Zhui Xu

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First apologize to everyone, the update is really a bit bad in the last year.

This is the third year after I entered the age of 30. I am thirty, and in all fairness, there are many things that can be said and can be shown off. The net text industry is booming, and I have earned more money. Unlike the previous years, I still have to worry about spending. In 17 years, "赘婿" sold the copyright, and the film and television drama started. I got two. One award, one is the silver medal of the Second Network Literature Biennial Award, and the other is the Mao Dun Network Literature Newcomer Award. He became the vice chairman of the Hunan Network Writers Association, participated in several activities, and received several interviews. It can be said that it is very satisfying vanity.

Life with my family is basically on track. We bought a puppy. For more than two months, the puppy went into the house for ten days. I was in a state of high tension. I couldn’t do it early, but I had to get up early and cook for the puppy. Give it a diaper under the cage, clean up the stool, stare at the puppy every time to go to the toilet, etc. The puppy is called a bear, very cute.

The reason why I bought this puppy was because my body had to start exercising. Last year, I found that I couldn’t do a pull-up. I have gallstones and fatty liver, and there may be more problems. In the long process of writing a book, I rarely take time to exercise. Even after I realize the problem, the intermittent exercise can't solve much problem. Bianmu is a dog with a lot of exercise. After one year of age, their daily exercise is about 30 kilometers, and they can even run for 90 kilometers. We didn't realize this problem before buying. After I bought it, I checked the information. I said nothing.

Worth, if all is ideal, this puppy will toss me for more than ten years, probably let me keep a good body to reach the other side of writing, although the ten days are tired every day, but the night before in the park of the community, I found I can do a pull-up. Anyway, this is the situation when I was thirty-three. I can't measure whether it is worth it.

The puppy can finally go to the toilet on the paper diaper, and it doesn't make trouble to enter the cage. In the past two days, I squeezed out the time and put on the coffee and sat in front of the computer. There was a long-lost freshness, like I used to go to school. The feeling of time, after finishing the class, finishing the homework, I buried the beginning of a story in the self-study class or the spare time between classes, full of embarrassment for the beauty of literature.

Today, twenty-six, a few days in the next seven or seven years are about to pass. At nine o'clock in the evening, I throw the puppy into the cage. Time has not allowed me to write a complete chapter. I wrote a small one. At the beginning, I found it interesting, and then I found a song that I haven’t heard for a long time but is very important to me. It’s Wang Zheng’s “To You”. I wrote this song repeatedly when I wrote “Hidden Kill”. Song, I imagine a mother looking at the child, scorning the embarrassment of his future, but this night I suddenly saw myself.

"Like you, I don't know what else is in the future."

I want to block the wind and the wind for you.

Let your sky only see the rainbow

Until one day you become me..."

When I was in my teens, I was interested in literature. In the life that was gradually grayed out at the time, it always gave me a place to stay. I saw a new world in it and experienced life after another. When I was in my early twenties, I gave up the university. In the gap between my work, I wrote a variety of things that made me feel new. I think what people think, when they think of one thing, they are excited.

I am Balzac, Huo Huguo, Lu Lu Xun, Lu Lu Yao, Yan Shi Tiesheng... Every author who arrives at the perfect state. As I said before, "赘婿" came out and people said that I am ambitious. No, my fourth grade goal is also to write "War and Peace." People who don't have such an idea can't understand it for me. .

I am thirty-three years old. What is the difference with the past? I think it is because I have been able to measure the specific distance between perfection and perfection. When I was 20 years old, I only knew that I was going to somewhere. It was far away, and I was full of fighting spirit and enjoyment. But as I gradually became clear about the distance from perfection, life and literature became more and more rigorous. Measuring the distance clearly does not mean that I can reach it in my life, but every step after that, I can only fight.

I am now looking at myself who embraced literature in embarrassment. I am envious. I have a lot of words to tell him, but it is so fast that he turns into me in a blink of an eye.

I think, I will become other people in the future.

Not long ago, someone personally pleaded with me on Weibo. There is a kind of information that is often there: This person thinks that my "hidden kill" is best written. He was very cool at the beginning, "赘婿" wrote slag, he did not Like, he ran to post and was banned. This person thinks that he really feels that "赘婿" is scum, he turned over and over but he still has to come and tell me these... It seems to be looking forward to me. Some kind of answer.

After I saw it, I pulled people into the blacklist.

I never leave anyone. I don't care who or who likes my book. I don't care about this kind of "sincerity". It really doesn't make sense to me.

What is the truth?

Each of us is moving forward. The things I want to write when I was thirty are inevitably different from those of my 20s. The world I saw when I was 30 years old must be different from the 20s. When I was 40, I remembered me. Youth, and the feelings described in "Hidden Kill", there must be differences. I recalled "hidden killing" some time ago. I want to write about Gu Jiaming, Ye Lingjing, and Liu Huaisha when they are forty or fifty. The story of each other is very warm and heartfelt in my mind.

I didn't write at the end.

The time is too cruel, "Hidden Kill" is quite good, no need to make people cry.

On Weibo, I have become a different person from many people. I write something very serious. It is very different from when I was twenty. When I was twenty, I also liked things that are easy and enjoyable. Nowadays Do not write. When I was writing a book, I put some so-called martial arts into a smashing and smashing. I don't usually be so tolerant on Weibo, because Weibo is my pastime, only by my temper, too lazy to control the audience. In the process when my thoughts gradually became incompatible with my simple thinking friends, I suddenly realized that maybe one day~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will become like the stubborn old man, saying that only things that I can understand, Sighing in the fall of the world, people are incorrigible.

At that time, did I become profound, or did it become decaying? I think it is possible.

I can only guarantee that the direction of my change will inevitably be my repeated thoughts.

I used to tell people that when I was in a big fire, I could choose a direction that would make me a lot of money. If my quality dropped and I updated it every day, then I would convince myself that updating is the biggest responsibility for readers, and then People who laugh at a few more chapters a month have no professional ethics. That "I" will not think that there is anything wrong with him.

I am now, and I am the same in the future.

A person who liked "hidden killing" eight years ago, I hope that after eight years, I will continue to write "hidden killing", which is a pity. When I was willing to write "Hidden Kill", we ran into it. This is fate. When I want to write "赘婿", this is my fate with other people. To my next book, it will be the fate of others. So I never struggled with this. When the idea was in sync, people came, and when they didn’t match, they left. Instead of thinking about serving tens of thousands of readers, I think I can only be myself. So everyone saw it, oh, I don't have many fans, I prefer to see it as a fate of similar interests.

Eight or eight years are coming. In the new year, the activities will probably be reduced as much as possible. I hope that I can complete the "赘婿" as soon as possible with this kind of enthusiasm tonight. I hope my body will be better and I hope the puppy will be awkward. I hope that the literary goddess will continue to give me care, and I hope that everyone can be healthy and good luck.

Another: The simplified version of "赘婿" has been submitted and entered the proofreading stage. It should be available in the bookstore in 18 years.

Sincerely, salute.

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