Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 819: You and me are born in the world (below)

"That is the same outside and inside..."

The heavens and the earth are lonely, the wind blew through the barren hills and whimpered away. The man’s voice is sincere and weak, and in the woman’s gaze, it turns into the last hope in deep despair. The smell of pine oil is spreading.

But the woman did not come over.

Gaoshouyue hugs his body, surrounded by hungry ghosts who are only left behind, seeing the situation stalemate for a moment, after which it is convenient for someone to reach out, the woman breaks freely, screams in tears, Wang Shitong scoops up half a bench toss Come over.

"Don't dare to kill you before you die -"

He led the hungry ghosts for nearly two years, and he has his own majesty. Some people just want to come forward, but they don’t dare to have action at the moment. The voices are screaming, and the range of high and light months can be less and less. Wang The lion boy looked at the scene and said in the door: "You come over, I won't hurt you, they are not people, I told you..."

"Ah--" the woman’s screams, "You are not a person!"

Wang Shitong lived.

"Wang Shitong, you are not a person." Gao Xiaoyue cried. "You killed my whole family and ruined my body. They are not people. You are human beings!? Wang Shitong, I hate all of you, I I miss you, I am afraid of you! I am afraid of all of you, beasts, you, these beasts..."

The woman was timid, and she screamed for a moment, her voice was getting smaller, and she sat down on the ground with her body and began to cry.

Wang Shitong looked at her like that. He swallowed a slobber and shook his head. He seemed to want to wave something, but he could not do it after all. There was a sneer in the crowd.

The world is a nightmare.

I have struggled with struggling.

But finally, the last trace of the light, still closed.

In the crowd, someone came close and held up the woman sitting on the ground, and the woman’s screams came from far away. As in the past year, countless times occurred in front of his eyes, the scenes accompanied by Shura's abattoir, accompanied by flames, accompanied by countless people crying and crazy laughter. Numerous heartbreaking screams and crying hovered in his mind, that is the appearance of hell.

"You can't go on like this... you still don't want to be a man--" In the vague shouts, he killed his best brother, who has been hungry and skinny.

"This is a wicked person... but it's okay, as long as there is me, I will take you out... As long as I have..." Countless, looking eyes looked at him, and then this look turned into blood red. Around the heavens and the earth, around the sea, there are people's voices everywhere, crying, begging, people's voices before the death of a living starvation - there should be no sound, but Wang Shitong looks at them, lying on the ground The skinny body, in the occasional movement of the eyes and lips, seems to be infiltrating.

Kokoko, Kokoko, Kokoko...Kokokokokokokokokoko...

Looking directly at the scene of people starving to death, everyone will be mad at life. Every night, countless people will reach up, grab him, and feed him until he eats them. He will wake up from his dreams, greedily and madly sucking the soft, breathtaking smell of the living, the woman always looks docile, like his childhood domesticated kittens, they live in paradise.

"I will protect you, don't be afraid..."






Wang Shitong held his head and cried.

In the crowd outside, some people tore up the clothes of Gaoyueyue, more people, look at Wang Shitong, and finally come over here, the woman screaming and struggling, trying to run, even begging for mercy, but until the end, She did not run in the direction of Wang Shitong. The clothes on the woman were finally torn off, and the hungry ghosts dragged her legs off the ground and tore her pants. A few pieces of cloth were torn off, and there was a voice whistling, squatting in the pile of people, and the pine oil splashed.

"Hands." The voice came out. Many people didn't realize that Wang Shitong was talking, but Wu Ding, who was standing nearby, had heard it and held the stick in his hand. Wang Shitong’s second shout had already been made. Come out.

"Xin Lao Er! Yan Xian! Give me a hand --"

Around Wu Ding, someone suddenly pulled a knife and smashed his neck.

Among the crowds, in the blink of an eye, many people shouted out loudly, and when the knife was raised, there was a high **** cockroach flying into the air, and the next person crashed down.

Killing - or killing, expands in a blink of an eye.

This Xin Lao Er is the confidant around Wu Ding. Yan Xian has been following the dynasty for a long time. The dynasty Yuan removed half of the people, and the remaining half, most of them are outstanding. Where can everyone expect that Wang Shitong, who has no rebellion at the beginning, can be called at the moment, and a large group of people will smash their swords and guns in a blink of an eye, and the **** atmosphere will spread. Wu Ding is in Wang Shitong’s When I was ready, I was prepared, but in the blink of an eye, I was slain by the knives who leaned on my back. The blood marks on my body splashed again and again.

This fierce fight is coming fast and ends quickly. It may be only a few hands-on, but the timing of the disaster is too good. After a while, most of Wu Ding and Wang Chaoyuan’s men have fallen into a pool of blood. Wu Ding was cut down by the second, and several legs were broken. In the scream, there is no ability to resist.

Wang Shitong also smashed two people, and the knife that was still bleeding in the hand went to the high and shallow moon. The woman who was ripped to the ragged clothes retreated backwards. Wang Shi, the nursery rhyme, took down one of her hands.

"Hey, hey... It’s okay, it’s okay..." The man named Yan Xian took a broken blanket, and Wang Shitong took it over and wrapped it in Gaoshouyu, trying to reach out and comfort her, but Gao Shiyue bowed his head and subconsciously retreated. Wang Shitong stood up and his eyes flashed through confusion and blankness.

"What are you doing! You idiots! He is no longer a ghost king! You follow him on the road, can't understand..." On the side of the pool, Wu Ding is still crying in the blood. A group of people standing around have some doubts. Xin Er Er said: "Ghost King, come back." He is naturally the confidant under Wang Shi's virginity. At this time, he is more concerned about the status of Wang Shitong, whether he is turning, whether he thinks.

Wang Shitong was shirtless with his upper body and walked to a wooden stake on one side and sat down. After a good time, he whispered: "Is there a man of the Black Flag Army?"

In the wind blowing, everyone looks at me, I look at you, a terrible silence, Wang Shitong also waited for a moment, and said: "Is there a Chinese army? Come out, I want to talk to you. ""

Ghost King's empty eyes swept over everyone, so after a while, Wu Ding in the pool of blood taunted and laughed: "Cough... you, you crazy, you..."

Among the crowd, Yan Xian slowly took a step and stood in front of Wang Shitong.

Wang Shitong looked up at him, showing that his cheeks were thin and his eyes were dignified. There was not much change in his vision.

"It turned out to be you..."

"Huaxia military is committed, I am responsible for following you... Congratulations to the ghost king, and finally figured it out."

"I didn't figure it out..." Wang Shitong whispered, "I lost after all..."

"The teacher said, you are just drowning."

"...溺水... Teacher?" Wang Shitong looked at Fang Chengye, for a moment, to understand who the teacher in the other party was. At this time, the bird song is passing through the sky, and he finally said:

"I have a request……"


The sky is cloudy, outside Xuzhou City, the hungry ghosts gradually gathered in one direction.

On the high platform that was temporarily built, some people went up one after another. Among this group of people, there was Li Zheng, a Han Chinese from Liaodong. Someone started talking aloud. After a while, a group of people were taken out by the people holding the swordsmen and pushed to kill the light before the high platform.

Divided into food.

The words of the people on the stage were not finished, and the riots came from different directions. Some people rushed to the high platform, some people were surrounded by various directions, and some people were cut down on the ground. In the huge chaos, the vast majority of the hungry ghosts did not know what happened, but the dark red hair that was soaked with blood finally appeared in everyone’s field of vision. The ghost king slowly came to the high platform. People.

Some people roared, some were jealous, and some people tried to shake the crowd under the stage to do something. The old man named Chen Dayi was on crutches and did not react. Wang Shitong, who came up from below, passed by him. After a short time, the soldiers arrested the people who wanted to escape, including the foreign, Liaodong. The Han Chinese Li is on the verge of the high platform.

Li Zheng tried to talk and was stretched out in the mouth by the soldier next to him and smashed his tongue.

The Ghost King came over and cut down the heads of the troublemakers who were here.

He threw the head to the bonfire and the bonfire burned.


Under the gloomy sky, the troops of the "hungry ghosts" finally began to distract. Half of them began to bypass Xuzhou City and went south. Some of them followed the "Ghost King" they could rely on, and went to the nearest, food-rich. direction.

That is the northern, female real military camp.

Time has passed for a few more days. I don’t know when the long marching army is like a long wall in front of the “hungry ghosts”. Wang Shitong speaks loudly and loudly in the crowd. Finally, they struggled to rush to the opposite wall that was almost impossible to pass.

The big red-blooded, dark red hair runs in the forefront of the crowd, and the raging footsteps are like spring thunder that disturbs the whole land. The figure of the Jurchen in front begins to become clear in the field of vision. Wang Shitong swallows. Slobber.

"very hungry……"

Spring has arrived.

The whole piece of land is still a ridiculous death.

The bombardment of "Boom" flew over.

Wang Shitong ran in the crowd, and the shells pushed him high into the sky...

very hungry……


Far away from the distance, the figure of the woman melted into the **** team and set foot on the south.

I don't know if she will look at the north for even a look at such a journey.

"...I have a request, I hope you can send her to the south..."

"... I hope that you can guarantee her food and clothing, I hope that you can find a husband for her..."

"...I hope she can live in a place where she will never experience war. I hope her husband can love her, hope that her children and grandchildren will be full, and hope that when she is old, her children and grandchildren will filial her, hope her face will always be I can have a smile..."

"...I hope she forgot me, hope she will forever... never think of the once, this nightmare..."

"...I hope she..."

...towards happiness.


I don't know where, tears and smiles meet.

His body is flying in the sky...

God bless five years, that is the spring of thirty-three years ago, the child was born in a family of wealthy people in the west. The children's parents believe that the Buddha is a kind-hearted person who praised the ten-country and the eight towns, but they are old and let this one. God bless six years old, his parents took him to the temple to play. He sat at the foot of Manjushri and refused to leave. The temple hosted that he had a relationship with the Buddha, but the Buddha sat down the young lion, and the family name was Wang, hence the name Lion boy.

The Buddha is compassionate, and Manjushri is a symbol of wisdom. Wang Shitong is a young and intelligent teacher. He was a scholar at the age of seventeen. He was a 20-year-old. His parents passed away early, but the family was rich and had a good wife. The same intelligent son.

In the thirteenth year of Jinghan, the 21st-year-old Wang Shitong led the nearby people of the township to evacuate into the mountains to avoid the military disaster. After the Jurchens were disarmed, although the house was destroyed, none of the people who were sheltered were alone. When he died, Wang Shitong started to save his family and borrowed money from nearby farmers to restore their livelihood.

However, in the following years ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ natural disasters and man-made disasters finally came, the young and weak children died in the plague caused by the war, the wife has never recovered, Wang Shitong guards his wife, according to the villagers, natural disasters When he arrived, he stopped collecting rents. Even after that, he had saved his family for the people of Shili and Baxiang. The good wife finally passed away with sadness. On the dying day, she said: I have been happy with you in your life, but unfortunately there is only one person left alone...

Wang Shitong buried his wife and took the migrants south.

As long as I am... I will not leave you alone...

He made a promise to them...


Wu Jianyu ten years, February.

Wang Shitong flies to the sky...

Before that, I have spent all my life struggling...


The hungry ghosts are still running on the endless land.

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