Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 6: Jianye 10 years spring (1)

Near the year of the year, the Chengdu Plain got up and down the snow.

The sleek white snow drowned everything. In this land that was often covered by clouds, the heavy snow fell like a soft white blanket. On the eve of the year, Zhuo Yongqing took a vacation back to the mountain. After Jia’s time, he prepared to send some food to the sisters He Ying and He Xiu who were killed by the Chinese soldiers.

In November, the situation in Chengdu Plain has stabilized. Zhuo Yongqing often travels to and from the two places, and has been on the door several times. He Ying, who started to swear by the hot, always tries to drive him out, Zhuo Yongqing will take it. Throw things away from the fence. Later, the two sides knew each other, and He Ying did not want to catch up again. It was just that the words were cold and hard. The other party did not understand why the Huaxia Army had to go to the door. Zhuo Yongqing also said it was not very clear.

This time, the situation was strange. He Ying saw him, and he closed the door. Zhuo Yongqing originally placed the bag for food and food behind him. He wanted to say two words to ease the embarrassment, and then put things on it. At this time, he was quite confused. After a while, I only heard the sound coming from inside.

"You go. Don't face something..."


"Go! Don't face!"

Perhaps it is not wanting to be seen by too many people, and He Ying in the door suppresses the voice, but the tone is extremely disgusting. Zhuo Yongqing frowned: "What...no shame, you...what..."

"Roll! Roll! My family would rather die, and don't be insulted by your Huaxia Army! Shameless!"

Zhuo Yongqing looked back at the yard in two steps and turned away.

He is not a girl, he can understand naturally. He Yingyi’s anger at the Huaxia Army is due to his father’s anger, but this time, it’s obviously because of something, and it’s very May also have a relationship with myself. So I went all the way to Jiading Tuenmen to find the household registration officer who managed He Jia. The other party was the veteran of the army who retired. The name was Dai Yong, and Zhuo Yongqing actually knew it. This Dai Yong’s face is awkward, and he has a look at it. It’s quite embarrassing to talk about it.

The administrative officials of the Huaxia Army today are not too rich in reserves - even if they have a certain scale, the size of Liangshan was 200,000 people, and it was spread to the entire Chengdu Plain. Many people must be sure to do so. Ning Yi trained a group of people to frame the main axis of the regional government. In many places, the injured soldiers were used. The veterans, although loyal and reliable, also studied for a while, but after all, they are not familiar with the actual situation in the local area. Also with some local staff. Joining Dai Yong – at least as a staff member, is a local middle-aged woman.

This woman is still a matchmaker, so she is considered to be a wide-ranging traveler and most familiar with the local situation. After the death of He Ying He Xiu’s father, Hua Xiajun gave a large number of officers who suffered joint and several liability from top to bottom in order to give an account. The so-called lenient and heavy weights increased the responsibility and distributed it to everyone. On the head, for the company commander who is guilty, there is no need for one person to pick up all the problems. When he leaves the post, goes to jail, and stays in the military for a crime, he can still be a hole.

After such serious treatment, there is a good explanation for the public. In addition, the Huaxia Army did not have too many disturbances in other aspects. The Jiading people piled up the Huaxia Army and soon had some recognition. Under such circumstances, seeing Zhuo Yongqing often come to Hejia, Dai Yong’s partner is self-made, to come to the door to talk about the media, to achieve a beautiful thing, and to resolve a hateful resentment.

In the eyes of the other party, Zhuo Yongqing is the hero of the smashing room, and his character is good. He is considered a first-class talent. He Jia’s temperament and enthusiasm are too long to be counted. After the woman went to the door, she knocked on the side and said, two words, He Ying heard the meaning of the words, the whole popularity was not enough, almost find a kitchen knife to cut people out.

The woman did not say before, and she was prepared to inquire about the meaning of He Ying before she came to Zhuo Yongqing to report her merits. In her private heart, she might have the idea of ​​flattering. After doing this, I didn’t dare to say more, and I had Zhuo Yongqing’s squatting at the door of the other side.

"This, this is..." Zhuo Yongqing was flushed. "How do you do confused things..."

"Well, yes." Dai Yong touched his nose. "Actually, I also think that this woman is too disappointing. She didn't tell me beforehand. Actually... In any case, her father died in our hands, and then Sleeping with her, I also find it difficult. However, Zhuo Brothers, if we sum up, I don’t think this is entirely impossible... I am not saying that you are deceiving, you must be sincere..."

"What messed up, I didn't want to sleep... I want to marry her..." Zhuo Yongqing was nervous and blinked. "Oh, what I said is not this..."

"Oh..." Dai Yong thought for a moment. "The Wang family's nephew is doing things... It's not very reliable. However, Zhuo brothers are also such people. They know the locals very well. There are many things that can be done. I can't because of this. Let me run her... If I told her to come over, you would marry her..."

"I, you..." Zhuo Yongqing stepped back and squinted, then waved away. "What do I do for her, I am too lazy to care about you..."

"Oh, else I will accompany you to apologize..."

"Don't come, don't mess with me!"

Zhuo Yongqing turned to point at him and then walked away depressed.

All the way in the city.

This matter is quite tangled for him, but the matter itself is not big, at least relative to his usual military affairs, how big can private matters be so big? He counted the time when he came out. At most, he will leave early tomorrow. Seeing that there is a misunderstanding, is it just to save some time, go back to Liangshan, or continue to waste time here? This turned a few laps, or the style of the army took the lead, and when he bit his teeth, he went to the other side.

After knocking for a while, the door of the courtyard door was obviously looked out, and then the door bolt was tightened tightly. He Ying did not speak in his head, and Zhuo Yongqing took a deep breath and then paused. Take another deep breath.

"He Ying, I know you are inside."


"There is nothing to say about the big name of the king. I don't know anything. I don't know at all. Hey, I said that you are so smart, why are you so stupid here, what?...I don't know if you can't see it? ""


"Of course, I have been in trouble for you. I apologize to you. It is going to be a New Year. Every family will eat the meat stickers and you will be screaming? You are holding your mother, your sister is also screaming? I am a good intention, Hua... ...Hua Xiajun’s kindness, give you something, what do you think...”

"When you go, what you brought is not sent by the Chinese army. They sent it before..."

"Send it... You are different. Mr. Ning privately asked me to look after you, Mr. Ning..."

"con man!"

"What liar... You, you listened to the aunt Wang, Wang Dazhao... If she aunted her aunt, yes."

"You are a beast, kill me... I still want to..." The voice inside has choked.

"I didn't think about it, I thought about it... well, you have to listen to the truth. Huaxia Army is sorry for you. Mr. Ning has also told me in private. It's all true! Yes, I also have a crush on you. ...not for you! I want to look at your sister He Xiu, I want to be a show too, you always feel insulted you, you..."

In the yard, a jingle came out. Someone broke the can. After a while, someone fell. He Ying shouted: "Show..." ran over, Zhuo Yongqing knocked on the door, and at this time I haven't taken care of it too much. One borrows the wall and the niece He Xiu has fallen to the ground. His face almost rises to dark red. Zhuo Yongqing ran over: "I come..." wants to be rescued, what is it? Ying pushed away: "What are you doing!"

"I... I know what to do, she... she was a little scared...you..." Zhuo Yongqing wanted to pass, and controlled himself, and he commanded He Ying. He Ying helped his sister, and the mother who had always been timid and silent, who had run out of the warehouse, carried the girl into the room.

This whole thing is not too big. After a while, He Xiu will wake up and breathe a few times. After breathing a few times on the bed, Zhuo Yongqing, who looked up at the door of the room, was scared and bowed into a ball. Zhuo Yongqing went to the outside and thought about it. He was sighing, and He Ying’s mother came quietly: "That..."

"Ah... Aunt... you... well..."

"Zhu Jia's life, what you said... the one you said, is it true..."

"...hey..." Zhuo Yongqing touched his head.

At the back, He Ying came over, holding only the pottery bowl in his hand, and the words were extremely low: "You... you are satisfied, I don't do anything bad, I don't do anything bad, you open your mouth, humiliate my sister... you... ..."

"What I'm saying is true……"


"I said what I said is true!" Zhuo Yongqing squinted seriously. "I, I ran over and over again, just to see He Xiu. Although she didn't talk to me, I don't mean it." How, I am not malicious... She, she is like my former savior..."

Listening to Zhuo Yongqing said this, He Ying couldn’t speak, Zhuo Yongqing said: "I, I have not thought of anything else, you don't think that I am deliberately humiliating your family, I will look at her... The woman named Wang is smart."

He said this, walked out of the courtyard door, took a bag of new year goods, and then looked at the situation in the yard. In the past, he packed up the clay pots that fell under the eaves. This kind of cleaning and cleaning is supposed to be done by a woman. He Ying hesitated a few times and did not come over. Just halfway through and hesitating to ask: "What do you say... is it true?"

"believe it or not."

After finishing the matter, Zhuo Yongqing left the yard and opened the courtyard door. That He Ying seemed to have made up his mind and ran over again: "You, you wait."

"What are you waiting for?" Zhuo Yongqing turned back.

"What are you talking about? You want to... my sister..."

"You, you can rest assured, I have no plans to embarrass your family..."

"If you are interested in He Xiu, take your character, I will find someone to give you."


He Ying in the yard looked at him with a stubborn look, and Zhuo Yongqing stunned and forced.

On the way to Jiading back to the mountain, he thought, what is this?


Zhuo Yongqing and his sisters had a year of inexplicable melee. The Ning Yi family spent the small village in the 20-mile south of Jiading. From the perspective of security, Chengdu and Jiading and other cities are too big and too complicated. The population is large and has not yet been operated stably. If the trade is completely liberalized, the green foresters and assassins who come in will increase on a large scale. Ning Yi finally chose a desert village south of Jiading, as the temporary residence of the core of the Chinese Army.

When the heavy snow falls, the situation in the southwest is solidified. The temporary task of the Huaxia Army is only an orderly relocation and transfer of various departments. Of course, on New Year's Eve this year, Ning Yi and others still have to go back and go to spend.

Against the temporary silence of the southwest, it is the battle that continues to come from the north. In the occupied city of Chengdu and other cities, the news will be announced daily in the doorway, which brings a lot of new talks to the people gathered in the tea house wine cellar. Some people have already accepted the existence of the Huaxia Army - their rule is better than the Wu Dynasty, after all, it is not bad - so when talking about the generosity and heroism of Jin Wang and others, people also talked about the day when the Chinese army was killed. What kind of situation will be played with Jurchens.

In the Wu dynasty, the celebration of the year was also being carried out in an orderly manner. The official's Lunar New Year's remarks were sent continuously. Many people also stated the critical situation in the world in the book summed up in one year. It was supposed that he arrived in Lin'an's Junwu in a small year until the 27th day of December, and he hurried back to the city. For his diligence, Zhou Hao greatly praised him. As a father, he is proud of this son.

It is only for the entire battlefield that is about to arrive. There are still many doubts in Zhou Xin’s heart. On the banquet, Zhou Wei has asked the frontline defense situation several times, the preparation for future war, and the confidence to overcome. Jun Wu will sincerely introduce the situation of the various military forces, and said: "...now the soldiers are using their lives, the military heart is different from the past, especially the main forces of General Yue, Han General, etc., and the Jurchens are It’s quite a battle, the Jurchens are coming in a thousand miles, and we have the depth of the waters along the Yangtze River. The odds of the 5th Five-Year... There are still some."

Zhou Wei still hesitated about how much this answer. After the family feast, Zhou Pei blamed her brother for being too honest: "There is a five-fifth chance of winning, in front of the father, it is no problem to say a few more, at least tell the father, will not lose, that is."

Jun Wu frowned: "In any case, the rule of the father and the kingdom, many things should be clear. I am doing this as a son in front, and let go of his life, that is... in fact, this is 50%, how to judge? The last time I fought with Jurchen, or a few years ago, I was defeated at that time... 50% is quite a lot."

Zhou Pei sighed and then nodded. "But, younger brother, you are a prince. Just keep it in front. Don't move your life. When you run, you still have to keep yourself. As long as you can come back, Wuchao It is not lost."

"But I won't give up my life, how can I win." Jun Wu said a word, then laughed again. "I know, Huang Jie, actually you said, I understand, I will definitely come back alive. I said to go out... ... um, just means... that state, you have to work hard... can you understand the emperor? Don't worry too much about me."

During the year of the year, the halls seemed calm. Calm is not a party struggle. Two months ago, the killings of Zhao Ding and the Qin dynasty were almost suppressed. After that, Qin Qin recognized the punishment and did not have any big moves. This kind of harmony makes this Spring Festival extremely warm and lively.

In such a calm, Qin Xiao fell ill. After the cold, his body has not recovered. In ten days, he is like a teenager. On this day, he went to the palace to see the frame and asked for his intention. Zhou Hao said comfort and gave A large pile of tonics. In a certain gap, Qin Lan was in front of Zhou Wei.

"...the sinner is fainting and incompetent. Now I am dragging this remnant. I don’t know if it will be good next. There are a few words, just the idea of ​​a private sinner... The southwest is so dead, because of the fault of the sinner, now Unsolved, the North Jurchen has arrived, if the Prince is brave and can defeat the Jurchen, it is really the sky that blesses me to the Wu Dynasty. But then... Your Majesty is your Majesty, you still have to do it... If you are victorious... Before the war, this should not be the idea, shake the heart of the army, sinners die... 陛 sin..."

The Wu Dynasty and the scholar-officials jointly ruled the world, and the ministers went to the DPRK. They were not guilty. Only when there was a big sin, some people listened to the training. Zhou Wei looked at the old man who was kneeling and sighed.

Originally, because Qin Xiao became a mother in the recent period, he was very tired and had a certain opinion on the other side. However, at this time, he felt embarrassed, and in his heart, he promised the other side to attack the southwest last year. Things that hesitated and became clear again.

"Hey..." He stepped forward to raise Qin: "Qin Qing is also an old man who made a fortune. He always hears people say that good warriors must not be prejudiced, precautions, and sins. But at this time, the Prince has done everything. I am trying my best to fight ahead of the war. I have to wait for him to support the situation in the rear. Qin Qing is the shackle of the shackles. After a few days of illness, I will help you to do the burden of this stall. Qin Qing’s head..."

He patted Qin's shoulder: "You can't move and ask for it, Qin Qing, say the truth, in the middle, the most trusting you are you, you are capable..."

Qin Lan was moved, tears filled, and passed a moment, once again solemnly worship: "...chen, do your best, die and then."

In the words, choked up.

The two monarchs supported each other and inspired for a while. I don’t know when the heavy snow fell from the sky.

The wind and snow stretched and went north to Xuzhou. This year, Luoye was on the wall of Xuzhou, accompanied by his New Year in the snow, and was a million-year-old ghost outside Xuzhou.

This is the main force of the hungry ghost led by Wang Shitong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since the news of the eight thousand Huaxia Army entering Xuzhou, the hungry ghosts have come constantly. They can't attack the city in the snow and ice, and they are surrounded by the city, constantly and constantly dying. Compared with the scattered food and clothing in the periphery, the core hungry ghosts are slightly richer. People without food can also feed each other. Therefore, it is foreseeable that when spring blossoms, these people will still have Many survived.

Looking out at the wall of Xuzhou City, there is a **** outside of the city. There is not much food in Xuzhou City. It is unrealistic to open the door. Luoye looked at the scene of **** outside the city on a daily basis. Many times, Li Anmao, who was invited to Xuzhou, would come over. This is a younger brother who is a member of the Wu Dynasty. He has a lot of common topics with Luoye, who was originally a family in Beijing.

On the day of the year, the two men were drinking at the city. Li Anmao spoke of the hungry ghosts in the besieged city. He also said that in addition to the hungry ghosts in the surrounding city, he could arrive in Xuzhou’s Zongfu and Zongyi army in the spring. In fact, Li Anmao was in the heart of the Wu Dynasty, and he and the Chinese army sought help but in order to drag people into the water, he did not evade this. Liu Chengzong and Luo Ye, who came here this time, also knew well. Luo Ye took the glass of wine and sprinkled it on the ground.

"...My family, killed and jealous in the shame of Jingping, most of them can't be found. Most of these people are mediocre, not worth mentioning, just didn't think about them. I will be faced with this kind of thing... There is a sister in the family, lovely and obedient, the only person I am concerned about. Now I am probably in the north. I am looking for a brother in the army. I have no news for the time being. I only hope that she is still alive..."

"As for Jurchen..."

He said: "Come on."

In the ten years of Wu Jianyu, the Golden Heaven Society has been in the thirteen years, the snow has not disappeared, and the blood has not disappeared. Spring has arrived as scheduled.

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