Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 811: Hunger (on)

Looking into the distance, the snow is still in the field of vision, and the sun shines from above the thick clouds. In the evening, the weather was fine and cleared.

The city wall of Linzhou is not high, but after a round of repairs in the second half of last year, it is still a strong city defense. On the north wall, the black flag is flying in the cold wind. The soldiers of the Huaxia Army are carrying up and down the various city-keeping equipment. Hu Yanyan runs on the wall and occasionally takes the first place for the soldiers carrying the artillery. Or, commanding the company's battalion commander to enter the responsibility section, the face is severe.

Hu Yanzhuo served as a general at the time of the Wu Dynasty, and now he is the head of the Chinese Army. The people who came down from Liangshan had many hearts and minds, but in the face of the soldiers who are now, there is not much arrogance in the heart of Hu Yanzhuo.

On the one hand, the Huaxia Army's military regulations are strict, and it is reflected in the training. After experiencing the strong fighting force that comes from it, Hu Yanzhuo as a general himself is greatly appreciative of such regulations. Secondly, more than half of the teams that have been following Zhu Xi’s team are veterans who have experienced the battles of the northwest and Xiao Cang River. Ten years have been honed into a sword. Although Hu Yanzhuo was once an old-fashioned general, he was worried about many soldiers. There is also a respect for the experience.

Although more than 10,000 people have been hiding in Liangshan Water Park for several years, the development and training of artillery and other things is not as skilled as that of the Southwest China Army. However, in the battle with Jurchen, I was able to face the defeat of the Golden Army and experience the war of Xiao Cang River without dying. The entire Yellow River is just north of the Yellow River. There is no more.

At this time, only in the orderly preparation work on the wall, you can see the morale and iron of each soldier.

Lin Chun Shouyi Xu Chunyi looked at the scene on the wall, and his heart was shocked. At this time, Guan Sheng had come over and took him to the military conference: "Yes, Xu General, the speed of the train is coming. You and I will soon fight side by side. They are both friendly and must not know each other. Tonight, my Huaxia Army started the mobilization meeting. Before that, there were some activities that complained about each other. When I came, I used it on the military camp. Brothers under your hands, it is best to come and join us..."

"Complaints and bitterness..."

"Oh, I sat down after dinner and talked to each other. Lala is a regular family. Although it is only once, it is not necessarily familiar. But it is always good for the soldiers to get to know each other."

"Of course it is ok..."

"Well, General Xu promised, little things, Xiao Sun, you go to arrange." Guan Sheng said back to a deputy, then turned around: "The meeting of everyone is the real big thing..."

"But... if the mobilization will be open together, I am afraid that the place is not big enough, and..."

"Oh, no problem, I have said it, just to know, when mobilizing the meeting, it is also possible to separate. I want to sum up with you first, the intention of the Jurchen..."


Between the woodlands, the horses spurt white air, the whistling intertwined, the sound of the weapons accompanied by the roar of the human body landing, scooping up the high snow blocks and splashing. Lu Junyi rushed out on the snow, and the long gun in his hand was nailed to the ground, dragging the body away, and then pulled out.

The red and white meet together, and the opposite hoof sound has quickly approached the distance. The Jurchen Knight immediately slammed the steel knife down, and in front of the running horse, Lu Junyi’s body swayed, and a big gun seemed to disappear silently. Behind him, the next moment, the gun front pulled out from the other side of the body.

This is a type of rifle. The screaming rushed into the sky, the snow marks were violent, and the horse’s neck was shaved by the guns under a huge impact. Then the sharp gun blade stabbed the chest of the Jurchen Knight. Out. The horse ran down and fell in the snow. The knight rolled over the snow. When he stood up, there was already a shocking scar on his chest. Lu Junyi had already rushed up and pressed the same tall, beautiful girly scout. In the snow, I waved my throat.

In the blink of an eye, he killed two high-powered Jurchen scouts and quickly searched for a while, then took back his mount, passed through the snow-covered woods, and quickly passed over the mountain.

I used to be the first member of the Hebei guns, and now I am 46 years old. After joining the Huaxia Army, Lu Junyi’s original idea was to serve as a general leader, but later, he and Yan Qing were both arranged by Ning Yi as a instructor in the special operations team. When Master Li walked in the Central Plains, he and he Yan Qing followed, secretly responsible for a lot of hidden tasks. When he got to the Central Plains, he joined the party and helped him to fight. With the recruitment of Jurchen, Lu Junyi also rushed to the forefront in the first place.

Killing the two actress Scouts, Lu Junyi went to the top of the mountain, and on the other side of the mountain, the long banners and queues appeared in the field of vision. Lu Junyi picked up the telescope and carefully recorded the characteristics and possible flaws of each team...

More than 36,000 Jurchen squadrons, nearly 40,000 follow the Han army, the mighty 70,000 people all the way south, Lu Junyi followed the road, during which occasions chasing and killing occasionally started, at night, he and his companions The caves in the mountains meet and rest, and in the night sky, the eagle of the Jurchens flies past.

The game of life and death, the intersection of iron and blood, relatively speaking, many scenes more than ten years ago, like a play.


"...The Jurchen team came here from the front, and the information sent back from the front is about 75,000, and half of them are the direct line of the speed of the speed. This team follows the battle of the bones. Now, although there is a difference, But it’s not much different. The idea they made this time is either killing us or encircling us, no matter which one we don’t allow...”

"...but at the same time, we can't retreat. We can't stand it after we step back. So, it's a fight, it's better to hurt them, but don't overdo it, it's not too difficult to be beautiful." There are 10,000 Chinese troops, and there are more than 23,000 brethren under General Xu. Before coming, Wang Juyun has mobilized the Ming Wangjun to help him. The Ming Wangjun has nearly 30,000 troops, and the recently expanded 20,000 people, um, the number of people. Compared to the above, we still dominate, haha, so what are you afraid of..."

In the warm room, the coaches’ meetings were always open. Guan Sheng took Xu Chunyi to sit down and discussed the various divisions and coordination issues. The name of the Huaxia Army is too big. Xu Chunyi did not have much insistence on the military. Just as the meeting progressed, he gradually heard the sound of the outside sounding and his doubts.

"Kill the Jurchen!"

"...kill the Jurchen!"

"We are also human!"

"...is also a person-"

Occasionally, sounds like this sounded a bit ridiculous, but as the number of people joined increased, the sound of the waves was a little scary. Xu Chunyi occasionally asked Guan Sheng: "This is..."

"Oh, nothing, everyone is together, it sounds very warm. We talk about the problem at the south gate, I have some thoughts..."

On the school ground of the outer military camp, the large square was divided into one area. The Chinese soldiers were the first to gather, and the soldiers of the defending city who had eaten dinner later also came to see the fun. From time to time, someone went up and talked about the story that happened to him. There was a war in the northwest. He said that there was already a white land. He participated in the three years of the Xiao Cang River and talked about his first killing. The idea of ​​a real person, there is also a family in the Central Plains, talking about the tragedy of the Jurchens after the killing.

Someone said and cried, first a person, then a group of people. The soldiers of the defending city army were also called up. Although they were stuttering, in this world, everyone has the same suffering, especially when they are forced to become soldiers. There are not many dying souls in their families.

This kind of reminiscence of sweethearts, Wang Shanyue also learned at the end, but it was originally initiated from the Huaxia Army. In this year and month, people who have had hardships have no concern, and many sufferings have been taken for granted. The shame of Jingping, even the emperor, the nephew, the minister's family, and other nobles have suffered such a hardship. In general, one or two people were killed by Jurchens, and no one complained. Such a gathering, for some people, stuttered on the stage to talk about the tragedy of their own family. Some people listened, it was the first time they found out that they were also personal and dignified.

When there were Chinese soldiers coming to the stage to talk about **** a female real person, the crowd was filled with hysterical shouts, and some people even fainted in the past.

When Xu Chunyi and others finished the meeting and came out with Guan Sheng, the whole scene was almost boiling. Guan Sheng glared at Xu Chunyi's shoulder.

"General Xu, Jin Wang trusts you when he was born~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is gone now, we also trust you. Revenge for Jin Wang, bite the Jurchen piece of meat, here is a battle. You and my army Advance is the same as retreating and retreating, and it is a whole. Since today, more care has passed!"

Xu Chunyi was sour, then he lifted his hands and arched his hands heavily.

The boiling night, I do not know when it will gradually calm down, the long darkness, the next day, the sky in the east, the beautiful morning glow, the soldiers change their posts, climb the wall, in the changing sky, waiting for the Jurchen army arrival.

The sixth day of February, noon. The female real flag spreads toward Linzhou City and appears in the field of vision of all people. On the wall of Linzhou, some Chinese military veterans clenched the steel knife in their hands or the bluestone that caught the wall. They looked fierce and clenched their teeth.

In the eyes of the nearby defending army, the murderousness rises to the sky. Over the years, the Jurchen generals, who are facing the speed of the speed of the law, have been able to send out such a tragic army that seems to be rushing out of the city to kill it, not to be defensive. They have never seen it.

These people don't know. In the five years of Jianye in June, the speed of the military participated in the siege of the Xiao Cang River. After a half-year stagnation, the Xiao Cang River broke the dam of the valley mouth, and the army of Qingmu Village and Xiao Cang River broke through. Although shortly afterwards, Ning Yi led a 20,000-strong army into Yanzhou, killing and retrieving a city, but in the eyes of many Chinese soldiers, the speed of the surgery is also a big enemy with blood on his hands. .

At the beginning of the year, in the snow, a glimpse of each other, they resisted the urge to rush, and it seemed to be a generous and heroic laughter for outsiders. For both parties, they really want to live in the mentality of dying. The choices made. At this time, no one has to retire.

The clouds in the sky changed shape and quickly rolled over.

Linzhou, the drums roared. 1012

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