Zhui Xu

: Cold rain

Near February, on the plains of Chengdu, the rain began to burst, and spring has already revealed its clues.

Located in a small village in the southwest of Jiading, after a spring rain, the roads that appear to be muddy are muddy. The small village named Zhangcun originally had a small population. When the Huaxia Army came out of Liangshan last year, the Wucha army gradually collapsed. After a group of people looted in the village, they put a big fire and then became a deserted village. At the end of the year, the Huaxia Army’s institutions have been relocated, and many institutions are still under construction. After the spring, the gathering of the crowd will make this small riverside village particularly lively.

"I want to build a...the same arch as the yard..."

The words of the milk sounded in the yard, this is the sound that the little girl who had been to the big city soon was playing mud in the corner of the courtyard. From time to time, the rectangular courtyard was in and out. Just when the little girl’s twisted arch was about to be formed, a group of people laughed in the room next to it. Someone said, “Add a dish at noon.”

The little girl looked up and her interest in adding vegetables might not be high, but when she turned around, she gathered the mud at her hand and started to cook dishes that she could only understand.

This is the yard of the current General Staff of the Huaxia Army. The newly built houses in the vicinity are also mostly supporting office places. Under the control of Ning Yi himself, most of the “intrigues and tricks” of the Huaxia Army are usually brewed here. After the Spring Festival, the work of the staff has become busy, mainly because it has begun to arrange the work of the new year, but the news of the outside world is coming day by day.

The news of the smooth progress of the North China League on the 21st of the first month made the people quite happy. The power that was thought to be vulnerable could be twisted into a rope at this time, enough for the team of Zonghan and Xiyin. Caused a big trouble. And there was a story in which the first month of the first month of the first month of the sneak attack was discovered, and the story was found. It was interesting to watch.

When the meeting was temporarily closed, Peng Yueyun walked out of the room and took a deep breath under the eaves. He felt relaxed and happy.

He is twenty-four years old this year, the Northwestern, his father, Peng Duben, is a general. During the Northwest War, the Jurchens came to the forefront, and the rate of the army was in Yanzhou. They did not retreat or fall. In the end, the city was broken and killed, and Peng Yueyun’s father died in the war. Most of the family members of the family, and even the high-level children like Peng Yueyun, were entrusted to the Huaxia Army before they were saved.

When his father died, Peng Yueyun was 18 years old and vowed to join the army to kill the Jurchens. This was because he was left behind by Yan Ning in the city of Yanzhou. When Liangshan reorganized the Huaxia Army, Peng Yueyun was educated since childhood, his mind was flexible and his loyalty was no problem, and he was eventually absorbed into the staff department.

Young people naturally yearn for the front line, but soon they found that the work of the General Staff seemed more interesting. In the past few years, I have been involved in small things, first involved in the transaction and transportation of several warlords. Later, one of the major events involved was the business dealings with new forces after killing Tianhu, and supporting the military in armaments and armed forces. The specific affairs - this matter will eventually lead to the opposition between the Jin and the women, and it will cause trouble for Yan Zonghan, who is now the strongest army in the world.

In the decade of rebellion, the positive **** battle with Jurchens has been for several years. This kind of experience has made the atmosphere in the Chinese army quite iron. For this power of Jin Wang, there are not many people in the Chinese military who can see it. Mr. Ning can play these forces on the chessboard of the world. It is the sense of substitution of everyone. Therefore, for this investment, The return of the harvest, the people inside the General Staff did not have high expectations.

It was this time that the five news reports came over and conveyed that Jindi’s fairly good anti-gold situation had just demonstrated the return of this investment. For the internal Jin, the real determination of Tian Shi, Yu Yulin and others, everyone has more or less a sense of identity - although the power is still insufficient, but such determination is enough for the general public to give each other an admiration .

Peng Yueyun’s heart has a great sense of accomplishment. When the northwest resisted gold, the young man and his father died in the city, and the blood was still in front of him. In the past few years, he has finally participated. After the retreat of Liangshan, the Huaxia Army successively took several actions, which promoted the overthrowing and transformation of Tianhu’s forces. In the Central Plains, Liu Yu was arrested, and the entire anti-Golden situation was advanced. Then, last year, he jumped out of Liangshan to attack Chengdu. At this time, Jin Wang’s forces finally became the backbone of the Central Plains’ anti-gold power, and they nailed a nail in front of the undead heroes such as Yan Zonghan and Xi Yin. People who are in it can naturally feel the pride of the world.

He took a few deep breaths under the eaves. Now he is his boss and a teacher. Qu Qing came out and patted his shoulder: "What's wrong? Good mood?"

"And have the honor." Peng Yueyun smiled, and the answer still looked low-key.

Qu Qing also smiled: "You can't underestimate the enemy, the Jurchen fortune, 20 years ago, a whole generation of heroes, after the bones hit, Wu Hao bought a stroke, then the pair is Zong Han, Xi Yin, the next few generals They are also the veteran generals of Hummer’s life. They saw Zhu Xi at the speed of the surgery and finally did not attack. It is obvious that he is more trouble than expected. Based on the current situation, let’s work harder.”

"Teacher, you are not allowed to be a little happy with these young people?" Peng Yueyun joked.

"Stretched up." Qu Qing smiled, but there was already a serious light in his eyes. "On the battlefield, stretch out at any time, don't relax."

Before the Qing Dynasty, he was the veteran general of the Wu Dynasty. After experiencing success and experiencing failure, his experience was valuable. He said this at this time, Peng Yueyun also calmed up, really want to talk, and a figure rushed into the courtyard door. Come over.

It was the most urgent information, and it was sent directly to Ning Yi’s hand who was talking to people in the room. I saw Ning Yi’s teardown of the letter and a few eyes. It was originally a pleasant expression. At this time, it has completely changed. Be serious.

The southwest and the Jindi are separated by nearly three thousand miles. The distant distance affects the timeliness of the news. In some cases, the incoming information has produced enough drama—less than one hour before and after, second. The arrival of the message of Jindi broke the joy of everyone. The Huaxia Army’s 3,000-year-old son was thrown over in front of Yan Yanyin.


On the fourth day of February, Wasion.

The light rain that had passed down one day earlier formed a thin ice on the road when it arrived in the early morning. Inside and outside the city of Wasion, which had been martial law, all the troops were suddenly mobilized, and the atmosphere was chilling, big and small. The friction appeared in all aspects of the city, and several of the commanders of the moat army had some fireworks and anger. In the team that defended Miyagi, the soldiers also seemed to be restless.

Throughout the city, the hooligans rushed to the streets under the influence of unknown forces, and then smashed between the teahouses and the street snakes across the street. In terms of green forests, people with different affiliations are brought together to gather in the direction of the celestial palace. Among the altars of the Great Light and the Ming Dynasties, the early lessons of the monks seemed to be as usual, but under the appearance of the altars and the guardian eyes, they also hide the murderous if there is nothing.

The seizure of power under the disk, all kinds of killings and murders, occurred from the day of the death of Jin Wang, all over the city, and on this day, it calmed down a little.

Yuan Xiaoqiu ran under the eaves of the celestial palace. When she saw a large hall not far away, the waitress who came and went had already set the table and chair. She went in and watched it again and again with vigilance and enthusiasm. On the other side of the celestial palace, check out the meals prepared in the kitchen.

Yuan Xiaoqiu, who is relatively temperamental, is the maid of Lou Shuzheng. Her brother Yuan Xiaolei is the leader of the building close to Lou Shuzhen. In a sense, both of them can be regarded as the confidant of the woman, but because Yuan Xiaoqiu's age is not large, her heart is relatively simple, she is only responsible for the simple things such as the food and food of Lou Shuzhen.

On this day, Yuan Xiaoqiu’s heart is full of anger.

Since the elders in the family lost their lives in the political struggle, their brothers and sisters were rescued by Lou Shuzhen, grateful to the other side's grace, Yuan Xiaoqiu has always been the "brain powder" of the female. Especially afterwards, after seeing the women's development of various economic and livelihoods, and the countless things of living, this mentality is even more determined.

For the sake of the country, it is determined to resist gold, but it has suffered from countless people. It has been repeatedly assassinated for half a year. Yuan Xiaoqiu felt uncomfortable for Lou Shuzhen, and in the past few days, the injustice turned into a huge grief. A group of so-called "adults", in order to fight for power, to protect themselves, ugly, the real woman for the country is confronted, these bad guys, all damn!

Yuan Xiaoqiu, who is responsible for the living and relaxation of Lou Shu, can detect the difficulty of the problem in many ways: the dialogue of others is only a phrase, the eyes of the brothers in the daily polishing of the guns, the unusual frictions of the court, and even her only Some things that have been known, the female body has been wrapped in a quilt every night for every night, sitting in the darkness, actually did not sleep, when it was dawn, she turned into a daily strong and decisive look.

And these bad people, the bad guys who want to kill the enemy, actually want to come to negotiations neatly!

They are dead! Women will never let them go!

Yuan Xiaoqiu felt this way. From the confrontation between many women and other people in the past, Yuan Xiaoqiu is enough to accumulate such confidence. Everyone who wants to be right with the woman is finally poured into a pool of blood. There is still one that can’t be killed. The sly tiger Wang Tianhu. Now these people are bullying the door and want to negotiate. With the character of women, they may die here today!

By the way, there is the terrible black flag army that killed the emperor. They are also standing behind the women.

The emperors dared to kill, these people who came today, all died!

Yuan Xiaoqiu thought this way, so that when she ran all the way and saw the first five exhibitions coming out of the palace, she couldn't help but ran up and performed a ceremony.

"Show the five masters, you must not let go of those **** bad guys today!"

Seeing Yuan Xiaoqiu, who was used to killing Shu Shu, said innocent rhetoric. Exhibition 5 showed a smile like an old farmer, and kindly nodded: "Little girl... It’s so good to be so happy."

Yuan Xiaoqiu nodded, then blinked, not knowing if the other party promised her.

Behind the exhibition five, is a tall and burly man, with a black face, sullen and calm, and at first glance is a very difficult role. Yuan Xiaoqiu did not ask the identity of the other party. After she left, she showed her five talents: "This is the waitress who serves the living room around the floor. The temperament is interesting... History hero, please."

Exhibition 5 is now a person on the side of Shu Shuzhen. He invited Shi Jin, which is considered to be placed in the palace today. After the morning, there was a dial-up person who came from afar in the city. Headed by Tang Jia Tang Shun and Liao Jia Liao Yiren, the leaders of the large and small forces in the Jindi area, or the spokespersons, were the representatives of the parties who participated in the League, the military sergeant under the thief Ji Qingli, the Lin Guangwu of Daguangming, and the slain of Wang Juyun. The confidant, the cherished blessing, and the Huaxia Army’s last arrival, gathered in the cold weather to the celestial palace.

More than ten years ago, when the world was in chaos, the Wu Dynasty could no longer take into account the north bank of the Yellow River. Tianhu was really sheltered by women, and the forces expanded wildly. The various forces and families near the Jindi area were sheltered from the tiger king. Even after experiencing political struggles once and for all, the power of Jin Wang is still composed of small groups that are family-based. When Tian Shi was in time, these groups were able to be suppressed, but nowadays, people’s confidence in Jindi has fallen to a low point, and many people have stood up and are looking for direction for their future.

In such a complicated situation, there are also such as Daguang Mingjiao, such as Ji Qingli and other forces with their own ideas, as well as Wang Juyun, who is determined to resist the gold and whose attitude is not clear at the moment. Relatively speaking, the only black flag army, and the relationship with Lou Shuzhen's allies, is still quite strong.

The bronze Dingli near the main hall burned charcoal fire. Among the entire hall, the masters who came with each other were alerting each other. Shi Jin chose the position on the side of Lou Shuzhen, and wished that he would enter the hall and stare at it. Lin Zongwu, who sat up with Lou Shuzhen, chose the position between the two and separated the other with his eyes. He was brave and fearless when he was young. Now he is killed after the battle of this decade, even though Lin Zongwu The world's first prestigious name, he did not have the slightest fear in his heart. Once Lin Zongwu stood in the wrong team, he was ready to fight with each other at any time.

As another leader of the Huaxia Army, the exhibition five alone sat on the side of the hall, like the follow-up of a certain force, hands clasped, closed eyes and nourishment - everyone may be even more afraid of him, the black flag is notorious, There is no possibility of peace with the Jurchen. Today, everyone came over. Although all the forces in the city have been launched, no one knows whether the Black Flag Army will suddenly make a fuss and kill all the people in front of them.

In the city, inside and outside the court, the forces of all parties are ready to fight. It is conceivable that as long as there is a little friction in today's negotiations, the entire Wasion City, and even the entire hedging and slaughter on the Jindi, will burst out.


Yuan Xiaoqiu stood behind the pillar and made a small yawn.

From her position to the main hall, sitting on the long table, the most central floor girl is indifferent, gaze, the majesty of the body is like the legendary emperor - she believes that the girl will have a day It will be the emperor.

On the opposite side, the old man named Liao Yiren had a name of benevolence, and he was still talking about the shameless, disgusting remarks under the circumstance of the people.

"...According to today's situation, even if you are willing to go it alone, and the Jurchen is killing the end, under the attack of Sticky and others, the entire Jindi can last for several months? In the war, the enemy's geometry? House girl, you, and women Real people fight, we admire, but at the moment? Wu Dynasty has already retreated to the Yangtze River, and there are no people around to help us? How can you make everyone willing to die..."

"... can't do it, Lou girl, you will pull me an old bone to the battlefield to kill, Liao will not hate you. But, let the whole family go to die, Liao will be the first Being killed by the family, this is the status quo... Jurchens are coming and going, as long as you promise, or give ten cities, or 50%. You, how many people can live in the Central Plains, you have to let everyone die. Okay, it’s a big righteousness to die against gold, and it’s not a big right to live a million people... If you cut them apart, others have a way to live, and you’re clear and white, and at least defending the city, at least when you defend the city, Someone will secretly drag your hind legs... The heart is here, and there is nothing else..."

The sky outside the temple is still gloomy, and Yuan Xiaoqiu is waiting there for the girl’s “falling cup” – or other signal, to kill these people into the river.

She couldn't wait for the arrival of this scene, but outside the Wasion City, the rider who reported the news, anxiously came here...


Nearly three thousand miles away from Zhangcun, Ning Yi looked at the letters in the room for the letter from the party.

The letter was written in the exhibition five. Because of the urgent need, the messenger kept catching up on the road and recovered more than two days, so that the news of the success of the League and the arrival of the news of Tianshi’s assassination was only half an hour.

Tian Shi is dead, the Central Plains is going to have big problems, and it is very likely that there is already a big problem. After Tian Shi’s death, he and Wu Shuyi met once, and then they came to repair the book and analyzed many possible situations. What Ning Yi cares about is in the letter, Lou Shuzhen borrowed the help of the five.

I hope that the Huaxia Army can contribute as much as possible to stabilize the situation in the Jin Dynasty and save millions of people in the fire.

This means that Lou Shuzhen passed the mouth of the exhibition. With this woman's already extremely extreme personality, she will not ask for help. The last time she personally revised the book and said something similar, it was disgusting when she was relatively stable. But this time, the message revealed in the letter of Exhibition 5 means that she has realized the ending.

Lou Shuzhen’s life was extremely rough. She killed her father and brother. She has experienced many things since then. It is said that the husbands were killed by their own hands. With her late mad personality, Ning Yi felt that she was not surprising even if she surrendered to the Jurchen to destroy the world, and she later chose to resist the gold, and it was not a manifestation of madness and anger.

Such people have a tendency to self-destruct. It is extremely simple when others bully and hang into a group of jade. She can disgust herself, and even one day in the future fighting on the battlefield, she suddenly turned out to be a common one, but at this time, she through the exhibition five, to seek a hope for the black flag. This is really a signal that makes people feel complicated and sighs.

She really wants to pull up the situation, and the survival of millions of people.

It’s a pity that the current Huaxia Army’s control of the entire Chengdu Plain is only 50,000. Even in the most impossible imagination, the entire base industry can be left to kill the enemy, and 50,000 people walk for 3,000 miles to the north bank of the Yellow River. I am afraid it is already autumn.

Ning Yi stood by the window and sighed.


The people in the room are still talking about it. Peng Yueyun repeated the whole incident in his heart and chewed the message about his opponent.

Tian Shi was originally famous. If he died two months earlier, I am afraid that there will be too many waves. Until he had a reputation, he launched the second day of the League, and suddenly killed him, making everyone's anti-gold expectations fall to a low point. Zong Han, Xi Yin, this is already a good calculation, or it is only at this moment that it happens to assassinate successfully...

The heart is still speculating, Ning Yi opened his mouth.

"...Responsible for the Wuchao side, find someone as soon as possible, and negotiate with the Wuchao and Zhangzhou respectively to promote negotiations. If the Wu Dynasty really does not have a person who dares to carry this pot, then the bright side will be treated, secretly negotiated, can The benefits I got were taken up. Prepare a manuscript, the brothers squatted on the wall, the outside of the shackles, the Jurchens came to the forefront, the Jin Wang brave, we did not fight, let them keep the Cangzhou. Called the Wu dynasty to launch all forces, echo the Central Plains The situation can help the hand to help..." Ning Yi waved his hand, "If you don't help, even!"

"...On the south bank of the Yellow River, the original spy system was temporarily unchanged. However, some of the people who have returned to the Central Plains from here can be mobilized, try to launch them, let them go north, and help the rebellious forces of Jindi as much as possible. People may not More, better than nothing, at least... persist for a long time, live more people."

Ning Yi said here, silent for a moment: "For the time being, you will discuss it, improve the details, what else can be done to add to me... I still have something to leave."

Everyone respected the ceremony, Ning Yi returned, and quickly went out from here. The Chengdu Plain is always hazy, and the sky outside the window seems to be raining again.


It was like a strong wind that blew through the gloomy city of Wasion.

The snow outside the city has not faded, and the reporters from the south have come one after another. They belong to different families and different forces, and the same is an impactful message. This news makes the situation in the whole city more and more tense. stand up.

In the celestial palace, the negotiations on both sides were carried out soon. Lou Shuzhen sat there, looking at a corner of the palace indifferently, listening to the words of the parties, never making any statement, the outside courier, one Come in.

A woman came in and attached her to the ear of Shu Shu’s ear to inform her of the latest news. Lou Shuyu closed her eyes and passed it for a while before she opened her eyes as usual, and her eyes swept over Zhu Xi and then returned to the original. No, no words.

After a little while, I wish you and many others know the situation.

The Jurchen speed-up camp, the 36,000-strong Jurchen main force, with the surrender of more than 30,000 Han troops, went straight to the Huaxia Army station near Linzhou.

This is the first big move of the Jurchen since the beginning of the year. The strength of 70,000 people is the most difficult hard bone of the Black Flag Army. The idea is clear. After Tian Shi’s departure, Jindi was on the verge of collapse. This Black Flag Army is the only force that can stand up to the field. If you defeat the black flag in World War I, you can destroy everyone’s confidence – even if you repel the black flag. It is also enough to prove the reality that no one in the Central Plains can be a Jurchen.

Some people were amazed, some people were flustered, some people were flashing, and some people have already said the situation. On the side of this building, Shu Yan’s face flashed the indifference of “everyone died together”, wishing you a sigh of relief and stood up. He looked at the exhibition five eyes, then gaze swept over the crowd and strode out of the temple. Even if he didn't say half a word, his determination to go to the battlefield was clearly expressed.

At the rear, the generals of the sorcerer named An Xifu also stood up and followed the temple.

I wished that I would step out of the celestial palace and turn around several palace gates. Someone followed up from the rear: "I wish the general."

The man named An Xifu, I wish you heard about it more than ten years ago, he had dealt with Ning Yi in Hangzhou, and Chen Fan was also a former friend. Later, the Seventh Buddha and other people were taken on their backs. It is said that he was also secretly rescued. Later, he was caught by one of the forces and his whereabouts were unknown. Ning Yi had been inspected for a while, but he did not find it. Now he knows that it may be that Wang Hao rescued him.

The two sides have fought side by side in Linzhou, which is also a trustworthy comrade. Zhu Yu arched his hand: "An brother should also go north?"

"In the order of Wang Shuai, I have to wait until the situation here is fixed. It is possible for the Jurchen to send troops in advance, echoing the things of the Jin Dynasty. Wang Shuai has a prediction, and the speed of the troops is sent out. Wang Shuai will lead the way. I wish the generals not to be anxious."

"Haha, what am I anxious... No, I am in a hurry to catch up with the front line." Zhu Xi smiled. "Naan brothers are chasing it out..."

"I want to ask the general about a problem, and it has a great connection with this negotiation."

“Well?” I wished you a thought: “What is the problem?”

"The king of Jin has been folded, and the morale of the Jindi army has fallen to the bottom. However, if there is a desire to die, there is still a chance. If the Chinese army of the generals wishes to be the main heart of this place, when I came, Wang Shuai once said that if Huaxia The military stayed here and worked with the Jurchen. The negotiations will be very different - maybe even different."

An Xifu’s expression was calm. Looking at Zhu’s quietly saying this, he did not ask whether the Huaxia Army left or did not stay, but finished the whole thing and saved the other person’s mind. After listening to this paragraph, Zhu Xi's face is also gloomy, and his complex complex and struggling.

Respecting Fu Dao: "So, knowing that the Huaxia Army can stay, Anmou can continue to go back and negotiate with them about the next thing. I wish the generals, the millions of people in the Jin Dynasty... Can you stay?"

The defenders were on the wall, and there were only people from far away. It was sympathetic to Ford’s intention to catch up here before speaking. The cold wind blew through the empty square and wished you a silence for a long time.

"I have a brother..." Zhu said, "No, there is more than one, there are tens of thousands of brothers, they have their lives, stay in Damingfu, in order to delay the Jurchen East Road, delay a period of time, open spring After that, they may not have a way to go. The Huaxia Army promised to save them in the past, and the speed of the game will come over. The Chinese army will go all out. If I die, I will not hesitate... but I can’t The brothers who are in the lives of their lives..."

He pondered the statement and said it here. An Xifu’s expression calmly arched his hand and smiled slightly: “I understand, I wish the generals don’t have to care about this. In An’s opinion, no matter what choice, I wish the generals to the world, They are all innocent."

"...If I can rescue him, I will come over."

"Of course. I wish the generals a smooth road and a success."

"Take your words."

Zhu Xiao smiled, and when he was about to leave, he remembered one thing and asked back: "Yes, Ann Brothers, I heard that you are familiar with Chen Fan."


"I also have a problem. You took some books with you, and hoped to rescue the Seven Buddhas. Later, they disappeared. Chen Fan has been looking for you for a long time and has not found it. We never thought that you later went to work with Wang Hao, Wang Hao. In the case of killing the Seven Buddhas, the role played seems to be less glamorous. What happened specifically? I am very curious."

Things more than ten years ago have already passed, and I wish you a bright smile. Although you are curious, you are not pursuing it. An Fufu also smiled: "It is indeed Wang Shangshu who saved me. I am not very clear about the situation in the past. For a while, I once wanted to kill Wang Shuai and ask his ideas. He is not willing. I talked with my juniors..." He thought for a moment. "Afterwards, many things have been blurred, because Wang Shuai does not say, I only have some speculations in my heart."

"Wang Shuai is a person who really cares about the Yongle Dynasty." An Xifu said, "When the Yongle dynasty was over, the imperial court seized the eternal glory of the Yongle dynasty and wanted to uproot everyone. The Buddha is not dead, many people have spent the rest of their lives. After the Buddha’s death, the Princess’s Highness was also dead. The court has already closed the case for the Yongle Dynasty. Today’s Ming Wangjun, many of the old people who are still in the Yongle Dynasty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all rescued by Wang Shuai. of."

"It is equal to the law, there is no high, Wang Shuai is worried about this idea, one day he can get it again, but the Jurchen is coming, he has to fight against gold first, and the world is still peaceful."

After the completion of An Fufu, he smiled and said: "My guess is right or wrong. It is hard to say. After all, Wang Shuai is majestic and not good to talk about. But in the fight against gold, Wang Shuai is determined to be extremely strong. I wish the generals no need to be suspicious."

I wish to nod and bowed my hand.

There are all kinds of people in the world, all kinds of ideas, just like him and Wang Shanyue, they fight for different ideas, but they are going in the same direction. I wish you to think like this and head towards the battlefield. An Xifu turned and walked to another battlefield that was different but also wanted to be.

Kneeling or resisting, people with different minds continue to play. Among the halls, Lou Shu looked at the corner of the temple, and there were countless noisy sounds flowing through her ears. Her heart had a hint of hope, but more reason told her that hope did not exist, and even if the situation was worse, she still only Can continue to kill the past in this hell. It may be better to die, but... never!

The girl named Yuan Xiaoqiu was waiting in a row to wait for a massacre...

To the north, the army has already moved, grinding blood and preparing for the first fight after the start of the year. Bonfire Qinming, Dadao Guansheng, Golden Gunner Xu Ning, Double Whip Huyan, Yu Qilin Lu Junyi... and the black flag of the exhibition are all in the silence to greet the spring of blood and fire.

With Yongle’s brave atmosphere for more than ten years, the old man named Wang Juyun also greeted the Jurchen and killed the past.

In the south of the lonely city of Xuzhou, eight thousand Huaxia Army, hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts and the north side of the 300,000 Jurchen East Road Army have also gathered, this moment, countless undercurrents will roar to thin Ice……

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