Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 813: Sound, sound, slow (1)

In the panic mood, he ran constantly, and fear came from far away, but I don't know why, in such a run, he wanted to close his eyes and avoid what was going on.


"...go walk..."

In a noisy and chaotic environment, there are more and more people around, and there are more people. He is burying his head and gradually rushing to the edge of the river. The bumpy wave swayed in front, the fear behind it chased over, he stood there, and someone pushed him forward.

The small fishing boat sailed off the shore. He stood on the head and heard the voice coming from behind. The waves were bumpy underneath.

Don't look back - he told himself in his heart, but the people in the picture finally turned back. In the diffuse fog, the Jurchens came and the crowds on the shore ran, cried, and were chased into the river, then sank, and blood poured into the river.

Zhou Junwu fell on the boat.

Huge shame is full of everything.

- He sat up in his dreams.


There is also a faint atmosphere of sandalwood in the dark camp, and the space is warm, but with some traces of dampness and coldness. When he sat up, his forehead was cold sweat.

Consciousness still stayed in the dream of a genius. After a while, he came down from the bed and lit the oil lamp with a fire. The light reflected a well-defined face. This face was thin and firm, and the beard under his jaw. Increased the age at the beginning of the day, making it more stable. After the lights were ignited, the voice of the next person came from outside the tent, and he let people go to the hot water.

The sky was still bright, and the tent was a stretch of military camp. After washing his face, he put a dress in the mirror to make himself look more spiritual. Out of the account, there were soldiers who saluted him. He also returned to the courtesy - this was in the previous Wu Dynasty, something that has never happened before.

In the ten years of Wu Jianxuan, Prince Zhou Junwu was twenty-seven years old. For those around him, he has grown into a stable and reliable adult.

For the officials of the various parties in the dynasty, he was acting decisively and majestic. He was modest and courteous to his technical staff and people. He lived in the military camp. Every day he got up earlier than the ordinary soldiers. He even went to everyone. The soldiers who saluted him returned the same courtesy - this is an unprecedented thing that has been learned from the Black Flag Army. If a literati exhorts or replies, he will apologize humbly and then go his own way. In any case, most of the military and civilians regard him as the future owner of ZTE.

Strong and rigorous self-discipline made him thin and more resolute. Especially in the spring of the ten years of Jianye, in the eyes of young people who have been pampered, there is also a fascinating arrogance.

The spring cold in February turned slightly, and the breath of war has spread. At this time, the snow and ice have not disappeared yet. The change of the Jindi has already sounded the first alarm after the opening of the year: the battlefield is the Shura field where you live and die. No one will wait until the real spring blossoms begin.

Passing through the camps in the military camp, not far away, Junwu saw Yue Fei coming over, after the ceremony, the other party handed in the waiting information.

"Linzhou, the speed of the line against the black flag army, hit it up..."

"Ginger is still old and spicy, Zonghan and Xi Yin's means are sincere." Jun Wu's results were intelligence, and he whispered a whisper. When Jindi resisted the golden sound, he killed Jin Wangtian and smashed the Central Plains only. Promising resistance. As an enemy, in the face of Xi Yin's shot, anyone will feel the back of the cold.

"... In addition, Xuzhou has changed."

In Yue Fei’s discourse, Jun Wu raised his head and looked to the north. In the darkness, the faintness was the collapse of the iceberg and the sound of the earth’s horror...


Wasion, the celestial palace.

The massacre that Yuan Xiaoqiu was waiting for on the fourth day of February has never appeared.

After the cold negotiations, the two sides of the meeting went back to each other. Yuan Xiaoqiu thought that the eyes of the women who would look good to everyone were always cold, but there was no excessive movement.

After this day, the power struggle is like an undercurrent of anxiety, centered on Wasion, and has expanded. On the evening of the fourth day of February, Lou Shuzhen, An Xifu, Lin Zongwu and representatives of various anti-gold forces distributed their respective areas and interests in the Tianji Palace. On the fifth day of February, Lou Shuzheng successively met with local snakes from all over the country, including Lin Zongwu, and made the materials, military equipment, military strength and general information of the various cities in the Jindi as open as possible.

On the morning of seeing Lin Zongwu privately, Lou Shuzheng was openly and honestly discussing with him the affiliation and division of the rudders of the Great Lights and the rudders of the rulings, "the descendants of the world" and "the light of the lord", as far as possible In the form of dragging the legs to divide the power, there are many concessions on the side of Lou Shu.

At this time, small-scale battles have begun to appear in Wasion City, but due to the restraint of all parties, there has not been a large-scale rush at this time.

With the death of Jin Wang, the intimidation of the Jurchen army, the defection of the power of each family has become a reality. However, due to the special situation on the site of Jinwang, the coup-style knife and gun saw red did not appear immediately.

Based on the conclusions at the negotiation meeting and the tacit understanding that must be formed, all the households are constantly wooing the forces. During this period, the army, armaments and warehousing materials of various localities became the primary target of all forces to draw and occupy. At the same time that Lou Shuzhen negotiated with the people, Yu Yulin began to try to stabilize several important places in the southwest of Jindi.

For the number of forces still choosing to resist the gold position, Lou Shuzhen chose to surrender the family, and even let the people who are still standing on their side help them to help them occupy the city, Guan Yu, and take away the storage of important places. . Even if the formation of large and small separatist, swaying forces, it is better than these unsuccessful places to immediately become the bag of Jurchen.

Politics, when it loses an absolute controller, naturally becomes a game of head-to-head.

At the negotiating meeting, the old man named Liao Yiren said that although he was ridiculous in the five cities or the ten cities, he was actually slowly appearing in this form. The parties to the confrontation understand that in this situation where you have me and me, if the parties first control the territory they can control, after a few days, they will play and fall, and there is still a chance, but if it is right now, Directly turning the face, Jindi will be immediately smashed into a sea of ​​fire, and the Jurchen will push south on the ruins.

At that time, no one will have a way to live.

In this fierce but oppressive confrontation, everyone is still waiting for a fight in the north.

Linzhou, at the beginning of February, the speed of the spell has begun to attack the city.


The roar of "砰" sounded on the wall, and the stones and blood in the ground shook. On the morning of the eighth day of February, the second day of the speeding attack on the city, the situation in Linzhou became hot.

At noon on the sixth day of February, the Jurchen army arrived in Linzhou, and on the seventh day of February, it completed the siege on three sides and launched an offensive on the same day. As far as a siege war is concerned, such a deployment is extremely rushed, but the speed of the line still chooses such a direct attack.

In the east, west and north directions of Linzhou City, the entire front line is launched at the same time. The siege is only the bow, the ladder and so on. However, under the large-scale attack, the speed of the train chose two points as a breakthrough. Relying on the strong and powerful of the Jurchen, the extremely violent stormtroopers cleverly concealed in the attack of the Han army, and chose the location on the wall that is obviously not guarded by the Black Flag. The assault, in the afternoon of the seventh day, caused a huge threat to the Linzhou city wall.

This is like a head-and-drink attack, which is regarded as the first test of the speed of the Chinese army, and ultimately failed to break the city. On the morning of the eighth day of the eighth day, more than 30 slings were assembled by the Jurchen side overnight, and the position was launched. Together with more than 80 ladders, the west wall of Linzhou was attacked.

Together with Linzhou Shoujun Xu Chun's 23,000 people, the total number of defending troops in Linzhou is more than 30,000. Although the Jurchen is posing for a lack of one, it is impossible to relax anywhere in the city. In the sudden attack of the Jurchen, the pressure on the west side of the city reached its limit.

The Chinese soldiers stationed here began to move closer to this side, the cannons roared on the wall, and the arrows fell like rain. The Jurchen soldiers are like a bee colony in the field of vision. They push the sandbags and mud bags, squatting on the ladder, filling the moat in a blink of an eye, and tying the ladder to a wall about two feet high.

The city walls of Linzhou are not high, and there are more than 80 ladders. In the blink of an eye, every corner of the city is filled with eyes. The Jurchen soldiers who are not afraid of death rush to go up, but there are still Huaxia soldiers like iron walls. Defense. Even the brave Jurchen soldiers, it is difficult for a single person to break through the tacit cooperation of the Chinese soldiers. This turned the western section of the city wall into a meat grinder.

The fierce siege and slaughter probably took a small half-hour to reach the peak. When the defensive power on the wall also became saturated, the battlefield in the north, a thousand-member Jurchen team launched a raid, which was chosen just to defend. In the west, he attacked the city and separated the weak parts of the man. At the same time, the Han army launched a strong attack on the city wall two miles away.

This kind of siege tactic is never surprising. Although the defending army has a good position, it is like a defensive party. It is like a tight rubber band. The siege army only needs to select several pressures repeatedly, and the surrounding forces will be attracted. In the past, it was inevitable to become a weak point, and it was convenient for the siege party to attack the city.

Of course, such tactics are only suitable for military forces with extremely high levels of combat power, such as the ranks of the generals in the Jurchen army, especially the elite in the elite. Facing the ordinary Wu dynasty team, they can often go to the city quickly. Even if they do not break for a while, the other party wants to recapture the city wall, and often pays several times.

Above the city wall, Wu Chang Niu Baoting in the army of Xu Chunyi saw the Jurchen spread, his hands and feet were a little cold. He was an old man who had been eating for many years, and he was already a soldier in the army. The Jinwang army was inconsistent, and Niu Baoting was only a long-time sergeant. He had eyesight but also knew the danger. He saw that the wall on his side had become the opponent’s strong attack, and he knew that there were more evils. In the vicinity, those Chinese soldiers have also lost a lot.

Leading a few people, Niu Baoting shot a few arrows down the wall. In a blink of an eye, the ladder has already been put up in a frame, and the Jurchen soldier raised the shield with a knife and violently rushed. The battlefield is the best touchstone. Just watching them step on the ladder, they know that all of them are killing countless elites on the battlefield. This kind of imposing veteran oil is impossible to do.

There were cannons roaring in the nearby walls, and the stones were thrown down, but soon after, there were still Jurchen soldiers on the city. Niu Baoting and his brothers killed one, and another soldier who came up for a while, waited for a female soldier to board the city. Two fierce Jurchens forced Niu Baoting and other five people to retreat. A brother was slashed in a pool of blood, and Niu Baoting was almost smashed. He was afraid in his heart, and then he pulled back and forth, and he saw that the Jurchen was overwhelming and killed.

To die, to die, to die -

The veteran oily man thinks in his heart, on the one hand, the real woman is fierce, on the other hand, once the Jurchen breaks the city, everyone in the city will die. In this chaos, a soldier under his arm was cut in the shoulder and frightened and rushed to the other side of the wall.

Niu Baoting and others are also dodging. In just a few moments, Jurchens have come to the city from different directions, killing them in the field of vision. The soldiers under the command of Xu Chunting and others have become flustered, but there are only a dozen or so. The Huaxia Army soldiers formed two battles and launched a battle with the Jurchen soldiers in Dengcheng.

After a while, Huaxia soldiers were killed from both sides. Niu Baoting and others have not been able to run out of chaos. Two Jurchens will come over. He and the two men will resist each other. After that, four Chinese soldiers will be armed or armed with a knife or a knife. They will pass over him. The Jurchen soldier was stabbed to death under the rifle. The gunman was obviously an officer in the Chinese army. He shot the shoulder of Niu Baoting: "Good, kill me with these golden dogs." Niu Baoting and others subconsciously followed.

This city, which was just opened by the Jurchen, was taken back by the Huaxia military. The Huaxia military officer rushing in front of the commander directed the crowd to throw the Jurchen body of the city head onto the ladder. In a dangerous situation, Niu Baoting saw a Chinese soldier sitting in the body of the ground and bandaging his wound. He smiled and said: "Haha, happy, the speed of the old man is your mother-"

A few days ago, the Huaxia Army organized a meeting, although Niu Baoting also touched, but in the face of true Jurchen elite, he still only felt fear. However, at this time, he suddenly realized that this army, this black flag, is the only Han Chinese army that can fight the Jurchens in front and not inferior. The battle in front of us is the confrontation between the two top military forces in the world.


There is not much impassion in the hearts of the veteran oil. Realizing this, he has also clearly realized that the current battle will inevitably be fierce to the point where it is impossible to add himself. These people are sandwiched between the two armies. Even if they are not dead now, I am afraid that they will be dead. Up...

On the fierce battlefield, between life and death, there will be a variety of intense thoughts. In the position on the northwest side of Linzhou City, the telescope held at the speed of the train was put down, sighing and returning to a thousand people. On the other hand, this is also a long-awaited event for him.

His fight with the Black Flag Army is not the first time.

A few years ago, the Xiao Cang River war, he led the army, after nearly half a year of siege of the Xiao Cang River, finally broke the city wall, so that the defensive army in the Xiao Cang River had to break the levee. For the calmness and tenacity of the Huaxia Army in defense, he has already known. The storm from yesterday to today, but only let him determine a thing.

This army in front of us is not a partial division of the Black Flag Army in Shandong. Many of them are probably old rivals of the year.

His eyes are calm and the blood in his heart is burning.

As a female real name who followed A-Bing, the speed of the forty-nine-year-old can detect the corruption of the new generation of Jurchen in these years. The young soldiers are no longer brave in the past, and the officials and generals are weak and incompetent. At that time, when the bones hit the battle, the imposing momentum and the arrogance of Wu Yi’s martial arts were gradually dissipating.

A series of defeats that attacked Xiao Canghe and the Northwest in a few years ago, for many Jurchen generals, they were all a good time. To a certain extent, it has dispelled the thinking of many Jurchen generals and kept the spirit of the young girl and the army. Therefore, when faced with this black flag team again, the speed of the line was not discouraged by the frustration of the moment. Such frustration made him feel warlike.

If at other times, facing the black flag army, he will have more preparations before attacking. But the situation at the moment is not the same.

Snow melting ice, Gu Shen has begun to shoot against Jindi, killing Tianshi, diverging Jindi, and breaking the black flag. This series of plans has even been eliminated. Once successful, the obstacles of the entire Jindi claim that the army of millions have collapsed. The tens of thousands of women are fighting against the 10,000 black flag army. Even if they pay a price, he must quickly determine the most intense and crucial battle.

On the other hand, the calculation of Gu Shen’s adult is like a net, and the prepared back hand is not just killing a field. If you can't take Linzhou City under such circumstances, he will fight against the black flag and he really has no need to fight.

Thinking of this, the speed of the smashing eyes blinked, for a moment, summoned another general, and ordered him to wait for an attack...

On the eighth day of February, the offensive in Linzhou City was like a wave. The number of times of the command of the speed commander was almost fixed in the city, but it was followed by the fierce attack of the Huaxia Army. The blood flow from the city to the river, the damage of both sides is not a minority.

However, the intensity of the attack is still increasing. It seems to be a blow to the Huaxia Army, but also to kill the hearts of the entire Jindi, the speed of the speed has not been concerned about the casualties of the soldiers. More than a day of fighting broke down, many Chinese soldiers have been poured into the pool of blood forever, and the rest are mostly red eyes.

In the evening, when the sunset sprinkled warm yellow light from the side of the sky, Hu Yanzhuo stood in the corner of the city and looked down at the army that attacked the city below and briefly retreated. There are traces of snow on the ground far away from the horizon, and there are smoke and blood in the vicinity.

The rocket in this corner of the city was ignited by several rockets. The Linzhou garrison, originally under Xu Chun’s squadron, was in chaos. Hu Yanzhuo led the team to fight and killed a group of Jurchens. The city's head was marked with blackened traces. The bodies and weapons were scattered on the ground, and some soldiers had begun to clean up. The Chinese soldiers first took care of the seriously wounded. Some of the minor or tired people hid in the safe place behind the women's wall. They harmonized their breathing and took a rest. There was also a **** and exhilarating look in their eyes.

"The Xiao Cang River was much more lively than here..."

The voice of the nearby veterans came from the ears, and the gasping tone in the gasps was actually cheering for the people around. At both ends of the wall, you can see the black flag flying, you can see a team of Huaxia Army.

Hu Yanzhuo knows many of these figures, and the soldiers who survived the Xiao Cang River battle often have intangible qualities. They are different in tension or seriousness or indifference on weekdays. On the battlefield, these people are different. More like a stone, it is not noticeable in the killing, but it can often make the most appropriate response at the most appropriate time.

Most of these people can become the officers of the Chinese army. A little lonely can also drive several people on the battlefield to form a small circle. At this time, they are scattered throughout the city walls. After the fierce slaughter, many people probably recalled the battle of Xiao Cang River.

In the wilderness outside the city, the Jurchen’s battle flag stretches, symbolizing the most fierce army in the world. And when the eyes swept over the figures on the wall, in the eyes of Hu Yanzhuo, it seemed as if they saw an unspeakable wall. At the time of Liangshan, Songjiang gathered many heroes in the world, trying to discharge the position of 108 heroes in the Tianzhu area. Today, they may not be able to win this army's blow.

After a day of siege, the female real soldiers were retreating for the first time and suspended the fatigue offensive. Most of the people who looked up and down the city had doubts. On the side of Hu Yanzhuo, the black flag army staff Li Nian came over and whispered something to him.

"The news has just been passed over. Ming Wangjun, brought by Wang Juyun, is already close to 20 miles. Tianhe Road is not easy to go. He will arrive at the latest tomorrow. In addition, I wish the boss has already joined the outside 3,000 people. I don't know about these things. After a day of fatigue, the offensive suddenly stopped. He wouldn't want to rest."

Hu Yanzhuo nodded and summoned the officers around him: "Let everyone play the spirit, the speed is not so lazy, the attack will continue at any time." Then he picked up the telescope and looked at the opposite position, among the black crushed camps. The people are running away and the traffic is unusual.

Then, something is slowly rising from the back of the Jurchen camp.

"I...fuck!" Hu Yanzhuo said. The voice of the city screamed.

It is a hot air balloon that is expanding.

Since the Huaxia Army mastered the technology of hot air balloons, it has recently been said that the Wu Dynasty has also developed finished products. The Jurchens are under the supervision of Yan Yanyin, and it is not surprising that they will master the technology. It is only on the battlefield. This is the first time. .

However, it is enough to prove that Zong Han, Xi Yin and others are paying attention to this battle and are determined to win.

The atmosphere of the city suddenly smothered, the figure ran away, moved to use as a firework for air defense, and soon after the direction of the Jurchen military camp, it once again opened the offensive.


The night has begun to be the generals, the bonfire has been extended into a sea of ​​light, the siege is preparing, and in the darkness behind the field of vision, three huge balloons are slowly expanding. Among the camps of people who were boiling in the stables, Shen Chengjin led Shen Wenjin all the way through the array of troops, and finally arrived in front of the speed of the handsome flag.

The female is very big. Shen Wenjin was the general of the Han army under the honour of Cheng Zonghan at the end of last year. The soldiers led by His Majesty are well equipped and have more than 10,000 people. This army broke the courage when facing the Jurchen, and collapsed after a war. After the sincerity, in order to express its loyalty and seek for a wealth, it was quite effective. During the day, Shen Wenjin led his army to the city twice, a hard fight. Not retreating, the Huaxia Army of the city head caused a lot of damage, and the performance was extremely bright.

At the time of the speed, he was called, and in the face of everyone, he praised it, and then he stood by and listened to the arrangement of the deliberation and offensive. Shen Wenjin is naturally quite happy on the surface, but his heart is strange. In such a tense siege situation, the speed of the surgery must be arranged. The order is to call himself, and I don’t know what it is, but I see it today. If you can't attack the city, you have to call yourself and stimulate the rest of the Jurchen generals.

He has been immersed in the officialdom for many years, and he knows the truth of Mingzhe's preservation. At this time, he is afraid to become a group of generals in the generals, and his heart is up and down. However, the speed of the upper line was just around the corner, and he did not regard him as a sacrifice to stimulate the rest of the generals. After a while, most of the offensive plans were scheduled to stop, and all the troops had been ordered to prepare, and the speed of the surgery had not let Shen Wenjin go.

Soon after, the attack started after the night. With the sound of the Jurchen Bugle, the trebuchet cast a stone that was ignited after the infiltration of the kerosene. The huge fireball whizzed to the head of Linzhou City, and the rocket was like Flying scorpion, the offensive team slammed into the ladder...

"Shen General, you go with me."

I don't know when, the speed of the program came over, and after talking, Shen Wenjin quickly kept up. The rear guards also followed.

The speed of the operation was with Shen Wenjin, and the line of the military line along the siege was horizontal. The sound in the night seemed noisy. The siege scene on the side of the field of vision was like a boiling drama. It was not far away, and the speed of the operation opened. : "Shen General, can you say that you can get Linzhou tonight?"

"There is the elite of the generals, and the intensity of this siege. At the end, I will think that I will be trapped in the city tonight."

The speed of the surgery looked back at him and his eyes were not good: "Shen General, you are the leading general. I use you because you are good at fighting and understanding. Now these conditions are what you want, your vision, you are less Flattering."

"Oh..." Shen Wenjin groaned. "So, will you tell the truth?"


"If you can attack, you will have to attack. Now continue, but with the wheel battle, the black flag army in the city will be exhausted to the limit. According to the observations in the day, this black flag The strength of the army, I am afraid that I will not lose to me, I really want to hit the city like this, I am afraid that it will not be able to build merits in the third and fifth days. And... I am afraid that our damage is also heavy..."

After listening to him, the mouth of the front speed is slightly moving, like a smile: "Then you said, why should I fight like this?"

"Only because of this war, the entire Jindi situation, the black flag was defeated, and the entire Jindi was incapable of being a big hit. And I heard that the south is negotiating. At this time, at this time, many people are also After watching it... choose the team."

This statement is extremely straightforward, but some should not be said as a Han Chinese identity. After the export, Shen Wenjin became a little bit swallowed. Only after that, the face of the speed of the speed really saw a smile, he quietly I saw Shen Wenjin for a moment.

"Yeah, General Shen has also seen it. I must win, and I must win. In addition, what else can I do?"

Shen Wenjin hesitated for a moment: "...is...yes."

After listening to Shen Wenjin's answer, the speed of the line was satisfactory and went forward. Shen Wenjin thought for a moment and said: "And, according to the end, the wind is not right now. The three rear balloons... can’t fly to the wall. Although they can rise, they can put some pressure on the city, but they are not used at this time. It’s too early.” His words are the words of the lungs, but the speed of the surgery is ignored. After a while, the words ring.

"When I led the army to the south, Gushen gave me a bag. When I arrived at the battlefield, I opened it. There was a broken city policy in the bag. This strategy must be helped by someone to become a general, Shen General, today siege, I See you fighting bravely, and your soldiers will use your life, so I would like to ask you to help me with this strategy." The speed of the surgery is over. "How, Shen General, this broken city, you are willing to be in the bag?"

Shen Wenjin sneaked a glimpse, then pushed Jinshan down the jade column and stumbled on the ground: "But with the general's life, the end will be honored!"

"Good." The speed of the speed of the line looked at the head of Linzhou City, where the fierce battle, the fire jumped on his face, and then he lifted Shen Wenjin. "I will detail the details of this plan with you, can you quickly break the city, then you will Look at General Shen..."


Midnight, the snowy mountains in the northeast of Linzhou whispered in the mountains, and the team had been stretching forward in the rugged mountains.

Through the deep forest and across the snow ridge, there was no torch on the front and back of the whole team. In the first half of February, the air began to warm from the cold, so that the snow was no longer as stable as the winter, walking in the snow. People stepped on the snow and pulled it out. The snow was slightly melted by the heat, and it was frozen by the cold of the night, so that the march of the night was not the slightest temperature.

Further on, the team passed through a narrow cliff, in the sobbing cold wind, the soldiers one by one, pulling a simple rope, past the cliff road that was only enough for one person to pass, the side of the body is The bottom of the bottom.

Zhu Xi and the scouts who lead the way are at the forefront, while exploring the road, while fixing the ropes on the steep mountain wall - such a deep sigh, even if it is a master’s skill, if it is stepping on the air If you fall down, you may have no bones.

However, this piece of the mountain wall that even the Orion does not dare to go in normal times is the only way to get close to Linzhou without a sound.

A few days ago, with the speed of the speed of the camp, the Huaxia Army staff who got the news quickly responded. After the assassination of Tianshi, the Jindi guilty, the frontal defeat of the Huaxia Army is clearly a key step in the series of actions of Yan Yanyin. At this time, with the death of Tian Shi, the morale of Jindi was reduced to the lowest point. The Chinese army, which is only a million people, could not be defeated, but it could not easily avoid the war.

On the other hand, the Huaxia Army of 10,000 people is dying in Linzhou, and it is expected to boost the morale of the entire Jindi. Obviously also a stupid choice. After receiving Wang Juyun’s response, Guan Sheng will divide 11,000 Huaxia Army divisions into two divisions, and an 8,000-plus person will enter Linzhou, relying on the benefits of urban defense, and fighting with the speed of the engine, another 3,000 people The team is divided to the northeast, waiting for the arrival of Zhu Xi.

This choice is mainly to avoid Linzhou becoming a place to stay. On the other hand, considering the strategic needs of Jurchen, the speed of attacking Linzhou will definitely win, and the quantitative advantage of 30,000 to 10,000 is considerable, but there are likely to be other backers. Therefore, at the beginning of this battle, it will inevitably become a fierce confrontation between the two elite teams. Three thousand preparations, not too far, not too close, for the initiative on the battlefield, it is best to avoid the speed of the speed of the speed, and later, this dangerous mountain road, has become the only choice.

The night wind was like a steel knife, and there was a sudden movement in the back. I wished you to look back. I saw that there were several people in the mountain road. Some of them suddenly fell into the mountains. One of them was in front. The soldiers struggled to seize, and the other two disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was no loud voice between the mountain roads. Just before the departure, the army was strictly ordered and no sound was allowed. The long march of 3,000 people walked through the cliffs in a cautious and cautious manner. During this period, several people fell into the deep and left the world forever.

Some people shed tears, but the team still spread silently. When everyone went through the cliff, some people looked back. The mountain in the darkness was quiet and there was no trace of any genius. Soon, this cliff was also They quickly left behind.

The road ahead is dark and cold, and the road to Linzhou is still far away...


After midnight, the siege of Linzhou stopped again. The fierce battle seemed to be able to cut through the wall every moment, but at the end of the day, this intention still failed to materialize.

The Jurchen singer retired, but still maintained that it seemed to be able to launch a violent attack at any time~www.wuxiaspot.com~The back of the camp west of the battlefield, Shen Wenjin called the confession general in the camp, he did not say what to do Just keep these people down.

The best time has not yet arrived and there is still a wait.


When the child is ugly, the ugly time goes to the end, the wall has calmed down, the defensive soldiers have changed, and the night is getting to the deepest.

Ten miles away, the reinforcements led by Wang Juyun camped in the snowy night, waiting for Tianming to enter the battlefield. Once there is reinforcements, the situation in Linzhou will be slightly relieved. Of course, the pressure of speed will be greater, and time will be more urgent, perhaps For this reason, the ugly moment of the moment, the Jinjun camp suddenly moved, and the three thousand people launched the attack from different directions. The attack lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Finally, it still failed.

When it was near, the Jinbing retreated. At this time, it was three o'clock in the night. After the tension, the huge fatigue was pressed against everyone. At the moment of the moment, in the city of Linzhou, the defending city leader Xu Chunyi came out of the courtyard and went to the west wall. His side was followed by a confidant.

Across the street, Yan Qing, who is dressed in black, waved his hand and followed the same direction.

In the Jurchen camp, which has gradually become quiet, the speed of the law has come out of the camp, facing the Linzhou City, which has been quiet in the front, and raised the telescope. From his arrival in Linzhou, the ensuing is the incomparable boiling and embarrassing, the night in front of him seems to have never been so quiet.

From the mountains two miles away from the Jurchen Camp, the animals seem to sleep in the cold and the night, and Lu Junyi is also watching the camp far away.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, four o'clock in the morning.

What is going on happening...

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