Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 825: Burning wind (5)

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The setting sun will end, the western sky, the end of the mountain, the last light.

In the vicinity of the small village, the river passes by, the spring is not resting, the water in the river rises sharply, and in the distant fields, the road passes by, the army horse walks on the road, the farmer who picks up the girl crosses the road. Come back home.

The summer is coming, the moisture in the air has faded a little, and it feels refreshing both physically and mentally. The evening in the southwest of Xianghe.

Ning Yi is by the river and looks at everything in the distance. After the sun sank, there was a little light in the distance. I don’t know when, some people came with lanterns and the tall figure of the woman, it was Yunzhu.

She stood for a while outside Ning Yi and then came close: "Xiao Xiao told me, crying..."

Ning Yi took her hand and smiled slightly: "...no."

"Is the situation in front not good?"

"Well, I wish you aside... something went wrong."

"I wish him..." Yunzhu’s eyes trembled and she realized the weight of the matter.

Ning Yi shook his head and looked into the distance in the night.

"I don't know..." he whispered, and then said: "I don't know."

"If you don't know, that's..."

"The 17th Army ... did not come out, the loss was heavy, almost ... the whole army was annihilated. I was just thinking, some things, the value is not worth..."

His calm tone, scattered in the air in the late spring and early summer...

Northland, Damingfu has become a ruin of no one.

After the war, the inhumane massacre has also ended. The bodies and mass graves thrown here have begun to emit a stench. The army has been evacuated from here. However, within the range of hundreds of miles around Damingfu, the search is still ongoing. carry on.

As for April 15, the last evacuated army escorted a batch of prisoners and went to different places on the north bank of the Yellow River.

From the end of April, Hebei Donglu Road, Jingdong East Road and other places in the great city that was originally ruled by Li Xizhi, the residents were alarmed by the scene of the killing. Since last year, devastating Dajin Tianwei, the monks who have been rebellious according to the Daming House have been killed and captured. Together with the black-flagged army who came to rescue them, they are all destroyed by Yan Yanchang, and thousands of prisoners are divided. As a team of death row prisoners, transported to the cities, beheading the public.

In April, the summer rain has begun to fall. The ones that are locked in the prison cars are a body that is almost non-adult. The captives who are unwilling to surrender Jurchen or have no value and have been severely punished have been severely punished at this time. Many people have been seriously injured on the battlefield. Wan Yanchang has let the medical officers hang their lives and make them suffer. But they will never let them die, as the end of the fight against the big gold, to the effect.

The front line of the East Road Army has been pushed to Xuzhou at this time, taking over the process of the Central Plains. This time has already begun. In order to promote the war, the high taxes and killings of the bureaucrats have lasted for half a year. Some people resisted, most of them The death of the butcher knife, nowadays, the most fierce resistance of the Guangwu army and the legendary black flag army myth that can compete against women is finally shattered in front of people's eyes.

Luozhou, when the convoys transporting the captives entered the city, the people on both sides of the road were awkward and confused, but there were a few who knew the situation and left tears on the street. The tearful man was dragged out by the Jurchen soldiers on the side of the road and killed on the street.

Shenzhou City, Xiaoyu, a raid of prisoners suddenly came. These people were jailed, there were rivers and lakes, and there were ordinary civilians, including a group of monks. Since Wan Yanchang conducted a large-scale search after taking over the Li Xizhi site, the guns and guns of these people were not neat, and a thin-faced man with a sharp face was sharpened and stabbed to death. He was then chopped to the ground by several knives, and the surrounding smothers, the bloody, slashed belly of the big man holding the prison station up, shouting in this killing.

"I am also the Huaxia Army! I am also the Huaxia Army! I... should not leave the Southwest. I... die with you..."

His last words, probably with the prisoners in the prison car, in the nearest place in front of his eyes, an original Chinese soldier was hand-broken at this time, and his tongue was also smashed, "嗬嗬" Shouted a few times and tried to extend the half of his broken arm.

The rushing soldiers have lifted the steel knife behind the man...

Hejianfu, when the dagger began, it was a heavy rain. Outside the court, people stood under the pressure of black, watching the steel knife fall by knife and knife, and some people silently wept in the rain. In such heavy rain, they don't have to worry about being seen in tears at least...

On the 28th of March, Wu Jianxuan, outside the Daming House, the Huaxia Army officially launched the rescue of the Guangwu Army. In the case that Wan Yanchang had prepared for it, the Huaxia Army still carried out a surprise attack on the battlefield in two ways. Within half an hour after the chaos, the breakout of the Guangwu Army was officially launched.

In the first time, the squadron’s squadron’s squadron gave great pressure to the 200,000 puppet troops in the battlefield. In the various streets and lanes in the Damingfu City, the death of the 10,000-strong martial arts army once made the puppet army’s team fall back. The death caused by stamping is even several times the front line. And Zhu Xi, shortly after the start of the war, led four thousand troops and three thousand people who remained in the periphery, and launched the most intense raid on Wan Yanchang.

After Yan Yanchang was so calm, he responded to the attack of Zhu Xi and others with his 10,000 troops. With more than 10,000 troops and thousands of cavalry blocking all enemies who wanted to leave the area of ​​Daming. I wish you a few fake moves in the offense, and then counterattack, but Wan Yanchang has never been fooled.

The 200,000 puppet army, even if the front line collapsed, the steady stream of new forces is still like a huge mud, dragging the people can not escape. The thousands of cavalry that the original Yan Yan brought with him have mastered the biggest initiative on the battlefield. Every raid on the periphery can cause huge casualties to the breakout troops.

During this period, the anti-smuggling team led by Yan Qing was still active on the battlefield. They lobbied several puppet troops to let them privately release water, plead, or threaten. Later, they also got a part of the puppet army. One eye closed, and even the news that Wan Yanchang was dead was still causing a lot of confusion on the battlefield.

But all this, still can't make up for the power gap that is too far in the cruel war balance.

On the night of the 28th, in the early morning of the 29th, in the battle between the Huaxia Army and the Guangwu Army, the entire huge battlefield was violently torn. The team of Zhu Xi, who marched eastward, and the Wang Shanyue team that broke out to the south attracted the most intense firepower. The cadres of the reserve went to the battlefield that night, inspiring morale and killing them. The sun rose on the twenty-nine day, and the entire battlefield had been torn apart. After a dozen spreads, the raiders stepped into the surrounding mountains and woodlands at great cost.

At this time, a large number of soldiers have been captured because of serious injuries or broken gallbladder. The whole war has not stopped because of this. Wan Yanchang has organized a large-scale pursuit and search and arrest in the center of the town. At the same time, he continued to order and dispatch troops to the surrounding city controlled by Jurchen and organized a large encirclement network.

On March 30, the first day of April... There were large and small battles that broke out in the jungle, water, and mountains near Damingfu. The entire encirclement network and the search and arrest operations continued until mid-April, and Wan Yanchang announced this. The end of the battle.

Not many people in a short period of time can know that in this fierce raid and breakout, how many Huaxia Army, Guangwujun soldiers and generals were sacrificed among them, including the wounded, more than 4,000, most of them are Within two months of being tortured, he was transported to various cities by Yan Chang and slaughtered.

There is also a part of the information that can be determined. In the early morning of the 29th day, during the raid and transfer process, a group of Huaxia military soldiers were surrounded by a large number of soldiers who led the double whip to continue to rush, his steel whip. Every time you sway, you must open the head of an enemy. This general will continue to clash, and it will be like a **** of war, and it will be chilling. However, in the constant slaughter, the soldiers around him are getting less and less. In the end, this will exhaust the last effort in the endless containment and exhaust the last drop of blood.

This is a Hummer, although once attributed to Liangshan, he finally returned to the right hero, "double whip" Hu Yanzhuo.

Twenty-nine near the dawn, the "Golden Gunner" Xu Ning was killed in the process of blocking the Jurchen cavalry and covering the retreat of the friendly forces in the edge of Linye near Damingfu.

Nie Shan, head of the Huaxia Army, led hundreds of death squads in the Ming Dynasty to counter the Yan Chang squad. These hundreds of people rushed into the steel knife, making the defensive Jurchen generals chill, and attracted many troops on the entire battlefield. Attention. These hundreds of people eventually went all out, and no one surrendered. Before the death of Nie Shan, the head of the regiment, there was no perfect place in the whole body. He went to the blood and walked through the path of his ascetic, and also for the friendly army behind him, striving for a trace of vitality.

More than 50% of the breakouts were left on the battlefield of the first night. This number is still expanding afterwards. As for mid-April, Wan Yanchang announced the initial end of the entire war, and all the preparations of the Huaxia Army and the Guangwu Army. Almost all have been broken up, although some people will survive from the huge network, but within a certain period of time, the two armies have also been destroyed...

In the message of Jurchen, many generals such as Zhu Xi, Guan Sheng, Wang Shanyue, etc. have all died and the heads are high.


The carriage slowed down and passed the night.

"I sometimes think that we may have chosen the wrong flag for a color..."

"It’s not said before the public, black is the most determined."

"But after every war is over, it is dyed red."

The carriage stopped quietly on the side of the road. Not far from the mouth of the village, Ning Yi took the hand of Yunzhu down, Yunzhu looked around, some confused.

"I think a lot of times, the value is not worth it... I have always said a lot of words, but the more I look at it, the more I feel the weight of people who can’t breathe, I wish you... Wang Shanyue... Tian Shi... There are more people who are already dead. Maybe everyone is pursuing a three-hundred-year cycle. Maybe it is already very good. Maybe... the dead people just want to live, they are all living people... ..."

In the darkness, Ning Yi’s words are calm and slow, like a whisper of whispering. He leads Yunzhu through the path of this unknown village. When passing through the dim stream, he also picks up the bamboo and accurately slams it. Every stone walked over—this shows that he was not here for the first time—the killer silently followed the back.

Ning Yi’s speech, Yunzhu did not answer, she knew that Ning Yi’s whispering did not need to answer. She just followed her husband and held hands slowly in the village. There were several earth houses not far away. With the lights on, they approached in the darkness, gently stepping up the stairs and stepping onto the compartment of a soil roof. The tile of this earthen house has been broken, and the night sky can be seen on the compartment. Ning Yi took her and sat down on the wall. The other side of the wall and the house below it were brightly lit and some people were talking. What people say is about the "four peoples" and some things about the three counties.

Ning Yi sat quietly there, and compared it to the bamboo, he silently "snapped" a bit, then the couple quietly snuggled and looked at the sky outside the tile.

"Innovation and enlightenment... The process of the millennium, the so-called freedom... In fact, not many people care... People are such strange things, we want to always be a little bit better than the status quo, a little better than A hundred years of history, people can't understand... Slaves are a little better, they feel like they are in heaven... People with too good brains, a little better, he still won't be satisfied..."

His words sprang gently from the throat with a little sigh. Yunzhu listened and listened to the words and discussions in the other side of the house, but in fact there was nothing surprising on the other side. In the three counties of Hedeng, many people gathered at night to discuss some new ideas. And opinions, many of them may still be Ning Yi students.

"...innovation, freedom, oh, just like most people exercise, the body is poorly exercised, the body is good, everything will be forgotten, thousands of cycles... When people eat, they will feel that they have It’s amazing to the limit. As for reading more books, why... How many people can understand? Too few...”

Ning Yi’s words are still going on. It’s just a sigh, a slight sigh, Yunzhu listens, but also knows that her husband is not confused by these things in the mouth. At this time, there was already a person opening in the room at the other end. At some point, Yunzhu heard the man say:

"...the things of our Chinese army have already explained the truth. All the people in this world are the same! Why are those who are low-lying in the land? Why do the landlords want to be high? They give a little something, they say they are benevolence. Good home. Why are they kind? They account for more things than others, their children can go to school, they can take the exam, the peasants are always farmers! The peasant’s son is born, open his eyes, and see the inferior This is a natural injustice! Mr. Ning has explained a lot of things, but I feel that Mr. Ning’s speech is not thorough enough..."

"...Because Mr. Ning’s family is a merchant himself, although he is a good friend, he has a lot of money at home. As far as I know, Mr. Ning is well dressed and well-dressed. I am not here to say Mr. Ning. Bad words, I mean, is it because of this, Mr. Ning did not plainly say that everyone is equal!"

"...Look at the farmers, especially those that Lian Tian didn't have. They lived the worst and hardest days, and they got the least. It's not fair. We have to think about this. Mr. Ning has a lot to say. Wrong, but it can be more right, what is more right. Everyone in this world is equal and equal. We even kill the emperor. We must have the most equal world. We should let everyone know, They! Compared with other people, there is no difference between them. If our Huaxia Army wants to succeed, we must be rich and poor! Tree equality-"

Many of these words have been used by Ning Yi, but when they say it now, the meaning is quite radical. The noise is noisy, and Yunzhu has lost a moment, because at her side, Ning Yi’s words have stopped. She looked down, her husband leaning against the earth wall, with a quiet, mysterious smile on his face. This smile is like seeing something unspeakable, and it seems to have a bit of bitterness and sadness. , complicated.

"...I sometimes think, is this worth it... or not worth it..."

He finally whispered, did not continue to speak. The sound of the room next door is still coming ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ning Yi and Yun Zhu's gaze, there are hundreds of millions of stars in the night sky, the Galaxy is vast, and it is invested in the small roof tiles. In the breach...

Beyond the roof, it is a vast land, and countless creatures are colliding together.

Wu Jianyu ten years, March 27th.

The Huaxia Army, which rushed to Damingfu, bypassed the long road. In the evening, Zhu Xi stood on the hill and looked at the direction. The team of the banner marched around the road.

Guan Sheng came from below: "What are you looking at?"

I wished that I could look at the distance, my eyes hesitate, and I had a good time. I just put away the attitude of looking at the map and said: "I wonder if there is a better way."

"I got it?"


"You pig brain, I don't think you can think of it. Hey, but then again, you burned the city and prayed, and the people who are not afraid of it, the mother-in-law is getting up today."

"...I don't really want to hit a turtle like Yanchang."

"..." Guan Sheng was silent for a moment, "I don't want to."

I wish you a smile: "So I was thinking, if the surname Ning guy is here, can you think of a better way to defeat Yan Chang and save Wang Shanyue? After all, that guy... except for picking up girls. The brain is really easy to use."

"I only know that surname Ning will not save Wang Shanyue."


The two stood there and looked away for a moment. Guan Shengdao: "Think of it?"


"Let's go."

The two figures were laughing, some nodded, and then they all fell into the torrent of the torrent.


Above the ruins, there are still broken flags in the exhibition, and blood and black dissolve together.


In May, Weisheng fell.

Soon after, Xuzhou fell.

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