Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 815: Sound, sound, Cloth (3)

At the beginning of the second month of February, Linzhou.

The city is floating in the chaotic fire.

In the direction of the city wall, the onslaught of the speed of the spell has already begun. The sound of the huge stone inciting the long wall can make people hear clearly when they cross the small half of the city.

In the southwest, the rebellion of the Shen Wenjin Department after entering the city caused a certain movement. They set fire and burned houses in the city. In the northeast gate, a team of gold-minded soldiers who had not been expected to launch a raid on the city gate, causing certain casualties to the nearby Chinese soldiers.

The news came quickly, and Guan Sheng listened as he walked quickly through the tents in the camp, surrounded by soldiers who ran past. When he saw the courtyard in front, he also saw Xu Chunyi from the other side.

Except for Yan Qing and others who followed Xu Chunyi, Hua Xiajun did not give him any criminal action to restrict the action, so it was only on the surface that Xu Chunyi’s face was only slightly gloomy, and he stopped. Look at Guan Sheng who is coming quickly. Guan Sheng’s eyes were serious, his eyes were self-sustaining, and he walked over to him and patted the dust on his shoulders.

"General Xu, come together."

After finishing the conversation, Guan Sheng led Xu Chunyi and several people behind him and walked into the courtyard next to him.

In the courtyard of the courtyard, there was a light. When Guan Sheng and others came in, many of the defenders who belonged to Xu Chunyi’s squadron had gathered here. Guan Sheng went to the front and both hands pressed the table: “Everyone sits. ”

Everyone looked at Xu Chunyi and sat down. Guan Sheng spread his hand and gestured to Xu Chunyi to sit next to him and then began to talk.

"The time is tight, I have a short story. Some people have cast a golden dog. We found out that General Xu has already done a cleanup. Originally, I wanted to count it, and I led a group of golden dogs to come in and kill, but the speed of the operation was very smart. The Han army was sent in. Anyway, what you are hearing now is the sound of a speedy desperation."

Guan Sheng’s eyes were majestic and he paused a little: “These days, the Huaxia Army and the group of people fought side by side. Some things can be explained. The Jurchen 30,000 is elite, the reinforcements are exhausted, and the defending Linzhou is unstoppable. And looking at the current situation, we don't know how many people who have no eggs are in this city. The speed of the game is fast, we think."

"After the powerful opponents, there will be flaws when they are shot. If we are small, we can only be bachelor. The attack on the speed of the speed will start soon."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. In the military, the generals will not be worse than ordinary people. I have seen Xu Chunyi’s face before. Seeing that Xu Chun’s followers are not the confidants of the past, there are many speculations in the hearts of the people. In the military, "there is not much egg," the meaning of this discourse is even more irritating. However, what everyone never thought was that the more than 10,000 Huaxia Army was on the third day of the defending city. More than 10,000 women have an elite speed.

Such a tactic is so stupid, but to be fair, as long as it is a rational person, it is not difficult to detect the death of Linzhou at this time.

More than 30,000 females are elite, and they lead more than 30,000 traitors. Linzhou has been on the battle for a while, although it is also possible. However, the main force of Zonghan is not far from the north. If the speed of the operation is not able to attack Linzhou, the remaining more than 200,000 female real forces will be the main force. Do you still stand by?

After the beginning of the defending city war, the choice of retreat has long since disappeared. After Tian Shi’s death, the situation in Jindi was dangerous. The possibility of the arrival of reinforcements was almost zero. The defending city around the city was a dead end. When the consumption war was played for a while, then the breakout, the Jurchen cavalry was crushed, and no one could run. Drop it.

If you want to be clear about this, what is the choice nowadays.

No one is talking. Guan Sheng also quieted for a moment: "The country broke home." He said, "Which road you will take in the future, Guan Mou feels that you can think of it, but in the past few days, the Chinese army has been with you, and you are dealing with each other every day. What the brothers think, everyone should see clearly, no one wants to be a dog!"

"I want to go to the battle soon. I don't know what it is like today. I can't come back. I don't want to talk about it." His hand patted Xu Chunyi's shoulder and glanced at him. "But there are people in the city, though. Not much, but I hope that I can take this opportunity to take them to the south to escape. It is the duty of the military. As for everyone... If you can keep up with the speed of the killing today -"

In his eyes, Li Mang flashed: "The Japanese is the brother of the Huaxia Army. I represent all Chinese soldiers. Welcome everyone."

After this was said, Guan Sheng took back the hand placed on Xu Chun’s shoulder and turned and walked toward the outside. At this time, someone in the room stood up. It was a member of the team that was originally under Xu Chun’s hand. The name was Shi Guangen, and his face was not good: "This is what you look down on!"

Guan Sheng turned his head and went to see him. Shi Guangen said: "What you think can't be understood, I don't know if you are talking to a group of cockroaches! But killing a speed, the people under Lao Tzu are ready, how to fight, your surname is off!"

Guan Sheng nodded and picked up his fist. Many people in the room have already seen the doorway at this time - in fact, the matter of gold reduction is a sensitive topic at the moment, and Tian Shifang died. Although Xu Chunyi is the ruler of the army, privately only Can be connected with some confidants, otherwise there will be a big movement, one is unwilling to drop, and this matter will be passed to the ears of the Huaxia Army.

Therefore, for Xu Chunyi's accident, the people in the room had only guessed before. At this time, the guess was only in the hearts of some people. Some people whispered, and some words in the discourse realized: "Hou...the name of the dog is... ..." Others nodded. Someone stood up and said, "Guan Guanjun, Lin is willing to join the Huaxia Army, and will not drop my hundreds of brothers."

If this happens at other times, it is not surprising that the entire army has invested in gold. However, there are Huaxia military forces in the past. In the past few days, several mobilization meetings and side-by-side combat effects have been good, which has aroused the blood in the chest. Moreover, Xu Chunyi’s previous black-box operation and defeat, the control of the army at this time, was finally completely decoupled.

Guan Sheng did not say much, left the staff of the staff, and then strode out. The smashing light on the wall illuminates. He took the big knife, crossed the horse, turned his head and looked at the sky, and then walked with the people around him.

Above the city, this night is still as deep as black ink.


Outside the city, the siege of tens of thousands of troops merged into the most magnificent ocean in the night before dawn. The tens of thousands of people shouted, the Jurchen and the Han people charged, flying over the sky, with flames. The boulder and the shelling on the wall of the city burned into a boiling flame. The rasps were carried by the soldiers and thrown away from the wall. The poured oil was ignited and turned into a fascinating fire curtain.

The most elite troops under the speed of the squadron have begun to ascend to the city. In the southwest of the city, Shen Wenjin’s squadrons launched a siege to save the coach.

Prior to this, the troops entering the city had already suffered tremendous damage. Some soldiers who had been "changing defenses" in the city had gathered together in the unsuccessful killings, and then were forced to jump or be killed and killed. Terrible. In the city, there are even bombardments and explosions.

In the fierce attack that has already started outside the city, there is also a team of the living forces in Linzhou City. In the middle, there are Huaxia Army and the original Xu Chunyi. In such a world, although Jiangshan fell, as Guan Sheng said, "the country broke the family," but it can follow the Huaxia Army to do such a heroic event. For many people who are depressed for a long time, there is still quite a Component.

Moreover, the ability to join the Huaxia Army in the future is also a very tempting thing. Now that the King of Jin has gone, there is no place for the Han people to stand in the Central Plains. If this time can really escape the war after the Great War, the record of the Chinese Army will inevitably shock the world, and it will be a home for anyone to boast.

There is no better, more human-like road.

The wind was so hot that Shi Guangen gathered the soldiers and shouted in front of everyone:

"...I have already said that the dead birds are in the sky, not dying for thousands of years... Today is the speed of death and death, joining the Huaxia Army, and you have been smoldering on the ancestors of your eight generations -"

Yesterday's battle was fierce. The rest of the people had not rested for a long time. They were exhausted. However, when they heard the madness in this speech, some soldiers had a goose bump on their bodies, and the blood of their hearts rolled up...

More people are gathering.


On the northern wall, the white-hot killing is spreading.

The flying streamer bounced on the armor, and Xu Ning stabbed the short gun into the chest and abdomen of a Jurchen soldier. In the scream of the soldier, Xu Ning plunged the second short gun into the throat of the other party.工具一,, a shank from the yel of a woman.

The Jurchen soldier was chasing a **** Chinese soldier on the shoulder. At this time, the thigh was shot and a knife was cut. Xu Ning’s double gun was a stab and a stab, and the other side stabbed to the ground.


He rushed to the injured man, and a Jurchen rushed in front of him, slashing behind his back. The steel knife opened the armor, but the meat was not deep. Xu Ning's body ran forward two steps forward, took a shield and turned and ran into the other side.

He was a martial artist with a strong martial arts. When he ran into it, it was a loud bang. The Jurchen soldier, together with another female real person rushing from the back, couldn’t dodge and was hit into a gourd. More Jurchens came up in front, and there were also Chinese soldiers in the rear. The two sides rushed together in the city.

The mouth of the city was opened, and then Xu Ning took it back with his men, and then another one was boarded. The elite soldiers under the speed of the squadron did not have too much consumption yesterday. The fighting power is not the same, so they won two rounds. The body and blood of the city head spread, Xu Ning killed the red eyes, and he also had several knives and his men. People fight and retreat.

Xu Ning and others gradually retired from the city and announced the fall of this wall.

The Jurchen soldier broke into the city wall and smashed into the still-closed north gate of Linzhou. Soon, the explosion on the street and the street was loud. During the time when Xu Ning was desperate to resist, the engineering team had already buried gunpowder, sprinkled with fire oil, and even piled wood on the way to the city gate. At this point, the raging fire blocked the road.

Xu Ning put down the double guns used in the melee, carrying a famous golden gun on the back and carrying a new round of rushing with the soldiers.

There is a chaos between the streets.

Near the southwest gate, Qin Ming, a bonfire, held a mace in one hand and set foot on the city with Shen Wenjin in one hand.

"Give me the fire! Let them see it clearly!"

Outside the siege, it was nearly 10,000 people under Shen Wenjin's majesty. However, with the elite 3,000 people in the city being killed or surrendered in the city, the siege battles were carried out with no strength and no threat.

After all, at the beginning, the Huaxia Army was here to prepare for the elite of the Jurchen. Later, although Shen Wenjin and his soldiers had resisted, these Chinese soldiers still quickly resolved the battle and brought strength to the city, except for the soldiers who resisted. When the fire was placed in the city, the loss of the Huaxia Army on this side was not great.

The torch burned, and Qin Ming dragged Shen Wenjin to the side of the gate. Shen Wenjin was tied up, his face was white, and his body trembled: "I surrendered, I surrendered, the brother of Huaxia Army! I surrender! Grandpa! I surrender, I For those who recruit you for the outside, I will play Jurchen for you -"

He screamed in his mouth, but Qin Ming was just a sneer. This is naturally something that can't be done. After the sincerity of the Jurchen, whether in Shen Wenjin's side or in the outside army, there are all-fashioned Jurchen dispatching generals, Shen Wenjin was captured. The command of the army has basically been lifted.

"You call me here!"

Picking up a rope knot on Shen Wenjin's neck, Qin Ming kicked him to the side of the female wall, then he looked at the outside of the city and turned and walked to the city.

Most of the cavalry of this Huaxia Army have been assembled in the streets under the leadership of Qin Ming. Six hundred rides and tigers, ready to rush out of the city, killing a lot.

Qin Ming crossed the horse and the heavy mace, the traces of blood have not been dried by the night wind.

In the head of the city, Shen Wenjin, who was wrapped in a rope on his neck, was screaming hysterically in the intimidation of two Chinese soldiers. The Jurchens in the siege army forced the soldiers to move forward. There was a Jurchen archer hiding in the soldiers, approaching the city wall and starting to throw arrows at Shen Wenjin.

After all, the wind was big at night. The two Huaxia soldiers in the city also paid attention to the dangers around Shen Wenjin. They even shot a few arrows. They were not shot but they were shot on the shield. They were still waiting to be shot again. The front door opened.

"Flee away--" Shen Wenjin's shouting is even clearer in this noisy.


In the north of the city, the city walls in one place have been falling apart. It is only under the deliberate destruction of the Huaxia Army that the pieces of the raging fire are burning. Although some of the passages on the wall are opened, the area after entering the city is still chaotic. Deadlock.

The speed of the hurricane looked at the battlefield seriously. The raging soldiers were attached to the city from several local ants. On the first break of the city, a large number of soldiers had entered the city and were gaining a foothold in the city to prepare for the North Gate. The Huaxia Army is still recalcitrant, but when a battle hits this level, it can be said that the city is already broken.

He once taught the quality of the Huaxia Army in Xiao Canghe. For this army, even if it is a hard street battle, I am afraid I can resist it for a long time, but my advantage here is already great. The Huaxia Army, which has divided and dissipated, has lost its unified command. Whether it is resisting or fleeing, it will be swallowed by oneself.

Because of the different winds, the hot air balloon did not rise again, but Haidongqing, who was flying in the sky, soon brought ominous messages. The southwestern city gate cavalry was killed, and Shen Wenjin’s army had formed a large-scale rout.

"The order is sent to Alibai." The speed of the line issued a military order. "He has 5,000 people. If the black flag escapes from the southwest, let him pick it up!"

The commander quickly left, and at this time, the moment had passed, and there was no way the fireworks rose to the sky and burst open. The three gates in the northeast and northwest of Linzhou opened at this time, and the sound of the charge rang in different directions. The black torrent rushed to the side of the Jurchen.

The battlefield of tens of thousands of people, at this time is only the speed of the speed, some people are outside the city, some people are in the city, some people are on the wall of the war, some people are defeating, some are stopping the defeat. At the opening of the city gate, the crowds broke into the crowd, and the Huaxia Army and the follow-up Xu’s army agreed to a little cheaper.

In the southwest direction, Qin Ming led six hundred cavalry, driving away the defeated army of Shen Wenjin and circling the speed of the line.

Outside the city gate in the northwest, a group of 1,500 people was plowing a **** road in the siege team. The leader of the team was named Nie Shan. He was one of the old people who followed Ning Yi. It was the small leader on Liangshan Mountain, killing people like Ma, and later went through the training camp of Zhujiazhuang. On the martial arts, he got the point of mentioning Lu Hong, and he walked the path of repentance.

Over the years, the first batch of ascetic people in the Chinese military has become less and less, but as long as they are still alive, the combat style is just daunting. Nearly fifty years old, Nie Shan is a burly figure with many scars on his face. His hand is full of fierce knives. Under his arm, the first hundred people of the stormtroopers are also shaved hair. Long knives, iron guns, and heavy hammers can easily knock open the bones of everyone.

Half of the sieges here were Hans and half Jurchens. In less than a moment, a large number of soldiers were chased and fled. After these chasing heads, the bodies and blood were paved into a long road.

Hu Yanzhuo and Li Jiaxuan each took thousands of people from the east and the northeast. At the same time, the army of nearly 10,000 people, under the leadership of Shi Guangen and others, smashed the gates from different roads. Their goals are the same. One - the speed of the surgery.

The Jurchen general is the most trusted confidant under the speed of the hurricane. He led more than 4,000 elites to break the city first, and entered the city of Linzhou. He stood firm under the constant harassment of Xu Ning and others, feeling Lin When the state city changed, he realized that things were not right. At this time, there were a large number of original Xu’s troops, and they were killed toward the north wall.

The Jurchen people outside the city, due to the sudden counterattack initiated by the Huaxia Army, the whole scene has a moment of chaos, but soon after, it will stabilize. The speed of the hand grips the long knife and understands the intention of the Black Flag Army. He laughed at the war immediately, and then issued military orders, commanding the various departments to gather together and calmly fight.

There are more than 30,000 directly attached to him, attacking, defending, arranging, and attacking. He is afraid of whoever comes. As long as he has a firm foothold and a counterattack, this Huaxia army of Linzhou will cease to exist.

He did not neglect even the North Gate, which has not yet been opened, and Wang Juyun, the Ming Wangjun, who may have arrived.

At this time, the rear of the northeast came a fierce message, and there was an army that was about to break into the battlefield.

The speed of the knife was quickly raised, leading more than 4,000 people, and personally greeted over there.

In the early hours of the morning, the city was burning. The conflicts and conflicts of nearly 100,000 people seemed to have turned into a turbulent and chaotic flood, and it seemed to be a crazy running wheel. In the place where Zhu Xi and others broke in, a low-quality Han army team completed the assembly, and due to the rush of the siege, neither the Jurchen nor the Han army’s camp defense did not really do it. They scatter the fish, and soon after, they met a fierce opponent.

On the entire Black Flag Army side, a total of nearly 20,000 raids began to squeeze from different directions towards the center, and the Jurchens along the way launched a tenacious resistance. On the battlefield side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Junyi gathered more than 20 people under his command. Looking at this grand scene, he carefully mixed into the battlefield along the edge, trying to fish in the huge chaos.

This small team is like an inconspicuous drop of water. It dissolves in the blink of an eye and disappears...

The morning light was brightened in the near future. Guan Sheng and Xu Ning also joined the final battalion to join the roller. The killing continued. From time to time, the companions around him fell into the blood. The Huaxia Army broke through the layers of defense, but then Another team of Jurchens was killed from the side. After an hour of dawn, Wang Juyun led more than 20,000 Ming Wangjun to the battlefield.

At this time, the Jurchen army led by the speed of the speed has already gained the upper hand in the fight. The Chinese army has bitten more than 30,000 Jurchen troops in the huge fatigue, and repeated gatherings and charges. Thousands of people have been rushing into the ranks of the madness of the Chinese army.

The battlefield thus spread. When the Ming Wangjun arrived, a large number of Jurchen troops lost their exact connection with the squad. They could only gather together and continually pursue all the Chinese soldiers who could see the end of the tyranny, and more It is still ubiquitous, and the Han army is defeated in the mountains. Soon after, these troops were killed together with the Ming Wang army.

Smoke, diffuse...

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