Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 812: Hunger (below)

"...Yongri Fangyi, travel and repeat. Women have a trip today, Dajiang is a light boat... Reiz is the door to the door, and there is no such thing as a shirt. The poor and the sincere, the money is waiting for the week..."

The light singing voice is ringing.

The four-closed room with windows and doors burned the brazier, but it was warm but faint, and there was no feeling of staying up late. The woman's body squirmed in the thick bedding, whispering a long poem by Tang Shi, "Send Yang's Woman", which is the poetry written by Wei Yingwu when the eldest daughter was married, and the words are sad and have a vision for the future. With hope.

Her voice was soft, with a little shackles, and the room was dotted with a hint of pink softness. The man next to the woman is lying there, his face is fierce, his head is full of hair, and his eyes are closed and he seems to have slept. The woman sang a song, climbed onto the man, and kissed gently. After the song was sung, she closed her eyes for a moment and sang another poem.

"Han's smoke is in the northeast, Han will resign and break the thief... The man is self-respecting, and the emperor is very color..."

This is the Tang Dynasty Gao Shi's Yuefu poem, named "Yan Ge Xing". Although the first part of the poem has the generous sentence of "The man is self-respecting", the whole poem is tragic and strong, telling the war. Cruel. The woman sang softly and sang very slowly. The man she was attached to listened quietly, opened her eyes and was red.

The man is called Wang Shitong, but now he is the leader of the Hungry Ghost Force. He is half-middle of the Central Plains. He even once forced the Jurchen Iron Float to dare to make a fierce "ghost king". The woman is called Gao Maoyue. Daughter, poetry is outstanding, it looks extraordinary. Last year, the hungry ghosts came, and the whole country was burned. Gaoshouyue and his family fell into this catastrophe. The fiance who was still in the army died first, and then her parents died. Beautiful, lucky, survived, and later sent to Wang Shitong.

In the few months from the end of the 9th year to the beginning of the 10th year, the place where the hungry ghosts went is the real hell. The high and shallow months are next to Wang Shitong, and they have a good life. The nightmare of the family being eaten and the fear of hunger took away all the temper of her body. For Wang Shitong, the high-light moon that was still married to the prostitute six months ago learned everything. In the end, the hungry ghost came to stay outside Xuzhou City.

In the winter, the snow-capped mountains have been deepened, and more than one million hungry ghosts have gathered in this film. Throughout the winter, they have eaten all the things they can eat, and they are all over the place. Gao Xiaoyue and Wang Shitong spent several months in this room. Without going out to see, she could imagine what it was like. Relative to the outside world, it is almost a paradise.

She pleasing the man with the song, but the meaning of this song is not good. After singing it, it seems that she is afraid of the other person's anger. The song of the high and light moon slowly stops and gradually disappears. Wang Shitong closed his eyes and waited for a while before he opened his eyes again. He looked at the dark part of the roof and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"I don't see you... killing the battle and suffering, I still remember General Li... oh..."

The last one, I don’t know if it’s emotion or irony. At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Ghost King, the guest is here."

His eyes condensed, and the suffocation of Wang Shitong suddenly gathered. He pushed open the woman, got up and wore a large robe with various furs, and picked up a mace with bloodstains. .

"You are here, don't go out." He finally said to the high moon, leaving the room.

In a few months, he had to say this every time he went out, and Gao Xiaoyue did not leave the room once. After Wang Shitong left, she wrapped her body in the bedding and quietly retreated to the corner of the room.

The outside is the night.

A little bit of fire spread out from this courtyard, and it merged into a large crowd of invisible people. There used to be more than a million, and now hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts gather, the order is primitive and deformed, even if you look out in the night, low sheds, faint fires, breaths from dead and unknown meat. And even the shouts of strange and fierce in the night sky are all chilling.

Wang Shitong walked through the muddy road with some snow marks and went to the big room not far away. This place was originally a ancestral hall in the village, and now it is the lobby where Wang Shitong handles military affairs. The two men entered from the gate guarded by someone. In the lobby, a man with a broken dress and a similar face to the displaced people stood up. When the slaughter party closed the door, he took off his face towel and bowed his hand.

"Liaodong Li Zheng, I have seen the ghost king."

Wang Shitong did not return, and he stared at the eyes that became red because of the **** color. He went forward and went to Li Zheng’s face and stared at him. After a while, when Li Zheng was slightly uncomfortable, he turned and left. He went to the front seat and sat down. The organizer wanted to talk and was raised by Wang Shitong: "Go out."

"Ghost King, Jurchen, this time is very sincere..."

Wang Shitong did not speak, but his eyes turned, and the fierce breath was already caged on the party. The slaughter party quickly retreated and left the room. There are not many people in the system of hungry ghosts. Wang Shitong is moody. Since last year, he killed the most convinced brother Yan Hong, and then he has no reason to kill him. Even if there are tens of thousands, I don’t dare to make it at random.

After the door was closed, Wang Shitong lowered his hands and looked at the empty space in the room. It seemed like a moment of staying, and then he looked at Li Zheng. He hoarsely asked: "Zong Fu that dog scorpion... What are you going to do?"

Li Zheng’s brows wrinkled slightly.

However, I saw the fairy tale of Wang Shi’s fairy tale, showing a smile: “... give me something to eat?”


Xuzhou City, in a small room, four people finished talking.

The four figures are divided into two sides, one on one side and three on the other. The three sides are obviously short and thin. They are all wearing the uniforms of the Huaxia Army, and they have a spirit in them.

The four people stood up and saluted each other. The person who seemed to be the sergeant had to open his mouth. The door came out and knocked on the door. The sergeant went out to open a door and took a look at it before pulling the door open.

The one who appeared outside the door was Liu Chengzong, the highest general of the Huaxia Army of the Xuzhou Expeditionary Force. He came in from the outside and looked at the three thin soldiers. After the salute, he whispered: "Is it all over?" With a smile.

"It’s over," replied the chief.

"What is the situation outside, I know that I will die for a lifetime." Liu Chengzong said, "I don't want to go, I will say it now. If this kind of thing is unwilling, I can't do it well."

The three thin guys were sturdy and raised their heads. Liu Chengzong nodded and smiled. He picked up a few bowls on the table and poured the boiled water.

"I am going out, can't drink, so I can only use the water... Come back, let's have a cup of triumph."

He and the three people picked up the bowls, each clinking glasses, and then smashed a few words with them before they left. In the middle of the night, three short-skinned Chinese soldiers replaced the ready-made fluent clothes, dressed up, and then took the carriage to the side of the wall.

Since the end of last year, Liu Chengzong led eight thousand Huaxia Army to come to Xuzhou City. Wang Shitong, who was informed of the news, also took the main force of the hungry ghost and killed it here. Xuzhou City has a thick wall. When Li Anmao announced that he was fighting against gold, the army that was wooed and the team that was later expanded had more than 50,000 people. Even if they were a million people, they could not break into Xuzhou, but they were surrounded by hungry ghosts. When the Jurchen arrives, Xuzhou is also difficult to take the initiative on the battlefield.

In response to such a situation, Liu Chengzong selected a part of the Chinese military army who had propaganda and spurt the skills and was able to mix into the hungry ghost group. A batch of them were put outside the city to guide the hungry ghosts outside the city to give up Xuzhou. Turned to attack the Jurchen East Road Army who did not stick to the city.

It turns out that the refugees who are plagued by hunger and cold are easily shaken. Since the end of last year, a group of refugees have been led to the direction of the Jurchen army, which has caused a lot of the main force and logistics of the Jurchen army. Troubled. Some of the millions of hungry ghosts who were led by Wang Shitong to Xuzhou were also moved to leave this place. Of course, they are now dead in this heavy snow.

In the winter, for more than three months, the hunger and cold in the snow outside Xuzhou City is difficult to say in full. In an environment where people are eating together, even the instigators of the Huaxia Army may face the crisis of starvation. Moreover, among the heavy snow, millions of people have been frozen to death, starved to death, or the atmosphere of attacking the Jurchen troops and being killed. The ordinary people are simply unbearable.

Every day, there are countless people who die. In an environment where life and death are only a few milliseconds apart, each person’s life is like a dust and an epic. People, millions of people, starved to death, can hardly be saved. But even if it is impossible to save, it is an unspeakable feeling to be motivated to kill yourself. Even if there are soldiers who have experienced the **** battle of Xiao Cang River for three years, they must be greatly spirited in this environment. torment.

But such a thing, after all, still have to do it, spring is coming, and the problem of hungry ghosts will not be solved. The situation in Xuzhou may be even more difficult in the future. This night, the city wall quietly put down three people in the night. At this time, there was also a figure between the shacks collected by the emigrants on the other side of the city wall, quietly moving forward.

Afraid of the Huaxia Army to break the core of the hungry ghost army with a blitz, Wang Shitong's central command is far beyond a few miles away, but even under Xuzhou City, there are many people who gather together - they do not have to kill the army. The figure sneaked into a dark place, and after watching it for a while, he quietly rolled up the bow and arrow and shot the arrow with the information on the head of a city with several torches.

After the information was transmitted, the man quietly turned back and remitted to the private land. However, soon after, the noise was centered on him and rang.


"...When today, the Wu Dynasty is incompetent, and the hearts of the people are lost. The so-called Huaxia Army, who is famous for its reputation, only wants the authority of the world, regardless of the people who live in the country. The ghost king understands that if Ning Ningyi kills the King of Wu Dynasty, how can Daikin get an opportunity, Breaking through the city of Yongliang, I got the entire Central Plains... Southern people fly camp shit, most of them only know the intrigue, Dajin Tianshou returned... I know that the ghost king is not willing to listen to this, but Imagine that the Jurchen took the world, why have you ever done Wu Dynasty, China? What's the matter, the place that was hit on the battlefield, at least in the north, nothing to say."

In the room, the Han Chinese named Li Zheng from Liadong, facing Wang Shitong, was generous.

"... However, among the southerners, there are also respectable generations. Like the ghost king, I am quite admire. I know that the ghost king knows that this winter, my lord and the prince of Zongyi often talk about you, though The fortunes are not good, but among the southerners, now you are the only ghost king, you are fighting for the people of Li, although the posture is violent, but the imperial court, the things that many adults can not afford, the ghost king you took it!"

"...theland famine, the ghost king, you have no way, so take the people south. I heard people say that when you were in Zezhou, you also saw the so-called Huaxia Army, they called the righteousness, you want to entrust the crowd to They can be called Renyi as the Chinese army of the world. At this time, they don’t recognize these Chinese people. You can only continue to carry them... This road is south, no one can stop you, even this winter, millions of people. Dead, only the ghost king on your side, still hundreds of thousands of people survive, why? Ghost King you shelter them, no matter what the situation, Zong Fu commander said, you are a respectable person, you fight for the people."

"If it is not finished today, the ghost king will not go to today, there will be a wider road to go."

Li Zhengchao Wang Shitong gave a thumbs up and paused for a moment, pointing his finger at Xuzhou: "The Huaxia Army is now in Xuzhou City, Ghost King, I know that you want to kill them, and Zong Fu is also the same idea. Jurchen south There is no room for this time, Ghost King, if you take these hundreds of thousands of people to go to Jiangnan, IMHO, the South will not be seen, Zong Fu is not willing to fight with you... as long as you give up Xuzhou City The road, west, and the land of your ten cities, you worship in Dajinfeng, they survive."

Wang Shitong looked at him and looked at him for a while: "Zong Fu... afraid to fight with me? We are almost dead."

"Ghost Wang Mingjian, Jurchen, I have never been afraid of anyone in the past few years. But one is not wanting to play indifferent embarrassment, the other is admiring the ghost king you, the third one... the world is going to change, the air transport is, these people are also Jin Guozi. If the people can let them survive, the coach also hopes that they can avoid unnecessary death and injury. Ghost King, you just have to calm down and think about it, this is the best..."

Li Zhengkou said, and he still wants to continue to speak. There was a sudden embarrassment from outside. After a while, the party sent some people to knock on the door: "Ghost King! Ghost King! Catch it! Catch it!"

"Catch what!" Wang Shitong screamed.

"Hua Xiajun..." The butchers said, they have already pushed in.

Wang Shitong suddenly stood up. As soon as the squadron entered the door, several cronies behind him pressed a figure into it. The man was ruined and filthy, and his skinny skinny body was about to be beaten up. He had a lot of blood on his face and his hands were tied behind him. The incisors have been knocked out, and they are very miserable.

The butchers closed the door, looked at Li Zheng, and looked at Wang Shitong, whispering: "It’s my own, ghost king, we finally found out, it’s this grandson, who spoke in the brothers and said that they couldn’t beat Xuzhou. Recently, only to go to the Jurchen side to grab the military food, some people saw him to the Xuzhou city over the communication, haha..."

Wang Shitong hated the Chinese army, and the hungry ghosts have long known. Since last winter, some people have been shaken, and a batch of people have gone to the Jurchen, or died on the road or died. Under the sword. Hungry ghosts were aware of the inside, but the original was originally a rabble, and they never grasped the exact spies. This time, the people were caught, and the party was so excited that they quickly pulled over.

Wang Shitong’s gaze looked at Li Zheng, and then he turned back. He fell on the finest body of the Chinese traitor. After a moment of laughter, “How long have you been in the hungry ghost? Are you afraid of being eaten by life?”

The Chinese military traitor was dragged by the people and still breathing, not talking. The squad sent a punch to his chest and hit it: "Mother's talk!" Huaxia traitor coughed twice and looked up at Wang Shitong - he almost Was caught at the scene, the other party actually followed him, but also found him for a long time, difficult to argue, then laughed out: "eat people ... haha, you eat people?"

He lowered his head and spit up his blood. He said, "Do you know if you know that there is a king named Wang Shanyue..."


"He is... he is the grandson of Wang Qisong of the Wu Dynasty. The former Liao people of the Blackwater Alliance came over. The Wang family was full of men on the battlefield. After the death, there was Wang Shanyue. He was a woman at home. He was a small body. Weak, the family is being bullied, but only he is a man. In order to protect the family, you know what he did..." The traitor raised the face full of blood. "He ate. He swallowed his life, and the enemy feared him. He can protect his family..."

"Haha, eat people... Why do you eat people, who do you want to protect? What is this glorious thing? Is anyone delicious? Ghost king, people are not like ghosts and ghosts... Do not know, eat people's Wang Shanyue, with the soldiers guarding the famous palace, has been guarded from last year to the present, and Wan Yanzong and Wan Yanzong have not beaten him with 300,000 people... What kind of person is this next? The north side? The ghost king you sell **** Give them? Hey..."

"You have his mother's black flag, Laozi burned you today!"

Hearing the smack of the mouth is becoming more and more disappointing. The squadron suddenly pulled out the knife and reached the other side's neck. The traitor was full of blood, and his face smiled and slammed toward the tip of the knife. The squadron quickly withdrew the blade, and Wang Shitong sipped: "Stop!" The two confidants who caught the spoiled squad also forced the man to pull back. The traitor was a collision and only heard a bang. Only then did a dagger from a confidant be pulled out. At this moment, the thin figure crashed a few times, pulling the rope on the hand, and a beggar of a beast was next to him with a knife, and he held a short squat, facing Li Zheng, such as the tiger. I rushed over!



This traitor rushed to Li Zheng, and the squad sent a knife. As one of the leaders of the hungry ghosts, he eats his own food every day, and his strength is already big. The spy is just a full blow, the air knife flashes, the spy figure is rolling toward the corner of the room, and the chest is smashed. Knocked a knife, blood turbulence. But he stood up and seemed to wrestle. There was a big scream in the mouth of the party: "I want to eat you."

Wang Shitong was also full of blood and red, and forced him to the scene. The distance was slightly closer. Wang Shitong saw a complicated look in the eyes of the Chinese sergeant with blood on his face—the eyes he had been in during the past six months. I have seen countless times. It is a look of fear and attachment.


The word spit out in the spit, and the dagger slashed and cut off his neck. This is the most neat slashing action that Wang Shitong has ever seen. The body stands like that, and the blood suddenly spurts out, smashing Wang Shitong’s head. Full face.

The people in the room are stunned.

The body fell, and Wang Shitong wiped his face with his hand, and his hands were all scarlet. The butchers came over: "Ghost King, you are right, the people of Huaxia Army are not good things. In the winter, they went here to mess up and get rid of many people. But Xuzhou is not good at siege, maybe..."

The wind broke into the wind! Wang Shitong grabbed the mace, and suddenly turned back and waved out. The room made a squeaking noise of gold and iron. The body was wearing a thin layer of slaughter and was hit by a stick. It crashed into the room. On one side of the desk, the wooden board and the ornaments on the table fluttered, the body of the butcher's body rolled on the ground, and then struggled for a moment, it seems to be getting up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The mouth has already spit out the blood of the mouth.

Wang Shitong waved a stick and slammed it down.

"you this--"


"Eating -"


"Outside -"


"--s things!!!"


The body of the butcher's body was deformed and the ground was full of blood. Wang Shitong gasped heavily, then reached out to wipe his nose and mouth, and his **** eyes looked at Li Zheng on the side of the room.

"Come on! Pull him out to me... Eat."

The people outside the room came in and went to Li Zheng. Li Zheng’s face was already scared: "You...Ghost King, you are like this, you are not going to end well, you think twice, and Zong Fu’s coach will not give up, you..."

"Haha, Zongfu's child... let him come! This is the world... It is made by you golden dogs... I am not afraid of him! I am not afraid to wear shoes! I am afraid of me - I ate He, I ate him... hahaha..."

Li was screaming that he was dragged down. Wang Shi’s nursery rhythm laughed. He looked at the Chinese military squad who had died on the other side of the ground. He glanced at it and laughed twice, and he stunned for a while. It is only called people.

"There is this... nothing to eat, I will hang him in front of Xuzhou City! Hahaha, hang out, the people of the Black Flag Army, all this, haha-"

He was full of blood, nervously laughing for a while, went to take a bath, and went back to the room where Gaoshouyue was located. Someone came over and reported that Li was being wounded and then wounded and then ran away. Wang The lion boy "oh" and turned back to hold the woman's body.

The next day, in the city of Xuzhou, people saw the body being hanged.

"The fight is over..."

Luoye looked at the city, and there was a murderous flash in his eyes...9112

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