Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 821: Burning wind (1)

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As the spring rain of the Northland fell, large swaths of snow melted, and a white winter continued to lose its dominance. In the upper reaches of the Yellow River, as the melting ice of the rumble began to enter the riverbed, the water level of the mother river began. Significant growth, the roaring river water convolved in the winter, the dirt on both sides of the river bed rushed down, the rain on both sides of the Yellow River was a smother.

From the Yellow River, over the Yangtze River, the southern world has already awakened in the early days. After February 2, the spring ploughing has begun. On the vast land, the farmers rushed to farm cattle and began a new year of work in the farmland of the stranger. On the Yangtze River, the merchant ships that came and went to meet the wind and waves, and have already become busy. Large and small towns, large and small workshops, and the caravans that come and go for a moment to provide power for this prosperous world. If you don’t look at the millions of troops that have been moved on the north side of the Yangtze River, people will also be sincere. I sighed that this is a good year for the prosperous world.

In a sense, it is indeed a good year.

In Lin'an City, the gathering of nephews sold their poor stories to passers-by. The knights and their companions went to the side, and the scholars finally found their own impassion at this time. Due to the great disaster of the Northland, the Qinglou Village In the middle of the song, the girl who was sold in, the singing of a Qing dynasty, often brought a lot of sadness or tragic color. The business travels come and go. The court is busy, and the officials often work overtime and busy. I got a lot of money. In this spring, everyone found their right place.

The war in the north and the tragic and strong in Tianshi are attracting heated discussion in the city. The participation of the black flag is negligible here. With the army of Zonghan and Xiyin, the Jindi is facing a summit. The disaster. At the same time, the war in Xuzhou has already begun. Prince Junwu led the army to the north of the town defense line, which is the focus of the scholars.

At the same time, people of insight are still paying attention to the situation in the southwest. With the slogan of the Huaxia Army and the call for common anti-gold, a scandal related to the southwest was unexpectedly uncovered in the capital. It is.

This scandal is related to Long Qifei.

Since the beginning of the black flag army last summer, the Ning Liheng once again entered the field of Nanwu. At this time, although the threat of women's reality is imminent, but the authorities suddenly became three-legged, the huge threat from the side of the black flag army, in many scenes, has become an important focus even beyond the Jurchen side.

After all, whether it is from the point of view of chat or display, how strong it is to talk about Jurchen, it is undoubtedly old-fashioned and old-fashioned. And letting everyone notice the blind spots on the side, it can show people's thinking is different. The black flag threat theory has risen in height over a period of time. By October and November, the great Confucian dragon who arrived in Beijing took the first-hand information of the southwest and became the newcomer of Lin’an social circle.

It has been mentioned before that Long Qifei, who arrived in Linan for the first time, in order to save his own efforts, while at the same time rendering his own efforts to fill the cracks, in fact, also lobbying for power everywhere, hoping to make people aware of the power of the black flag and the wolf ambition, this Of course, the middle of the Chengdu Plain, which is occupied by the black flag, is important to the Wu Dynasty.

However, the situation is stronger than the people. For the hot-skinned mountains like the Black Flag Army, there are not many people who can rise up positively. Even the Qin dynasty, who once tried to crusade the southwest, could only swallow the bitter fruit silently after being placed together by the emperor and his colleagues. He did not want to fight the southwest, but if he continued to advocate sending troops, he would be emperor. What should I do when I put it on?

For this reason, Long Qifei’s appeal touched the wall. In the anger and anger, he invested in the left side of Zhao Ding’s door, and took out a lot of bad things that had been Qin Qin’s, and he initially went to the southwest to chaos, but at this time No matter the ugliness of the southwest.

During the year of the year, Qin Yu was attacked by the enemy, and he was loaded with countless grandchildren to get the understanding of Emperor Zhou. At this time, it is already February.

In February, in order to cope with the upcoming war in the north, Qin Yu was so busy in the Privy Council that it was difficult to return home every day. For the little people like Long Qifei, it seems that he has no time to take care of it.

As for Long Qifei, he has already entered the stage, and naturally can't go on easily. For a few months, for the things in the southwest, Long Qifei was worried and became a leader among the scholars. Occasionally, I led the students to learn to go to the streets of the city. At this time, the world is in the midst of storms. The students’ worry and patriotism is a good story. Zhou Wei has already passed the stage when the emperor hated to play the woman every day and was arrested. He kills Chen Dong who likes to chew his tongue. Now, for these students, he does not see the net in the harem. Instead, he occasionally opens a prize. The students won the award and praised the emperor Shengming. The two are convenient and happy. They are all happy. .

The first thing that happened to be carried out by Long Qifei was the green fruit head Lu Guoer who followed him. The woman's shackles turned over the dragon at the critical moment, and then accompanied him to escape from the ruthless state of Chenzhou under the threat of the black flag, and went to the capital to run away, was passed down as a story. After Long Qifei became famous, as a confidante around Long Qifei, Lu Guoer also began to have a reputation. In a few months, even if he had already committed himself to the position of Long Qifei, he did not go out very much, but slowly A small social circle.

However, on the side of Long Qifei, the original "sales" actually had another inside story. Long Qifei had a ghost in his heart. For the woman around him, he was somewhat rude. He promised Lu Guoer a diverticulous identity, then let go of the woman in the Vanity Fair, and in February, Long Qifei in the occasional few times in the gap, only to notice that the woman around is already wrong.

He was originally a great person. He did not move at the moment and investigated in private. Later, he discovered that the woman who came from the southwest had already been immersed in the flower world of Beijing. The most troublesome thing was that the other party had a young scholar.

On February 17th, the war in the north, the southwestern essay was making a fuss in the capital. At midnight, Long Qifei killed Lu Guoer in the newly bought mansion. He had not had time to destroy the corpse and get the fruit. The official officer of the new good report broke into the house and took him to prison. The Lu Guoer’s new acquaintance, a young man who worried about the country and the people, came forward and told the government that the ugly dragon was flying. Later, the official found the Lu Guoer in the house. The handwritten book originally recorded the development of the southwestern affairs and the ugly truth that Long Qifei let himself collude when he fled.

On the third day of his imprisonment, Long Qifei explained everything under the ironclad certificate, including his fear of the failure of the scene to kill Lu Guoer. This incident shocked the capital at the same time. At the same time, the official sent to the southwest to pick up another meritorious man, Li Xiannong, was on the road.

When you sing, I will debut, and when Li Xiannong Shen Zhaochao comes to Beijing, what kind of situation will Linan meet? We don’t know, during this period, the Qin dynasty, who has been busy in the Privy Council, has never had a slight movement - before he was When Long Qifei slammed, he had never had any movements. He had never seen it at this time. When people think about it and say it, they can’t help but raise their thumbs. This is the selflessness of the country. member.

In the spring of February, some people who know the inside story have heard about the development of the situation, and most of them laughed.

Zhou Pei heard that Long Qifei’s thing was on the carriage to the palace. The people around him probably told the story. She just sighed and left it behind. At this time, the outline of the war has become obvious. The pervasive smoke is almost smoked in front of people. The work of the Princess House, such as propaganda, internal affairs, and hunting for the Jurchen Scout, has been extremely busy. On this day, she is going outside the city. Suddenly, he took over the father’s call, and I don’t know what a new idea had come from the worried father who had been worried since the beginning of the year.

Entering the palace, Zhou Wei, who is carrying his hands, is walking under the eaves in front of the royal study. I don’t know what to think about. After Zhou Peikou said that the emperor came to help her with a smile: "Hey, your daughter, you don’t have to Don't have to pay more..." He said, "Come here, cold outside, come first."

Zhou Pei entered the royal study room and stood in front of the chair. Zhou Xiao, with a smile on her face, pressed her hand to her shoulder: "Have you eaten?"

"What happened to the father, but said..."

"Nothing, no big deal, just miss you, haha, so call you in and see, haha, what? What's there?"

Zhou Pei stared at the unreasonable father's eyes, and then for the sake of respect, he first lowered his eyes: "Nothing big."

“It looks slim,” Zhou said sincerely.

"My father cares about his daughter's body, and his daughter is very touched." Zhou Pei smiled and performed mildly. "It's just what happened to call her daughter into the palace. The father is still saying it."

"Cough, also...not a big deal, that is..." Zhou Wei was a bit embarrassed. "There is something. For the father, I have been thinking about it for a few days. In fact, I haven’t figured it out yet, just want to... find you. For details, after all, your daughter is resourceful, of course, hehe..."


Zhou Wei said "呃" for a long while: "It is... the thing in the southwest..."

"What is the Southwest?"

"The surname is Ning, and the sum is..." Zhou Wei stared at her daughter. "Is the emperor thinking, how is this going?"

Zhou Pei understands. Since the shadow of the female real attack, this unreliable father did not say it, in fact, worried about it day by day. His wisdom is limited, and he enjoys it on weekdays. When he wants to take his mind out at this time, he is a little reluctant. After Jin Ditian’s death, the southwest immediately issued a essay, stopped attacking Chenzhou, and called on the Wu Dynasty to stop the confrontation with the southwest and fight against Jurchen with the greatest strength.

Business in Yangzhou has been reduced to a squad in the galactic state. The singer has a sneak-up. Not willing to step on this line.

From the standpoint of the Wu Dynasty, this kind of profanity seems to be a big meaning. In fact, it is to give the Wu Dynasty eye medicine, giving two options that cannot be chosen and pretending to be open-minded. These days, Zhou Pei has been fighting against the black flag that secretly promotes this matter, trying to erase the influence of this essay. Who knows, the ministers of the DPRK are not hooked, and their father bite the hook.

Zhou Pei reluctantly angered: "The father and the emperor know that it is impossible to negotiate with the people of Jun Jun, and the Wu dynasty is difficult. This is simply impossible. Ning Yi is not a rhetoric, a clever statement, and he knows that the Wu Dynasty has no choice. ......"

"Hey, why don't you know that this is a difficult thing for the father? Once you say it, those old scholars on the court are afraid to point to the father's nose. But the daughter, the situation is stronger than the people, sometimes it can be arrogant. Sometimes, if you are not able to cross it, you have to admit defeat. The Jurchen is killed. Your brother, he is ahead..."

Zhou Wei said here, sighed: "Because the father is the emperor, at first it was to catch the ducks on the shelves, want to be a good emperor, and keep a good reputation, but after all, there is no clue, but the Jurchen was killed that year. The situation, for the father or remember, in the half year after the sea drift, Jiangnan was killed into a white land, and many people died. For the father can not hold them, the most unreliable is your brother, leave him and leave, He almost caught up with the Jurchen..."

"Jun Wu, his temper, straight, and clever, can be seen for his father. He will be a good emperor in the future, but we are still a mess now. The Jurchens have smashed these houses, and we have nothing. These days, the father asked the ministers of the DPRK in detail. I am afraid that I can’t stop it. The character of Junwu is folded in the head. What can I do? I have to have a way to go..."

Zhou Hao’s words were sincere and whispered, and Zhou Pei listened quietly, and her heart was touched. In fact, the emperors of these years have come down. Although Zhou Wei has a lot of connivance for his children, he is actually a person who loves to be on the shelf. He is still a lot of people who are solitary. At this time, he can talk to himself so quietly. It is a heartfelt heart, and it is a younger brother.

But even if the heart is moved, this thing will not pass on the table. Zhou Peizhen is sitting in danger and clenching his fists on his knees: "Father of the Emperor..."

"So, I thought about it, I thought about it, I didn't know if there was any reason, and my daughter would listen..." Zhou Wei interrupted her words and said carefully and cautiously, "by the middle. There is no way for the minister, but your daughter can have a way. Can you touch the other side first..."

"Father of the Emperor!" Zhou Pei's anger was coming up.

However, Zhou Wei did not stop. He said: "Because the father is not talking about contact, the meaning of the father is that you have had friendships in the past. Last time Jun Wu came over, he once said that you actually admire him. The father suddenly thought of these two days, well, there must be very practice in the very thing. The biggest thing that the surname Ning had committed in the past was to kill Zhou Wei, but now the emperor is our family, if it is the daughter you and him... ...we will be strong, as long as they become a family, what are the old guys... Daughter, you are now noisy and no one, then Qu Zonghui should kill... Honestly, your family, the father has been Inside guilt..."

The emperor lowered his voice and danced and danced. This made the scene in front of him seem extraordinarily dramatic. Zhou Peiyi did not understand it at first. Until some time, her voice screamed in her mind, as if she was covered. The blood rushed to the brain, and there was a lot of sneak peek at some of the deepest parts of my heart. She wanted to stand up but didn't do it. The arms were raised and I didn't know where to go.

The emperor wearing the robes was still talking. He only heard the slamming of the coffee table. The princess's left hand broke the cup and the pieces were scattered. Then the blood flowed out, scarlet and thick, and shocking. The next moment, Zhou Pei seems to be aware of what, suddenly kneel down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for the blood on the hand but no awareness. Zhou Hao rushed over and shouted loudly out of the temple...

The little episode in the palace ended up with the left-handed bandaged princess who lost her soul and returned to the government. The emperor dismissed the whimsical thought that no third person knew. This is the end of Jianye’s February, and many things in the South are still calm.

The tragic battles in Damingfu and Xuzhou have already begun. At the same time, the division of the Jindi has been virtually completed. Although the victory of the Huaxia Army, Lou Shu has taken a lot of results, but with The Jurchen’s camp came, and tremendous pressures came down here.

Later, the various forces such as Lou Shuzhen, Yu Yulin, Lin Zongwu and Ji Qingli occupied some of the large and small cities in the west and south of Weisheng. The surrenders led by Liao Yiren split the east and the north and faced the pressure of Jurchen. In many areas, in essence, nearly half of the Jindi area has been turned into an enemy-occupied area.

At the same time as the announcement of the surrender of women, Liao Yiren and other families mobilized and gathered the army under the guidance of Jurchens, and began to march toward the west and south, and began the first round of siege. At the same time, the black flag army that won the victory of Linzhou ran to the east, and Wang Juyun led Ming Wangjun to start the journey southward.

Under such a background, the great Guangming leader Lin Zongwu, with the cooperation of Lou Shuzhen and others, and the cadres of the Gaizhou acquired the dominance of the three cities in the east and south of Gaizhou, and also obtained a large number of Material armament.

In March, the army was the first to rush its troops, and Yu Yulin and Lou Shuzhen were defended by the city. No one had thought that Weisheng had not been broken. Xi Yin’s ambush had already started, and Gaizhou’s defender Chen Wei turned his back. During the day and night, the silver technique can immediately lead the cavalry to the south, so that the great Guangming, which was led by Lin Zongwu, became the first team out of Jinda’s anti-gold power...

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