Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 3: 凛冬(5)

Life is a difficult practice.

At the beginning of Song Yongping's character, he was born in a bureaucratic family. His father Song Mao once became a state in Jinghan, and his family business flourished. Song Yongping, who ranked fourth among the Song clan, was young and intelligent, and had a reputation as a child prodigy when he was a child. His father and the family also had great expectations.

Growing up in such an atmosphere, shouldering the greatest expectation, and learning from the best teachers, Song Yongping has worked extremely hard since childhood. When he was 14 or 5 years old, the article was hailed as a talented person. However, at home, I believe in Laozi and Zhongyong's studies. I often say that Zhixiong is a woman, and that she knows how to be humiliated. When he is seventeen or eight years old, his heart is stable and he is allowed to try the imperial examination.

At the age of 18, he was in the middle of the show. At the age of 19, he was admitted to Beijing to take the test. For this stunning Song Jiashiro, if there is no accident, his bureaucratic road will be smooth at least in the first half. Then the achievements will be higher than his father, and even become the pillar of the entire Song family.

But the accident always exists.

Before the Zhizhou Song Mao, the Song family was the scholarly sect, and had several small officials, but in the officialdom, the root system was not deep. Small families must advance, and many relationships must be maintained and united. Jiangning merchant Jia Sujia is Song Maomao's affiliation, and he is a silk cloth business under the protection of Song's. On Song Mao's career, he has also produced a lot of property to support. The relationship between the two has always been good.

Song Mao’s cousin married Su Zhongkan of the Su family’s second house. The relationship with the big house is not close, but the Song family does not care about these things. In-laws are a threshold and contact the two exchanges, but the real support for this family relationship is the interest of each other. In this interest chain, the Su family has always been a Bajie Song family. No matter who is the next generation of the Su family, it will never change for the Song family.

As a scholar of Songmen, Song Mao, in the face of this Shang Jia family, is actually quite clean in the heart. If Su Zhongkan can take over the entire Su family later, it is a good thing, even if it is not, for Song Mao, He will never intervene too much. At that time, it was the situation between the two, and because of Song Gao’s high, Su’s attitude towards the Song family was more intimate, and to some extent, it was closer to the distance between the two. .

The appearance of the name of the Sujia Dafang was the first variable in this family. When he first saw Ning Yi, who should have no status in Jiangning, Song Mao noticed the existence of the other. However, neither Song Mao at that time, or Song Yongping, or everyone who knew him, never thought that the variable would later expand into a hurricane across the sky, smashing everyone’s No one can avoid the huge influence in life.

When Song Yongping first saw Ning Yi at the age of 19 when he went to Beijing to take the exam, he easily won the title of the scholar, and then he was in the middle. At this time, the man who was quite talented, although he was very talented, had already been seen by Qin Xiang and entered the prefecture.

As the saying goes, the seven prime ministers in front of the prime minister's door, for Song Yongping who walked up the orthodox approach, faced this brother-in-law, but he still had disappointing emotions in his heart. However, the mastermind was also an aide to his life, but he was a promising official. With this kind of cognition, he also maintained considerable grace and courtesy for this sister-in-law.

Later, because of the relationship between the government, he was quickly filled in, which is the first step of his career. Song Yongping, who was in charge of the county magistrate, said that he was conscientious, commercial, water conservancy, and encourages farming. Even in the background of the Jurchen people, he actively migrated the residents of the county, and the walls were clear, and in the later chaos, even the local The terrain led the army to repel a small number of Jurchens. After the end of the first squadron war, he was greatly praised in the preliminary merits.

However, the brother-in-law at that time had already launched the Wu dynasty army, defeated the entire rebel army in front, and even forced the entire southern expedition of the entire country.

Song Yongping, who knew the inside story at that time, had a turning point in the view of this brother-in-law. Of course, such emotions did not last long. After that, the right-handed government lost power. Everything turned sharply. Song Yongping was in a hurry, but later on, he was scared by the news suddenly coming from the capital. Ning Yi and Jun went away, all the way to thieves army to catch up all the way, and even were beaten and fled. After that, the situation turned upside down, and the situation in the whole world became unintelligible, and Song Yongping, together with his father Song Mao, and even the entire Song family’s career, came to an abrupt end.

In the following ten years, the entire Song family experienced repeated bumps. These bumps can no longer be associated with the whole world of the whole story, but in it, it is enough to witness the various worlds. In the six years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, a Princess of the Princess named Cheng Zhouhai came over to find him. After a test, Song Yongping, who made a living in the private school, made up his life as a county magistrate.

At this time, Song Yongping knew that although Ning Yi had rebelled, he was still more or less protected. In the same year, the guests of the Qin government had their own places. Some people were even swayed by the Highness of the Prince and the Princess of the Princess. Although the Song family was involved in the Su family, they were once dismissed, but there was no excessive adjustment after that. Where will the entire Song family leave?

Song Yongping realized that although the people of the great rebellion did the heinous things, but in the upper layers of the whole world, no one could escape his influence. Even though everyone in the world wants to get rid of the demons and then quickly, but has to value his every move, so that people who have worked with him have been re-enabled. Song Yongping has been looked down upon a lot because of his kinship, and this has been the fall of his family for several years.

When he was young, he was very angry. However, when he was in his early twenties, he was hit by the sin of the monarchy. After all, he was beaten up. In a few years of experience, Song Yongping was more aware of human nature, but it also worn away all the sharp points. After he was revived, he did not dare to use the relationship too much. In the past few years, he has become a county magistrate. At the age of 30, Song Yongping’s temperament has been extremely calm. For the sake of the rule, no matter how big or small, he will be a close friend. In a few years, the county town has become a source of peace and quiet. However, in such a special political environment, The step-by-step work also made him not too eye-catching "scores", and everyone in Beijing seemed to have forgotten him. It wasn't until the winter of that year that Cheng Chenghai suddenly came to look for him, but it was the big change in the southwest.

Song Yongping naturally knows this movement of the Southwest Black Flag Army.

The Princess House came to him and hoped that he would go to the southwest and be a lobbyist in front of Ning Yi.

Since the Huaxia Army issued a declaration of war, the essays have been slammed into the world, and then all the way to defeat the defense of the Chengdu Plain, no one can stop it. Being in front of the Wu Dynasty has always been an embarrassing situation.

On the one hand, the Wu Dynasty could not fully conquer the southwest. On the other hand, the Wu Dynasty was absolutely unwilling to lose the Chengdu Plain. In this situation, it is also an impossible choice to seek peace and negotiation with the Huaxia Army. A total of days, the Wu Dynasty can never admit that the Huaxia Army is a force as an "opponent." Once the Huaxia Army and the Wu Dynasties reach "equivalence" to some extent, then if the King of the Kings is forcibly washed, the Wu Dynasty will also lose its legitimacy to some extent.

I can't fight, I can't talk about it. The interests of the southwest also hope to save some. It is such an uncomfortable situation in front of the Wu Dynasty. Please come out Song Yongping, playing a family card is a ridiculous choice, but it is obvious that no matter which way, the court has to go.

There was a small episode during this period. Cheng Zhouhai is proud of himself. Facing the officials below, he is usually a person with a cold and extremely harsh face. He came to Song Yongping for treatment. He had to talk about the idea of ​​the Princess House and he had to leave. Who knows that I saw a few eyes in the small county, but I stayed for two days. When I left, I went to Song Yong plane and apologized, and my face was mild.

"I originally thought that Song Daren was in office for three years, and his performance was not obvious. It was a mediocre generation of vegetarian food. When I saw it on these two days, I learned that Song Daren is a great talent for the rule of the country. It is so slow that I have a heart. Specially said sorry to Song Daren."

Song Yongping’s demeanor was humbly and humbly, but his heart was sour and sorrowful. The Wu Dynasty changed to Nanwu. The people of the Central Plains flowed into the south of the Yangtze River. The economy of all places has advanced by leaps and bounds. It’s too simple to get some of the results written on the fold, but to really let the people settle down. And that is so simple. Song Yongping is in a suspected place. He only dares to write a point when he scores three points. But after all, he knows that he is 30 years old and still has ambitions in his mind. He is finally recognized by his heart. His mood is also mixed and difficult. Words.

Cheng Zhouhai therefore talked with him for most of the day. For many things in Beijing and the world, it is no longer vague. Instead, they are detailed and the two are together. Song Yongping has already taken over the task of rushing to the southwest. After that, he rushed to Chengdu all the way. He knew the difficulty of this journey, but as long as he could see Ning Yi, he took some things from the cracks, even if he died. That is not hesitating.

The situation in the southwest is tense, and the temple is not completely inactive. Apart from the fact that there are still a lot of troops in the south, many forces and great Confucians’ denunciations against the black flag are also huge. Some places have clearly stated that they will never go with the black flag side. The attitude of business contacts is to arrive at the Wu Dynasty boundary around Chengdu. Both large and small towns are full of people's hearts. Many people flee in the snow in the winter.

In the word of mouth among the people, the reason why the Black Flag Army came out of the mountain was because the official residence of the Luzhou Prefecture had arrested the little nephew of the Ningde head. The black flag army came for revenge and vowed to set the Wu Dynasty to the ground. Now that Chenzhou is in danger, the captured Chengdu has already become a dead city. Some people who have escaped have said that they are vividly painted. Chengdu is being slaughtered and looted every day. The city is burned up. The former smoke column is more than ten miles away. People who can see, who have never fled, are mostly dead in the city.

Song Yongping is no longer a gimmick. Looking at the scale of this speech, the calibre of propaganda, knowing that someone must be behind the control, no matter the bottom or the top, these remarks can always give the Chinese army some pressure. Although Confucians also have people who are good at instigating, but over the years, it has been able to guide trends through propaganda, but Ning Yi is better at more than ten years ago. Those who want to come to the church have been learning the methods and styles of the people over the years.

He went all the way to the land of Chengdu, and after the life and the Chinese soldiers of the guards reported their lives and intentions, they did not suffer too much. All the way into Chengdu City, I found that the atmosphere here and the head of the Wu Dynasty is completely two worlds. Although many Huaxia soldiers can be seen outside, the order of the city has gradually stabilized.

The "attack and defense war" and "Holocaust" that were incomparably fiercely circulated by the outside world did not see too many traces at this time. The government tried the case in the city daily and killed several corrupt officials and city bullies who did not escape. It also caused the applause of the residents in the city. Some Chinese soldiers who violated the military discipline were even handled and publicized, and outside the Tuen Mun, there were wooden mailboxes and reception points that could be sued for disciplinary soldiers. The business in the city has not resumed prosperity for the time being, but above the market, it has been able to see the circulation of goods, at least related to the people's livelihood, grain, oil and salt, and even the price has not fluctuated too much.

Such an army and the city after the war, Song Yongping was in the past, but he did not hear it.

He recalled the impression of the "sister-in-law" - the contact and exchanges between the two sides, after all, too little - in the time when the official was affected, and even the county magistrate in the past few years, his heart was more Resentment and disapproval of this unspeakable person, of course, hatred is less because there is no meaning. The other party has five foods, and the death can also be cooked by Wu Ding. Song Yongping is still in the right, knowing the gap between the two sides, too lazy to use the Confucianism.

However, when I think about it at this time, the idea of ​​this brother-in-law is different from that of others, but there is always his reason. The development of Zhu Ji and the subsequent disaster relief, his resilience against the Jurchen and the determination of the Jun Jun, have always been different from others. Above the battlefield, the artillery has now developed. This is the head he brought. In addition, there are many things that are caused by the objects. It is only the output and craft of paper, which is several times or even ten times higher than that of ten years ago. The Li Fei made a "newspaper" in the capital, and now it has begun to follow the example of others in various cities.

Song Yongping ruled the county town, using the Confucian method of the Tang Dynasty. Although the economy must have development, it is more concerned with the harmony of the atmosphere in the city, the clearing of the case, the education of the people, the loneliness of loneliness, and the young children. The body of learning. He is talented and talented, and he has worked hard. After the bureaucracy and the world, he has his own mature system. The system is based on the teachings of Confucianism. These achievements will be understood by Zhou Zhouhai. However, he immersed himself in that small place. He saw that there were only a few changes to the outside world. Some things can be heard, but they are not as good as they can see. When they saw the situation in Chengdu, they gradually chewed out. Many new, unseen feelings come.

This feeling is not like the Confucianism of the world, the grace of the two, the warmth of grace, and the sweeping of the cold. Chengdu feels more clear and relatively cold. The army attacked the city, but Ning Yi strictly prohibited them from disturbing the people. In many of the troops, this would even cause the entire team's military to collapse.

The legal system was also completely cut off from the military. The steps of the trial were more rigid than those of the county magistrate, and it was more strict in the measurement of the case. For example, when Song Yongping was a county magistrate, he was more serious about the education of the people. Some cases that were morally bad, Song Yongping was more inclined to severely impose heavy punishment. To be tolerant, Song Yongping was willing to go to the mud.

On the Chengdu side, the judgment on the case is naturally a human factor, but it has been greatly reduced. This may depend on the way the “legal personnel” filed the case, often not by the chief official, but by three. Five officials have stated, discussed, and voted, and later they have sought more precision, and they are not completely inclined to teach.

... This is the order to disrupt the law of reason... to chaos in the world...

In his thoughts, Song Yongping’s mind flashed into the concept that Zhou Zhouhai had told him – it is said that this was what Ning Yi had said with Li Feng and Zuo Duanyou – and he was shocked.

In any case, he thought about it this way, after all, it was used to organize the words of Ning Yi. The lobbyist is never arrogant and can do things well. To convince the other party, you must first find the topic that the other party agrees with and the commonalities of both sides in order to demonstrate your point of view. When he found that Ning Yi’s point of view was completely deviant, Song Yongping became confused about his own statement. The world that rebuked the "reason" can never be reached? Is the world scolding like this cold and inhuman? Or is it that everyone will eventually let the whole world go and fall apart?

If it is so simple, the other party will suddenly realize that I am afraid that Zuo Duanyou, Li Pin, Cheng Zhouhai and others have already persuaded Ning Yi to repent.

Hanging on the mouth can be faked, and it has been carried out to the entire army, and even the traces of the regime, but it is true anyway. And if Ning Yi really opposes the law of reason, what is the weight of his so-called "relatives"? It’s not enough to die, but if you are killed, it’s ridiculous.

He was lost in such an idea for two days, and then someone came over to pick him up and went all the way out of the city. The carriage flew over the sky that was suppressed by the plains of Chengdu, and Song Yongping finally settled down. He closed his eyes and recalled the life of the past 30 years, the high-spirited boy, the thought of a smooth sailing career, sudden, head-on blows and bumps, the feelings of later struggles and loss, and These years have been the mood of the official.

After all, the high spirits are not real life. The so-called life is a mixture of five kinds of sorrows.

In any case, delusion is useless, and the confidant is dying, and he will take this life up. If you can take something from the crack, it is good, even if it is really dead, then there is nothing to regret, in short. It is also the name for this life. He decided this way. This evening, the carriage arrived at a small camp on the riverside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After more than ten years, he once again saw Ning Yi's figure. The other person was dressed in a random robe, as if he suddenly saw him while walking, smiled and walked over to him, that gaze...

Song Yongping suddenly remembered. More than a decade ago, the eyes of this "sister-in-law" were as calm and gentle as before, but he was too young at the time, and he did not quite understand the hidden scent of people’s eyes. Otherwise, he was at the time. There will be a completely different view.

"Small four, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Song Yongping of the Tanling County, and Mr. Ning." Song Yongping showed a smile and arched his hand. He is also a young man, for the number of officials, has his own demeanor and majesty, Ning Yi looked at his head and put his right hand.

"Well, I don't know if I will go back." He smiled and said, "Follow me."

Song Yongping followed up, Ning Yi went unhurried in the front, until Song Yongping came up, but when he spoke, he was straight to the point and his attitude was arbitrary.

"This time, many people over there, swearing and swearing, privately speaking, I am only seeing you. I know your intentions, yes, who are you above?"

"...to make it into a boat."

"That is the Princess House... They are not easy. They can't fight on the battlefield. They can only do everything in private, and they can grow up a little..." Ning Yi said, then reached out and patted Song Yongping's shoulder. However, if you can come over, I am still very happy. These years have been bumpy and bumpy, and my relatives are getting less and less. When Tan Er sees you, I am sure to be very happy. They have something in the text, I also informed them, try to come, how many of you I can tell the old feelings. I also want to hear about your situation in the past years, and Song Maoshu, I don’t know how he is, is the body still okay?"

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