Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 9: Jianye 10 years spring (4)

The sky is gloomy, at the end of the first month, the snow is everywhere, and the wind blowing across the city is becoming cold.

Gaizhou spring closed, the towering outer wall was covered with ice, like a strong fortress, surrounded by funeral white plaques outside the warehouse, soldiers patrolling with red rifles, walking through the wall.

On the side of the warehouse, a group of soldiers rode back and returned. Headed by the general guardian who guarded the spring clearance, he rode on the horse and was uneasy. As I approached the warehouse door, I heard only the sound of the rumble, and the ice between the nearby houses fell and fell on the road. Spring has arrived, and this is the most common scenario in recent times.

Before arriving at the gate, the soldiers were about to put down the gate, and the soldiers on the top were alert and pointed to the front. At the end of the avenue, someone came over, first riding the team, then the infantry, and squeezing the spacious roads.

The head of the generals was mild, and first took out the token: "But the Weicheng Weijun? Changning Junguan, the name of Feng'an adults, and the defense against the spring."

"Chang Ningjun." The Acropolis was gloomy. "How can Changning Army manage the Spring Clearance? I only listen to the orders of the adults."

"When the war is awkward, the army is headed, and the spring clearance is the place where the military reserves are important. Now there are female traitors who are secretly undermined. This will be specially ordered. The general An General and Fang Qiongfang have greeted Fang Fangren. I have nodded. If you don't believe, you can ask."

"If there is no order..."

"The situation is in jeopardy! There will be no time to delay with you here, and open the door!"

The cold light flashed, the immediate general had already pulled out the steel knife, followed by a row of knights' long knives, and the rear guns were like Lin, pointing to the Weicheng team. The soldiers in the spring bunker have moved, the wind whimpered, and blew through the sky of Gaizhou.

The Acropolis looked at the blade. The soldiers on the rear wall rolled up their bows and arrows, but in front of this pressed army, they still looked thin. His look changed in front of the blade. After a while, he reached for the knife and pointed to the front.

"Gaizhou is the rear, the spring is closed in the city... Jin Wang just went, do you want to rebel?"

The cold front is confrontational, above the long street, murderous...


On the 21st of the first month of the League, 22, Jin Wangtian died, and the news spread throughout the Jin Dynasty. In the following days, the atmosphere on the north bank of the Yellow River was chilling and the situation was chaotic. The undercurrent under the water surface was fierce to the extent that it could not be suppressed. Officials and forces of all sizes were in a state of uneasiness and made their own choices. .

Going to the city, it seems to be raining.

Lin Zongwu's hand is standing under his arm, and the huge figure is like a **** Buddha, giving the elderly who drink tea not far away a huge sense of oppression.

"After Tian Shi went, the mind is uncertain. The people in this seat, the people who have come and gone recently, have their own ghosts. If you want to win the seat, you want to rely on the seat, and you are persuaded to surrender the female. Chang Chang, Ben I recently took a fire in my heart. What is your idea to let this seat go to Weisheng?"

"There is no bad heart, no bad heart, teach the Lord!" The old surnamed old man in the room waved his hand and tried to clarify his intentions. "You think about the lord, twenty-one, the Jindi family association, twenty-two, Jin Wang died in the hands of Jurchen, and Weisheng City Tower Shu Shu a woman sitting in the town, her heart is hot, her eyes are shallow, although Yu Yulin has an army in the hands, but the town can not hold the forces of the parties, the Jindi is chaotic..."

The old man arched his hand: "My family has been operating in Jindi for many years, and I want to protect myself. I am a teacher, a mess in the land, a charcoal in life, and how can my family be exceptional. Therefore, even if Jin Wang has gone, it will force someone to take it. The plate is not mentioned. Jin Wang is now a woman who is a woman, and there is no one to be convinced. Wang Juyun’s sorcerer, although he was a million, was an outsider, and that million baht was also beaten up and beaten. It can be tens of thousands of people in the district, how can we stabilize the situation of Jindi. Ji Qingli and other thieves, **** hands on the hand, the alliance is just a head, and now there is no hope of anti-gold, I am afraid I have to take a quick hurry. Only the lord has a large Guangming teaching millions of sects. No matter martial arts or fame, they can serve the public. The lord does not go to Weisheng. I am afraid that Weisheng will be chaotic..."

"Hey." Lin Zongwu snorted. "Well-winning is chaotic. I will go to the other hand again, and I will not be more chaotic! Often, the Jurchen is coming, you are asking for self-protection, fearing that you are not a traitor!" ”

"Teaching the Lord, there is no possibility, no possibility. The regular family is also a person with a head and a face. If you pass it out, my family will not be poked in the Jindi area." The old man said, he was in a hurry. Persuaded on the ground, "Teacher, you suspect that I am normal, but... In any case, the situation of Weisheng must be cleaned up. In this way, if you don't care about that position, at least go to Weisheng, as long as you show up, everyone has the backbone. what……"

Lin Zongwu looked back at him. After a moment: "I don't care if you have made any idea, come over and make a good decision. I don't want to pursue it today. But the elders, your family is here. If one day, I know that you are a Jurchen today. Come... Whenever you are, I will let your family don’t stay."

He said the words in a word, and the old man who was kneeling on the ground shook, and then did not argue again. Lin Zongwu said: "Go, always elder, I have no other meaning, you don't have to put it too hard."

The old man got up and said goodbye, and finally hesitated: "Teacher, then when are you..."

"Roll!" Lin Zongwu's voice is like thunder, gnashing his teeth, "The decision of this seat, won you to interject!?"

After this sentence, the old man fled. Lin Zongwu stood there with his hands on his back. After a while, Wang Nantuo came in and saw Lin Zongwu's look more complicated than ever.

"It is going to rain."

He whispered and said this sentence.

Soon after, it rained. Cold bones.


The huge ship is slowly sinking.


Gradually into the night, in the small city, the chaotic atmosphere is spreading.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The heavy noise with the hammer hit, rhythmically ringing, burning in the flaming yard, the steel knife of the smelting is being formed, Shi Jin is shirtless Looking at the knife blank in front of it, the sparks are constantly splashing. He and other blacksmiths are buried in the process of forming a steel knife in front of them.

The small army of the righteous army, centered on his call, temporarily gathered here.

One of the deputy of the Yijun deputy who followed Shi Jin was named Li Honggu, who followed Shi Jin from the companion of Chifeng Mountain. At this time, she was gathering more than a hundred people from this army. Into the courtyard where the iron was built, Shi Jin sat aside, wiping the sweat on his body with a towel and taking a short break for a while. He bears the back of the bear, and there are countless scars on his body. His indifferent gaze looks at the flames, and it is the breath of iron.

"Dragon King, people have gathered together."

"Oh." The light in Shi Jin’s eyes softened and he looked up. "Someone want to leave?"

"Everyone just asks the Dragon King where you want to go."

"I think about it..." Shi Jin said, paused, and then said: "Let's go to Weisheng."

The woman nodded and frowned. Finally, she couldn’t help but say: "The Dragon King is not saying, not willing to be close to that place..."

After Chifeng Mountain, especially after Lin Chong’s death, Shi Jin is no longer willing to participate in the big and complicated power struggles. He also has many evasions for Jin Wang’s power core Wei Sheng – of course, he borrows from others The reputation of doing something good is not to care about it. Xiangyang will be a member of the league. Although he has only a hundred people, his reputation is outside. Tian Shi also specially invited him. Although he did not go, he also sent a representative. Full support for this matter.

Now that Tian Shifang is dead, the King of Kings has no leader in the group, and the situation of Weisheng is the most sensitive. Li Honggu didn't understand why Shi Jin suddenly changed his mind. Then he asked, saying that Shi Jin stood up and nodded slightly, saying: "Go to save people."

"Save people?"

"Well... Jin Wang died for the anti-gold, and now the situation is dilapidated, and the people who follow him will probably be liquidated. In the general, there is also the female phase building Shu Wei, who follows Mr. Tian Shi, The situation is probably quite critical now."

In the fire, Shi Jin put on his clothes and picked up the iron rod: "Jin Wang died for the fight against gold. I don't think I can report it. These loyal ministers should not be bad for this. I am not good at military affairs. But there is always a life. If the situation is unbearable and the situation is in chaos, I will fight for it, at least to protect them."

"...I think if the old hero is still alive today, he will do the same thing."

The dragon king’s figure left the iron-clad yard and flickered in the light. He explained his thoughts in front of more than a hundred men gathered outside and gave them the opportunity to re-select.

No one chooses to leave.

On this night, the group left Heshun and embarked on the road to Weisheng. The light of the torch swayed on the ground in the night, and a few days later, some people gathered for Weisheng because of the name of the Eight-armed Dragon King. Like the remains of a star fire, in the dark, emit your own light...


Wasion, the black cloud pressed the city to destroy.

The celestial palace covers a vast area. However, in order to fight after the war last year, Lou Shuyi drastically reduced all unnecessary expenses in the palace. At this time, the big court seemed empty and cold.

After returning to Wasion, Lou Shuzhen first killed Tian Shi’s father, Tian Hao, and then chose a useless office in the celestial palace. Since the anti-Golden last year, this palace has killed too many people, and has shed too much blood. Sometimes, when I look out from the door, I feel that this big hall is like a sneaky, and countless lonely ghosts are outside. Wandering for life.

The whole situation is slipping into the abyss.

If it was the late Shu Shu in the late Tianhu era, her power was based on the common interests of a system. When Tian Hu’s brain was pumping to kill her, under the secret activities of the Huaxia Army, Yu Yulin’s military guarantee, In line with the huge interest chain in the whole system, Lou Shuzhen completed the feat of killing Tianhu, and by the way, pushed Tianshi to the stage.

With the help of Tian Shi and Yu Yulin, Lou Shuzhen promoted the fight against gold. However, it was also a move against gold, which defeated the interest chain of the Jin Wang system which was originally a community. Tian Shi’s uplifting improved his control over the army, and then this control was lost with the death of Tian Shi. Now, there is no heavy interest in the hand of Lou Shuzhen. What she can rely on is only the brave people who are determined to resist gold, and the Jin army that Yu Yulin has in his hands.

However, among them, even those who are determined to resist gold, many do not mind the downfall of Lou Shuzhen.

From the separation of the lonely and loose, Yu Yulin began to mobilize his army to seize the materials of various places, lobbying the various forces to ensure that they can grasp the basic disk in their hands. Lou Shuzhen returned to Wasion and entered the celestial palace with a decisive attitude. Although she could not rule the promotion power for too long in such a posture, the demise and madness in the past can still shock some people, at least see the Lou Shu 婉Out of the posture, sensible people can understand: even if she can not kill everyone in front of the light, at least the first force blocking her in front of her, will be swallowed by this crazy woman.

The female real forces have already been active in the Jin system.

Although the heavy snow has not yet melted, the Jurchen troops in the north have not launched an offensive, but the attack is sooner or later. As long as we understand this, under the huge blow of Tian Shi’s death, there are too many forces that have begun to choose to turn to Jurchen. Although some forces have not expressed their views, they have begun to actively seize the control of various customs, cities, or material warehousing. The generals of some large and small families in the military have begun to re-emphasize, and the differentiation and conflict unfolded silently and violently. In a few days, the reports from all over the world were shocking and chilling.

This is the intimidation of the general trend. Under the pressure of the Jurchen army, it is like a spring snow melting, it is difficult to resist. These days, Lou Shuzhen constantly re-divided the ownership of a force in his own heart, sent people or lobby or threatened, hoping to save enough chips and have a living force. But even the defenders near Wasion are now splitting and standing.

The Huaxia Army’s Exhibition 5 is also running in it. In fact, the Huaxia Army is also one of the cards behind her. If this flag is not here, and they are impossible to rely on Juror, I am afraid that several big families near Weisheng have begun. I spoke with a knife.

On February 2, the dragon looked up. This night, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there was a rain in the city of Wasion. In the night, all the snow on the trees and on the eaves had fallen. When the ice and snow began to melt, it was cold and deep into the bone marrow. It was also during this night that someone quietly entered the palace and sent a message: "...Liao Gong passed the words, wanted to talk..."

When Shu Shu killed Tian Hu, the basic system of the Jin system was supported by three large families. The original family of the original owner of the family, Tang Shu’s Tang family, Liao Yiren’s Liao family, later began to fight against gold, and the original family was among them. Obstructed, Lou Shuzhen led the army to slaughter the original family. Nowadays, Liao and Tang have both actions in the military and political circles, but the main line of intentional gold reduction is mainly led by Liao. Now I want to talk about it. The scale of the series in private should be quite impressive.

Lou Shuyu took a breath.

"Okay, let's talk."

In the cold rain, in every part of this dark Miyagi, outside this Miyagi, countless confrontations have taken shape, and violent and fierce confrontation may begin at any time.

Blood flows into the river...

The huge ship is sinking.

Jurchen, the speed of the camp.

Wan Yan Xi Yin and the generals went out of the middle of the army and saw that the entire military camp had been sorted out. He arched his hand at the speed of the surgery.

"The ice and snow have not yet melted, and the offensive has been rushed. However, the Jindi has been chaotic and heavily hit, and they can be forced to make early decisions." Luton paused and added: "The Black Flag Army has good strength, but there are When the generals shot, they must be hand-taken. The key to this battle, the generals took care."

On the surface of the speed of the surgery, it is just an awe-inspiring war: "Unbeate him, the speed of the speed is coming."

The freeze was unresolved. In an instant, it was the thunder of the sky, and the war that was built for ten years was unfolded in an all-encompassing way.

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