Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 826: Burning wind (6)

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Leaving the small village, the sound of the creek seemed to be still ringing in the ear. Ning Yi carried a small lantern and walked forward with the raft of Yunzhu. The carriage followed.

Looking back, the little light of the small village became thin and melted together with the heavens and the night, and there was no difference. Holding the hand of her husband, Yunzhu still can feel the depression in his emotions. This is caused by the war report from the North, but the comments he heard on the room did not become his troubles. Cause.

Over the years, I have followed her husband's Bobo. For the things that Ning Yi, Watermelon, etc. are doing, Yunzhu has seen their discussions for several years. Although they have not participated, they have been able to understand. At this time, it was far away, and Yunzhu said this thing softly.

"That is... Zhong Hecheng Zhongfuzi, I have seen it in the school. These thoughts, I usually didn't listen to him..."

The lantern that emits orange light all the way forward. At the end of the road, there are two people carrying the scorpion. They are the farmers who don’t know where to go. When they walked to the front, they stopped sideways and stopped at the side of the road. Let Ning Yi and the horse behind him pass, and Ning Yi held a lantern and gestured to them.

The two farmers went from here, and Ning Yi said that their backs were walking in the distant starlight before they said.

"If this Zhonghecheng intends to know you in the school, it should be careful, but it is unlikely. He has a more important mission and will not want me to see him."

"Well?" Yunzhu Xiumei slightly stunned, "He is... to trouble? I thought he was influenced by Agua."

Ning Yi smiled and said: "It is true that the impact of Agua is also wrong."

"But you said that Agua is extreme."

"The beginning of thinking is extreme." Ning Yi smiled at his wife. "What is wrong with everyone's equality? It is the direction that human beings should go all the way for thousands of years. If there is a way, today's realization is of course more Ok. They can pick up this idea, I am very happy."

"Liheng is not afraid of getting burned." Seeing Ning Yi's attitude calmly, Yunzhu put down some thoughts. At this time, he smiled and relaxed. The two walked in the night wind. Ning Yi was slightly biased. Head.

"When people talk about equality, the biggest question is whether smart people and idiots can be equal, capable people can be equal to incompetent people, lazy people can be equal with hardworking people. Of course, it is impossible. This is not the reason that can't be done, but it can't be done at all, but where is the difference between capable people and incompetent people? How is lazy and hardworking people caused? Yunzhu, you teach at school, have teaching And no class, but smart children may not be able to learn well. Stupids may be harder. If you encounter a guy who can't be carved, can you think that you can't teach well or can everyone in the world teach?"

"Sometimes I feel that no one in the world can teach." Yunzhu smiled and then said, "But of course, some teachers have some thoughts and always have a way to teach their children."

"At this day, everyone can get better, anyone can become useful, smart children have different teaching methods, stupid children have different teaching methods, and everyone has the possibility of becoming a good person. Those who are arrogant Heroes, great saints, they were all stupid children at the beginning. What is the difference between Confucius and the farmers in the past? Actually, they have gone a different way and become different people. Confucius and Yunzhu have you. What is the difference..."

"Yes." Yunzhu quickly said.

Ning Yi has already pulled her hand and smiled: "No. This is equality for all."

"...Everyone has equal possibilities. Can adults be smart people? I don't think so. Some smart people are uncertain, can't study, but suffer. The stupid people know their own clums, If you are poor and work, you can achieve something earlier. Then, is it possible for a smart person who can't study it to develop a character for study? Of course, there are also ways. If he encounters something, he will encounter a painful lesson. Knowing the harm of not being able to determine, you can make up for your shortcomings."

"...Sima Gong has a cloud: Ge Xibo is arrested and played "Zhou Yi"; Zhong Nie is the "Spring and Autumn"; Qu Yuan exiled, is the "Li Sao" ... Most people who have had a career, life is not always smooth, In fact, these are the hardships, let them understand their own powerlessness, and explore some things in the world that cannot be changed. The more they understand the world, the easier it is to control the things in this world and make a bright light. The deeds of the eyes come..."

"...Everyone is equal, and equality is possible. Everyone can gain wisdom through learning, self-discipline, through constant induction and thinking, and ultimately achieve equality, and become excellent people. But everything is If you don't do it, you want to be equal when you are born. You sit at home and hold your head. I look forward to being as equal as those who work hard to kill people. It is a joke. Of course... if this can be done, it is good, but it must be done. To."

Ning Yi looked back and looked: "The two peasants who just walked over, when we first came, they would kneel down on the side of the road. They have no equal thoughts in their hearts, this is not their fault, for them. Inequality is justified because they live in inequality for the rest of their lives. Even if someone wants to be good, even if they are smart, they have no money, no books, no teachers. This is unfair to them. But if someone is excellent, hardworking, desperate, and exhausted, everything is getting worse. Some people are lazy, and they are succumbing to the big things, seeing the small profits and forgetting the righteousness. The equality of these two people is the greatest irony of equality."

"Building an equal sense of identity in the heart of a generation, as for how to be equal, it is a matter of thousands of years. Some people are lazy, why is he so lazy? What kind of environment he has experienced since childhood, developed such a character, is It’s not because the days are too good, then, for the children who have a good time, can the teacher have a way to teach them the same feelings?”

"A person who can be desperate, why can he fight because he used to be too poor, or because he enjoys a sense of accomplishment? In fact, how to do a good person, if a person is willing to read, at the age of 30, I understand, the only difference is how to do it. Diligence, restraint, hard work, seriousness... The millions of children in the world are born, how to have a powerful system, so that after learning, they will inspire their excellent things, When everyone in the world begins to become excellent, that is everyone's equality."

Perhaps it is a lot of thoughts on these things on weekdays. When I walked away, Ning Yi said softly, Yunzhu was silent, but could understand the sadness behind it. The sacrifices of Zhu Xi and others - if they really sacrificed - this is the value of their sacrifice, or that this is the "have to be" in the mind of their husbands.

The dirt road turned a corner, and under the canopy in the distance, the fire of the Huaxia Army Barracks was spreading, and the stars were dotted against the Milky Way in the sky. The couple stopped for a moment, carrying the little lantern and standing under the tree by the road.

"We are afraid of seeing that everyone is equal." Yunzhu smiled and whispered.

"That was a matter of thousands of years in the past thousand years." Ning Yi looked over there and replied softly. "When everyone can read and read, it is only the first step. The reason is hanging on the mouth of the person. It is very easy. It is difficult to dissolve into people's hearts. Cultural system, philosophical system, education system... If you explore a thousand years, you may see the true equality of people."

"So, even the most extreme equality, as long as they really study and discuss... are good things."

Ning Yi said that the words have become lighter. He smiled slightly in the darkness. Then Yunzhu seemed to hear: "I have to thank Li Feng..."

This sentence is suspected of the wind, Yunzhu looked over: "... ah?"

"What?" Ning Yi smiled and looked over. He didn't wait for Yunzhu to speak. Suddenly, "Oh, one day, men and women will become equal."


"When the gender equality is done, everyone does similar work and bears similar responsibilities. No one can marry a few wives like me... Well, by that time, everyone will turn over the old account, I will probably let people Speaking and swearing."

He said this, he pressed Yunzhu’s hand to his lips, and Yunzhu smiled and his eyes smashed: “That’s interesting...and it’s very interesting...”

"...but in this life, let me take advantage of it."

He finished the sentence and looked at the military camp in the distance. The couple stopped talking. Soon after, they sat down on the grassy side of the road.

The warm yellow light is like a gathering of fireflies. Yunzhu sits there and turns to look at Ning Yi around. Since they met and fell in love, more than ten years have passed.

In addition to the calm of the first few years, after more than ten years, they all seemed to ride up and down in the storm. Even though she came out of the bureaucrats, Yunzhu never thought about the life that would later undergo such a change. At that time, she lived in a small building by the river. Every day, watching the scholars run from the door, they occasionally Peaceful greetings and greetings, she fancied that she could quietly pass her life as her bedroom or outside room.

Jiang Ning has finally become a past, and since then it has been an experience that has never been seen in even the most bizarre imagination. At the beginning, the young and calm scholars stirred up the world and gradually went into middle age. He was no longer as calm as he was in the past. The small ship sailed into the sea and sailed into the storm. He was more like The attitude of fighting for life is meticulously fighting against the huge waves. Even the demons who are feared by the world are always clenching their teeth and tightening their spirits.

Over the years, Yunzhu has taught in the school, and occasionally listened to Ning Yi and watermelon about the idea of ​​equality. She can understand it, and she will feel a bit hot in her heart. But at this moment, she looked at the man sitting next to her, but only recalled the original Jiangning. She thought: No matter what I am, I just hope that he can be good, then that's fine.

She reached out and tried to smooth his brows. Ning Yi glanced at her and never heard her voice, but she just picked her up and the couple squatted together and sat in the bright yellow light of the tree for a while. Under the grass slope, the sound of the stream flows wildly, like Jiangning many years ago. They chat under the tree, and the Qinhuai River flows through the eyes...

Soon after, Ning Yi returned to the yard and called the people to continue the meeting. The time was not a break. On this night, it rained outside.

Time does not stop.

On both sides of the Yellow River, heavy rain poured. There are so many things, just like every raindrop in this heavy rain, it is self-contained, constantly sweeping through the heavens and the earth, and gathering in the direction of streams, rivers and the sea.

When they come together into pieces, we can see where it is going, its great destructive power. However, when it fell, no one could take care of where every drop of rain went.

The Central Plains, the torrential rain of the world has been under a year.

This is one of the most ordinary rains...

Dark night.

The sound of the rumble was roaring, the water rolled over the village, and the house was washed away. In the heavy rain, some people shouted, some people ran, some were smashing in the dark mountains.

Lightning strokes the night sky, the white light illuminates the front of the scene, under the hillside, Dashui Haohao soup, drowning the place where people live on weekdays, countless debris rolling in the water, roof, trees, dead bodies, king Xing stood in the rain and was shaking all over.

On the hillside, a small number of people who escaped were still shouting in the rain, and some people were crying out to call their family names. People walked up the hill, muddy water flowing down the mountain, and some people fell in the water, rolling down, and in the darkness was the cry of hysteria.

The heavy rain continued, and during the day, people climbing to the top of the mountain could see the surrounding scene. The river broke down in the dark night and rushed down from the upper reaches. Even though some people reported that the survivors who escaped from the village were only twenty-three. Wang Xing dragged a small bag of dried fish and all the homes were gone.

The rain did not stop. He hid under the tree and set up a small shed with branches. He was shaking all over, and more people cried in the distance or not far away.

Many people's family members died in the water. The survivors not only have to face such sadness, but even more terrible is that all the family and even the food are washed away by the water. Wang Xing shivered in the small shed for a while.

When the sky was bright, the rain gradually became smaller, the surviving villagers gathered together, and then, a strange thing happened.

They saw Wang Xing carrying the bag of dried fish, and there were half pots in their hands that they didn't know where to find them: "There are only these things in the house, it rains, and it will be mildew later. The big guy cooks and eats."

Wang Xingping is the most slick and sloppy in the village. He has a sharp-nosed monkey, lazy and timid. When he encounters a big event, he dares not to show his head. When he gets a small profit, he is ugly. He is only one person at home. To the daughter-in-law. But at this time, the look on his face was very different. He took out the last food and gave it to others, which shocked everyone.

Of course, at this time, the difficulties were met, and the doubts in my heart were confused. Then everyone got a fire, divided the fish and ate it. When the fish were dried, the survivors in the village did not find Wang Xing's trace. Soon after, a child turned to the big stone behind the mountain and saw strange things.

Wang Xingyu was behind the stone, using stone to excavate something, and then dug out a long tarpaulin-wrapped object, and opened the tarpaulin with a knife inside.

At this time, there was rain falling in the sky. Wang Xing was drenched in the rain for a night, soaked and wet, and his hair was stuck on his face. It was like a falling dog, and he didn’t look good. This scene looks like a strange person. It is cold.

The child was scared, and soon afterwards, the matter was told to the adults in the village. The adults were also shocked. Some people said that there was nothing. The guy was ready to kill and grab things. Some people said that Wang Xing was timid. The character, where to dare to take the knife, must be the child is wrong. Everyone looked for it, but since then, they have never seen the broken houses in this village.

Just as they were looking around, Wang Xing had already walked on the mountain road far from here.

The heavy rain in the Central Plains has actually been in operation for more than ten years.

From the first time the Jurchen went south, to the establishment of the pseudo-qi, and now, the days have never been better. The Yellow River has been a mother river since ancient times, but the residents living on both sides of the Yellow River loved it and feared it. Even during the prosperous period of the Wu Dynasty rule, the cost of treating yellow every year was high, and Liu Yu ruled the Central Plains. Searching for property, every year's work on the Yellow River has also stopped.

In the past ten years, the levees of the Yellow River have become more and more serious, and apart from the floods, every year's plagues, emigrants, conscription, and taxes and taxes have already pushed people to life and death. As for the spring of the ten years of Jianye, the striking thing is the rebellion of the Jindi and the fierce battle of the famous government. But before this, the floods on the top of the people have already surged.

Since the beginning of the second half of last year, the recruitment of the Jurchen, the conscription of the Central Plains and the levy of taxes and taxes have reached the point of knocking. After Wan Yanchang took over the Li Xizhi site, in order to support the South Road Army's southern expedition, the Central Plains' money and grain tax was increased several times. He ordered the Han officials to deal with the matter, and those who were unfavorable for grain were killed.

In the first few months, the officials on the site of Li Zhizhi were almost replaced by more than half. As for being "changed", the heads were already hung on the wall to show the crowd. The grain in the home of the Han Chinese in the Central Plains has been completely hollowed out. As long as the officials are cruel enough, there is basically a way to live.

As for the other way of living, the soldiers were eating food. When Li Xizhi died, nearly 200,000 troops were disbanded. After Wan Yanchang took over the military affairs, the remaining army was mobilized in a short time and the conscription was launched. In the days of siege of the famous palace, the Han army rushing to the front line ate like a sly, some died in the war, and some were broken up. On the day when the Damingfu City was broken, the Han army nearby, together with the defending champions everywhere. The troops have reached as many as 400,000.

The strength of these "units" may not be high, but they only need to be able to grab money from the people. This part of the money is owned by themselves, and some of them are sent to the south. As for March, when the Daming Fucheng City was broken, north of the Yellow River, it was more than just a sentence that people could describe. The habit of eating people has already appeared in many places.

Wang Xing is a coward.

There were several people who knew that he was forced to go to work as a soldier. When the soldiers went to attack Xiao Cang River, he was afraid and ran away. The Xiao Cang River’s affairs fell behind and he ran back. When he was arrested as a soldier, he was still young. Over the years, the situation was chaotic. The people in the village died and died. The people who could confirm these things gradually disappeared. He returned here and lived timidly and timidly. .

Of course, no one knows that he was once captured by the Huaxia Army in the southwest.

He was too afraid of death and was arrested to the southwest. After a period of preaching, the days of the Huaxia Army were not good. There were many military regulations. At that time, he was hungry. Wang Xing couldn’t stand it. Later he lied that he had an old mother. At home, I was released by the Huaxia Army.

This came and went, and the thousands of miles of travel, even more ruined the burden of Wang Xing, this world is terrible, he does not want to die - do not want to rush in front of the sudden death.

Over the years, the days have been extremely difficult. In this year, the soldiers who have levied food rushed into the house and beat him to death. He thought that he was really dying, but he slowly came over. Jindi is still playing, Da Ming Fu is still playing, those heroes who have courage in their hearts are still resisting.

If you can't make such a person, many people can't make it. This is human nature. Wang Xing’s heart tells himself this way, and in this world, as long as there are such people and people like Huaxia Army are constantly resisting, they will not die.

During the time of the Huaxia Army, at least some things he remembered: sooner or later, people will drive away Jurchen.

On that day, good days will come.

But I am not a hero... I am just afraid of death, I don’t want to die.

He thought about it in his heart.

Until the day in April, the river was full of water, he was so angry that he took the opportunity to catch some fish, took it to the city to change something, and suddenly heard the Jurchen propaganda.

Damingfu was broken and the Black Flag Army was defeated.

His heart suddenly fell down.

He spent two days in the city. He saw the convoy of the Black Flag Army and the Captain of the Light Armed Forces entering the city. Some of these prisoners had broken limbs and some were seriously injured. Wang Xing was able to clearly identify them. It is the Chinese military.

Soon after, they were all killed on the execution ground and the crowds rolled down.

In the propaganda of Jurchen, the Guangwu Army and the Huaxia Army were completely annihilated.

When the days go through hardships, there are always people who will live.

Some people want to live with ambition, some people want to live like others, some people just bend over and not kneel down... After all, someone will rush ahead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't care, I am just afraid It’s okay to die, even if you squat, I don’t care about them. They don’t have me so afraid of death... I’m so scared, there’s no way. Wang Xing’s mind is like this.

The Wu dynasty was defeated. There were still various rebel forces in the past. The rebel army gradually disappeared. Later, there were Guangwujun and Jinwang. Even if the Guangwu Army and Jindi were defeated, there were at least black flags. However, these are gone... We have not defeated Jurchen yet.

The cover of the Central Plains was pressed down and no one would resist. Back in the village, Wang Xing’s heart gradually died. After two days, the big water came from the night, and Wang Xing was cold and constantly shaking. In fact, since the scene of beheading in the city, he has already understood in his heart that there is no way to live.

He left a little dried fish and divided the rest to the village, and then dug out the already rusty knife. Two days later, the killing of a Han army that robbed the grain occurred on the side of a mountain road that was dozens of miles away from the village.

Wang Xing took some food grabbed after murder, found a small seesaw, and chose a day when the weather was slightly clear, and began to cross the river against the wind and waves. He heard that there are still Chinese troops in Xuzhou fighting.

Growing up on the banks of the Yellow River, he understood from a young age that half of the crossings were dying in such a situation, but it didn't matter. Those who resisted were already dead.

The most timid people have no way to live.

The rain in the Central Plains is still down.

A lot of things are gradually fermenting in the rainstorm...

At the same time, under the command of Wan Yanchang, there were more than 200,000 troops who began to be trapped in the direction of Liangshan. After the destruction of the Guangwu Army and the Huaxia Army, there were still tens of thousands of families living on the islands in the water. Only two thousand troops, guarding them there...

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