zongwu sighed in the pavilion, and spent a moment, looking at Shi Jin: "I later heard that Zhou Zongshi The thorn is sticky, the dragon king follows it, and he has had the guidance of Zhou Zongshi. I don’t know how the Zhou dynasty martial arts look like the dragon king’s eyes?"

Shi Jin looked at him: "You are not the opponent of Zhou Zongshi."

Lin Zongwu patted his hands and nodded. "I want to come, too. Now, I look back on my predecessors and my heart is longing for it. Unfortunately, I didn't see it when I was born. This is one of Lin's greatest regrets."

He sighed and stood up from his seat, looking out to the eaves and the sky not far away.

"If you were in the past, Lin was unwilling to admit it." He said, "However, in July, the muzzle of Mu Yi made the forest marvel. In Mu Yi's shooting, there is the shooting method of Zhou Zongshi. Traces, so since then, Lin has been asking about this person. The history brother, the deceased has been paralyzed, but my heart can still remember, this person is so high in martial arts, not a dumb name, but also please the dragon king Informing the person of this identity, I also considered a doubt in Lin’s heart."

Shi Jin saw him for a while, and then he said: "This person is my brother in Liangshan, one of the disciples of Zhou Zongshi in the Imperial Boxing Hall, and the "Leopard Head" Lin Chong who once served as the head of the 800,000 banned army. My brother-in-law was a good family. Later, he was murdered by a traitor, and his family was broken and forced to go to Liangshan..."

The outside wind whimpered and blew from the yard. Shi Jin talked about the life of this big brother from the beginning, and forced him to Liangshan, and then to Liangshan, he and Zhou Yu reunited and was expelled from the division. Later, those years of seclusion, and then Forming a family, the family is broken again... He has been anxious for many things these days, and it is difficult to sleep at night. At this time, the blood in his eyes is piled up. When he talks about Lin Chong, the red in his eyes is not known. The blood is still slightly tears.

"The world is not benevolent." Lin Zongwu listened to these things, nodded slightly, and then gave a sigh. In this way, I realized that the madness and death of the Lin Chong method came from. Waiting for Shi Jin to finish everything, the courtyard was quiet for a long time, Shi Jincai said:

"Now, Lin Da Ge is dead. The only bone blood he left in the world is Anping. Lin Zong called me to say that there is news of a child. If it is not a pastime, Shimou will thank him."

Lin Zongwu watched him silent for a moment, as if he was making important decisions. After a while, he said: "The history brothers are looking for the whereabouts of Mu Anping. Lin is also looking for the ins and outs of this matter, but it has been happening for a long time. Tan Lu ...have not found it. However, the Qi Jiagong who committed the crime has recently been arrested. Lin has detained him and is now locked in the private prison of the city of Vaud."

He took out a token and pushed it over to Shijin: "The first house in Huangmuxiang, the Rongshi martial arts hall, the history brothers can go to the personage. But... Lin asked, I am afraid he I don't know the whereabouts of Tan Road."

"Enough, thank you Lin for the Lord..." Shi Jin’s voice was extremely low. He took the brand, although he still sat as usual, but the murderousness and fierceness in his eyes had already piled up. Lin Zongwu pushed him a cup of tea: "Can the Dragon King still want to listen to Lin to say a few words?"

"The teacher said, though."

"Historical brothers can't let go of this world." Lin Zongwu smiled. "Even if it is full of the death of Mu Anping, the crisis of this Jurchen is not enough. The monk...not a good person, in my heart." There are many desires, desires and desires, but in general, the Dragon King, my great light and the teachings, the festival is innocent. Ten years ago, Lin had been fighting against the gold. Over the years, Daguang Mingjiao has always been resistant to gold. Now that the Jurchen is coming, the Wolverine is hard to defend, and the monk is going to have a fight with the Jurchen. The history brothers should also know that once the war is in jeopardy, the Wolverine Wall, the history brothers will certainly go up. The brothers are good at using soldiers, killing the king and dare six hundred people, only using more than thirty brothers... Lin found the history brothers, for this matter."

He said: "After more than ten years ago, I learned that Zhou Zongshi was stabbing and dying, and I knew that I could no longer prove with him the reputation of the world. I built a big light and taught hundreds of thousands of people. Then I will go to the thorns and stick to the glutton, and take the righteousness to be a man, and I will inevitably laugh for the world. So I led the believers to the north, but unfortunately there are many masters of green forests, and there are too few people who know the art of war. The brothers of the world, the world is bitter, and you want to change into everything. , the martial arts of two people, no role at all."

"...I know the chaos in Chifeng Mountain, which makes the history brothers have more doubts in their hearts. However, for the sake of the younger generations, the big things and the small things can only be passed over... Lin is thinking, if the history brothers have the embers, can you come? I am a big bright teacher, help me to discipline these small ones. If you fight against gold, you can fight side by side. If the history brothers have other places to go, whether they want to be alone, or want to get back to Chifeng Mountain, Lin A certain guarantee will never stay strong until time. You and I will always be brotherhood."

After he said these words, he poured tea for Shi Jin. Shi Jin was silent for a long time, nodded, stood up, and said, "Let me think about it."

"Of course, you have to consider." Lin Zongwu stood up and spread his hands and smiled. Shi Jin once again thanked Lin Zongwu: "I am a big Guangming teacher, although the dragons and snakes are mixed, but after all, there are many people. I am still inquiring about the news of Tan Lu. I will have the results in the future and I will inform you at the first time. History brother."

He said so, sent Shi Jin out of the yard, and then came back, but sighed in a low voice. Wang Nantuo has been waiting here: "I don't think that the person is actually a disciple of Zhou Wei. After experiencing such evil things, it is no wonder that when I see someone, I am desperate. His wife and Ise family are broken and I am not lost."

In the big battle in July, Wang Nantuo took a hand and was almost killed by Lin Chong on the spot. It’s just that he does not do anything good or bad. Now he is involved in the things like these shit, even if the martial arts retreat, the attitude is still a bachelor.

"Unfortunately, the Dragon King has acted in my teachings. After all, I have no intention of being tempted by me."

"When Mu Anping was saved by his brother, why did the brothers not tell him frankly? I want to come to me and save the only bone blood of Lin Chong. Shi Jin is bound to be grateful to zero. When I come to teach again, I don't want to come to him. ”

Lin Zongwu shook his head: "Shi Jin is different from other people. He is a big man and a big man. He is rather a jade. Even if I hand over the child to him, he will only privately return to me and will not enter the church. - What I want is his ability to lead the troops. He wants him to be convinced. What is the use of his life in private?"

This fat big monk has won the election: "The big festival is righteous, it is played in the place where the big festival is righteous. When the Northland starts a war, Shijin can’t go, and with the friendship on the battlefield, it’s better to talk about these things. Much more. Make things first, then let him see the children, then it is the real heart of his collection... If he is, the tens of thousands of people in Chifeng Mountain are also a soldier. At that time, he will want to get it back."

Wang Nantuo nodded his head and then said: "It was only then that the two met, and the child said, Shi Jinxi did not know that you lied to him?"

"I have decided to accept Mu Anping as a disciple, and the Dragon King will think clearly." Lin Zongwu took his hands and smiled a little. "Zhou Yi, Zhou Wei, I ended up with him. In his descendants, Fu Lu got the truth. I’m probably waiting for Zhou Yu’s grave. I guess it’s hard to find it. Yue Peng’s general is Yue...The military is ridden, and it’s impossible to prove the martial art with me. I accept this disciple and give him a true biography. When I was in the world, my fate with Zhou Wei was a turn, a circle."

Having said that, he nodded: "... there is some explanation."

So quiet for a moment, Lin Zongwu walked to the tea table in the pavilion and asked back: "Yes, how is Yan Chuxiang?"

"He Yungang came back from Gaizhou, not very good." Wang Nantuo hesitated for a moment, "Yan Chuxiang and Gaizhou altar, I am afraid it is to the woman."

The words fell, and Lin Zongwu’s face was fierce. He only heard a bang, and the stone powder splashed on the pillar next to the pavilion. But he shot a stone on the stone pillar. The stone pillar was a big bowl. gap.

In the Jinwang site last year, Lin Zongwu took the opportunity to trade with Lou Shuzhen and negotiated the mission of Daguangmingjiao. At the same time, he also shaped Lou Shuzhen into a descendant of the world and shared the Jinwang site. The forces inside, who knows that more than a year has passed, the woman who looks at the madness is swaying and swaying, while improving the way the confidant is confusing, and nowadays, the Daguangming cult is overwhelming, even Jin Many of the great Guangming teachings outside the king's site know that there is a leading woman in the world, and they are not eating. Lin Zongwu only knows that the world is sinister, and the power struggle in the big pattern is more dangerous than the bumps on the rivers and lakes.

However, the basic discs of Daguangming are not small, and Lin Zongwu’s life is bumpy and he will not fall for these things. Seeing that Jin Wang began to fight against gold, Tian Shi Yu driving the pro-sign, Lin Zongwu also understood that there must be a place in this troubled world, relying on weakness and incompetence, after all, is not enough. He came to Vaud and talked to Shi Jin several times to recruit soldiers and make a real record and reputation.

At this time, I heard the news that Yan Chuxiang fell to Lou Shuzhen, and Lin Zongwu was angry and violent, and it took a while to calm down. Wherein noon is outside the courtyard, and the sky business is clean, but I can hear that there are people from the outside who rushed in and went to the face of the forest.

"Press, newspaper, newspaper, newspaper, newspaper, Jurchen army... Jurchen army... Come..."

"Say what?"

"Jurchen ... the skill, the speed of the ranks of the army, appeared in the north of the city of Wozhou thirty miles, the number of ... unknown number - is said to be no less ... "The messenger added a cry with a cry," no less than 50,000 ..."

Lin Zongwu stood there, and the whole person was stunned.

At this moment, the former squadrons were still performing in the high-spirited manner. On the streets of the city, Shi Jinzheng quickly passed through the crowd to the direction of the Rongshi martial arts hall. Soon after, the bells and screams of the police were heard.

When the war broke out, the battle of the Central Plains West Road, Wang Juyun and Tian Shi launched a million troops and came to the north. In the four conflicts that have already erupted at this time, the two forces of Lien Chan’s losing streak tried to take a huge and chaotic situation. Jurchens are trapped in the wilderness near the ruins of Taiyuan. On the one hand, they are isolated from the grain road~www.wuxiaspot.com~ on the one hand. However, with the means of Zonghan and Xi Yin, they will follow the plan of the enemy.

On October 23, the speeding forward army appeared 30 miles outside the city of Vaud. The initial return was no less than 50,000. In fact, the number was more than 32,000. On the morning of the 23rd, the army Arrived in Vaud, completed the array under the city. Zong Han’s knife also came to the rear of Tian Shi. At this time, the striker team of Tian Shi’s pro-examination, in addition to the collapse of these days, there are more than 400,000, divided into three large legions, the nearest distance to Worth is still a hundred miles away.

Like more than a decade ago, Shi Jin boarded the city wall and participated in the team of the defending city. Before the **** moment came, Shi Jin looked back at this white city. Whenever he could not afford this bitter world, it was like a blessing and a curse. He held the octagonal mixed copper stick in his hands, and what he saw in his eyes was still Zhou Wei’s figure.

Yes, from the beginning to the end, he is looking at the back of the old man, only because the back is so high, as long as he has seen it once, it will never be forgotten.

At the beginning of the war in the northern city of Vaud, near the Xuzhou area south of the Yellow River, there were strange fireworks signals rising in the sky.

At the same time, in the direction of the east, a team of "hungry ghosts" with a population of over one million, I do not know what kind of message was drawn, gradually gathered in the direction of Xuzhou City, the leader of this team, It is the initiator of the "Hungry Ghost", Wang Shitong...

Further south, in Lin'an City, snow began to start, and the weather has become cold. In the study of Qin House, today's Privyly Qin Yu, waved his favorite pen wash. Things about the southwest have begun to be filled up endlessly...

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