Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 2: Winter (4)

Lin'an House, which is the place where the original Hangzhou City was located, during the nine years of Jinghan, the fire of the Fangla Uprising was once burned and broke the city defense of Hangzhou. In the days after that, the man named Ning Yi was once in this place. In the face of the precarious situation, he witnessed and participated in many things later. He once faced the leader in the rebellion. The woman who had been on the side of the party walked on the street in the night shift. In the end, she helped to smell the people. In order to reopen the gate of Hangzhou City and speed up the defeat of Fangla.

This name is like a taboo in today's Lin'an, although some people can hear this once-speaking story from the smell of people, but occasionally recalling and talking, it only brings private embarrassment or It is a silent emotion.

A man who was able to stay forward in such a strong enemy and nowhere to go, as a companion, is so heart-warming. However, when he becomes an enemy one day, it is enough to make people who have seen his means feel weak.

The wind and snow fell and stopped, looking back at the back of the city, pedestrians such as weaving streets have not accumulated too much snow, business travelers, children are jumping and chasing. On the old city wall, the woman in the snow-white coat tightened her hat on her head, as if she was staring at the traces of the past, the figure that had been smashed in the market more than ten years ago to see him clearly. The sorrow and fierceness that can break in such a bad situation.

Not far behind, the reported message has been ringing in the wind.

"...The incident was urgent. Zhao Xiangye was arrested on October 16th. Li Lei’s photovoltaic law is like a mountain. The southwestern military capital that intercepted the greedy ink from his side is about 37,000, and then he gave it out. Wang Yuanshu and Wang Yuanshu's housekeeper Shu Da... Wang Yuanshu was being interviewed by Han Lin Chang Gui and others at this time. The book was stunned by his brother-in-law, and he also had some words, which was quite insinuating the meaning of Qin Daren... In addition, with Li Leiguang as a drug guide, Zhao Xiang has already begun to intervene in the issue of the previous military logistics in the southwest..."

"So Qin Hao resigned... He did not defend."

The princess said calmly, looking at the city, did not move.

These days, when she gave up the illusion of that figure, she was able to understand the other side's anger against the enemy. It is also more able to understand the cruelty and fierceness of this world.

"Qin Daren did not argue, but his hand was also very fierce. There may have been several murders in private in the past few days, but the incident suddenly, the army did not reach out and we could not intercept."

"If you don't intercept it, there is nothing that can be done. Even if it is true, it can only prove that Qin Daren is a good person. It is a person who is a secretary..." She said this, it is not very convenient to answer, and it took a long time. Seeing her go back, "Smell people, you said, more than ten years ago, Ning Yi asked the Secret Investigation Department to check the Qin Daren. Is he a good person? Or a bad person?"

At this time, talking on the old city wall, it is natural that Zhou Pei and Wen are not the same. At this time, the time of the early morning has passed, and the officials have returned to the government. The city seems to be prosperous and a very busy day. Only those who know the inside story can feel the undercurrent of the imperial court in these days.

The beginning of the big political struggle is often the same, each other moves, temptation, as long as there is a move should be followed, followed by an avalanche-like outbreak. It’s just that the situation is special at the moment. The emperor’s pretense is dumb, and his own powerful forces have not made it clear that the projectile is only on the smash, and the gunpowder has not yet been ignited.

It is ironic that no matter how people think at first, once they reach the height of thousands of people, fairness and justice often lose the qualification to measure things. Qin Yu’s wife and brother are called Wang Yuanshu, Wang Yuanshu’s housekeeper is Shu Da, Shu Da has a screaming Li Leiguang, and Li Leiguang is a small ginseng who is responsible for the southwest military logistics. In the past year, he was 37,000, Zhao Ding Shot, such as the mountain iron card, and then bite to Wang Yuanshu here.

In conjunction with the failure of the previous southwest, and a few accompaniments in the court before the arrest of Li Leiguang, if the nod of the above should be recruited, a cleansing of the Qin system will begin. Zhao Ding and Qin Lan have old vengeance, and God knows how many backhands are already ready there. But cleaning or not needs to be considered and never been greedy.

After the move to the south, Zhao Ding represented the radical faction of the main battle. On the one hand, he cooperated with the prince to appeal to the Northern Expedition to forge ahead, and on the other hand, to promote the integration of the North and the South. The Qin dynasty represents the interest groups headed by the South. They are unified in the upper level of the Nanwu political and economic system. They seem to be relatively conservative. On the one hand, they hope to maintain the stability of the dynasty in peace. On the other hand, at least At home, they are more inclined to the basic interests of the South, and even once began to promote the slogan of "Southern return to the South, North to the North."

Every direction is a manifestation of a benefit. It is true that killing Zhao Ding will also have a second main war faction. The removal of Qin Yu will also be supplemented by Zhang Wei Han, but beyond this, there are naturally more factors to measure.

One of the most special ones is the question that Zhou Peifang only raised.

More than a decade ago, when Ning Yi was still working in the Secret Investigation Department, he once investigated the Qin dynasty, which was already in the imperial history.

At that time, the Qin dynasty and the Qin dynasty belonged to the same family, and the political concept of the pilgrimage was similar. Although Qin dynasty's style of work was radical and sleek, it basically appealed to the main battle thoughts of the ruin, and then experienced ten years of defeat and chaos. Today, the Qin dynasty is more inclined to the Lord and, at least, to break the order of the war in the southwest. There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the simple idea of ​​seeing the main battle and seeing the Lord and swearing at the traitors is the real child.

Ning Yi’s investigation in the Secret Investigation Department started for a while, and later, because the woman really went south, she could not. After that, when I was heard by people, Cheng Zhouhai and others, I felt that it was intriguing. With Ning Yi’s character, I planned for two months. The emperor said that killing would kill, from the emperor down, at that time The civil servant who is covering the sky is Cai Jing. The military commander of the squadron is Tong Tong. He has not cast a special gaze on these two people. Instead, the latter was slapped by him and slaps on the temple of Jin Yu. The death is miserable. How many special places can Qin Lan have among these many people?

Facts have proved that Ning Yi did not start to attack Qin Qin because of any private enmity.

"...so many people in the world, since there is no private enmity, why did Ning Yi alone pay attention to Qin Shu? He is the ability and means of recognizing the Qin Daren, wants to make friends with it, or is he has been wary of this person for a long time. Even guessing the possibility of being enemies one day in the future? In short, there are always reasons for being able to be noticed by him..."

"The Qin Daren does have some means. In the next view, his means are similar to those of the Qin Yuyuan boss. However, it is a bit far-fetched to say that Ning Yi thought about it ten years ago. At the end of a war, Ning Yi was disheartened and wanted to leave Beijing. When the old man fell down, he stayed for a long time, and he only arranged the way for everyone. Unfortunately, the big lady’s water was completely irritated. He, this is the later virtual and the snake and the beginning of June..."

The smell of people has been stunned: "And, nowadays, the Qin Daren has a wrist, but some aspects are too sleek, and it is difficult to retreat. When the Emperor Jingjing saw the Jurchen, he wanted to leave Jingnan. The old man led the city officials to block, the Qin Daren was afraid that he would not dare to do it. Moreover, the change of the Qin’s point of view is quite clever..."

He said: "Not long ago, Zhou Hai and I talked about this Qin Daren. He was the main battle of the year. The first King of the Kings was very proud of the king. He never gave up, and he was in power for 14 years. Although he was also awkward, he was worried about his heart. After all, it was the recovery of the sixteen states of Yanyun and the destruction of the Liao Kingdom. At that time, the Qin Daren was the priest of the imperial history, and he was countless, but he always looked after the overall situation. The first scene of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty cited it as a confidant. As for now... His Majesty supports His Royal Highness Yubei, but the heart is more concerned, is still the stability of the world, Qin Daren is also experienced a decade of bumps, began to tend to be with the Jurchen, and it just coincides with the heart of the mind... If Ning Yi more than ten years ago Seeing that the Qin Daren will fly to the sky, um, it is not impossible, but it still looks a bit strange."

"Yeah." Zhou Pei thought for a long time before he nodded. "He has to admire the father and the emperor, and he has not tasted the match of Cai Jing... What do you mean by the Prince?"

"On the matter of the capital, there has been a newsletter that has spread to Fuyang. As for the idea of ​​His Highness, I dare not swear."

"After the old man and Kang Grandpa have gone, you and Zhou Hai and so on, are both my brother and sister's good friends, but also the teacher, there is no rumor and no rumors." Zhou Pei smiled, the smile appeared plain, "Prince is in In frontline training, his temperament is straight. For the rear, it is probably a legal act. In fact, the father and the emperor like Qin Daren privately. He thinks that Qin Huizhi and Qin Yuyuan have similarities, saying that they will not repeat the mistakes of Jing Handi... ”

So saying, Zhou Pei shook his head. First-in, the main thing is to measure the taboo of things, but this father's father is to catch the ducks on the shelves. On the one hand, he is timid and on the other hand, he has a strong feeling. Jun Wu is radical and aggressive, shouting to fight with the Jurchen, you are dead and alive. I don't agree with my heart, but I can only go by my son. I am hiding in the Golden Temple and fearing the frontline war.

Zhao Ding, Qin Hao or Ye Hao, all belong to the "rational" side of the father. The sons who advance are better than these thousands of ministers, but also sons. Once Jun Wu played, in the heart of the father, it is still necessary to rely on the minister of the DPRK. Including my own daughter, I am afraid that in the heart of the father, it may not be a person with "ability". At most, he is sincere about Zhou.

It’s too hard to have a playful court than to have a cold and decisive heart. If you are a minister of the DPRK, I am afraid that I will think of the power of my brothers and sisters. I think that the views of these adults are justified.

She thought about this, and then turned the topic from the things going up and down the hall: "Mr. Wenren, after this big storm, if I am lucky, I can still support it... The future court, or the ruler ""

The smell of people smiled and did not speak.

Today is the first snow in Lin'an, about meeting in the old city. It is only the arrival of Zhou Pei. The wall of this side was attacked by Fang La more than ten years ago. It is now just an ornamental table. Looking south from the city wall, the Imperial Street stretched until the temporary suspension of the Phoenix Mountain under the Phoenix Mountain. Miyagi was under construction from the day of the move to the capital, and there was a great construction in the old age, but then the military was urgent. The emperor stopped the construction of Miyagi and fought against the threat of the north. This stopped Miyagi became a symbol of the advancement of the emperor today, and the scholars in the city always talked about generosity.

The cold first snow reflects the city's traffic, and the rushing undercurrents under the city are connected to every place in the world. The killing on the battlefield is about to come, and the killing on the court has not stopped, and it is impossible to stop.

As the southern cities such as Lin'an began to snow, the Chengdu Plain in the southwest, the temperature began to cool down. Although there is no snowfall in this place, the cold and cold climate is still a bit difficult. Since the Huaxia Army left the Xiaoliang Mountain to begin the expedition, the original business activities on the Chengdu Plain have gone to the seventh. After the capture of Chengdu, the Huaxia Army once forced Zhangzhou, and then suspended the action because of Zhangzhou's strong "defense". In the winter, the entire Chengdu Plain appeared more depressed and chilled than in the past.

In the fifteenth year of the south of Chengdu, the sky was just bright, and the eleven-year-old boy had already got up and started exercising in the simple military station where the first division of the Fifth Army of China was stationed. After practicing breathing on the small soil floor on the side of the military station, he began to punch, then a set of swordsmanship and a set of guns. After the martial arts training, he patrolled the wounded barracks room around, and then went to the cafeteria for breakfast with the military doctors.

The fierce fighting has stopped for a while, and the military medical station is no longer cruelly surrounded by broken limbs every day. The wounded in the barracks are also recovering in succession. The light wounded leave, the seriously wounded and the military The special eleven-year-old child in the station began to get mixed up, and occasionally talked about the experience of injury on the battlefield, so that Xiao Ning often got something.

In the military medical station can be called seriously wounded, many people may not be able to live like normal people in this life, the summaries of their stumbling experience can also be the most valuable reference for a military. Xiao Ningbo began to temper his martial arts direction for the first time in such a thrilling event. On the morning of the day, he finished the matter of apprenticeship, and went to practice the shooting outside. The rear of the house suddenly came to the wind: "Look at it!"

I would rather wave my rifle and fight with the incoming figure. The man is taller than him, and the martial arts is stronger. He prefers to stop all the way and retreat. He has turned around Xiaotuping for several laps. The opponent’s offensive has not broken the defense of Ningji. The man laughed and threw it. The stick in his hand, rushed forward: "The second brother is so powerful!" Ning Ji also rushed up: "Big brother, you are here!"

Naturally, the elder son of Ning's family is Ning Yu. His age is nearly four years older than Ning Bo. Although he is now more knowledgeable in learning things and logic, Wu Yi is still able to suppress Ning Bo. The first one. The two jumped together for a moment, and Ning Yu told him: "Hey, come over, you have come over, today is to pick you up, let's start today, you can see Wen Wen in the afternoon..."

Ning Yu only said the beginning, rather than whistling to run to the barracks. Ning Yi and Xiao Yan and others were quietly coming. They did not alarm too many people. In a ward at the camp, Ning Yi was looking at the seriously wounded who were here. Some of these people were burned by flames. Unrecognizable, some of the limbs have been disabled, Ning Yi sat on the bed and asked them about the situation in wartime, Xiao Ning rushed into the room, the mother looked at his father from the side, his eyes were full of tears.

"Hey, mother." Ning Ji quickly ran a few steps, then stopped, and bowed to the two. Ning Yi waved his hand with a smile, and he rushed to the mother's side. He only listened to Ning Yi and asked: "How did He Shushu suffer, do you know?" The serious wounded next to him.

"Know." Ning boo nodded. "When he was attacked into the capital, Uncle He led the team into the city. When he went to the old temple in the west of the city, he found a team of Wuchao soldiers who were robbing things. He uncle and his brothers killed him, and the other party put a hand. Fire, Uncle He, in order to save people, was crushed by the fallen beam, his body was burned, the injury was not handled at the time, and his left leg was not saved."

Ning Yi nodded and held the hand of the wounded soldier for a moment. The wounded soldier had tears in his eyes. At this time, he said: "Hey, hey...hey...nothing."

This He surnamed soldier was originally a very bitter farmer. He had previously asked him about his injury situation and the cause of his injury. He was too emotional and couldn’t say anything. At this time, he squeezed out this sentence. Ning Yi patted him. Hand: "Be sure to take care of your body." In the face of such a wounded person, what is actually said to be superfluous, but what can be said in addition to this?

He then pulled up and said: "This child is here, did not do anything bad?"

The wounded person blushes: "Two sons... I am very good at us..."

Ning Yi nodded, and comforted a few words, pulling Ning Bao to the next bed. He asked about the injuries of the people. These wounded people had different emotions, some were silent, and some spoke incessantly about the situation when they were injured. If there is something that can't be talked about, Ning Yi will let the child introduce it on his behalf. When he visits a ward, Ning Yi takes the child to the front and thanked all the wounded, thanking them for paying for the Huaxia Army. In the recent period, tolerance and care for children.

I have seen several wards in the camp, and the time has passed. In the gap between the parents and the elder brother, Xiao Ningji knew that after the army captured Chengdu, it had entered the rest period. After the expansion of the site, considering the efficiency of the command, the core of the Huaxia Army, originally located in the Liangshan Mountains, is currently preparing to move to the Chengdu Plain. In the process, the father took the family out together and walked outside to see.

After the incident, Huaxia Army first went to the northwest and later to the southwest. A group of children were born in the war. Most of them saw the mountains and slopes. The only one who saw the big city was Ninglang, which was before the age of four. This time, the trip to the mountains is a big day for the family. In order not to disturb too many people, Ning Yi, Su Taner, Ning Yu and other people have not made a big fan. This time, Ning Yi and Xiao Yan took Ning Wei. To pick up Ning, the children of Tan, Yunzhu, Hongti and Wenwen are still camping on the side of the landscape more than ten miles away.

After lunch, the pedestrians from the light car Jane took the horse and headed south.

The carriage left the military camp, all the way to the south, in front of the horizon, it was a lead-blue grassland and low ridge.

Although the Chengdu Plain is rich and prosperous, it will snow when the winter is cold. At this time, the grass carpet has already been washed away. Some of the evergreen trees are also dyed with the gray of winter. Under the infiltration of water vapor, the whole field looks like The air is oozing, and the coldness seems to be immersed in the human bone marrow.

Ning Ji's body is quite warm. As soon as he came to practice martial arts, his body was much healthier than the average person. Second, his father called him to a car and said a lot to him on the way. He was concerned about his martial arts and literacy progress. The tone of speaking with him was quite gentle, and the eleven-year-old boy felt warm in his heart.

Over the years, Ning Yi’s fierce name has spread throughout the world, but his attitude towards his family is not tough. He is always very gentle and sometimes makes a few jokes with his children. Even so, Ning Bo and others are not much involved with his father. The two-year disappearance allowed the children in the family to experience the sadness of his father's death early. After returning, most of the time Ning Yi spent his busy work. It is. So the afternoon of this afternoon, it became the longest solitude of Ning Ji and his father during a few years.

"Have you been to Chengdu?" After asking about martial arts and literacy, Ning Yi smiled and asked him to come. He was so excited that he nodded. "After breaking the city, I went there once... but stayed short."


"Yeah, but the big brother said that he still remembers the beam, and the beam is bigger."

"He left when he was three years old. He still remembers what he lived. He lied to you." Ning Yi said with a smile, Yan Liang, who is also a memory of him more than ten years ago, is probably already worn out. "We will stay in Chengdu for a while this time. Let's take a look at it with you. You are now good at martial arts. When you help, look at a few brothers and sisters."

"Yeah." Ning boo nodded again and again: "...Can we not live in Chengdu in the future?"

"Chengdu is too big and too prosperous, and temporarily leaning on the front, it is not suitable for moving the command point." Ning Yi replied, rather than understanding, but also nodded, Ning Yi looked at him, thought about it, then Laughing, "You think, we just hit Chengdu, and the front is still on the battlefield. How can we bring our younger siblings to such a dangerous place, not to mention the enemies on the battlefield, and some bad people, who will be hidden among ordinary people? If you come to the destruction, or want to take you, your brother and sister, and want to prevent it, is it difficult?"

Ning Ji is now a person who has seen the battlefield. Listening to his father’s words, a face began to become serious and nodded heavily. Ning Yi patted his shoulder: "You are at this age, let you go to the battlefield, do you blame me and your mother?"

Ning avoids his head and shook his head seriously. He looked at his father. The emotions in his eyes were somewhat determined. He also witnessed the complexity and pity of many tragedies. Ning Yi reached out and touched the child's head, and hugged him with one hand, looking at the lead blue color outside the window.

"Some things, it is unreasonable, women really things, I told you that your grandfather Qin, I also told you. We do not want to do this kind of Chinese army, offended a lot of people, you and your brother and sister, It’s not too peaceful. The assassin will kill you, and I can’t hide you for a lifetime, so I can only put you on the battlefield and let you exercise...”

"The bad guys killed, I killed them..." Ning boo whispered.

"It's not that simple. The enemies on the battlefield are not terribly terrible. They are just right. We can all fight in the Chinese army. But there are always some enemies. We can't see them at a glance. You are so high in martial arts, and you can't protect everyone's attention. So you want to practice martial arts, which is also a good thing."

"I can protect my younger siblings with my older brother..." Ning Bo said with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah." Ning Yi paused, and passed a moment: "Since you want to be a master of martial arts, after a few days, give you a new task."


"Chengdu here, there will be no war in the winter, and then the military medical team will be sent to the surrounding villages to see the doctors. A lot of people's livelihood will be affected if they fall down, if it is snowing, sick, frozen and poor People will have more than in previous years. You follow the masters of the military medical team to see and cure people..."

Ning Yi paused: "It is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. Xiwu is also like this. You can't do anything in the competition. You walk around and you will meet good people and you will meet bad people. You Look at it, think about it, and you will know how the bad guys will be hidden in the crowd in the future. One day, you and your older brother will take responsibility for taking care of your younger siblings."

Ning Ji’s head is even harder. Ning Yi smiled and said: “Of course, this is a matter of time. I will see my younger brother and sister. Let’s go to Chengdu and have fun. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Wen Wen ah, Xiao Shuang Xiao Ning Xiao Yan, they all miss you, and the martial arts of Ninghe, is laying the foundation, you urge him to..."

The carriage was flying, the father and the son were chatting all the way. On this day, it was not until the evening. The team arrived at a small camp west of Xinjin. The camp was surrounded by mountains and rivers. There were not many people around. Taner, Hongti and others took Wenwen. When the children are playing by the river, there are also several children in the middle of the killing, Fang Shuchang and so on. A bunch of bonfires have risen ragingly, and when they see the arrival of Ning, the enthusiasm of Xiao Ning has screamed and rushed over. On the way, I fell down and climbed up and smiled and continued to pounce. The face was mud.

Around the group of adults watching is anxious and funny, Yunzhu has ran up with his handcuffs, Ning Yi looked at the children running along the river, is also a smile on the face, this is the moment of family reunion, everything They all look soft and warm.

Soon after, I began to think about and manage things, and privately asked my father about the things that Ning avoids walking with the military doctors. The eleven-year-old Xiao Ningbo’s understanding of the enemy is probably only on the sinister and evil, and more ignorant. Over the years, the assassinations against fathers and their loved ones have always been there. Even if they have already won Chengdu, this family has played a considerable security risk in the past, and it is better to walk around with military doctors. The assassin of the heart, the consequences are hard to say.

Ning Yi looked at the children playing on the beach not far away, silent for a moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then patted Ning Yu's shoulder: "A doctor takes an apprentice, and then escorts two soldiers, the second The security of the side will be handed over to your grandfather Chen for your care. If you have the heart, go and give your grandfather Chen a hand... Your grandfather Chen’s name is Green Forest, his skill, you learn to be humbly, and it will be very useful in the future. It is."

Ning Yi’s "Chen Grandpa" is the Chen Qiangzi who is responsible for the long-term security work around him. Previously, when Su Wenfang went out of the mountain, when Long Qifei and others were in trouble, Chen Camel fled back to the mountains, and now the injury has gradually healed. Ning Yi intends to hand over the child’s safety to him. Of course, on the other hand, it is also hope. The two children can learn more with him.

Ning Yu got this arrangement and nodded happily. Ning Yi sat down on the beach and sighed. If possible, he would hope that his children would live in an era of no fear, even if they would not succeed in anything, or even become a child, it would be better than pushing eleven. The old child went to the battlefield and asked him to look closely at the broken bodies.

However, this kind of cruelty is not the mild possibility that the child will accomplish nothing. In the process of playing against the world, the faces of these relatives and children are facing the threat of real death. At the age of fifteen, eleven, and even the youngest Ning and Ning Ning, the possibility of being killed and died by the enemy is generally the same.

So he closed his eyes and sighed softly. Then he got up and went to the beach in the light of the bonfire. On this day, he and a group of children were fishing and grilling. After playing for a while, until the night fell, Fang Shu often came to inform him of one thing. A special guest has been brought here.

That is Song Yongping.

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