Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 5: 凛冬(7)

The city of Vaud.

The cold wind smashed in the head of the city. The knife slid into the human body and opened its mouth. The rust-like **** smell appeared in the throat. The sound of shouting was like thunder, boiling on the entire battlefield. The shadows came, the iron bars in the hands, hit the human head, nearly two hundred pounds of body like a wild boar in the mountains, the bomb fell down, the sound of the skull hitting the bluestone was dull and infiltrated, mixed in countless sounds.

Arrows flutter, snow and ice in the world, there are smoke and fire on the wall, soldiers push huge rolling wood to throw under the city, a stone flies across the sky, abruptly magnified on the side of the field of vision, he dragged a soldier to the side Flying over, the stone chips splashed hit the face, and the vision shook in the bang. Shi Jin shook his head and climbed up from the ground. He grabbed a long gun in his hand and rushed to the two female soldiers who had thrown up the city.

He was affected by the stone throwing, and his vision and balance had not been restored. He had a few guns in his hand and only pierced the chest of a Jurchen soldier. The Jurchen is a burly body, strong like a bison, holding the gun and refusing to let go, another Jurchen warrior has swooped from the side, Shi Jin screamed, his hand slammed, and the gun smashed into pieces. One step past, and the heavy hand slammed down towards the Jurchen’s head, and the man’s body collapsed softly on the wall.

The Jurchen Warrior who was killed by the side rushed to the air and took the knife back. He turned and the body of Shi Jin had already collided. He opened his mouth with blood, and half of his gun in his hand slid into his neck. A burst of thick blood came out. The Jurchen warrior retreated in struggle. As Shi Jin pulled out the gun, he fell into the pool of blood under the women's wall, and there was no sound.

Shi Jin only turned back and found his own weapons. Not far from the horizon, there were already a dozen female soldiers in the corner of the city wall. The Shoucheng sergeant continued to retreat in the killing. Some officials shouted loudly. I grabbed the iron rod in my hand and rushed over there.

"Don't go back - kill them -"

Numerous screams of screaming exhausted into a wave of battle, and looking into the distance, the soldiers who attacked the city were also divided into three stocks in the snowfield below, constantly rushing. In the snow in the distance, the rising of the siege military camp is the banner of the Jurchen generals.

On the eighth day of December, the traditional Laba Festival, this is the second time that the speedman has attacked Vaud.

City defense crisis.

And shortly before this. In the south of Taiyuan City, the army of Jinwang experienced a huge defeat, and more than 400,000 people were broken, retired and fled. In the chaotic message, Jin Wangtian, who was levied by the royal family, was scattered and his whereabouts were unknown.


Ice and snow.

Countless people walked in the snow with a shallow foot, and the field was wearing a black big man, and the soldiers around him would help each other and go south. After a huge defeat, he fled overnight. At this time, he only felt that his body was cold for a while, but he had not spoken to the people around him. From time to time, he had to go back and shout a few words to the crowd behind him.

He naturally has a horse, but he did not ride at this time. It is said that the good warfare will be shared with the soldiers around him. When he was in the war, he did not have such a faction, but now he is defeated. He feels that he as a prince should make such an example and he does not know if there is any use.

How many soldiers are there, he is not clear, there are still many things, he should think about it, but his thoughts have not been able to condense. At some point, Tian Shi feels black in front of him and falls down on the snow...


Wasion, the atmosphere is chilling.

The team of carriages drove past the long street to the celestial palace at the end of the city.

Lou Shuzhen was in the compartment where the lights were lit, and looked at a huge map. The news of Jin Wang’s disappearance was transmitted to the fastest speed at this time. She clasped her mind and searched for traces of various military forces on maps that already had many landmark paintings, summarizing the possibilities of the current situation.

As soon as the war appeared, the military sentiment will reach the center of various forces at the fastest speed. When she can receive the news, it means that other people have already received the message. At this time, she must stabilize the situation of the entire center. .

The surrounding of the carriage was closed. In the light of the candle, the woman who had not rested from yesterday to now was smoked red, but still had her eyes wide open. Suddenly, the carriage's body bumped a bit, Lou Shuzhen reached out and held the lamp, and heard the shouting voice outside: "Kill it... that blind..."

"The chicken is in the morning, the country is in trouble..."

"traitor, swearing--"

"Let your eyes open..."

"Used -"

"Sin should kill -"


The chaotic shouts were intertwined, and You Hongzhuo held his breath, pulled up a long knife, and walked toward the front of the room. The speed was getting faster and faster...

Through the vibration of the floor, it was a step in the next room. The light of the window became brighter and brighter. You Hongzhuo jumped out, and the window next door was also rushed out. A red gun in the hand was also aimed at the team below. You Hongzhuo raised his knife and brushed it into the air. The other side looked at him strangely.


The head of the white hair grows to the sky. You Hongzhuo fell to the ground, and the crowds rushing out were shouting. He crossed the blade and rushed to the Green Forest assassins.

"Protection of women!"

"The worm is damn-"

"You don't listen to the words of the Dragon King!"

Murderous -


"What happened?" Lou Shuzhen asked, but the heart is probably clear.

"Someone is stabbing, and someone is here to protect you. Lou Daren, we..."

"..." Lou Shuzhen quietly listened to the sound of the outside mixed together, perhaps being scented by the fire for too long, the eyes were slightly warm, and she then reached out and wiped her nose and mouth. "Leave a team to catch the assassin. We continue to go to the Imperial City."


The carriage started moving again, leaving the entire long street to continue.


Linzhou City, another round of siege warfare is continuing. The one who attacked the city is Wang Juyun’s most elite Ming Wangjun. Due to the rush of the attack, the siege equipment is quite inadequate. However, in the case of Wang Juyun’s own leader, the whole battle remains. It looked extremely fierce.

Linzhou belongs to Zhangde, similar to Wozhou. It is also one of the cities on the edge of the northeastern side of Jinwang. Li Chengzhong, the general of the defending Linzhou, led more than 37,000 troops. He announced that he changed his flag on the 4th. King Jinshi. All the way to defeat, led the majesty to the nearby Wang Juyun desperate, forcibly attacked the city, to smash Linzhou before the arrival of the Jurchen reinforcements.

The loss is enormous.

The defending army in Linzhou City is also not good. Although the Jurchen is overhanging for more than a decade, and now the army is over, the surrender has not encountered too much resistance, but of course it cannot inspire too high morale. In the offense and defense between the two sides, Li Chengzhong also ran to the city and continued to cheer for the defending army.

"Keep the wall! The gold team is coming soon..."

"Dajin’s general will come to Yanba and lead the army. Just keep one day! Keep one day--"

The army that finished Yan Sabai was indeed on the way. Wang Juyun’s army stormed on the 3rd and did not capture the city defense. The morale of both sides of the offensive and defensive sides gradually changed. On the afternoon of this day, in the southeast of the city, a banner appeared there.

The army of Sabal will come from the north, so come from the south, should it be the reinforcements of the Jinwang forces, or is the Jurchen East Road Army already named and sent reinforcements? Li Chengzhong rushed to the east of the city wall, and then saw an army appearing in the field of vision, on the snow-covered land, the color of the flag was exceptionally clear...

"Who...how can it...how it will be black..."

The black flag is spreading towards this side...


Wu Jianyu's nine years of winter. The heavy snow gradually sealed the land north of the Yangtze River. However, since the beginning of the war, the war in the north of the Yellow River has not stopped.

In September and October, the women’s real thing and the two-way army successively launched a war with the enemies in front. The East Road Army soon compressed the battlefield in the area of ​​Damingfu. However, the stubborn resistance of the West Road was just beginning.

From Yanmenguan to the ruins of Taiyuan, Wang Juyun and Tian Shi’s resistance came one after another. After being dispersed, they continued to gather together. Millions of troops were gathered or scattered, as if they were consuming the Jurchen army with water and water. Will. However, as the most outstanding veteran of Daikin's founding generation, Zong Han and Xi Yin constantly defeated this attack, and by the end of October, the rate of the division led the division to cross the Vaud, in the silver surgery, pull off the speed, sprinkle With the cooperation of the Eighth Generals, the forces that have come to meet each other have come up with another problem.

The first time in the speed of the speed of the speed of the war, under the stubborn resistance of the Wuzhou defenders and Lin Zongwu, Shi Jin and many other civil forces, finally delayed to the Yulin army to come to the South. In November, the battles carried out in the ice and snow were only slightly slower than other seasons. Wang Juyun, Tian Shi, Yu Yulin and others were defeated one after another, which made the frontline troops continue to decrease. The defeated soldiers have withdrawn from the south, surrendered, and even died in the snow while fleeing with the large forces.

Although at the beginning of the war, the heads of both Wang Juyun and Jin Wang have confirmed that this is a constant defeated war of attrition, but after more than a month of wear and tear, despite the worst plans previously made, the two military The military heart and strength still fell to a low point.

On the third day of December, Li Chengzhong and Linzhou City announced the surrender of Jurchen, which led to the sudden change of the whole situation. The 400,000-strong army led by Tian Shi defeated Xi Yin’s attack. In order to kill Tian Shi, the Jurchen army chased the number of troops. Ten miles, the massacres have lost countless troops, and the outside world has declared that Jin Wangtian has already received the news. And the continuous defeat of the South escape, the only time to gather together more than 30,000 elite Wang Juyun in the first time to do their best, storm Linzhou, hoping to hold down the already raised hatch before the entire ship sinks.

At the same time, the speed of the army was turned back and attacked Vaughan again. And a small army led by Sa Ba went to Linzhou in the past, and the silver technique could be pulled out of the army and hit the middle of the road.

In the short time when Tian Shi was suspected of being killed, the entire Jinwang site will see the whole collapse. On the eighth day of the eighth day, the team of the Huaxia Army led by Zhu Xi was in the rush of the fifth-class people at the Weisheng side, and crossed the distance of hundreds of miles. He finished the eight-step process and arrived at Linzhou City.

On the same day, it captured Linzhou.

Li Chengzhong, the rebel leader, died before the city broke. The rest of the rebellious generals, along with their families, were dragged onto the wall and were all beheaded.

However, the whole situation is still steadily disintegrating. On this night, the city defense of Vaud was broken, and Shi Jin continued to kill on the wall, almost exhausted. Then the army of the defending city opened the gates of the city, and the people of the city fled south. Woo State Supreme will command the army to block the women's real offensive in front, and try to start a street fighting for a period of time, thinking that the people in the south have delayed the time. However, the army is close to the bottom line, and Xiaoyuan is a morale, and the rate is twice. Rushing forward, killing himself, and then being shot by the female real.

The Vaughan garrison fled, and the Jurchens slaughtered. Shi Jin and his comrades around him were also wrapped up and fought back. On this night, the people who escaped and survived looked back at the direction of Vaud. The whole sky had been ignited by a fire, and the massacre continued.

Shi Jin stood on the dark mountain, with a moist breath, falling from his face.

The man has tears and does not flick, it may be the blood flowing down the body, in this snow and ice, the temperature will be lost in a moment.

There are many people around him, and there are more people than after the dissolution of Chifeng Mountain.

Although he knew that he did not have the skills of the army, the reputation of the Eight-armed Dragon King was still of some use. After the first War of the State of Vaud, he still ran around, killing the scum of the female and the Han. During this war, Lou Shuzhen, who was far away from Weisheng, had suffered a lot of assassinations. She killed too many people and was a woman. The outside world shaped her to be sinister and sinister. Some people who care about her are traitors and help the Jurchens. A virgin woman who is engaged in the foundation of the Jin Dynasty and who wants to make the people unhappy.

Shi Jin also made a sound among the green forests. It was the name of Shu Shuzheng. After the message was spread for a month, many people were finally moved. In Weisheng, they spontaneously started to run for Shu Shuzhen, even in the outbreak. The assassination is standing opposite the assassin and protecting the safety of the building.

Shi Jin, who was running away in Vaud, could not know the situation of Wasion. As the city of Vaud broke, what he saw in his eyes was the most tragic scene of the massacre. For more than ten years, he has fought all the way, but he has also been defeated all the way. This defeat seems to be endless, but once again, he still does not die. He just thought: Wuzhou City is gone, Lin Big Brother has been here for more than ten years, and there is no more, Mu Anping could not find it, the little, lost parents will come back here~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Nothing can be seen.

He went to the south of the city and continued to fight.

Snow sometimes falls, sometimes stops, and the war is still spreading in heavy snow. To the south of the Yellow River, the wandering ghosts are also raging in the snow, causing certain troubles for the Jurchen army in the south. Some small-scale grain-handling teams are swallowed up by the hungry ghosts. However, as the cold deepens, the hungry ghosts Also die in pieces. Only the hungry ghost group near Xuzhou, in the midst of the snow, still breathe a sigh of breath.

Daming House. The soldiers in the defending city are gradually decreasing in the cold weather. The most intense of the Jurchen siege is that in the first month, a large number of attritions occurred at that time. Some seriously injured people failed to survive this winter. . The 30,000-year-old actress and the 200,000 Han army led by Wan Yanchang also honed the life and spirit of the defending soldiers every day. In December, after careful calculation, there were probably more than 30,000 swordsmen in the city of nearly 50,000. Most of them were already wounded.

After all, the ice and snow suppressed the strength of the Jurchen siege. Wang Shanyue and Xue Changgong still kept on the wall every day. Every day, they cheered for the soldiers. For the residents who are not too many in the city, Wang Shanyue sent people to eat relief. It also promotes the spirit of resistance to people, but because of the heavy snow, such a thing cannot be vigorously carried out.

The siege tents outside the city are connected into a sea. They are waiting for the arrival of spring. Spring is the season of all things, and the season of life. However, whether it is Wang Shanyue or Xue Changgong, or Shi Jin, Lou Shuzhen, Tian Shi, Zhu Xi, or Ning Yi, who is far southwest, can know that Wu Jianyu The spring of thirteen years of the Year and Jintianhui is not the season of life.

It was the season of burying everything, and it was coming day by day in the midst of a heavy snow.

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