Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 7: Jianye 10 years spring (2)

The first month. m.昼 Short night long.

In the spring of Jianye’s ten years, the skylight of Jindi always appears dim, the rain and snow are no longer coming down, and it is always difficult to see the big sunny day. The curtain of the war has opened, and it has stopped a little, and it is full of wars. The sight of coming.

The chilled city, the broken city, the displaced people, and the millions of troops have led to chaos. This chaotic scene is occasionally mixed with the traces of the Spring Festival - people are like this, even in the difficult years, when the Spring Festival is coming, there will always be people who will try to put a couplet in front of the door, buy a door god, look forward to Peace in the coming year.

It was still early in the morning, and near the small mountain village, the soldiers began to sharpen their knives, and the horses ate and ate, and carried things on their backs. The black flag fluttered on one side of the camp. In a short time, the soldiers gathered and looked like a murder.

Then the army quietly dialed.

Near Xiaoshan Village, the roads and mountains are thick snow. The army is moving in this snow. The speed is not fast, but no one complains. In a short time, this army disappears like a long mountain in a snow-covered mountain. in.

The destination has already been set, and the dry food has already been brought well. On this night and night, the tens of thousands of people have rested in the snowy ridge, and they have not made a fire. On the second day, they will continue to advance.

Among the military camps that are true to the Jurchen, there are also festive scenes of the year. Located in a camp south of Vaud, the Jurchen soldiers wore coats, put on their felt hats, gathered in each other's drinks, and then went out to the south. The scouts have been released. On the second day, on the route of the army, a small-scale slaughter broke out, and then the scouts rushed back.

At the speed of the horse, the horse ran to the mountains and opened the mirror of the thousands of miles. On the other side of the snow-white mountains, an army began to turn, and for a moment, a black flag was erected.

The Jurchen army went straight to the other side and set aside the war. The other party stopped. After that, the Jurchen army also slowly stopped. The two teams confronted each other for a moment, and the black flag slowly retreated and the speed of the movement also retreated. Soon, the direction of the two armies disappeared, and only the scouts that monitored the other army were released. After nearly two hours, the friction was reduced.


This is a small episode that happened by chance in the battle of Jindi. After the incident, it was dark and gradually lit up. So many times, the snow-covered land still did not change its appearance. It went to the southwest and climbed over the mountains. The white ground appeared on the small ground. Cloth bags, ups and downs, seem to be endless.

This is a military camp that does not know how big, and the figure of the soldier appears in it. Our vision is patrolling ahead and sounds loud. The sound of the drums, then did not know who it was, in this snow, shouting, the voice is old and strong, and the swaying.

"...Weeds ~ He Wei, Poplar ~ Xiao Xiao!

Severe frost! Mid-September! Send me out of the outer suburbs-"

This voice shouted, it was a piece of Tao Yuanming, which was used by the dead, but the Jinzi was generous and tragic. At this time, the voice echoed in this white snow, and there was a strong and arrogant face to the world. After the sound is heard, it is drumming again.

In front of the horizon, there is a high platform with a flag like a forest, and the high platform is also white. The voice of the elegy continued to ring. The top of the high platform was a large flat. First, a row of corpses wrapped in white cloth, and then the queue of soldiers stretched out. The red dragonfly in the hands of the soldiers is like blood, but there are white eyes on the arms. At the top of the high platform is Jin Wang Tian Shi, who is dressed in armor and is a white towel. Look at the array below, with the row of corpses.

The memorial was continued in the mouth of the old man in front of the high platform until the "relatives or sorrows, others have also sang." Then "Where is the death, the body is the same as the mountain." The drums fell with the sound, and then someone re- Singing rituals, stating the sacrifices that the deceased had in the past in the face of aggression, and then, people lit up the flames and burned the bodies in the snow.

In Fuyang, a huge memorial is underway.


Fifty miles northwest of Vaud, the Jurchen main force camp.

The women’s true army, the heavy army, and the Han army, who have been surrendered from Yanmenguan, have gathered hundreds of thousands of people, and their scale is comparable to the largest city in this era. It also has its own unique ecological circle. Crossing countless military camps, in front of an open space near the Chinese army, Wan Yanxi Yin took the tea, sat in a chair and watched the fight in the open space. From time to time, there was a deputy coming over to say something in his ear, or take it. He came to see a piece of paper, and Xi Yin looked calm and looked at the test while he handled the matter in a few words.

The two men who were killed in the open space were tall and tall, but one was a Jurchen sergeant. One person was dressed in Hanfu and did not see armor. It looked like a civilian. The Jurchen soldier is strong and burly, and he is as strong as a cow. He is just above the competition, but apparently not an opponent of the Han civilians. This is just like a civilian. In fact, the tiger's mouth is very thick, and the reaction is quick and the strength is good. In a short period of time, the Jurchen soldier is overturned several times.

The Jurchen soldier was brave and lost a few times. There was already blood in his mouth. He stood up and screamed and seemed to be fierce. Xi Yin sat there and clap his hands: "Okay, change."

He chose a Jurchen soldier, went to the armored weapon, and played again. Soon, the new soldier was also stumbled by the other side. Xi Yin then stopped and prepared to change. The two female true warriors were defeated by the Han Chinese. The other soldiers around were quite dissatisfied. Several military officers who were excellent in the army volunteered themselves. However, Xi Yin was unmoved, thought about it, and ordered another one. The martial arts are not outstanding soldiers.

The newly-launched Jurchen soldier consciously shouldered the honor and knew her own weight. This time, I did not dare to recklessly go forward, but tried to use the skillfulness to circle with each other. I hope that the test of three consecutive games has already consumed a lot of opponents. Do your best. However, the Han people also succumbed to discouragement, forced several times to go forward, the hands of the tigers and the wind, the Jurchen soldiers playing constantly fleeing.

A kind of Jurchen on the crowd cheered loudly and continually shouted. During the fight, a group of people came from the field. Everyone looked over, and they had to salute. They waved their hands to the first person, so that everyone would not have any action, so as not to disrupt the test. This person went to Xi Yin, who was the true marshal of the daily routine, Yan Zonghan. He only looked at the scene: "Who is this? Wuyi is good."

"The Chinese military came out, called Gaochuan." Xi Yin was only the first sentence, which made people shocked. Then he said, "I used to be in the Huaxia Army. I have been in a row and I have more than 30 people."

"Oh?" Zong Han frowned. This time I saw it more seriously than the test. "With this skill, it is enough to be a murderer in our army. How come out?"

"Hit the people down." Xi Yin said, "I asked people to ask, it should be free to beat the soldiers, repeatedly teach not to change, and later conflict with the top."

"This is a sinner." Zong Han smiled. At this time, the test in front of him had already had a result. He stood up and raised his hand and smiled and asked: "High Warrior, were you formerly the Black Flag Army?"

That Gaochuan arched his hand: "Yes."

"Is it offensive?"

Gao Chuan looked at Xi Yin, and looked at Zong Han. Hesitated for a moment, and said: "The handsome man is wise..."

Most of the stories about offending people in this world are similar. Under the question of Zonghan, Gao Chuan stated it. Zong Han appeased a few words: "The Black Flag Army can't know how to use it for the warriors like you. It can be seen that it is difficult to last for a long time. You are in our army, doing things with peace of mind, and having a reputation..." Yunyun.

Zong Han opened his mouth and Xi Yin stopped talking. The two men of the day left to leave from here, Zong Han said: "As far as I said, Gu Shen seems to be somewhat disapproving, I don't know why."

"The handsome coach thinks that the Huaxia Army, who has more than 10,000 people in the north, has a fighting power?"

"...If it’s not a small number of people, it’s not enough to say that it’s the only thing that makes me worry. It’s just that it’s hard to compare with the southwestern one.”

"The defeat of Li Xizhi was a battle with Wang Shanyue. In Linzhou, there was Wang Juyun in front of him. Only Linhe was able to show his strength." Xi Yin said, then shook his head. A smile, "When I am going down today, I want to say that I really have a headache. The southwestern Mr. Ning is in the first place. In the Northwest War, the dim room, the resignation of the world, is still in his hands, but now He went to the southwestern mountains, and the Central Plains opened. The most troublesome thing is the black flag. A few days ago, the speed of the line and the other side of the picture, others said that it is invincible, it is not a Jurchen. Hey, if it was ten years, who would dare to say this..."

"Haha, the future is the age of the younger generation." Zong Han took a shot of Xi Yin. "You and I will solve these problems for them before leaving. Can be an enemy of the world's heroes, not worthy of this life."

Xi Yin nodded and laughed: "I just regret that I had never officially played against Mr. Ning. After the Northwest War, I knew his skills and taught me a good time. I wanted to practice and try to beat him again. When I was not ready, I was arrested... In the early December, the Warriors who had the black flag army, if they did not intervene, Tian Shi died early. Hey, call me, I am with him. The disciples are fighting, he is fighting with my disciples, winning nothing, but losing, but losing face..."

When he said this, he paused a little: "The Chinese military is strict, this is Mr. Nain's handwriting. The military regulations are fixed. The upper officials must not carry out the 'insulting nature' of the lower soldiers. I have looked carefully. In the middle of the training, on the battlefield, there are accidental injuries and drinking. It is unusual. However, if officials have unequal views on the soldiers, it is extremely serious. In order to put an end to these situations, the Chinese military is responsible for this. The military judges who waited for the work, and then re-examined and then went to work. The platoon leader with a high surname, martial arts and high-spirited, arrogant and arrogant, is a member of the squad, and the situation of insults under the opponent has been opened."

"...inequality?" Zonghan hesitated for a moment before he asked this sentence. The adjective he understands and can't understand. Jin Guoren is divided into numbers, the Jurchen is the first, the Bohai people are the second, the Qidan is the third, the Liaodong Han is the fourth, and the next is the Han Chinese in the south. Even if there is a gold country, the "unequality" of the Wu Dynasty is naturally there. Can the scholars use the mud legs of the farmer to be seen? Some poor people who know how to eat as soldiers are not good at using their brains. They can’t say a few words in their lives. They will fight the officials freely. Who said that it is not normal?

Based on these, Wan Yan Zonghan naturally understands what Xi Yin said as “equality”, but it is difficult to understand what this equality is. After he asked for a moment, Xi Yinfang nodded and confirmed: "Well, inequality."

“How can this be done?”

"So, the Chinese military is extremely strict, and it is impossible to do bad things under the hands of the people. If you are too contemptuous, they will really open the people. Today, I repeatedly asked, originally I wish you all the best. The people...so this one cannot be underestimated."

"With the child with the robe." Zonghan heard this, there is no longer a smile on the face, he carried his hands, frowned, and walked for a while, said: "Tian Shi things, you and I can not underestimate the enemy."

Xi Yin reached out and touched his beard and nodded. "This time, I know that the Huaxia Army is secretly doing things in secret. However, even if it is Ning Liheng, there must be some omissions in the secret... Of course, These things have to be confirmed to the south, more than 10,000 people, after all, too few..."


The cold wind blew through a thousand miles, and the winter in the north is even colder. The Yunzhong government once dripped into ice. After the Spring Festival, although there were joys in the city, there were not many people who were willing to go out.

Tang Minjie crossed the roadway and met Lu Mingfang in a warm room. The battle situation and intelligence in the south have just been sent, and Tang Minjie also prepared the news to go south. The two sat on the fire and the message was whispered by Lu Mingfang.

"...the turmoil at the end of November seems to be the handwriting that Xi Yin has already prepared. After Tian Shi’s disappearance, he suddenly started and almost let him succeed. But then Tian Shi came out of the snowfield and joined the brigade, and then stabilized for a few days. The situation, Xi Yin can not start the opportunity to start ..."

"...As a result, Tian Shi said that it was a cure for bones. Although the loss in the inside was very large, the Jinwang system was almost all wall grasses. Now it is almost pulled out, but there is control over the troops. The improvement has been made. And his determination to resist gold has already been made clear, and some people who have been waiting to see have already passed. In December, Zong Han felt that the storm did not have much meaning, and he slowed down. It is estimated that he will wait until the opening. Spring snow melts, do it again..."

Lu Mingfang said that Tang Minjie gently tapped his finger on the table and figured out the whole situation: "All said that the good warriors are serious about it, and the old spicy of Zonghan and Xi Yin will not be before the snow melt. Hands-on, fight for the first step..."

"That is the frontline thing, you and I are not good at all." Lu Mingfang smiled. "But what you said is justified. The brothers who sent the news in the north set off after the year. It is said that the brothers and sisters are holding the year. The excitement, quietly attacked, going to sneak attack on the speed of the speed of the state of Vaud, to give the Jurchen a horse, the speed of the speed of the side of the speed of the same movement, want to sneak into the south of the Tianjia army, two groups of people on the road I met, you look at me, I look at you, and then go back to each other. The speed of the speed of the 20,000 people, even dare not to swear to 10,000 people, afraid to be passed into a joke."

"Hey." Tang Minjie smiled politely, and then said: "Want to sneak attack on the head, the superior strength did not rush to shoot, indicating that the speed of this person is cautious and more terrible."

"Haha, joke, it’s a good idea to say this, it’s helpful for the morale of the military."

"Yeah." Tang Minjie nodded and then took out a piece of paper. "There were several people who were not found in the previous roster. I passed it to see if there was any help..."

He frowned, hesitated, and said: "There was not much after the interaction with Xi Yin. After his actions, he did not understand enough. But I always feel that if I think about it, I have been thinking about it for a few months. The battle was really stupid. Although there was a big move in December, it was not enough. If it was the teacher’s handwriting, the Jinwang forces would ride the wall for ten years under the eyelids. Backhand."

Listening to him, Lu Mingfang also frowned. "You said that there are some truths. However, according to previous investigations, first of all, Xi Yin is a man of strategy, and he plans to be more timid than internal affairs, conspiracy, huh... ... I am afraid it is better than the teacher. In addition, the Jin Wang series, the tone was determined earlier, and later behavior, whether it is scraping bones or a strong man's broken wrist, can not be overemphasized, such a big effort, plus us With the assistance of the side, no matter how many backhands Xiey had previously ambushed, the possibility of being affected and unable to be launched is also very large."

"I understand." Tang Minjie nodded. "Actually, I think too much. When I was in the Southwest, the teacher told me that I wanted to have the creativity, but I also tried the most fearless guess. I think Too much, this is also a bad thing."

"You are anxious for the south, everyone understands. But... a war is not made by one or two people. For the success or failure of the South, you and I have tried our best, and it will do. Your ordinary body is not good, teacher martial arts. I have already advised you, thinking too much to hurt the body, you should take a few days to rest."

"Okay." Tang Minjie nodded.

Lu Mingfang knew that he didn't listen to it, but there was no way: "I will send these names as soon as possible. However, Tang Brothers, there is one more thing. I heard that you have recently had a lot of contact with that one?"

"I didn't bother her too much, but I have already started to use Xi Yin as an enemy. There are many things to understand. There are about Xi Yin's backhand in Jindi and his style of work. I just hope to find her a re-issuance. After all, after all, She is the person who knows Xi Yin best...may make her feel sick, I will pay attention, and will not bother her too much in the future."

"Yeah." Seeing Tang Minjie said this, Lu Mingfang nodded: "She is not a person on our side after all, and although she is a Han Chinese, Xi Yin has been her family for 20 or 30 years. This is her sacrifice, the teacher said, can't care."

"it is good."

"...you take care of your body."

Tang Minjie tied the felt hat and took a deep breath. He went to the snow and ice outside the door. The things in his mind did not stop at all. No matter how vigilant the enemy like Shang Zonghan and Xi Yin, That is not excessive. As for the body, after the enemy has died, he has a lot of time to sleep...


Zhangzhou, the huge memorial has come to an end.

When Tian Shi came down from the high platform, he saw the leaders of the various forces coming over. The memorial service to the soldiers can boost morale, and at the same time send out the essays and re-name the anti-gold. What makes more sense in this is that the forces of all parties have already demonstrated their alliance after the determination against gold.

In the past period, the war on the site of Jinwang was fierce. Everyone was on the same day. At the beginning of December, in the days when Tianshi disappeared, Xi Yin had already arranged many numerous internal actions, Linzhou rebellion, pot gatekeeper. Wu Su will be enemies, and Weisheng’s several ethnic groups will be in a private connection. The rest of the world has the news that Tianshi’s death is spreading. Seeing that the entire Jinwang force will fall apart in a few days.

The loss of Lou Shulou and the Huaxia Military Exhibition five continued to run, and it was able to stabilize the situation of Weisheng. The black flag led by the Chinese military Zhu Xi was also rushed to the battlefield of Linzhou. Before this, if Wang Juyun took the initiative, Leading his troops to attack Linzhou for three days, I am afraid that even if the black flag arrives, it will be difficult to win Linzhou before the arrival of the army of the Jurchen.

In other parts of the world, there are large and small games and conflicts. By mid-December, Tian Shi led the team to escape from the heavy snow, and then spread the news of his still peace to Jindi in the next few days. The power of the entire Jin Wang has already passed a circle on the gate of the annihilation.

In this process, the broken city of Vaud was slaughtered, and the Linzhou garrison and Wang Juyun’s troops had a lot of losses. In the Huguan area, the original Jinwang’s several units smothered each other, and the ruthless rebellious losers almost burned half of the city. And buried gunpowder, blasting the small half of the wall, so that this level lost its defense. Wasion is also the delisting of several families. At the same time, it is necessary to clean up the chaos caused by the influence of its people in the military. It is also the complex reality that Tian Shi and others need to face.

However, after experiencing such a cruel internal clean-up, in the fight against gold, Tian Shi, Yu Yulin, and Lou Shuzhen have a certain choice and ability to act. Otherwise, millions of Jin Wang troops go north and are defeated again and again. Tian Shi, Yu Yulin and others are always wary of someone coming from behind, and the soldiers are not trembled or smashed. Of course, these are the facts that Tian Shi realized after the battlefield and were more cruel than speculation.

Up to now, no one has any doubts about Jin’s determination to resist gold. The soldiers ran a lot and died a lot. The rest can finally be used. Wang Juyun recognized the determination of Jin Wang, and some of the people who were still watching were infected by this determination, and they also contributed strength in the great turmoil in December. And the person who is going to the Jurchen side must do it. At this time, most of them have already been drawn out.

In the following month, the Jurchen no longer attacked, and the power of Wang Juyun has been compressed into the site of Jin Wang, and even with the power of Tian Shi to collect and adapt. Some of the mountains and the righteous divisions on the north bank of the Yellow River realized that this was the last opportunity to show the anti-Golden flag and finally came to rely on it. Tian Shi’s idea of ​​becoming the leader of the Central Plains against gold was originally made a reality after such a fierce effort.

On the day of the memorial service, Wang Juyun, the leader of the chaos, led the team. The black flag’s wish came, and the western giant Ji Lili came. Lin Zongwu, the leader of the Daguangming religion, came in, in addition to Yu Yulin and Jin. Representatives of the generals in the Wang system, including the representative of the folks of the Eight-armed Dragon King Shijin... Almost all the gold-resistant forces in the vicinity of the Jin Dynasty sent personnel to participate at this time.

Some of these people have known each other before, and some have even had a holiday, and some have met for the first time. Wang Juyun, the leader of the chaos, bears a pair of swords, his face is awe-inspiring, but he also has a somewhat refined atmosphere in his white hair. He was the Shangshu Wang Shu under the Yongle Dynasty. After the fall of Yongle, he once again betrayed. Fang Qifo, Fang Baihua and others, even Ning Yi and others have had a fight against each other, and then disappeared for several years. When it appeared again, it has already pulled up a business in the chaotic situation in the south of Yanmenguan.

On behalf of Hua Xiajun personally rushed to Zhu Xi, this time is already a master of the world. Looking back, Chen Fan went to Beijing for help because of the things of the Seven Seven Buddhas. Zhu Xi also participated in the whole thing. Although Wang Shangshu’s behavior was erratic in the whole incident, some behaviors behind him, Ning Yi’s later Feel aware. In the First World War in Linzhou, the two sides cooperated to capture the city. I wished that I had never mentioned the matter of the year, but I was sympathetic to each other. The little grievances of that year no longer made sense, and they stood together, but they were reliable comrades.

The position of another acquaintance, Lin Zongwu, was slightly awkward. The "first in the world" monk is not very popular. www.wuxiaspot.com~ I wish you no more than him. Wang Hao does not seem to plan. Investigate the relationship of the year. Although his men have many congregations, there is really no power to fight.

When Wozhou first defended the city, Lin Zongwu also fought side by side with the defenders and eventually dragged to the surrounding area. After this, Lin Zongwu dragged the army to the front line, thunder and heavy rain everywhere running around - according to his vision is to find a winning beating, or find a suitable time to play the snake seven inches, set a big The record. However, there was such a good thing, and when it came to the end, it was defeated by the attacking Linzhou. Although it was not slaughtered, and later some of the staff were sorted out, the position in the league at this time is nothing more than a head.

Everyone's recognition of Tian Shi seems to be infinite, and in the imagination of a few months ago, it is really a very satisfying thing. However, only after the struggles of these life and death lines have been experienced, Tian Shicai finally understands the difficulties and weights. After the end of the day of the league, the news of the Jurchen’s eagerness on the northern side of the border came over – but it was inciting to think.

Tian Shi embarked on the back of Wei Sheng's car, and his life and death turned a few times, let him miss the woman and the child from home, even the father who has been under house arrest, he also wants to take a look. I only hope that Lou Shuyi will be merciless, and he has not been removed yet.

The team slowly moved in the snow. At this time, he understood that in this frozen world, he had to breathe for the moment, and he would once again embark on the journey. Then, perhaps everyone would not have a chance to breathe again.

Jurchen camp.

Wan Yan Xi Yin wrote in the tent on the warm yellow light, dealing with the daily work.

Suddenly the wind came over and there was a message from afar...

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