Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 4: 凛冬(6)

"...and Song Maoshu, I don't know how he is, is his body still okay?"

The sky was already dark, and a bonfire was burning along the river bay in the distance, occasionally the laughter of the child and the voice of the woman. Under the leadership of Ning Yi, Song Yongping walked slowly and listened to him asking about his father's situation. Song Yongping gave him a look.

"My father's body is still tough. After going to the government, there are a lot of customs. In the past two years, it has become more and more rich."

"Song Maoshu is the official who went after I killed Zhou Wei?"


The two said that this was a thrilling thing for others, but the words seemed indifferent. Ning Yi said: "When the matter started to rush, the Song family would not be able to take care of it. If you want to come, you will not be invited to go with you. Later, Zhou Wei called the emperor, and Zhou Pei’s brother and sister were on the top, but it was not too much for you. I just let go of my heart. In the past few years, Tan Er and Wen Fang have occasionally talked about you, among the in-laws. It is best to use your knowledge. I am afraid that it will delay your career, but I think that when people are young, it is the age of detours. The more you experience before the age of 30, I am afraid that the future will be even more Good to go."

He said that he smiled and smiled: "Of course, it is me who let you and Song Maoshu lose their official status. I say this is a bit of a change. If you want to say that I have to sell cheaply, then there is no way to refute it."

Listening to Ning Yi talking about this topic, Song Yongping also laughed, his eyes looked calm: "In fact, it is not wrong. When I was young, I was very smooth. I always felt that I was a great talent in the world. Later I realized my limitations. When I lost the official." On the day of the family, people come and go, and know that the world is full of mischief. My eyes are too small..."

He smiled and shook his head: "When I was young, I read Huang Lao with my elders in my hometown, read Confucius and Mencius, and turned the ancient books into a stream. The moral articles can also be sprinkled a lot. In the last two years, the most memorable is the Yijing. Open two sentences... Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improving. After 30 years, he gradually understood some."

When I first saw it more than ten years ago, Song Xiaosi, who was in her early twenties, was full of anger, but now she is already 30 years old. When she was an official, she had to go through it, and she experienced a rough time. A few paragraphs of dialogue were still in his cultivation to maintain calm, and the current part of the conversation was from the heart.

Ning Yi nodded, Song Yongping paused for a moment: "These things, to say that the cousin, cousin husband did not complain, it is a fake, but even if you blame, it does not mean to think about it. Who is the world, Mr. Ning, who will be because of Do you have nothing to do with blame?"

Ning Yi "haha" laughed. He patted Song Yongping's shoulder and motioned him to move forward: "There are many reasons in the world, but I only have one. When the Jurchen went south, watching hundreds of thousands of people get killed, Qin. Equal human power to turn the tide, the last family broke. If you don’t kill the emperor, these people will die without value. Of course, the consequences after killing are also thought about, but in this world, people can’t tolerate each other. Before you kill, you know your situation, but if you have already measured it, you have to do it. The county magistrate is also like this. Some people have sympathy in their hearts, but they can only give him 30 boards. Why? ""

"But my brother-in-law has been really...no confusion..."

"It’s always there, and it’s a lot, but... compare it, it’s a little better.” Ning Yi said, “I know the idea of ​​coming over, maybe finding a flaw may convince me, withdrawing troops or serving softness, giving Wu Chao Under a good step. It doesn't matter. In fact, the situation in the world is very clear. You are a smart person. If you look at it, you will understand it. I won't marry you. However, let me see you first."

Between the talks, the bonfire is close, Ning Yi leads Song Yongping in the past, and introduces the distant house to Ning Hao and others. After a while, Taner also came over to meet with Song Yongping. Both sides talked about Song Mao and talked about it. Su Yu, who has passed away, is also a scene of reunion of very ordinary relatives.

During the time when Su Taner and Song Yongping spoke, Ning Yi led a group of children to the side of the fire to roast fish. Ning boasted that they had dinner and rested for a while with Du Chen, Fang Shuchang and other children, and set up a small ring to take turns to test. After being a famous family, the situation of the contest is quite fierce. The young girls such as Wenwen and Ning Yu either cheered on their brothers in the ring, or ran here to wrap Ning Yi. After a while, Ning Yi, who had burnt the fish and had no face, went to the side of Fujian and wrote a pair of rewards for the winners. The Shanglian was "punching the Guangzhou egg" and the next "football pineapple bread" was finished. After that, Song Yongping came over to comment on the axe, and then let Song Yongping also write a word to make a head.

Song Yongping’s heart was somewhat emotional, but he was a lobbyist after all. In a legendary novel, a certain adviser persuaded the princes to change their minds in these years. In the month, it is actually not exaggerated. In the feudal world, the popularity of knowledge is not high. Even if one of the princes does not have an open vision, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, the arrogant and exaggerated people laughed and threw a certain point. It is not surprising that the princes are not able to worship. . Li Xiannong can speak the savage king in the Liangshan Mountains, and perhaps the same way. But in this brother-in-law, no matter whether it is alarmist or a generous statement, it is impossible to reverse the other party's decision. If there is not the most meticulous analysis, the rest can only be chatter and joke.

After meeting Ning Yi, he has become more aware of this in his heart. Recalling the attitude of Cheng Zhouhai at the time of departure - the other party is also very clear about this matter. I thought about it for a long time. When Ning Yi went to rest, Song Yongping followed the past and decided to throw the problem back first.

"Sister husband, the thing in the southwest, is there a way to solve it?"

"For the Wu Dynasty, it should be difficult."

Ning Yi took a branch and sat on the stone on the edge of the river. He replied casually.

"The Jurchen is coming, the world is dying, what good is it?"

"Wu Dynasty is the world, the Jurchen is the world, the Chinese army is also the world, who is the world?" He looked at Song Yongping, the branches knocked on the stone, "sit."

"The humidity is heavy and does not support health." Song Yongping said, he also sat down.

"How many children do you have?"

"Three, two daughters, one son."

"As a very knowledgeable embarrassment, how do you feel better about them?"

"Okay. Deaf children teach very well." Song Yongping said, "Ning Ji's martial arts, it seems to be stronger than the average person."

"After giving birth, I can see it. I will go to Chengdu and walk around to see it, but it is difficult to squeeze in the crowd like ordinary children, and make all kinds of excitement. I don’t know when I will encounter an accident and fight for the world. - We call it the world - this is one of the costs. In the event of an accident, it is good to die. It is possible to die."

In front of it is a small river flowing, Ning Yi's expression is hidden in the darkness, although the words are calm, but the meaning is not calm. Song Yongping did not quite understand why he wanted to say this.

"The north of the Yellow River has already been fought. Near Taiyuan, millions of people have blocked Yan Zonghan's hundreds of thousands of troops. Now there is a heavy snow on the other side, dead on the battlefield, and more dead on the snow. Da Mingfu Wang Shanyue leads After 50,000 people have been defending the city, they have been playing for two months. After completing Yan Zongfu and Wan Yanzong, they led the main force for nearly a month, and then crossed the Yellow River. The defenders in the city did not know how much..."

Ning Yi said in the darkness: "...Now Yan Yan leads the 30,000 women who are the elites of the Han army who are more than 200,000. The Han army is still in front of the people who are rushing forward. They use the slings every day. I am thrown into the city. Fortunately, it is winter. The plague is still not coming up. I wish you more than 10,000 Chinese troops. You want to open the defense line of Yanchang and you can't open it."

"...and millions of hungry ghosts in the south don't know how much they died. I sent 8,000 people to Xuzhou to block the road of Yan Zongfu's south. The main force of these hungry ghosts is now surrounded by Xuzhou, Zongfu. The army met with the hungry ghosts and didn't know what it would be like. Then the south is the direction of the Prince. The million-strong army is losing and winning in this battle. Then it is here... and it has already died tens of thousands. Yongping, you came for the Wu Dynasty. This is not a bad thing. However, if you are me, are you willing to give them a way to live, or not?"

"There may be a better road..." Song Yongping said.

"Maybe, maybe... there are always people like this in the world. He can let the Wu Dynasty pass, let the people of the Wu Dynasty live well, and strengthen themselves and save the whole world. Yongping, not a joke, if You have this idea and it is worth trying."


"But I can't do it. From the first Jurchen to the south, for more than ten years, the Wu Dynasty has grown a little bit, probably... so much." He raised his hand and made a distance of about the size of the rice. "We know that there are many troubles in Wuchao. The problems are very complicated. It is not easy to grow a little. It is not easy to see them. I want them to get better rewards. For example, if we live longer, we can even write An article that regards this kind of progress as a rare human light. But is this enough? You like Wuchao, so he should survive. If you can't live, you hope... I can exalt my hand?"

Ning Yi shook his head.

"...There is nothing left, and that article, I want to force the Wu Dynasty to negotiate with me. After the negotiations, my Huaxia Army and the Wu Dynasty are equal forces. If the Wu Dynasty wants to join forces with me to resist Jurchen, It is also possible that Wu Dynasty can have more time to breathe, and there are more tricks to play in the middle, and it’s not working. It’s OK, everyone plays chess, it’s all like this... but ah, impassion is your own, the outcome is Heaven and earth decided that, in such a world, everyone is strengthening their own minions, no one on the battlefield has a trace of luck. The problem of the Wu Dynasty, the problem of Confucianism, is not a two-time improvement, one or two heroes can help If the Jurchens are quickly corrupted, it is a bit possible, but because of the existence of the Huaxia Army, the speed of their corruption is not so fast, they can still fight..."

Ning Yi put the branches on the ground three times: "Jurchen, Huaxia, Wuchao, not to mention the eyes, in the end, two of them will be eliminated. Yongping, I will say something to make the Wu Dynasty 'good' way today. That is also to pave the way for the elimination of Wuchao. It is very simple to stop the Huaxia Army. As long as the Wu Dynasty people are united, the forces of the big families are all set aside, and the forces of the big families are not squandered. To attack me Huaxia Army, I immediately apologized. But Wu Ding could not do it. Now Wu Ding feels very difficult. In fact, even if they lose the southwest, they should not negotiate with me, dumb loss everyone eat, no one to negotiate the pot. If you dare to recite it, then I will eat it in the southwest. Without strength, the Wu Dynasty will feel that it is humiliating to lose face. In fact, not only, but they have to kneel down, there is no strength, and the day when they will be forced to eat, it must be some."

"The southwest is finished, they sent you over - of course, it is not a stun. In the big picture, what can't be used? In the same year, Qin Yuyuan, too, tinkering and smashing the party to privately give gifts. When you are kneeling, the old people are also very willing to kneel down - maybe some people will be touched by family, loose one mouth, but Yongping, this mouth I am not afraid to loose, beaten to win, then the strength If you grow up, you can get one more point, but you don’t have to be self-motivated. Even if you are high, it’s because you have to lift it. Because I am lucky enough to have it...”

The calm voice, mixed with the sound of the sound of the water in the darkness, Ning Yi lifted the branches, pointing to the fire at the end of the river, where the children played.

"Northern Tianhu has made up a million troops to fight against Zonghan. If it is defeated, it will die. Wang Shanyue keeps his name. I hope that I can save as many people as possible, but it is also possible that I wish I will take it." In the inside. Hungry ghosts are millions, one winter, **** it will die. Yongping, Ning Yu Ning, Wen Wen Xiao Yan, is my child, if someone tells me, there will be a lucky existence in this world. I can ask God to worship Buddha for a thousand heads every day, I hope that they will live happily in my life... but the world is not lucky, not even a trace, so I don’t want to swear. If the power of Huaxia Army can be one more point, I would never dare to let him lose one point."

The voice was silenced for a long time.


"...I read books in the past two years, and I also have deep feelings. There is a sentence in the 19th chapter of the ancient poem saying: 'Between heaven and earth, like a distant traveler', this world is not ours, we just came here by chance, After a few decades, I have always been afraid of arrogance and arrogance. The most useful truth in the middle, Yongping, you have already said it before, called 'Tian Xingjian, gentleman In order to be self-reliant, it is only useful and useful for the Wu Dynasty. In fact, there is no need to be embarrassed."


A few laughs came from the small river bay. In the next few days, Ning Yi’s family went to Chengdu to see the bustling ancient city pool. A group of children - in addition to Ning Yu - the first time I saw such a prosperous city, completely different from the situation in the mountains, are very happy, Ning Yi and Taner, Yunzhu and others walked in this ancient city On the streets, occasionally I will talk about the scenery and stories of Jiangning and Liangliang in the past. The story has also been over for more than ten years.

Song Yongping followed it, like the left end of the year, and understood Ning Yi's thoughts, and then began to talk every day. The two sides sometimes quarreled, sometimes broke up, and maintained for a long time.

Shortly thereafter, Ning Bo followed the doctors in the military medical team to visit the nearby county and rural areas, and some of the household officials visited the area and infiltrated into every part of the newly occupied site. Ning Wei took Chen Camel to the center of the town and was responsible for arranging security, coordinating and other things to learn more skills.

The winter is already deep, the south bank of the Yellow River, this day's wind and snow suddenly come. The Jewish army in the south has already left a long way from the Yellow River ferry. The more they go south, the more desolate and desolate the road. The small cities have been destroyed and burned. It is like a ghost. The dead bodies can be seen everywhere on the road. This time, "Jianqiang Qingye" is more thorough than it was ten years ago.

In the heavy snow, the small-scale Jurchen grain team has been trapped on the road, and the wind and snow have been angered for more than one hour. The leader of the team has stopped the team to avoid the snow. At some point, there is something gradually coming from the front. come.

I learned about Soso, swaying ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The things that passed through the blizzard gradually came into view, and it was actually a figure. The figure is staggering, dry and thin, like a sly, letting people look at it, the scalp is numb, and there seems to be a silent movement in the hand. This is a woman - being hungry to skinny. Woman - no one knows how she came here.

“骷髅 怔怔 怔怔 站在 站在 站在 , 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在

She is running towards this side.

The centurion dragged a long knife and walked over. He brushed the knife and chopped the woman to the ground. He also rolled out. There was no "baby" in it, so there was no need to make up a knife.

"See these things and kill innocent people."

The centurion also knows about the news that there are still hungry ghosts in this place. Killing the woman is going back, the wind and the snow, and the figure came over here.

The hungry ghosts, and then the hungry ghosts, saw the team that transported the military money. Those who were almost not like people were stunned, and then just hesitated, they shouted and ran. They have no strength, many people have fallen in the snow, and the shouts at this time are almost hoarse. The centurion smashed two people, patted the armor with a long knife, and shouted that the subordinates had built up a line of defense.

Those who are running all the way...

In the world of life, it is like a traveler.

With the whole body of ice cold, flowing out of dry tears, making a hoarse voice...

That is the figure they finally ran in this cold world.

In the midst of the snow, the endless hungry ghosts are coming in -

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