Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 818: You and me are born in the world (on)

Turning around, the wind is nicknamed in the distance.

The stick knocked down and slammed on the head, and the rust was filled with rust. People surrounded him, dragging him away, sticks and fists falling from time to time, he did not resist, sly smile.

The blood came out of the mouth, so that he was tied by the ropes. He looked particularly embarrassed and embarrassed.

A group of people dragged him and passed over the rugged mountains in front of them...

Along with the road of beatings, muddy and pitted, the smell of mud and water coming from the stolen goods wrapped around the body. Relatively speaking, the beatings on the body seem to be weak. At this moment, the pain and the shackles seem weak. He lowered his head and smiled, looking at the gap in the footsteps of this large crowd.

Spring has arrived, the mountains are gray. In the past six months, the hungry ghosts gathered here have cut down all the trees nearby, burned everything that can be burned, and ate all the animals that can be eaten between the mountains and rivers. Where is a dead silence.

He looked at this side, and his eyes were dead.

Wu Jianyu was in the spring of ten years, February 12.

My name is Wang Shitong.

This is my return...


The weather was cold and damp, and the people holding the knife sticks and the ragged clothes grabbed their captives and snorted all the way to the hills over there.

The gravel in the mountains is like a clump, and the trees have already been cut down, which is not conducive to living. Therefore, looking around the four wilderness, there is no trace of the hungry ghosts. Crossing the other side of the road, there is a broken wooden house in the field of vision. This is the farthest point of the hungry ghosts patrolling the whistle. In front of the house, a group of people are waiting. For the first four people, either tall or short, they are the heads of the hungry ghosts. They are uneasy in their hearts, waiting for the crowd to be beaten with blood. The king lion boy is dragged to the open space in front of the house and thrown into the water. in.

Wang Shitong’s head was soaked in the water, and it suddenly rolled up and slammed in a moment, coughing in the mouth and spitting out the mud.

"How come there is no one to see!" Some leaders have secretly asked next to them, and we replied: "The killing is killing the light... This surnamed Wang, who dare not fight back, is **** by us. Up..."

"Nothing to fight back?"

"Yes, yes...yeah..."

The face of the head suddenly changed, and he said, "Look around." Then he pulled out the knife and kicked Wang Shitong, who had just stood up.

Wang Shitong fell to the ground, coughed twice, and laughed: "Cough, how? Repairing the country, afraid? If you are afraid, let me go..."

"You are less bluffing than the king! You are in our hands, we are afraid of you-" The leader named Sui Xiuguo pointed at him with a knife, Wang Shitong sat up from the ground, and the repairing country retired half a step. Wang Shitong laughed again and looked around.

"Wu Ding, Chao Yuan, Uncle Shu, oh... you are."

"Grass your mother! Dress up the gods!" Hearing the words of Wang Shitong, the head named Wu Ding rushed over and raised the stick in his hand and waved at him. Wang Shitong’s body was There were a few laps on the ground, and blood was spit out in the mouth. He curled up and Wu Ding rushed over. The old man who surrounded the white turban was not on the ground: "Oh!"

Wu Ding spit a slobber and turned away. Wang Shitong huddled on the ground for a long time, his body twitched for a while, and gradually he did not move. He looked at the sprouting grass on the wasteland ahead, and stunned him until someone pulled him up. Look around for four weeks: "Hey."

I smiled and thought of something, and my feelings were low. I passed the moment: "Since you caught me, you also caught other people?"

"Know it!" Wu Ding said with a wave of hand, someone opened the door of the rear wooden house. A woman in a single room stood there, was knives with a knife, and her body was shaking. This is the high and light month that accompanied Wang Shitong in a winter. Wang Shitong turned to look at him. Gao Maoyue was also watching Wang Shitong, the terrible leader of the hungry ghost. At this time, the whole body was tied, his nose was swollen and his body was swollen. It is full of blood and mud, but his eyes are calmer and warmer than ever.

"Wang brothers." The old man named Chen Dayi said something.


"It’s an old idea to really decide to do it for you..."

"Know, I know." Wang Shitong nodded and turned back. It can be seen that although he is the biggest leader of the hungry ghost, he still respects and values ​​the old man in front of him.

"To get rid of you is the idea of ​​a Jurchen, you know, right?"

"... ah, know, know..." Wang Shitong looked at Gaoshouyue, lost a moment, and then nodded. In response to his bachelor's bachelor, Wu Ding and several other leaders have expressed doubts. The old man's lips trembled.

"We... why do you know, you know?"

"Know." This time, Wang Shitong answered very fast, "...no way to go."

Upon hearing this, the old man sat down on the wooden stake at the back: "This should not be what you said."

"No way to go."

"--This is not what you should say!" The old man clenched the wooden pole and stood up suddenly. The voice shook the surroundings. After a moment, he pointed his finger at Wang Shitong. "Wang brothers, this is not what you should say." You said that there is a way to go, when do you say that there is a way to go! You said to everyone... Wang brother, you... you saved my life, you saved my family's life!"

"Xiaoyao is still dead."

"But you saved the life of my family! My daughter's death is not your fault! Wang brothers, Jurchens are coming, I never thought... I didn't think I really want to kill you..."

The old man’s words came here, and the nearby Wu Ding and others changed their face: “Chen Laotou!” The old man’s hand crossed: “You shut me up!”

His majesty is obviously higher than that of a few people around him. When the voice falls, there are people pulling the knife near the house, and people confront each other. The old man did not pay attention to this, turned his head and looked at Wang Shitong: "Wang brothers, the sky is getting warmer, you are smart, you have the righteousness to bear, you really want to die, you can die at any time, I want to ask you a sentence." Words... How do you go next, you say, don’t be in the woman’s nest as before! The Jurchen is coming, the snow is gone, it’s time to make a decision. ”

"There is no way." Wang Shitong looked at him calmly, his face even with a smile, the smile was calm and desperate, the air around him seemed to suffocate for a while, after a while, he said: "Last year, After I killed my brother, I knew that there was no way... The strict brother said that there was no way, he could not go, so I killed him. After killing him, I knew that I really couldn’t go... ..."

He smiled and smiled with a cry: "Previously... In Zezhou, the Ning suggested that I don't want to go south. He asked me to concentrate everyone in the Central Plains, fight one after another, and finally play a batch of The person who survives, he is... the devil, the beast. Where does he qualify to decide who can live? We are not qualified! This is human! This is a living life! How can he say this? Kind of words -"

Having said that, tears have flowed out of his roaring voice: "But he is right.... We went all the way down the mountain and burned all the way. All the way to kill people, eat people, go to the end, no way to go. This world, don't give us a way, millions of people, what have they done wrong?"

Wang Shitong cried out, it was a man crying into despair, then took a long breath, rubbed his eyes and held back the tears: "I killed everyone, hey, Chen Bo... no way. You guys... you surrender Jurchen, surrender, but there is no way to surrender..."

"Without the road, you will kill a way! Just like you said before, we will kill you! As long as you say a word." The old man's cane has been slammed several times. Wang Shitong shook his head.

"No, I can't kill it, Chen Bo. I... I am tired."

Over there, Wu Ding turned his head back and raised his head. The head of the name Xiu Xiuguo licked his lips. At this moment, they finally realized the reason why the matter was so smooth. This led them to lead the murderous ghost king. The reason for becoming so good in uniforms.

Only the old man looked at him for a long time, and the body seemed to be suddenly short of half a head: "So...we, what they do, you know..."

"Hey, a bunch of idiots."

"You don't want to live..."


"But everyone still wants to live..."

Wang Shitong bowed his head, sly, whispered: "Go live..."

"You..." The old man came over and raised the wooden pole and waved it on Wang Shitong's head. Wang Shitong's body was partial, and the old man took the crutches and finally turned and walked: "I am fulfilling you!"

"Old Chen."

The old man turned back.

"Let me come."

"Oh, you..." The cold wind blew through the house and the mountain. The old man was very angry. Then he waved his cane. The entourage around him rushed over and took a knife to cut Wang Shitong. rope. When the matter was finished, the old man took the person away, and Xiu Xiuguo immediately followed. Wu Ding and the leader named Wang Chaoyuan looked at each other and said: "I watched him die!"

The dynasty Yuan twitched his mouth: "I am leaving half of the people."

Wang Shitong did not control the movement around him. He pulled off the rope and slowly walked to the wooden house not far away. When the eyes turn around the surrounding mountains, the cold wind is as usual, blowing every year, every year in the mountains far away, there seems to be new branches.

In this world, he is no longer in love...

He walked in and hugged the high moon, but his body was too much blood. He then let go, took off his coat, and the clothes inside were relatively dry. He took off and put it on the other side.

"I'm sorry, I still walked this step..." Wang Shitong said, "But it doesn't matter, we are together, I am with you, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter..."

He opened the squad that blocked his mouth, and the woman's body was still shaking. Wang Shi Tongdao: "It's okay, it's okay, it won't be cold for a while..." He went to the corner of the house and opened a dark space. There was a bucket of pine oil in the dark, and Wang Shitong opened it to the room. He fell down and fell on his own body, but then he groaned.

Gaoshouyue ran out from the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The exclamation came from the outside, and he went to the door and called out. The people who overlap each other outside the door are surrounded by people, watching the suicide of the ghost king here. These people were hungry for a winter. When they saw Gaoshouyue, they ran out. Some people stopped her. Someone would go to pull her. Gaomuyue hugged her body and had no way to go.

"It's okay." In the room, Wang Shitong comforted her. "You...you are afraid of this, I will... I will send you away first, I will come with you again. Rest assured, no pain, you come in. ......"

With tears on his face and a smile, he opened his hands and spoke in his mouth.

"You are back, shallow month..."

At this moment, all the outsiders are not in his eyes. In his eyes, there is only the crying, fearful woman. That is what he has left in this world, the only thing that has light.

"You are coming back..."

He cried.

"That's the same outside and inside..."

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