Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 817: Sound, sound, slow (5)

Xuzhou, the rain of pattering fell from the sky, the air was cold and the sin was terrible.

Li Zhuohui, the third division chief of the Fifth Army of China, passed through the simple courtyard. When he got down the corridor, he took off his coat and smacked the water droplets on his body.

Walking through the front yard, more than a dozen officers have gathered in the courtyard and said hello to each other. This is a routine meeting after the morning, but the scope of the meeting has expanded due to what happened yesterday.

Outside the city of Xuzhou, the skinny body of the Chinese brother of the Chinese army was still hanging on the stick. Although there are always dead people in the war, there are great dangers in being sent out of the city. It is not because someone has taken special action, but today, Li Zhuohui’s mind still has some different ideas.

Some timing may have arrived. Yesterday, Li Zhuohui was responsible for verifying the identity of the bodies outside the city. At night, he exchanged ideas with several generals in the army. The ideas of the people were radical and conservative, but today, Li Zhuohui decided to tell things at the meeting.

Not long after, the commander Liu Chengzong went to the yard and everyone went into the room. There will be several daily issues at the meeting, and Li Zhuohui initially reported the identity of the bodies outside the city.

The name of the victim is Fang Mu. He is twenty-nine years old this year, but he is a veteran of the Chinese army. Before he was ten years old, he was a homeless child in the capital. He was trained by Zhu Ji at that time and experienced the experience. Defending the war, experienced the rebellion of Yu Jun, and later experienced the successive battles in the northwest, and worked underground in Zhu Ji for some time.

He already has his wife and children in Liangshan Mountain. In principle, he should not let him out of the city. However, over the years, the Huaxia Army has experienced many battles. There are many brave people, and they are truly determined and sleek. Not much - at least in this team of more than 8,000 people, such a man is lacking. Fang Mu took the initiative to ask for the work of going out of the city. At that time, he said that it was a spy to the hungry ghost group. It was not necessary to be **** the battlefield, and it might be easier to survive.

"..." There are still my wife and children in my family to take care of, I am thin and thin, and it is easier to live out of the city..." He said this at the time, but he did not think... was discovered..."

After finishing these things, Li Zhuohui sat down in his seat. Liu Chengzong nodded and talked about Fang Mu’s affairs for a while and began to enter other issues. In the mind, Li Zhuohui considered when his ideas were suitable for discussion and discussion. After a while, Luoye, the head of the special group sitting in front of the station, stood up.

"Master Liu, everyone, I have an idea."

"Say." Liu Chengzong nodded.

"I think it's time to take a nap." Luoye said, "Hungry ghosts, kill Wang Shitong."

The officers in the room exchanged their eyes, and Liu Chengzong thought for a moment: "For Fang Mu?"

"Fangmu can be a reason, but the main reason is because I think the time has come."


"I said this for the following reasons." Liu Chengzong looked at Luoye with a puzzled look. Luoye also looked calmly and looked back. Then, "What is the purpose of our visit to Xuzhou? The 100,000-strong army, more than 8,000 of us, succumbing to Xuzhou, relying on the city wall to be strong? This denied the feasibility in our military discussions last year. Persistence, street fighting, evacuation, harassment... Even in the most optimistic situation, we also Will give up Xuzhou City, and finally turn into guerrilla and harassment. Then, our purpose is actually to pull for a long time, to make a name, and to give as much relief as possible to the resistance of the Central Plains and even the Yangtze River basin."

"...So in this kind of purpose, what are the meanings of the hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts outside the city? The spring is coming, the Jurchens are going to kill, we can count on these hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts to become our natural The barrier, that is, we wait for the Jurchen to kill hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts, and finally come to Xuzhou City... This seems to be a good idea, but this choice, I think it is very negative."

"... First of all, we consider the fighting power of the hungry ghosts. Hundreds of thousands of people are starving to death. When harassing Jurchens, even if I am finished with Yan Zongfu, I feel very troublesome, but if the Jurchen 300,000 regular army really treats the hungry ghosts It’s the enemy, it’s necessary to kill it, and the resistance of the hungry ghost is actually very limited. Watching the massacre being slaughtered by hundreds of thousands of people, and then defending the city, the blow to our morale is also very big.”

"...Secondly, the Jurchens outside the city have begun to adopt a strategy of diverging and squeezing the hungry ghosts. These hungry people are very powerful in desperate situations. However, once they encounter differentiation, they have a way to go, they actually resist This temptation is not so. So the barriers of hundreds of thousands of people just look very beautiful, actually they are vulnerable, but the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people are actually very heavy..."

Luoyeton paused: "In the past few months, we watched them starving to death outside in Xuzhou City. Although it was not our fault, it still made people feel uncomfortable. But turn around and think. I think, if we break up the hungry ghosts gathered in the city now, what good is it?"

He raised a hand: "First, of course, it has a boosting effect on the military. Second, the hungry ghosts gathered in Xuzhou because of Wang Shitong. Once they killed Wang Shitong, the hundreds of thousands of people who survived will It’s very horrible. The road down the south is hard to walk, but... a small number of people will survive, this is the only merit we can do. Third, there are hundreds of thousands of people. And scattered, Xuzhou people may be able to wrap in the general trend, began to withdraw south, and even all residents south of Xuzhou, can feel this atmosphere, south to find their last living."

"Chier, everyone." Luoye took a breath and pointed out the window. "Spring has arrived, and the snow will melt quickly. This war will come anyway. Let hundreds of thousands of people outside the city drag us." Ten days and a half months? Or let us put our own initiative in the hands, before the Jurchens arrive, do a warm-up first? What we want is the strength and determination of the entire Central Plains to fight, like Mr. Ning said, this play we want If you play well, then there is no need to wait for the Jurchen to do so. If the Wang Shitong is really being rebelled by the Jurchen, we will have a larger group of enemies. In the future, it will be difficult to withdraw from Xuzhou. ""

In Luoye’s discourse, Li Zhuohui raised his hand in the back: “I, I think so too...” Liu Chengzong looked at Luoye in front: “It’s very beautiful, but what about it? What about our losses? ?"

I have a plan - Li Zhuohui thought in his heart. However, Luoye said in front of the side: "I communicated with several heads last night and rushed out a plan overnight. Once the hungry ghosts began to take the initiative to attack, the endlessness is annoying, but their ability to resist offense is insufficient. There are a lot of people in them, just need to focus on the position of Wang Shitong, to penetrate with high-speed power, kill Wang Shitong, of course, we must also consider the follow-up development after killing Wang Shitong. We must launch the dark piles that we have placed in the hungry ghosts, and guide the hungry ghosts to the south. In the middle, we need further improvement and communication for a few days..."

Luoye handed the plan up and explained the steps of the plan. Li Zhuohui and others began to nod. After a while, Liu Chengzong in front of him nodded. "Can you discuss it, is there any objection?" He looked around.

For a moment, Liu Chengzong laughed, and there was a trace of seriousness and fierceness in the smile. The sound is in the room.

"...The plan is passed on, everyone will talk about it, Li Zhuohui, I think you have ideas, perfect it, and official results in the afternoon. If there is no clearer and more detailed objection, then it is like what you said..."

He stood up and knocked his fist on the table.

"Spring is here... kill the king lion children's flag!"

Xuzhou went to the northwest for a thousand miles, and the war and smoke had not dissipated.

In the battlefield of Linzhou, the fierce battle is falling back with the passage of time.

The retreat of the Jurchen army is difficult to determine when it started, but at the end of the day when it succeeded, around the afternoon, the wide-ranging retreat has begun to form a trend. Wang Juyun led Ming Wangjun to the northeast direction and felt that the resistance on the way began to become weak.

The Jin Bing was retreating, and some of the teams that had been ties were still fighting against the Ming Wangjun in the retreat. Some of the retreating Jin Bing even lost the formation and combat power of each other. When they met the Ming Wangjun, they were The branch still retains the strength of the army to pursue it all the way. Wang Juyun rode on the horse and looked at it all.

The speed of the operation, together with the silver surgery, pull-off speed, etc., is one of the core generals of Yan Zonghan. After the death of A-Bone, Jin Guo is divided into two power centers, and the army that Yan Yanzong has mastered is even enough. Wu Hao bought the Jurchen royal army under his control. The Jurchen under the speed of the speed is one of the most elite troops Wang Junyun has ever encountered, but this time it is his only time, playing in the face of the Jurchen core elite, playing so easily.

He did not see what happened in the past, but everything he participated in on the way, almost killed the surviving black flag surviving soldiers, indicating the tragic killing of the two sides in the previous few hours. If it wasn’t for the sake of seeing, Wang Juyun could hardly believe that the army that supported the black flag was dispersed in the hedging, and the scattered teams continued to converge and repeated with the Jurchens. Strangled.

Even at the moment he saw it, he could hardly believe it. Since the Jurchens swept the world and played the slogan of invincible, more than 30,000 Jurchens were elite and faced with more than 10,000 black-flagged troops. On this morning, the hard-working opponents were defeated.

On the battlefield, there are messages in the mouths of the various soldiers and wounded soldiers that "the speed of the train is dead", but no one knows the true and false of the message. At the same time, it is also circulating in the Jurchen, a part of the broken Han army. The rumors of "I wish you are dead" or even "Mr. Ning is dead", no one knows the true and false, the only thing that is clear is that even in such a rumor, the warring parties are still in such a chaotic battle. The killing is now.

At about noon, Wang Juyun saw in the battlefield that he was commanding all the soldiers who could move the bullet to save the wounded. Above the battlefield, the muddy and blood mixed, the body stretched out, the banner of the Huaxia Army and the female real banner were intertwined. The female real brigade had already withdrawn, wishing to be boiled, and the body swayed and waved at Wang Juyun: Help save people!"

His voice has been hoarse, Wang Juyun has rushed to help with the rapids of the crowd, the old man held a wish, I smiled and waved: "Come on! Look carefully! Some people are not dead... ..." He smiled. "They are taking power, help them up..."

On the battlefield, many people fell in the body of the body without moving, but the eyes were still squatting. With the end of the killing, many people exhausted the last strength. They either sat or lay there to rest and rest. I often wake up.

Some soldiers died at this time.

In the distance, some people came over again. The scouts of the newspapers exhausted the news of the parties on the battlefield. Hu Yanzhuo contacted him, Qin Ming contacted him, and Shi Guangen contacted him. Zhu Xi and Wang Juyun received the news together. Every time someone survived the news was confirmed, I wish you a smile: "This guy is not dead yet..." but there are also low-profile messages.

Soon after, some people passed the news of Guan Sheng and Li Jiaxuan. This is already the news from the rider sent by Wang Juyun, and in the rear, some people have carried the stretcher to come over here. They are with Zhu Xi and Wang Juyun. Speaking of the thrilling assassination.

"Look at this blind man..."

When the stretcher came over, Zhu Xi pointed to one of the stretchers and smiled heartily, laughing and tears streaming out. Lu Junyi's body was covered with gauze on the top, and his face was white and weak, and it looked extremely bleak.

"The knife in the chest is extremely hurt, can you kneel down... It's hard to say..."

The medical officer of the army said the situation in a dilemma. He also knew about the news of Lu Junyi’s killing speed, so he was especially careful. On the stretcher next to it, there was another scorpion moving, and the gaze turned to this side.

"He is so martial and can't die."

This is Li Jiayu. He took more than 100 people to try to attract the attention of the speed of the train, waiting for Guan Sheng and others to kill, and then discovered the change of the forest. When he arrived, Lu Junyi and several of his companions had been killed. There is no way to go. Lu Junyi had a few more knives, and three of his companions were alive. After Li Jiaxuan arrived, Lu Junyi fell. Soon after, Guan Sheng led the people to kill from the outside. The Jurchen army who lost the coach began a large-scale evacuation. The military command of the other teams should be taken over at that time. The generals sent out.

Although Lu Junyi’s special forces companion killed all the way, one person was seriously injured. Only one of the two remaining people looked over from there and said: “The last time the killing speed, his horse... will be Lu’s instructor. Hit the flight, if not, the Lu instructor is afraid that it will not be able to support the present..."

Zhu Hao nodded, Wang Juyun on the side asked: "What is the speed of the surgery?"

"I don't know... Jurchen didn't leave the body..."

Wang Juyun also nodded and bowed his hand to the ceremony. Then the medical guards carried the wounded and went down. After a while, Guan Sheng and others came here, and they passed a moment, and the figure went to the end of the medical team. Look, it is Yan Qing who was once active on the battlefield.

There is a cold wind blowing over the battlefield of Mian Mo Mo, this piece has experienced the fierce battle of the wilderness, the forest, the valley, the hills, the people walk through the crowd to carry out the final finishing. The bonfire was lit up, the tent was set up, the hot water was burned, and people were constantly searching for traces of survivors in the corpse. Many people have died. Naturally, many people have survived. After various messages have been outlined, I wish you to sit down on the slopes. Wang Juyun looks into the distance: "This battle will inevitably alarm the world."

Far away, some people hold the leaves under the tree and blow up a piece of music, which is different from the atmosphere of this Jin Ge iron horse, but it sets the surrounding warm and quiet.

"Unfortunately, I can't save back to the world in a war." Zhu said.

"There must be a beginning." Wang Juyun’s voice always seemed to be very calm. After a while, he said: "I was in Hangzhou a dozen years ago. I have had several faces with Mr. Ning. Unfortunately, I don’t remember now. ...... There is this war, the Jindi army is up, the Jurchen is hard to boast and invincible, I wish the general..."

He was congratulating and wishing to say something, but he did not say it. Finally, it’s just saying: “After such a big battle, it’s time to take a break, and the aftermath, Wang will look here. Take care of the body and be able to cope with the next big fight.”

Zhu Xi stood up. He knew that the old man in front of him was also a real big man. In Yongle, he was a Shangshu Wang, a civil and military, and a dignified and domineering temperament. After the end of Yongle, he could even hand out the seller’s flowers and others. In exchange for another rising basic disk, and facing the Jurchen who overthrew the world, the old man stood on the front line of anti-gold, and put the entire family, which has been operating for several years, into the anti-gold case with a near-cold attitude. Go in the tide.

"There are Lao Wang Shuai." He gave a ceremony to Wang Juyun, and Wang Juyun also recalled. Later, Zhu Xi slowly walked over the tent that was set up. It was already afternoon. Under the cold sky, the bonfire was emitting warm light and illuminating the busy figure.

Wang Hao looked at these backs.

Far away, the Jurchen army is still converging in the retreat of the gloom of the clouds, and no one can believe the immediate results. No one can believe that the end of the 30,000-strong army’s fiasco in the frontal battles has been a thing that has never happened in the past two decades.

The entire Jindi, the whole world, not many people know the news of this first hand. In Weisheng City, Lou Shuzhen raised her head in the cold temperature and muttered in her mouth. She had not slept for more than half a month. During this time, she arranged various negotiations, promises and threats. With assassination, the daily count of the chips on hand is like a miser, and I hope to gain more power in the next split.

Many times, she has a splitting headache. Soon after, the news will make her sleep well. In her dreams, she will encounter Ning Yi.

You Hongzhuo walked through the dark streets and lanes, with a long knife on his body. Since then, Weisheng has been splitting. The shameless people have advocated the theory of surrender. They started to stand up and gang up. You Hongzhuo killed a lot of people and suffered some injuries.

In the celestial palace, every day, facing the towering tower, it is responsible for the history of security. If one day the huge tower will fall, he will make a desperate blow to the enemy outside. www.wuxiaspot.com~. It is also in the near future that the light will come in from the end of the tower, and he will hear the names of some familiar people and hear about them.

Jurchen Camp, Wan Yan Xi Yin is also calculating the changes in the general trend. Snow melting ice, more than 200,000 troops have been ready to go, waiting for the inevitable results of Linzhou, his next step, will be launched one after another...


South, Xuzhou, three days later.

The third division of the Fifth Army of China, the team of more than 8,000 people seems to be gradually ignited by something, the gear is buckled, and the operation begins gradually and quickly. Some messages are quietly transmitted under the quiet water, the atmosphere of war. Already brewing quickly.

Li Anmao, the prefect of Xuzhou, noticed some traces. In the past two days, he often came over and slammed the side and asked about the situation.

In the staff department, the plan has been completed, and various preparations and liaison work have come to an end. On the morning of February 12, the rapid footsteps sounded in the courtyard of the staff, and some people sent urgent news.

“The situation has changed outside Xuzhou City—”

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