Zhui Xu

: The last rays of the eve of the fall

Jindi, the late spring rain has already arrived.

The gray city is soaked in the water, and there is blood in the water. In the early hours of the morning, in the dark attic, You Hongzhuo applied the wound to his shoulder. The feeling of pain came. He clenched his teeth and tried to keep himself from making any movement.

A long knife with a small broken gap is placed at the fingertips.

The wound was applied, the bandage was pulled up, the clothes were tied, and his fingers and teeth were trembling in the dark. The shattering movement below the side of the attic has come to an end, and a figure of people pushes the door open.

"The old five died..." The figure sat down on the side of the attic. "The surname is not found."

You Hongzhuo leaned against the wall, did not speak, and there was only a night rain in the darkness of the other side of the thin wall. In such a quiet night, only the participants in it can feel the turbulent waves behind the night, and countless dark tides are surging.

After coming to Weisheng, I was greeted by You Hongzhuo. I was killed again and again. After the death of Tian Shi’s death, the darkness of the city was splashed with blood every day. The surrenders began to move in the clear and dark places. The **** righteous people launched the most primitive confrontation with them. Some people were betrayed and some were cleaned up. In the process of choosing to stand in the team, every step has the danger of life and death.

The battle on the front line has already begun. In order to pave the way for compromise and surrender, the big-name lobbyists headed by Liao Yiren are talking about the situation not far from the north every day. The speed of the line is around Linzhou, and the black flag is retreating. Overturned.

But in the face of more than 30,000 Jurchen elite, the 10,000 black flag, after all, is still facing the battle.

They turned out to be...not retreating.

During these days of strangulation, You Hongzhuo met some people, some of whom died during this period. This night they went to find a head of the rivers and lakes under Liao's family, but they were ambushed. The name is Laowu, and You Hongzhuo is quite impressed. It is a man who looks suspicious and thin, and when he is brought back, he is covered in blood. It is no longer possible.

Because of the injury on his body, You Hongzhuo missed the action tonight, but he was not sorry. It’s just that the night, the boring and the oppressive, it’s always awkward, and the man on the other side of the attic has said a few more words.

"You said... how many people are standing on our side?"

"The black flag is in the sky, I don't know how long it can drag the speed of the train in Linzhou..."

No matter how long the battle in Linzhou lasts, facing more than 30,000 Jurchen elites, and even more than 200,000 Jurchen main forces, 10,000 black flags can't be lost. In the past few days, the private information has been collected and it is all about this.

The night is dark, and people can't see the way ahead in the cold.

However, You Hongzhuo closed his eyes and held the handle, and did not answer.

It’s not easy to be a knife. When he learned to use the knife, he first learned to work around, but with the guidance of the Zhao couple, he gradually dissolved this into a constant mind. In Mr. Zhao’s teaching, once Zhou Zongshi said that the literati had a ruler. The warrior has a knife. His knife, thorns and thorns, never go forward. The darker the front, the more valuable the existence of this knife.

In the past two years, although he has never mentioned it, he often remembers the couple. In such a darkness, the pair of predecessors, and certainly somewhere, use their swords to open the way of the world. Just like the former Zhou Zongshi and the companions who died today, if these people exist or exist, You Hongzhuo will understand what he should do.

He suddenly opened his eyes and pressed his long knife.

In the darkness of the night, there was a movement, the sound was from far and near, with the faint gold and iron friction, the army in the city. In such a fierce confrontation, the guardian army of Wasion City is divided into two sides, and no one knows when the other party will be in trouble. The moat, running in the rain, took the fire, and in a short time, ran from the front of the house.

- Going to the direction of the Temple of Heaven.

"I will go see."

You Hongzhuo’s figure has risen silently, rolled up a poncho, and muddy out from the window of the attic. He ran on the roof, looking around in the heavy rain, and determined that only the small team of soldiers ran past. Heart.

If the brigade soldiers flocked to the celestial palace at this time, it may mean that a coup has begun. At that time, these people will also be involved in the battle.

In such a night, the squad's soldiers, the pace is so rapid, it may mean that ... the communication.

You Hongzhuo returned to the attic and leaned down in the corner, waiting for the past of the night. After the injury stabilized, he joined the new round of indiscriminate killing...


In the heavy night, the soldiers of the defending city took the muddy scouts and crossed the gates of the celestial palace.

The latest news on the battlefield in Linzhou was sent to Weisheng in the first time, scouting over the mountains, but broke his leg in the heavy rain and darkness, but he still did not stop, arrived in the early morning of the early tenth. Win.

This is the most urgent news. The scouts chose to enter the city gate controlled by Lou Shuzhen. However, due to the relatively serious injury, the messenger’s spirit was sluggish, and the generals and soldiers of the defending city could not help but be a little scared. I thought of these two days in the city. Rumors, worried that the scouts brought the news of the black flag defeat.

Lou Shu, who was dressed in clothes, arrived at the Chamber of Deputies for the first time. She just went to bed and was going to sleep, but actually blew out the lights and could not close her eyes. The scoop of the broken leg was raining, and when he passed through the empty and cold outer celestial palace, he was still shaking. He handed the letter to Lou Shuzhen, and when he said the news, everyone could not believe it. , including the defending teenager who can't get out of his side.

"... China's military defeated the speed in Linzhou City, has been smashing the speed of more than 30,000 women's elite attack, the Jurchen injury is serious, the speed of the process is not enough, the army retreats twenty miles, still in retreat... ..."

"...what?" Lou Shuzhen stood there, the cold wind outside the door blew in, raised the black cloak hem behind her, and suddenly heard the illusion. Then the scout repeated it again.

The same is true of the letter of the communication.

"How come the charcoal fire has not come yet, the medical officer, healed the wounded man and placed him in his place." Her eyes were confused, and the simple letter was seen twice, and the mouth was open and ordered. The appearance of the scout is too weak. She looked at him with both eyes. "I can hold it. After the dressing, I want to hear you say it... the situation in Linzhou... They said... I have to fight for a long time..."

For the upper class, I shouldn’t have put my heart out of it, but at this moment, Lou Shuzhen couldn’t help but say it. In the battle of Linzhou, the speed of the first four starts, the sixth day, the seventh day, the situation is actually clear in the sixth day. Since the black flag has not gone, if you can't beat the speed of the surgery, then you can't go anymore - it's impossible to take a look at it and take it easy. And even if it is to win the game, 30,000 women really play 10,000 black flags, and people with brains can think of a general.

This is the early morning of the early tenth. Suddenly there was such news. Lou Shuzhen also felt that this was a bad conspiracy. However, the identity of this scout was trustworthy.

"Supported..." The scout insisted on nodding, and then said, "Women, it is really winning."

"...Hua Xiajun took the Linzhou defender and took the initiative to attack the ranks of the army..."

"...played extremely fiercely, but the frontal defeat rate is fast..."

"...Huaxia 12,000, defeated the Jurchen elite 350,000, during which the Huaxia Army was broken up and gathered together, gathered together and scattered, but ... frontal defeat speed."

The medical officer came, the scout was taken to the side, the wind came in, the cloak behind the building Shu Shu was shaking, making her body look extremely thin, but she did not feel the cold, quietly walked to the desk, silent For a long time: "Pass me command..." She said this, but the voice was very low, and then there was no order. The thin face was tired and the eyes were dripping in the eyes.

She shed two lines of tears and looked up, her eyes had become firm.

"Tell me orders -"

The wind at night is right, and the city of Wasion is about to move.


The sky is getting brighter.

You Hongzhuo wakes up from his sleep and the horse team is running through the street outside.

The rain is still falling, and some people are screaming loudly and shouting.

He listened carefully.

Soon after, Yu Hongzhuo wore a robes, and other people generally pushed out the door and walked up the street. In the other adjacent house and in the opposite house, people came out and asked: "...What? ”

"Linzhou Jiebao, the Huaxia Army defeated the Jurchen army, and the Jurchen general was slow to die."

"12,000 Huaxia Army, together with Linzhou defender 20,000, the rate of defeat in the speed of the Jurchen elite and the thief army totaled more than 70,000, Linzhou victory, the battle of the Jurchen generals speed -"

There were all kinds of sounds ringing, and people rushed out of the room and rushed to the streets in the spring rain.

In the suburb of Liao's old house, people are running in fear. A white-haired Liao Yiren puts his palm on the table, his lips tremble in intense emotions: "Impossible, the Jurchen is 35,000, this is impossible...the woman makes Fraud!"

"Uncle, a lot of people believe, on our side, there are people who have been rumored... The two bedrooms and three rooms are so bad that they want to pack things and escape..."

"The army of the defending city has been assembled. Wu Haoyuan took the order, and the woman had to take the maneuver... This news came over, I am afraid that someone under the head has begun to counter water..."

"Stupid, stupid - look for them, I talk to them... The situation is to be held, the Jurchen is more than 200,000 troops, Zong Han, Xi Yin rate, always call over, keep the situation, can't keep us going to die - —"

Numerous orders have been sent out centering on the celestial palace, chaos is spreading, and contradictions must become sharp.

In the celestial palace, the maid Yuan Xiaoqiu entered the room and quietly tightened the curtain that was blown by the wind. When she passed the bed, she saw that the woman after the wash had entered the sleep for the first time since these days, she was holding The quilt, his face was white and thin, and his mouth stretched slightly, as if he had a smile.

This is the first time Yuan Xiaoqiu saw the smile of the female body after laying down the burden.

She quietly left the room, pulled the door, the square outside, the rain is still down, the far, towering wall, there is a tall figure standing there, staring at the scene outside the Temple of Heaven, that is Shi Jin.

The clouds are still hazy, but it seems that at the end of the cloud, there is a ray of light breaking through the clouds and descending.

- That is a false light.

The Jurchen camp, the generals are gathering, people talk about the message from the south, Linzhou's battle report, it is so unexpected, even the Jurchen army, the first time thought it was a fake news.

"Maybe it is the scam of the demons." After receiving the message, the military will receive Yan Sai eight for a long time, and got such a guess.

But not long after, things were confirmed to be true.

More details on the message are also brought together.

In the small tent, Wan Yanxi Yin asked the Jurchen soldiers who had been removed from Linzhou one by one, and personally and thoroughly asked about a day. When Zong Han found him, he was silent like a stone.

"how is it?"

"...no swindles."


"...more than 12,000 black flags, more than 20,000 troops in Linzhou, some of which were also instigated by us. The speed of the line was eager to attack the city, and the black flag army chose a surprise attack. Although the speed of the line was finally seriously injured, Before he was seriously injured... 35,000 people against the 12,000 black flag, in fact, have been beaten to defeat the army. The situation is too chaotic, the Han army only made a head, no use, the black flag army was beaten once, The people on our side are also breaking up once and for all..."

Xi Yin said these words calmly: "...and then assembled after the breakup, and then broke up after the assembly, but before the speed of the surgery was seriously injured, 35,000 people were already on the verge of defeat, that is to say Even without his serious injury, this battle is..."

He opened his mouth, but he didn't say it in the end. Zong Han had already fully understood. He patted the shoulders of his old friend: "Thirty years have passed through the world, and I have experienced countless battles. Sad ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, the speed of the game is eager to win, and it is also a fact. God, this thing, the people you arranged in the south, afraid to scare the courage, Wei The little girl who wins, I am afraid to laugh."

Xi Yin also laughed: "The coach has already had a care, don't have to laugh at me."

"Yeah." Zonghan nodded.

"Ming Sunrise."

In the dim sky, the female real camp is like a huge ant colony. The sound of the flag and the war number and the communication begins to surge with the rain of the early spring.

When the conspiracy can't go, the really huge war machine must wake up in advance.

After all, Tian Shi is dead. After all, the split has already appeared. Even in the most difficult circumstances, the army that defeated the speed of the battle, the original Huaxia Army, which has not been more than 10,000, has already broken the vitality in such a war. This time, including the entire Jindi, there will be no more people, blocking the pace of this army going south.

At the same time, the battle of Xuzhou kicked off.

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