Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 814: Sound, sound, slow (2)

In the night, Anzhen, Linzhou City, Xu Chunyi took people through the streets where the soldiers were on duty, and went to the southwest gate of the city.

As a general who was once relied on by Tian Shi, Xu Chunyi, who was born into a family, was straightforward and brave, and on the battlefield, he was worthy of relying on his companions.

Today's Jurchen siege, although the main pressure is mostly borne by the Huaxia Army, but the soldiers of Xu Chunyi still blocked a lot of offensive pressure. Especially in the weak spots on the west and south, the Jurchen once launched a surprise attack on the city. It was Xu Chunyi who took the elite to recapture the wall. His heroic rush on the wall was recognized by many Chinese military soldiers.

In the daytime, the Jurchens repeatedly attacked. The Huaxia Army had only 8,000 people. Although they retained some spare capacity as much as possible, all the soldiers actually went to the wall for one or two rounds. At night, the living forces in the Xu's army are more suitable for duty. Therefore, although there are the night-timers of the Huaxia Army in most of the key sections of the city, the Xu's forces also take responsibility for some wall sections.

At this time, when everyone is the most exhausted, Xu Chunyi cares about the city defense situation, so as not to be exploited by the Jurchen, it is not surprising. The soldiers who met each other along the way met, and most of them took up the spirit to salute. They were also honored to follow such a responsible general.

Gradually to the gate of the city, Xu Chunyi glanced at the tower on the other side, and then transferred to the nearby yard with his confidant...

Yan Qing hides in the darkness, and behind him, there are people coming and going. After a while, Xu Chunyi and others entered the side of the courtyard, and a black figure poked his head out and made a gesture.

Yan Qing’s side, someone gently sighed...


Outside the city, the large military camp has begun to rest, gathered in the Han army camp in the side rear, but there are soldiers quietly gathered in the dark.

In the camp, Shen Wenjin wore a armor, picked up a steel knife, and said the whole thing with the hearts of the tent.

"...the wolf eats meat and the dog eats cockroaches. Although I have followed the Jurchen, I think everyone is asking for more than just living. The wealth at the moment is taken, and the meat is eaten, and the Jurchen can’t despise us. !"

Everyone nods, when this is a troubled world, if you just want to live, everyone will not have a life in the day. The Wu dynasty has been exhausted, they have no choice, the people around them have to live well, and they can only follow Jurchen and fight this world. Everyone has a knife and a squad.

When the night was darkest, Shen Wenjin led the majesty and quietly left the camp. They circled a little, then passed through the side of the battlefield blocked by Xiaoqiu and arrived at the gate of the southwest of Linzhou.

A small group of people first went forward. Then, the city gate quietly opened. The small team went in to check the situation, and then waved to summon the remaining two thousand people into the city. Under the cover of the night, the soldiers entered the city one after another, and then in the cooperation of the soldiers of Xu Chunyi, they quickly occupied the city gate and then went to the city.

The female real camp, the messenger passed through the camp and handed the message to the speeding squad into the city. The speed of the surgery was silently finished, and there was no speech.

The fire in the camp was bleak, and all the soldiers seemed to have slept, with only patrolling figures passing through.

Occasionally there were a few figures, silently passing through the camp at the southwestern end of the camp. They entered a tent and left quietly for a moment.

The Jurchen soldier in the tent opened his eyes. In the fierce attack from day to midnight, more than 30,000 female actresses took turns to take turns, but there were thousands of living forces that had been left behind. At this time, they wore armor and the knife did not leave. Pillows are waiting for you.


The sky stars are bleak. From the woods inside and outside Linzhou City, I wished to bite the dry food that was almost frozen into ice, and passed through the group of soldiers who were here to make the final rest.

"Eat something, don't rest next... Eat something, don't rest..."

He whispered to this sentence to every soldier. Among the crowd, several leather bags were passed one by one. It is a good spirit that allows you to arrive at the nearby scouts as far as possible without disturbing anyone.

Not much wine, everyone drank two.

Then, start off...


Within the city of Linzhou.

In a cautious array, walking through the dim streets, Shen Wenjin saw the generals who were waving to them in front of the corner.

Xu Chunyi.

Shen Wenjin’s heart sighed and sighed. Before that, the two had seen several times. If it wasn’t for Tian Shi’s sudden death, Xu Chunyi and the Xu family behind him would not be willing to be honest in this war.

In such a sigh, he really feels it. Actually, it is also the power of the Jurchen, and behind it, Yan Zhanhan and Wan Yan Xi Yin are very powerful. The war in the second half of last year seemed to be unremarkable. At the same time that the Jurchens were pressing the south of the battlefield, Jin Wangtian actually played his prestige.

Who knows that an assassination in the opening year will bring down the prestige of this conglomerate, and then the division of the Jindi will be defeated, and the black flag will be taken from the south, and the 30,000 women will face the 10,000 black flag. God has already contacted Xu Chunyi’s sincerity, and the whole state of affairs can be said to be interlocking.

In detail, the entire Jindi million rebellion against the army, the people nearly ten million, and there are many rugged mountain roads, really want to win down, dragging for half a year is not surprising. However, the immediate solution is only half a month old, and with the failure of the resistance of the Jin Dynasty, the car is in the forefront, the entire Central Plains, I am afraid it is difficult to have such a scale of resistance.

As a Han Chinese, he saw the fall of the Han family.

He can only make such a choice.

Shen Wenjin kept cautious and let the forward of the queue go to Xu Chunyi. He walked slowly behind him. At some point, it was probably a loose brick on the road. He shook his feet and walked out two steps. Shen Wenjin was only Realize what, look back.

In the darkness, the situation on the ground could not be seen clearly, but the confidant who followed on one side realized his doubts and began to look at the road. After only a moment, the confidant said: "The road is wrong... it was turned over... ”

Shen Wenjin stepped back, and some people were ringing in the darkness of the side.

"Don't move!" The man said, "Go again... the movement will be big..."

In front of the street, Xu Chunyi looked helplessly at this side. Behind him, on the side of his body, the muzzle was pushed out. There was movement in the courtyard around the street. A figure walked up the roof and inserted. Banner, the flag is black.

Shen Wenjin raised his hand and touched his helmet, knowing that he was in an ambush. But there is no way, if the Jurchen is the blessing of the world, the true life of the world, this black flag is the same great devil that can make all life die.

For a time, he didn't know what choices to make.


In the southwestern city, Chen Qi stood in the cold wind, and pressed his hand on the handle. He looked at the soldier who was hiding under the female wall and was warm.

He is Shen Wenjin's confidant, martial arts high-strength, heart-stricken, originally in the army of Jin Wang, all kinds of interests are intertwined, he can not mix. Since the sincerity of the woman, Shen Wenjin wants to make a name in front of the Jurchen, and the atmosphere in the army is also changed. Chen Qi, such a fierce person, is quite reusable.

Originally under the hands of King Jin, the morale of Shen Wenjin’s army was not high and his reputation was not obvious. When I went to Chengzheng Jurchen, everyone pointed to the performance. In this period of time, I have made a lot of dazzling achievements. Everyone is consciously a strong army. Like Chen Qi, these "good guys" have also subconsciously begun to despise those lazy. Military.

Not far away, the few soldiers who feared the wind and chilled, naturally, were the hands of Xu Chunyi. When Shen Wenjin entered the city, he left nearly half of the hands to help defend the city, and Xu Chunyi’s people did not I left here - mainly because I was afraid that such a move would alarm the black flag in the city - so now, everyone, you, me, I have you gathered in the city gate, on the city, monitoring each other, but also waiting The message of hands-on work inside and outside the city came.

Xu Chun’s generals responsible for defending the city’s head came over here, and the soldiers stood up and stood up. The general and Chen Qi took a face: "Ready, fast." Chen Qiyi gave him a look, too lazy to care for him. The generals asked for a boring departure. Several air-conditioned soldiers over there did not know what to say to each other. They came over here.

Chen Qi’s hand presses the handle, and a few people who walked over will hesitate. Only the person who is heading is slick like a gangster, picking the chin: “Brother’s name is very famous.”

"What?" Chen Qi is not good.

"Nothing else." The man took a step back when he saw Chen Qi’s rejection of a thousand miles. "It is to remind you that our boss can avenge."


"Know that you are not afraid." These oils came over and probably wanted to make friends, seeing Chen Qi is not good, the head of the man put his hand on the female wall and began to look at the scenery, muttering in the mouth: "Mother's, standing during the day This, the head does not dare to take the risk, now it is all right... Yeah, anyway, in the future, the Jurchen world, one hundred.... OK, everyone is a brother, Jurchen has the world, we Han people can not hold the group. I know that you martial arts High, killing a lot of people, I did not follow the master of the Royal Boxing Museum..."

Chen Qi just turned his head to see the oil, and saw that his posture was slippery, but the body rack was like practicing Wu: "Oh, Yu Boxing Hall? Who?"

"Who are you?" The other party returned.

"Hey, a surname Chen, Chen Qi." He said: "Tell you."

"I..." The man had just opened his mouth and his movements suddenly came!

Inside the city on one side of the field of view, the blast of light blasted and fireworks rose into the night sky.


At the Jurchen Camp, the telescope was released.


The earth shook.


In the dark streets and alleys, Shen Wenjin screamed in his mouth and ran away. Afterwards, the flames rose from the soil!


Chen Qi, looking back, looking at the direction of the city, he took a step, suddenly realized that a few soldiers on the side of the body were too close, the companions around him pressed the handle, their The knife in front is squatting.

Warm and sticky blood sprinkled on the face of Chen Qi.

He violently screamed, and the knife slammed against the wind, then slammed down.

With a bang, the blade was caught and the tiger's mouth hurt.

In front of the field of vision, the eyes of the soldier's oil disappeared without a trace, as if it was in the blink of an eye, his eyes changed to another person, and only those eyes were cold in the eyes.

Two shields pushed over his face. Chen Qi’s hand was stuck on the top, his body shape receded, and some people rushed out on the side. The long knife smashed the human foot, and a short spear was thrown into the air. Passing through the face of Chen Qi, he plunged into the neck of a companion at the back.

Shields, knives, rifles... A few people in the original area seemed to turn into a huge wall in the blink of an eye. Chen Qi and others quickly fell down in the retreat of the shackles. Chen Qi struggled to fight and killed a few knives. The chop was only on the shield, and finally the shield was suddenly withdrawn. The front was still the oil that had previously spoken to him. The two sides were intertwined, and the other’s knife had already come over. Chen Qi’s hand greeted him with only half of his arm left. The steel knife in the hand of another soldier opened his neck.

When the blood was sprayed out, Chen Qi still seemed to be puzzled by the fact that he had broken his hand. The city pool in the field of vision has turned into a sea of ​​strangled.


In the night, the vibrations on the earth loomed, causing the arrows to explode in the sky. On the face of the speed of the speed, there was no expression. He stood up and surrounded by the Jurchen generals.

"Three thousand people of Chen Wenjin fell into the city. In order to survive, they must fight." His voice sounded. "So good opportunity, you can miss it!"

From beginning to end, 30,000 women really attacked the city of eight thousand black flags. The speed win is the only purpose. The whole day of the storm has actually exerted all the offensive capabilities of the speed of the game. Even if it can't, there are still options for sneak attack at night.

There is no sneak attack and Xu Chunyi's response.

Even if Xu Chunyi in the city turns into a trap of black flag, Shen Wenjin who enters the city will inevitably cause great damage to the defensive forces in the city.

"Through my military order, the whole army launched a general attack."

Wear the helmet at the speed of the machine and put the knife on the horse.

"Broken Linzhou City, it is today!"


The night is over and the sky is not bright.

In the north of Linzhou, the staff member Li Nian held a telescope and looked at the explosion that had risen in the city. Not long ago, Xu Chun’s vote for Juror was confirmed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The entire staff department has acted as planned. The placement of artillery, mines and gunpowder in the city was initially responsible for him.

Finally put this finish Yan Xi Yin together...

He took a breath and looked at the telescope on the other side of the wall. At this time, countless fires were burning in the Jurchen camp.

The fireball thrown by the slinger crossed the deepest night, just like the dawn of the arrival. The wall shook. The Jurchen army, screaming at the ladder, screamed and rushed toward the wall. This is the living force that the Jurchens retained from the beginning, and now they are engaged in the battle for the first time.

The cannon sounded on the wall.

The military squad slammed into the distance on both sides of the huge wall.

On the east side of the city, it seems that there was also an unexpected killing that broke out. Perhaps it was the other people who were ready to vote for the real woman, and they couldn’t stop it anymore and started their attack.

At this time, it was only a little past three o'clock, and at the deepest night, the entire Linzhou City was suddenly awakened. The sudden waking motion almost surpassed the hustle and bustle of the day.

Huaxia Army, Jurchen, Anti-Golden, and Golden Fallers... Ordinary siege wars, if the strength is really disparity, it usually takes a long time, but this battle in Linzhou only took two days to participate in the war. Everyone, all the power, is invested in the night before this dawn. The city is killing, and then the city has also been waking up and gathering, fiercely pounced on the tired city defense.

In the wilderness where there is still snow, I wish to hold a long gun and walk forward. In his rear, the figure of three thousand Huaxia Army spreads in this dark and cold night. Their front is already Vaguely saw the floating fire of Linzhou City...

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