Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 822: Burning wind (2)

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"When the **** Central Plains..."


In the Chengdu Plain, a small village named Chencun in the south of Jiading, the civil engineering project started last winter has already reached a certain scale.

In the courtyard of the village east of the village, there is a two-story building. In the first floor room, Ning Yi is reading the message from yesterday. At the desk, Juan, is responsible for organizing these things one by one.

Although living in the south, this seemingly remote village is the most well-informed place in the world. The various messages of the Golden State, the Central Plains, and the Wu Dynasty are being transmitted daily. The urgent messages are mostly short. The follow-up supplements are relatively detailed.

The three major battles in the Central Plains are now the focus of close attention. Of course, the siege of Damingfu has been going on for a long time. The battle of Xuzhou is still in the initial stage, and the message is not too much. The situation in Jindi is the real three-day change. The person in charge of Jindi sums up the information once every three days, bringing people to come over. On this day, when Lin Zongwu’s news of guilt was heard, Ning Yi frowned. Then throw the information away.

"White has a good thing!" He whispered.

Since the Huaxia Army was in the southwest, the efforts to get through the commercial roads have been hardened from the beginning. Later, after killing Tian Hu, Tian Shi, Lou Shuzhen and others, many advanced bows, cannons and even instrumental principles were used. Priority assistance to the other side, coupled with Tian Hu’s ten-year operation, Jindi’s family is actually quite rich.

After the death of Tian Shi, the division of Jindi was actually the looting and distribution of these resources. Even if Lin Zongwu had such a previous festival, Lou Shuzhen and even the Huaxia Army made considerable efforts to let them go. Even lost some of the benefits that can be obtained. Who knows that this fat chair has been hit by a person without sitting on the heat, so that Ning Yi feels that the name is suffocating.

"What?" Juaner got together.

"I help the dog better than helping him!" Ning Yi pointed to the information, grinning, Juaner laughed, managing the Huaxia Army for a long time, the affairs are ridden, the majesty is even, and only a few families are alone. At that time, I can see his relatively unscrupulous look.

Of course, it is also possible that he deliberately did it.

After several messages from Jindi, there was news in the south. In the direction of Huainan, Han Shizhong’s army has begun to accept the displaced people from the north. This is the “hundred ghost” that was led by Wang Shitong. "The rest, of course, more likely to be the victims of the Central Plains, the refugees who have been wrapped up - after such a long disaster, their number is actually not much.

"Hungry Ghosts", which lasted for more than a year, the catastrophe that hit the lives of millions of people in the Central Plains, finally came to an end, and the survivors were between 50,000 and 100,000. This number is also gradually decreasing. Due to the fact that the total number has dropped drastically, the southern government has rescued and taken care of these already hungry skinny refugees under the guidance of Prince Junwu.

What makes Ning Yi feel gratified is that Junwu did not blindly let these people enter the southern society, but ordered the government and the army to carry out centralized treatment, on the one hand to prevent diseases, on the other hand to avoid these lost and most people who have eaten The refugees have had a huge impact on the Jiangnan society.

It is conceivable that if you rush to put these hard-working people into the society of ordinary people, feel the disorder of morality and lose everything, you can do something for a bite to eat and drink. After experiencing the baptism of plunder and strangle, these people will inevitably be able to dissolve into society like other refugees in a short period of time, join small workshops or other places to work quietly.

This fact has nothing to do with compassion.

Regarding the request of Wang Shitong before his death, Fang Chengye also added it to this message and came together.

On the matter concerning Wang Shitong, Fang Chengye made a review. In the first half of last year, Fang Chengye should have the power to kill it. However, for Wang Shitong, Fang Chengye has a certain sympathy, so that the will to act is not determined. Secondly, Wang Shitong himself is extremely intelligent. Although his goal is reckless, he has always been in control of the inside and outside of the hungry ghost. Very strict. The two reasons were superimposed, and the final party did not find a good start time.

In the second half of last year, the Jurchens had already gone south. At this time, the Central Plains had already been ruined. The frontline staff of the Huaxia Army believed that the hungry ghosts might also have a certain retarding effect on the Zongxi’s team. The plan to assassinate Wang Shitong’s low success rate was temporarily put on hold.

Looking back, if it was in the first half of last year, Fang Chengye launched frontline personnel to kill Wang Shitong at all costs, which may be a better choice.

Millions of creatures, in the end, the position occupied by intelligence is not much. Ning Yi looked twice and sighed. In fact, if he could predict the development of everything, he would kill Wang Shitong and fight the hungry ghosts in Zezhou. Fang Chengye failed to launch a premise of the plan, in fact, because Wang Shitong itself is a good person, after the formation of a million hungry ghosts, the success rate of wanting to assassinate him internally is, after all, too low.

"Those about the hungry ghosts, archive them to the library, maybe later people can sum up a lesson."

Juaner silently put the information aside.

The hungry ghosts have been covered, and the only ones that have been passed down are summaries. After this information, there are a few lace news that may be valuable and may only be lively. The situation in Lin’an City is the most popular among the brothels. The message is a copy. The thing about Long Qifei is also in the meantime. Ning Yi throws it aside and ends the first job in the morning.

This was followed by a meeting on the security system.

Since the troops were dispatched to occupy the Chengdu Plain last year, the expansion of the people under the Chinese military has exceeded one million. To rule such a large place, there are not tens of thousands of troops that can be played. In the years of Hedeng County, although some officials were trained, it was not enough.

In the past Wu dynasty, or in the entire Confucian system, the ruling place has always been the gameplay of the imperial power, which is compatible with the political resources of the feudal society. However, for the Huaxia Army, it is unwise to completely attribute the place to the homesickness. This is because the program of the Huaxia Army incorporates part of the democratic thinking and emphasizes civil rights and the wisdom of the people. At the same time, the practice of playing local tyrants is not suitable for the eyes. situation.

In later generations, after a hundred years of humiliation, coupled with the "rigid capital" and Marxism-Leninist series of rigorous theories and program support, such a thorough change has come out of a relatively stable framework. At the moment, the Wu Dynasty has been arrogant for two hundred years, and the humiliation has been ten years. The radical approach is easy to turn into an unstoppable carnival. Even if it does not step into the footsteps of Fangla, it is actually difficult to produce good results. It is what Ning Yi wants to avoid.

At the moment, the Huaxia Army’s reference to “Huaxia” requires people to change their self-improvement, have their own power, and defend their power, but for a time, they cannot be deeply understood by the underlying people. After all, in the past thousand years, the scholars have set off all social responsibilities, and the hard work of the people is the way of division of labor. Let the military "self-improvement", can use the military law, so that the people can wake up but can not be forced. Therefore, the "Huaxia" formulation can inspire people in the difficult times of Xiao Cang River, but it is difficult to become the core of promoting everything in the southwest of peace. idea.

So, in the southwest at this time, what is the core concept? Ning Yi still chooses the spirit of the contract.

The veterans who have retired or injured will be transferred to various villages to become the spokespersons of the Huaxia Army, restricting the power of the local nostalgia, and writing the basic human rights and legal spirits that the Huaxia Army promoted in Hedeng County to be simple regulations, which are supervised by these veterans. Execution, it is better to let the law enforcement be relatively mechanized, to crack down on the situation of being rich and indecent, and to gradually win the hearts of the people in these places.

In order to make the local villagers' corruption rate of the veterans not too fast, the ongoing ideological work is extremely necessary. This model is similar to the early US Sheriff's mode.

On the practical level, the current situation of the Huaxia Army has always been a military management government maintained under the modern military concept. In the real threat and the corruption of the Wu Dynasty, it relied on record and military discipline for a certain period of time. It is powerful and efficient. However, if this efficiency is gradually falling back - the upcoming generation of Huaxia Army will inevitably return to the cycle of life completion - if Ning Yi put down the idea, whether it is democracy, human rights, feudalism or capital can not be formed Then, the entire Huaxia Army will inevitably go to the consequences of falling apart.

Up to now, Ning Yi has spent the most time, the first is the spirit of the contract, and the second is the basic human rights. Talking about contracts, having human rights, and doing business are actually preparing for the first round of the industrial revolution and even capitalism. Because no matter what other theories will take shape, the burgeoning industrial revolution promoted by the object is a true future for Ning Yi.

In the short period of time, the security system has been put into practical operation as much as possible, and the control of the Chengdu Plain has been completely completed. It also has another round of realistic significance. Huaxia Army had about 60,000 troops in Hesan County. Now nearly 10,000 people have gone to Xuzhou. More than 50,000 people - even with certain militia - to ensure the rule of the Chengdu Plain, are just enough. In the situation of Jurchen south, if you really want to do something in the future, Ning Yi must pull out enough new forces from his hands as soon as possible.

The security resources selected from the veterans are relatively sufficient. With the opening of the spring, the 198 literacy enlightenment teachers of the Hessian reserve have also been distributed to all parts of the Chengdu Plain for a certain period of mobile work. Teaching literacy and mathematics.

The medical resources in the military have been released as early as last year. At the same time, the Ministry of Commerce of Huaxia Military has been actively liaising with local merchants since last year to carry out agitation, matchmaking and assistance - in the vicinity of Liangshan, the business activities of the Huaxia Army in the past have also come with many people. At this time, the real trouble is that the situation outside the Chengdu Plain is tense, but with the threat of the women’s realm, the Huaxia Army released the squad after the squad, and the tension in the periphery has actually begun to ease in March. Chengdu The business conditions on the plains began to pick up one after another.

This variety of things has made Ning Yi now into a state of continuous rotation, afternoon, evening... listening to various reports, meetings, meeting people who want to see... going home at night, many children I have slept, and the courtyard is not too noisy. At this time, I met with several wives and seemed to be quiet. Sometimes I sat under the eaves with Yunzhu and told her about the news from Lin’an...

"Ah, now the flower squad there is called Shi Lang, it is a Western woman... oh, the world is going down, the name is too unconcerned..."

Sometimes I have to cook a noodle with Tao Er, Xiao Yan and others to stay up late. Although the time is late, he is not handicapped, but he is not tired.

Sometimes, when you call the jinjiner, you press the head, sometimes bullying the red, or being bullied by the watermelon... This is the most relaxing moment of his day.

In fact, there are not many.

Although the southwest is calm, sometimes he wakes up from his dreams late at night, and the smell in his nose is still the smell of smoke in his dreams.

"What's wrong?" The wife who is sleeping will wake up.

"Nothing... you didn't become a trick, and I didn't build a house."

There are some regrets in this statement. For both of them, it is a very warm memory. Then the wife will talk about the child.

"...after you have finished playing, let them build it."

The topic gradually turned away. When Ning Yi looked at the moonlight outside the window, the taste of the smoke still did not dissipate...


On the north bank of the Yellow River, in the drizzle, the sound of the wars of soldiers and soldiers screamed intensively together, and a war was going on.

The arrows fluttered and the horses screamed, the shields collided with the guns, and the army of the yellow-armed arm of the arms rushed into the front formation.

"Wow!" On the front line of the battlefield, a running figure is like a Buddha who is covered in blood. With a thunderous roar, this figure crashes into the crowd in front, holding a knife in the direction of the other handsome flag. Killed all the way. These surrendered women, the Han soldiers, were smashed by the blood-stained giant, and turned and fled. The giant almost smashed a **** road in the incompetent resistance. Several soldiers who ran slowly were loaded with him.

In this encounter, the victory of the marching army was not high. One side of the striker was dismissed, and the defeat was unsuccessful. The generals of the handsome team wanted to escape, and the giant who was covered in blood rushed along the crowd. The figure is faster than running the horse.

In the rain curtain, one person, one ride, one after the other, pulled the distance on the chaotic battlefield, and the general immediately turned back, the figure swung out, the arrow flew away without a trace, seeing the other side coming The closer, the general’s timidity has been vented, and he shouted: "I surrender, forgive me..."

However, the other side rushed up.

This is the first person in the world, Lin Zongwu.

The huge figure leaned from the side to the war horse, and he heard a bang, the water splashed, the horse was slammed out in the running, and the general was flying in the mud, and the general was dizzy. Before he got up, Lin Zongwu rushed to him, grabbed his neck and suddenly picked him up.

More than a hundred kilograms of body, the shells generally flew to the side, smashed a small team of soldiers who fled, and when the ground fell, the body was already distorted, Lin Zongwu rushed over, took the steel knife to kill and slash, led the underarm Soldiers, killing all the way...

This little victory and massacre, a little boosted morale, the believers searched the battlefield, and when they returned to the stockade in the mountains more than ten miles away, the sky was already dark, and the stockade was full of soldiers who believed in Daguangming. Family members, the backbone of the military have begun to publicize today's victory, Lin Zongwu returned to the room, after washing, changed a dress. The night fell, the rain had stopped~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He left the camp and walked through the stockade with a smile. When he got to the darkness of the periphery, the smile converges.

He went to the dark.

Although the size is huge, as the first person in the world of martial arts, the ruggedness of the mountains can't stop him. For him, there is no place that can be said to be dangerous. During this time, Lin Zongwu used to watch the stockade silently in the darkness and watched his followers.

On the small square behind the stockade, some believers are practicing martial arts, and some children next to them are practicing.

I don't know when Lin Zongwu returned to the stockade. He came out from the dark corner and appeared in front of a child who was wielding a wooden stick. The child was shocked.

"...as if... uncle?"

After seeing it clearly, the child issued such a name.

The child's name is Mu Anping, the son of Lin Chong, who is crazy. After learning the truth, Lin Zongwu has already had an idea for the placement of the child. However, at that time, he was still busy with the situation in Jindi, thinking that he would occupy a place in the world, and the whole thing was delayed. Now, these busy days have passed.

Lin Zongwu touched his head and sighed.

"From today, you are called peace, my disciple... I will teach you martial arts. One day, you will be the first person in the world."

At this moment, there is no big arranging, and there is no grand congratulation from everyone. Even the children in front of us are still ignorantly squinting at their eyes. They don’t quite understand what happened, the fire in the stockade is gone, and the sounds are noisy and chaotic. Like this world, dancing in the rain...



Daming House.

The catapult is moving.

In March, the strangulation continued, the original sturdy city wall was riddled with holes, and the city’s defense line was in jeopardy. This tragic siege warfare is about to come to an end...

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