Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 8: Jianye 10 years spring (3)

In the tenth month of Wu Jianzhen, the entire Wu Dynasty world is on the verge of a crisis of overturning.

Under the background of the purchase of a stroke by Emperor Jindi, the Jurchen finished Yan Zongfu and Wan Yan Zonghan led the east and the west of the army. After more than ten years in the first Nanzheng of the Jin State, they began to thoroughly sweep the regime of the Wu Dynasty. The process of the world.

Faced with the power of the Jurchen army south, the remnant anti-gold forces in the Central Plains mobilized under the most difficult circumstances. Jindi, under the leadership of Tian Shi, launched a prelude to resistance. After a tragic and difficult winter, the battle of the western line of the Central Plains finally showed the dawn of the first.

On the 21st of the first month, the anti-gold leaders of the various parties in the Xiangyang League, recognized the commitment and determination of the Jin Wang series in this anti-Golden war, and discussed many anti-gold issues in the next year. Jindi Mountain, but in the key position of the Jurchen West Road Army south, retreat can be kept between the mountains, into the Weiwei Jurchen South Down Road, once the parties unite, watch the help, enough in the Zonghan army It is not impossible to tie a nail on the road southward, even in the war of the above time, which consumes the long line of Jurchen troops.

In the Jurchen side, the rebellious forces have not been neglected. With the unfolding of the Xiangyang League, the various teams that once had a quiet battle on the northern front have launched an action, trying to obstruct the conduct of the League with a violent offensive. However, although the leaders of various anti-Golden forces are mostly gathered in Fuyang, the military arrangement for the front line is actually tight and tight. In the case that it has already been arranged, there has not been any chaos.

On the way to the League, a spurt incident planned by Jurchens broke out inside the Puyang Camp. Several Jurchen sergeants were defamed in this incident. After the successful conclusion of the League of the 21st of the first month, the leaders of all parties embarked on the road of return. Twenty-two, Jin Wangtian real car driving, after the team led the levy for nearly half a year, embarked on the journey back to Weisheng.

Even though there have been several defeats on the battlefield, Jin Wang’s forces have also caused tremendous friction and division within the anti-Gold determination. However, when this intense surgery was completed, the entire Jinwang anti-gold force finally removed the indulge. Now, although there is still postoperative weakness, the whole force has more possibilities. Last year's pro-enforcement made a life, and now, it has finally received its effect.

Whether it is a prince or an ordinary person in a district, the experience between life and death can always give people a huge feeling. War and gold resistance will be a huge bump that lasts for a long time. Just a little bit involved in this bump in the beginning, Tian Shi has already felt the thrill of it. On the way back on this day, Tian Shi looked at the white snow on both sides of the car and the heart, and understood that the more difficult situation was still behind.

There are many ideas in his heart.

On the 22nd night of Jianye’s tenth month, it was close to the Weisheng border and was lonely. Jin Wangtian really passed the last moment of this life four months after he passed on the anti-gold.

Died of assassination.


The lonely pine in the east of Fuyang, in the name of Lone Pine, is not desolate. It is located on the way to connecting Fuyang and Weisheng. With the increase of the population of Jindi in these years, the prosperity of business is It has become a big building, and all kinds of supporting facilities are quite good. Tian Shi’s car drove all the way east, and stopped near here in the evening.

The association of Fuyang is a major event. The Jurchen will never want to see it go smoothly. At this time, although it has been successfully concluded, Yu Yulin led the pro-arms along the way for security considerations. On the day of the night, Tian Shi met Yu Yulin and had a lot of conversations. He talked about the appearance of Lonely Songs ten years ago. He was quite emotional. He said that this is the end of the pro-examination, Tian Shidao:

"Now I only know that the decision to lead the troops last year was actually the only way to be beaten, and it was almost dead. It was a little smooth. Last year... If the determination was almost the same, luck was a little worse, you and my bones were cold. ”

Yu Yulin replied to him: "There is still Weisheng, who is afraid of being raped first and then killed."

"Haha, she is so fierce, who dares to start..."

Speaking of the prestige of Wei Sheng, Yu Yulin thought that Tian Shitian entered the Wei resort area and smashed it again: "The army has been screened many times. Although there is a girl in the town of Weisheng, the king went back, but also Don't take it lightly. In fact, on this road, the Jurchen ambition is not dead, and tomorrow, I am afraid that someone will be a maneuver."

These reasons, Tian Shi actually understands, nod agree. During the speech, there was a sudden riot in the night not far from the station. Some people later reported that several suspicious people were discovered. Now they have begun to contain and have already left two people.

The assassin’s way has always been unintentional. Now that it has been discovered, there are no more problems. When the battle over there subsided, Yu Yulin took care of the real side of Tianshi, and went over to see the past. Then I learned that it was a reluctant Liaodong slain. The alliance began and ended. This kind of assassination has been big. The small and small eruption took place in six or seven. There were female Jews in the middle, and there were also Han Chinese who earned their lives in Liaodong.

He arranged for the deputy to drag the assassin to torture and torture, and the people strengthened the defense of the lonely Song. The order was not finished yet. In the direction of Tian Shi’s direction, there was a sudden and chaotic sound. Yu Yulin’s back was tight and he was full. Run wildly.

The wind is very hot.

The swaying torch whistling in the wind, illuminating the snow between the heavens and the earth on both sides of the road. The chill is still the main tone between the heavens and the earth. It is aware that the way the soldiers are moving in front, Yu Yulin has realized that it is wrong, he rushed into the station. In the yard, there is an ornamental rock surrounded by the front. The snow in the courtyard has been swept away. The lanterns on the walls stretched out. At the end of the rockery, the **** taste drifted.

The soldiers have gathered and the doctor has come. On the side of the rockery, there was a body that fell to the ground. A steel knife opened his throat, and the plasma turbulence. Tian Shizhen sat under the eaves not far away, leaning against the pillars, and a dagger tied to him. At the heart, there is already a pool of blood under the body.

Tian Shichao waved on Yulin's side. Yu Yulin rushed in three steps and saw the identity of the other person when he saw the dead person on the ground. Lei Zeyuan, originally a manager of the celestial palace, has outstanding ability and has always been heavily influenced by Tian Shi. During the pro-environment, Lei Zeyuan was called into the army to help. At the end of November, the Tianshi army was dispersed. He also escaped from the army after nine deaths. He was a confidant who had undergone trials.

This is one of the backhands arranged by Jurchen. At the end of November, he had never been with Tian Shi. He had to reunite and did not take the assassination. The League had not shot before the alliance. After the alliance was successfully completed, Yulin sent him to the border of Wasion. In the background of more than 100,000 troops inciting and several assassinations, the knife was stabbed.

"Leize Yuan, Lei Zeyuan..." Tian Shi was pale as paper, and the name was softly spoken in his mouth, but his face was a little smile, as if he was crying and laughing for all this. Yu Yulin looked at the doctor next to him. The doctor looked at the embarrassed expression. Tian Shi also said: "Don’t waste time, I have stayed in the army, Yu, General."

I saw Tian Shi’s hand falling down, his mouth smiling and his eyes looking into the distance in the snow night.

"The battlefield kills the killer, it is all the best, it should have been thought of... The King of Kings has lived under the Jurchen for ten years, seemingly independent. In fact, it’s true that the woman, Xi Yin, etc. Incited several ethnic groups in Jindi, nails... I don’t know how much I put..."


"...I didn't get it, I was willing to gamble and lose. In the general, I regret it in my heart... I thought about it. After today, I want to... I have to make a great career, I am thinking How can I fight against Jurchen, even defeat Jurchen, and fight against the heroes of the world... However, this is the battle with the heroes of the world. It’s really... I’m sorry, I’m just starting to go... Thieves...”

He raised his hand and seemed to want to grab something. He finally gave up. Yu Yulin squatted and reached over, and Tian Shi grabbed his arm.

"...In the general, when I was young, I have seen... I have seen a very powerful person. That trip to Qingmu Village, Ningren Tu, he later went to the Golden Temple and killed the dog emperor of Wu Dynasty. It’s really amazing... When can I be like him, Jurchen... Jurchen is like a dark cloud, swaying this world, no one can be a Liao and Wu Dynasties, only he, Xiao Canghe, It’s amazing. After becoming King Jin, I’m so worried, I want to do something...”

"...I thought I had... stood up..."

His breath has gradually weakened. When it comes to this, it has been a meal, and it took a while to gather a little strength.

"...big brother, I just thought, I am here, I will leave you... leaving a mess. We have just been a league, and the Jurchen has even beaten, I know I will die, I will be a The famous King of Jin is also good, it is... why bother to come. But in the big brother..."

He struggled: "...big brother, you...no way, no more difficult situation... no more difficult situation..."

This sentence has been said twice, it seems that it is necessary to succumb to the situation that Yulin and others are difficult. However, in the end, I could not find the words. The weak eyes jumped several times: "The harder situation... You and the girl in the building... Oh, today, I said the girl, huh, huh, first rape, after killing... In the big brother, I said that the girl is fierce and ugly, not really, you look at the lonely, thanks to her, Jindi Thanks to her... her previous experience, we don’t say it, but... what her brother did is not made by people!”

Having said that, Tian Shi’s gaze became serious again, and his voice was raised a bit. He looked at Yu Yulin: “The land is going to be chaotic, there is no more, so many people... In the big brother, we are men. Can't let these things happen again, though... in front of Yan Zonghan, can't be there anymore... no more -"

The sound came here, and in the mouth of Tian Shi, there was blood coming out. He stopped the words and leaned on the pillars, his eyes wide open. At this time, he realized that there were many tragedies in Jindi. Before that, he and Yu Yulin were still joking in the building, maybe it was not a joke. The tragic situation, the decade since the shame of Jingping, the numerous tragedies on the land of the Central Plains. However, this tragedy is not indignant to calm down, to defeat Yan Zonghan, to defeat the Jurchen, but unfortunately, how to defeat?

His emotions stirred up in this fierceness, and his life was quickly departing from him. Yu Yulin said: "I will never let these things happen..." But I don’t know if Tian Shi has heard it. After a while, Tian Shi’s eyes closed and opened again, just looking at somewhere in front of him.

He said weakly in other things: "...the uncle seems to be a male, not willing to live in Jurchen, saying that one day will be reversed, but I only see today, warm boiled frog, he can resist, I... I finally did something wrong. In my eldest brother, Tian’s family seems to be very powerful. Actually... I’m guilty. I... I’m doing it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it looking...somewhat?”

Tian Shi leaned there. At this time, there was a smile on the face and a deep regret. The look of the hope seemed to be watching the future years. Whether it was a struggle or peace in the future, it finally solidified.

Yu Yulin’s heart has great compassion. At this moment, this grief is not for the next cruel situation, nor for the suffering that the world may suffer, but only for the man who was once promoted to the position of King. His rebellious road has just stopped at the beginning, but at this moment, in the eyes of Yulin, even the once-influenced Tiger Wang Tianhu, who has been in the past for more than ten years, can’t compare with the little finger of the man in front of him. .

On the 22nd night of the first month of Jianye, at the time of the three o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Wangtian really leaned on the pillar under the roof and quietly left the world. With the ambiguity and hope for the future, the front of his eyes is still a deep night.

The next day, when Lou Shuyi rushed to Lonely Songs, the whole person had swayed and his hair was too messy. When he saw Yu Yulin, she rushed over and gave him a slap in the face.

The death of Jin Wangtian is about to bring a huge impact to the entire Central Plains.

On the night of the 23rd, the Jurchen camp.

Wan Yan Xi Yin wrote in the tent with a warm yellow light, dealing with daily work.

Suddenly the wind blew over, and the spies who came in from outside the tent confirmed the death of Tian Shi.

In the heavens and the earth outside the account, the snow of the white pelicans still has no trace of melting. In the remote places where I don’t know where, there seems to be a huge iceberg disintegration sound, which is faintly passed away...

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