Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 823: Burning wind (3)

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In the spring of March, the new trees in the courtyard have sprouted, and the showers begin to rest. The green on the branches is like a drop of water.

"...my grandfather, I remember being an old-fashioned old guy."

"...The birth is a scholarly family. There is nothing surprising in my life. I am young and eager to learn, young and middle-aged, make up for the lack of money, enter the temple, then come down from the hall, and return to my hometown to teach and educate people. He usually is the most precious. It’s just a few books there. Now think of it, he’s like a painting hanging in front of the church. It’s a serious face all year round. I was still small at that time. For this grandfather, it’s normal. Not afraid to be close..."

"...When the Liao people came to kill, the army couldn't stop it. The people who could escape escaped. I was not afraid. I was still small at the time. I didn't know what happened. The family gathered. I am still there. The old man ran around. The old man was in the hall, talking to a group of hard-core uncles and uncles. Everyone... is sitting in danger, neatly dressed, scared to death..."

"...I wowed and cried, he pointed at me and said that there is a person in the family who has passed down the bones. I am his mother...and I live with a bunch of women. Before I left, my grandfather took me. The hand... I forgot whether he was holding me or holding me. He took the torch and set fire to the row of his unreasonable house... He was finally peeled off and hung on the flagpole... ”

In the yard, in front of the hall, the scholar who looks like a woman's feminine book holds a teacup and pours the tea in the cup under the eaves. In the hall, under the eaves, the generals and the soldiers were listening to him.

"...he doesn't drink alcohol, so he respects him with tea... I later listened to these things from my grandmother. The guy who has no help in the hands of the helper, the most serious thing to do before going to death is not to sharpen his own knife and gun. But to organize their own clothes, some people are not properly dressed, but also suffer from neurosis..."

"...I don't care what I did from childhood, I do everything, I killed people, I have eaten people, I don't care if I don't have a good dress, I want others to be afraid of me. God gave me such a face. I am a woman at home. I was going to school in the capital school. I was teased and later beaten. I was beaten by people. What if I only have a woman at home? Who laughs me, I bite it, tears his flesh, and gives birth. Swallowed him..."

"...One day, I was thirteen years old, a guy in the capital city was bullying my family without a man, and teasing my weak aunt, I rushed to tear his half face, rubbed one of his eyes, chewed The people around me were frightened and grabbed me. I pointed at the people and told them that as soon as I didn't die, sooner or later I would go to his house and swallow his old and young students... Then I will Was sent to the north...the guy doesn’t know where it is now...”

He poured the second cup of tea into the dirt.

"... When I was in the north, the most concerned about me was the women at home. Grandma, mother, aunt, aunt, sisters and sisters... a lot of people, no, how could they have them, but then I discovered Even at the most difficult time, they didn’t lose to... haha, lost to you guys...”

"...I have such a character, I should have done things with the Ning Devil, but then I didn't keep up, not because these relatives at home... It’s strange to say, when Ning Deer’s head rebelled, I followed His relationship is also very good, but he just did not inform me, no clues are revealed..."

"...I have been a scholar for generations, but I haven't thought how many books I have read since I was a child. I want to be a knight. It is best to be a big devil. Everyone is afraid of me. I can protect my family. What is the reading person, wearing a book robe, dressed up to kill the enemy? But, I don’t know why, the pedantic... the old things that are pedantic..."

He was on the ground, and the third cup of tea fell, and the eyes flashed. It didn't seem to be just the image of the old man. The voice of shouting is faintly coming from far away. Wang Shanyue, who was in a robe, paused for a moment in his memory, raised his head and went to the hall.

"...the old things, I have to respect them..."

He walked over to the table at the end of the hall and picked up his high crown cap.

"...all of you are real heroes. In the past few days, let everyone listen to me, Wang Shanyue has a flaw in his heart, and he has done something wrong. Today, here, I will apologize to you all. In the ten years, the blood debts owed to us are hard to write. Our husband and wife are here and can fight side by side with each other. It is a great honor to say nothing else... I am honored."

Put on the high hat, tie the tie slowly and calmly, and fix it with a long tweezers. Then, Wang Shanyue grabbed the long knife on the table.

"... you, it seems that the big name house is no longer defensive, we are here to drag these guys for half a year, the work has been done, can not go out, I dare not say. At the moment, I only want to personally go to the Jurchen... To recover the blood debt of the past decade -"

The cold of the blade flashed through the hall. At this moment, Wang Shanyue was covered in a white robe. The seemingly gentle face was a generous and heroic smile.

"The brothers, the Jurchen is very big, the road has gone. I don't know where we can go. I don't know if we can still go alive. Even if I can live out, I don't know how many years still we can. The **** debts are recovered from the hands of the Jurchens. But I know, and I am sure that one day, someone like you and me can recover my Chinese, just my dress... If someone is alive, help us. Look."

He smiled: "...now, we are going to collect debts."

There is a sound that should be heard, and it sounds in people's pace.

Wu Jianyu was on March 23, and the outer wall of Damingfu was broken. The entire city was caught in a fierce street battle. After a period of six months of attack and defense, the siege soldiers who finally entered the city discovered that many of the fortifications had been built in the Da Ming House at this time, and they cooperated with explosives, traps, and tunnels in all directions, which made it a little lax after entering the city. The army was first hit by a head-on attack.

But the defense of losing the city wall has been weakened too much after all. The Jurchen in the famous town of Ming Dynasty will lead Yan Chang to the internal logistics. The military law is famous for his conservativeness. He commanded more than 200,000 Han troops to clean the city, and dig the ground three feet and step by step. At the same time, the big man’s recruitment is willing to surrender and fall into a deadlock. The city army, so on the third day of the city's break, began to have small units of troops or individuals began to surrender, with the Jurchen offensive, crack the city's defense line.

There are also troops trying to break out of the city. However, the more than 30,000 women's direct troops led by Wan Yanchang took up the task of cracking the breakout. The superior cavalry and the eagle cooperated with the chasing chasing. Almost no one can be in this situation. Born from the area of ​​Damingfu.

This army was raided by Wang Shanyue. After that, he squandered 30,000 females for six months. For Jin Jun, Wang Shanyue must be killed.

At the same time as the siege of the city, Wan Yanchang is still keeping a close eye on his rear. In the past month, after a little rest, the Huaxia Army, which had won the victory in Linzhou, rushed in the direction of the northwest. The purpose was self-evident.

Taking advantage of the power of the great defeat, the whereabouts of this army scared the courage of many city guards along the way. The Huaxia Army’s whereabouts appeared several times in the vicinity of several grain-growing towns north of Damingfu. A few days ago, even a gap raided the northern granary of the granary, and most of the troops under the original Li Xizhi were transferred to Damingfu. In the case, the urgent documents from all over the country were sent to Yan Chang.

However, Yan Yanchang is innocent.

As for March 28, half of the places in the Daming House have been swept away. At this time, the female real army has no longer accepted surrender. The army in the city has been provoked the sorrowful grievances, and it is tenacious and fierce, but for this. In this case, Wan Yanchang does not care. More than 200,000 Han army troops entered from all directions of the city, and launched the most violent attack against the 10,000 remnants of the city. The 30,000 Jurchen soldiers were smashed outside the city. No matter how many people died in the city, he did not move.

He is waiting for the Chinese army to come, although it is possible that the army will not come again.

One thousand three thousand tactical speeds of 35,000 people, no one can not hurt in such a situation, if this army does not come, he will first eat everyone in Damingfu, and then turn to the superior strength Drowning this black flag remnant. If they come recklessly, Wan Yanchang will swallow it, and then the war in Jiangbei will be decided.


Time went back two days, north of Damingfu, and small town Sufang.

After winning the warehousing here, the Huaxia army team that had been transferred from the **** battle in Linzhou had a certain rest and had a full meal for a few days.

In a big battle in Linzhou, although the speed of the final victory was defeated, the reduction of the Huaxia Army was nearly half after the statistics. Among the half of the reductions, there were serious injuries and serious injuries, and the minor injuries were not counted. The members of the Huaxia Army, who were still able to participate in the battle, were more than 6,400. The participation of Linzhou Shoujun, such as Shi Guangen and others, made the number of this army reluctant and returned to the number of one thousand three. However, although the newly added personnel have blood, in the actual battle, it is naturally impossible to play the previously tenacious fighting power.

There have been many discussions in the military about whether or not to continue to rescue the famous government. In the original plan, the Huaxia military aided the anti-Jindi, helped the Jinwang site to establish a relatively strong anti-gold alliance, and then borrowed troops from Jinwang at a time when there was a little surplus, and raided Da Mingfu to assist Wang Shanyue to break through. This is the most ideal state. It is naturally impossible today.

The 13,000 people have already faced the speed of the array. In this state of ruin, it is necessary to raid the 30,000-year-old Jurchen army and the Han Dynasty army of more than 200,000. The whole behavior is no different from sending death. During this time, Huaxia Army repeatedly harassed the surrounding area and spent all his strength to get the reaction of Yan Changchang. However, the response of Wan Yanchang also confirmed that he is not the kind of skill that is not surprising. Dignified generals.

For such a general, even a lucky dagger, there is no need to expect.

Not going to the rescue, watching the people in Damingfu die, go to the rescue, everyone tied together to die. For such a choice, everyone is extremely difficult.

But by the end of the night, the decision was made...


On March 26, there were piles of bonfires burning near the school ground outside Sufang Town.

In the previous Huaxia Army, there were often mobilization meetings to revamp the military discipline or boost the military heart. After absorbing new members, such meetings were more frequent. Even the newly joined members of the Huaxia Army are familiar with such gatherings. The venue is a group, and the mobilization meeting of this day seems to be no different from the previous days.

In a meeting place on the east side, the staff member Li Nian entered the venue with Shi Guangen and began a "lecture" after a little chill.

"...In the Xiao Canghe period, until now in the southwest, there is a lot of names in the Huaxia Army, called 'comrades'. What is 'comrade'? Friends who share common aspirations call each other comrades. This is a powerful name. , but it is a very formal and solemn name."

"...What is the ambition of the Huaxia Army? Our ancestors were born in the tens of thousands of years ago, and our ancestors have done a lot of things worthy of praise. Some people say that China has the beauty of serving the rules, that is, the Chinese, the etiquette. The big, so called summer, we create good things, have good manners and spirit, so we call it China. Huaxia Army is built on these good things, those good people, good spirit, just like You are in front of you, like the brothers of other Chinese troops, facing the impetuous Jurchen, we will never give in. We defeated them in Xiaocanghe! We defeated them in Linzhou! In Xuzhou, our brothers are still In the face of the trampling of the enemy, we will not stop the resistance. This kind of spirit can be called a part of China."

"... There are many other virtues in this world. Even in the Wu Dynasty, Wenchen really cares about state affairs. The military commander died in the killing field. It is also part of China. In normal times, you do things for the people, you care. Old and weak, this is also China. But there are also dirty things. When the Jurchen first went south, Qin Yuxiang worked hard for the country. Qin Shaohe succumbed to Taiyuan. In the end, countless people sacrificed for the Wu Dynasty to save their lives. ......"

"...but in order to fight against the church and intrigue, the court did not rescue Taiyuan, so that Taiyuan was broken after one year of hard work. The people in the city were slaughtered, and the people were smashed by Qin Shaohe. The body was smashed by the Jurchen. On the gate of the city. In the capital, Qin Qin was imprisoned, and the three thousand miles were eventually killed on the road. Mr. Ning’s Golden Temple slaughtered Zhou Wei!”

"...In the past few years, Xiao Cang River or Southwest China, many people have said that even if they want to rebel, they don't have to kill Zhou Wei. Otherwise, the Huaxia Army can have more retreats and the road can be wider. It sounds reasonable. But it turns out that those who feel that they have a way out can't do big things! Over the years, the road of Wu Dynasty has become narrower and narrower, and our Huaxia Army has emerged from the desperate situation of Xiao Canghe, and we are getting stronger and stronger! It’s us, we defeated the speed of the train! In the southwest, we have laid down the entire Chengdu Plain! Why—"

Li Nian waved his hand: "Because we are doing the right thing! We are doing good things! We are going forward! We are desperately fighting people, and then negotiating with people. Those who negotiate first, then fail to think about it, they I will be eliminated by this world! Imagine that when Mr. Ning saw so many disgusting things and saw so many unfairness, he swallowed and endured, Zhou Wei continued to be his emperor, and he always lived well. Mr. Ning, how to let people know, for those who are dying, he is willing to fight everything! No one will believe him! But he killed Zhou Wei, this road is very difficult to go, but does not let his life go out, the world can not go. road--"

"...We are going south, everyone knows what we are going to do. Just south, Wan Yanchang has more than 200,000 cartilage heads in attacking the famous government. They have been attacking for half a year! There are a group of heroes, they are clear I knew that there was no reinforcements near the Daming House. After I entered, it was difficult to retreat. But they still took the whole family, and they insisted on it for half a year. Wan Yanzong took the 300,000 army and tried to attack them, but there was no Success... they are amazing people."

The whistling fire reflected the figure: "...but it is not easy to save them. Many people say that we may put ourselves in Damingfu. I tell you that Wan Yanchang is waiting for us to pass us. Eaten in Damingfu, the shame of the defeat of the snow-splitting speed! You are taking a safe road, watching the group of people in Damingfu die, or risking our deep danger, try to rescue them..."

"... Among the group of people, many of them lost their family members in the process of the Jurchens going south. Many people have no brothers and sisters, parents and relatives because they have resisted. They have nothing, so they have no hesitation. That one Wang Shanyue General Wang, the man of his family has died in the past rebellion. He is the only single seedling of the Wang family, but he stayed at the Daming Mansion. In the process of winning the famous government last year, the general Wang said, no Need the Huaxia Army to come back to rescue..."

"Just two days ago, the wall of Damingfu has been broken, and the city is now playing the final street fighting..."

The wind swayed and passed from the square. Li Nian’s voice paused and stopped there, his eyes looking around.

"We are going to rescue."

He said.

"--Because this is the right thing, this is the spirit of the Huaxia Army. When these heroes, in order to resist the Jurchens, have paid all their things, someone should save them! Even if we have to pay a lot for them, Even if we have to face danger, even if we have to pay for blood and even life! Because we must fight female real people, we can’t do it alone, because we have more and more comrades, because one day we fall into such danger. We also need thousands of Chinese people to rescue us --"

"This world is a very narrow road! Let's go through the battle! These miscellaneous pieces are in front of us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will chop them with our own knife, tear them with their own teeth, you ... Comrades! We are going to the Daming House to save people! This is very difficult to fight, it is very difficult to fight, but no one can block us positively. We have proved this in Linzhou."

His voice has fallen, but it is not low, but a calm and firm tone. Among the crowds, the people who joined the Huaxia Army could not wait to shout out their voices. The veterans were calm and sullen, and their eyes were cold. In the fire, I only heard Li Nian finally saying: "Be prepared, start after half an hour."

He waved his hand and handed the speech to Shi Guangen, the head of the group. Shi Guangen squinted his eyes and his lips were slightly open. He was still in a state of excitement and shock. At the high-level meeting of Fang Cai, the staff member named Li Nian put forward many unfavorable factors. The summary at the meeting is also the situation that will be faced this time. It is a real nine-death life. This makes the spirit of Shi Guangen quite gray. I didn’t expect it to come out. Li Nian, who is responsible for cooperating with him, said such a In his words, his heart was full of blood, and he could not wait to immediately kill the Jurchen and give them a good look.

Li’s staff is really unacceptable... In the applause of force, Shi Guang’en thought that after this beating, he should have a good command of studying with Li’s staff.

But such an opportunity has never come.

On March 28, one hour after the rescue of Damingfu, the staff Li Nian was sacrificed in this fierce battle. Since then, Shi Guangen has been in the Chinese military for many years, and he always remembers his participation in the early part of the Huaxia Army. The mobilization meeting, the kind of optimism and firmness that remained positive after the deep understanding of the status quo, and the ensuing, that horrible rescue...

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