Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 827: Burning wind (7)

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The war in the north is still going on, and the south is not too flat.

After the news of the Battle of Damingfu passed to the southwest, it took another few days. When the rain fell, the water level in the Lijiang River rose and it had already entered the flood season.

Although the heart was worried about the situation north of the Yellow River, the team of Ning Yi and Hua Xiajun moved to Dujiangyan in the direction of the water.

In the afterlife, the Chengdu Plain is the land of abundance, but the biggest damage to this side every year is the flood. The Lijiang River enters the Chengdu Plain from the Yushang Mountain Pass and goes from the west to the southeast. It is a ground-suspended river. The gap between the river and the plain is nearly 300 meters. Therefore, the Chengdu Plain has been governed by the Qin Dynasty. In another period of the Song Dynasty, the rule of water was systemic. After the formation of Dujiangyan, the pressure on the floods was greatly alleviated. The country of Tianfu gradually became a veritable name.

Even so, in the twentieth century, there have been two extraordinary floods in the Chengdu Plain. The flooding of the Lancang River and the lower reaches of the Lancang River has made the entire plain a Zeguo. At this time, if the Lijiang River can't keep it, the next year, the days on the plains will be quite sad. When the Huaxia Army wants to go out of Sichuan in a short time, it becomes a real idiotic dream.

At the moment, the Huaxia Army is not only threatened by natural disasters. The Chinese military has controlled the status quo of the Chengdu Plain. The intelligence department has already received a report from the Wu Dynasty that attempts to undermine the dyke.

This type of manufacturing flood, flooding the three army's homeless projects, in many Wushu scholars have a market, when the Jurchens attacked the beam, the idea of ​​the Yellow River to retreat the enemy was turned in many people's minds, not How big is the secret. At the beginning of the Huaxia Army, the Chengdu Plain, if it was really a big flood, the next one or two years, it seemed to be a big burden. Therefore, although it seems alarmist, if someone really does something, it is not surprising.

On the one hand, it is necessary to resist natural disasters, on the other hand, it hopes to deepen the unreliable rule base by a big event. In early April, all the political departments of the Fifth Army of China were dispatched, and at the same time, 40,000 soldiers were mobilized and launched near the Lijiang River. Nearly 50,000 people in villages and counties participated in the work of fighting floods and levees. In fact, the early propaganda began to be done two months ago. When the waters increased in April, the Huaxia Army also increased the scale of launching. Sitting on the front line in person, in the expropriation of migrant workers and propaganda management, it can be regarded as the use of the full family. After this flood, the Chinese army grabbed some of the money in the Chengdu Plain, and it spent almost the same.

However, such a big move has brought the nearby people and the army together, and it is naturally beneficial to experience the serious military discipline of the Huaxia Army and the determination to control the flood. On the front line, the army is the mainstay, and the migrant workers with water control experience are supplemented. For the rapid linkage of localities, for the people who have not been on the front line, the managers assigned to the villages and counties will start repairing and exploiting the roads. Leave a property for the future.

In the middle and late April, the Chengdu Plain is gray and cloudy, and the rain is coming from time to time. Ning Yi found several houses on the edge of the county town near Dujiangyan, and also wanted to deter the jumping clowns who wanted to make an idea in this natural disaster. The outside news gathered here every day. On April 19th, after completing the sweeping of the Daming House in the north of the Yellow River, Wan Yanchang quickly came forward with the news of the next move.

Liangshan Shuibo, Guangwu Army and Dulonggang tens of thousands of family members gathered, the army guarded, now only 2,000 people.

The distance between thousands of miles, even if it is anxious to get angry, is useless. At this moment of the news, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of Han troops forced by Yan Chang have already completed the assembly.

However, by April 23, there was a little better news.

After the war in Damingfu, the surviving people continued to appear in the vicinity, in the vicinity of Liangshan Shuibo, or hundreds of people, or survivors of dozens, more than ten people, or even alone. It began to appear in succession. Although there are not many survivors, many news is embarrassing.

Some of these people spent half a month in the barren hills under the Jurchen blockade, and finally broke through the line of defense. Some of them were seriously injured and fortunately killed. Most of their comrades were dead, some were separated, some They were caught, and each of them had injuries, but gradually, they gathered back here.

Some people were helped by the enemy or nearby people. A few of them were obviously put down by members of the Han army of Soshan. Some members of the Guangwu Army or the Huaxia Army were hidden by the nearby people after the injury. When I got to the end of Yan Chang's next step, the news of the attack on Liangshan came. These people couldn't wait any longer. Many people were rushing back in the direction of Liangshan with a wound that was still unhealed.

This is also strange. During the decade when Jurchens conquered the Central Plains, people’s rebellious feelings had risen for a while, but gradually, most of the people who resisted died, and the rest of the people began to numb. By this time, the Jurchen was attacked by the Guangwu Army, and the real responders were actually few. Among them, especially for the banner of the Chinese Army, most people do not have a good impression.

In the eyes of the world, the existence of the Huaxia Army, although born out of the Han people, was named Huaxia, but most of the Central Plains people would only see them as Shura characters who are the same as the Jurchens. Therefore, the Huaxia Army in the Central Plains has always had no mass base.

However, after the fiasco of Damingfu, at least in the land north of the Yellow River, many people who have nowhere to live, it seems... at least a little bit to accept them.

The Guangwu Army, which finally broke out in Da Mingfu, and the Huaxia Army who came to help, totaled nearly 30,000. The estimated number of sacrifices has not been counted by anyone at this time, but at least half of them are up, thousands of people are captured, and tragic The slaughter has begun. The survivors - not knowing how many survivors are there - are gradually coming back and heading towards Liangshan to participate in a war that is likely to be even more tragic.

It is like a fire of stars.

On April 27th, the list of generals who determined the sacrifice was gradually reported back. The tragedy of the captives being massacred among the cities and towns was also recorded and passed back. At this time, the water potential of the Lancang River has become more and more fierce. At the same time as the various embankments of the Huaxia Army resist flooding, the intelligence department is still reporting all the rumors about the pro-wu forces preparing for the break-up, and screening one by one.

On the fourth day of May, a rumor that a person is preparing to break the bank is confirmed. The first one is the local local Confucianism. Chen was originally a Sichuan-Chongqing family. After the Huaxia Army occupied the Chengdu Plain, some of the priests fled their homes, but the Chen family did not leave. After the spring of this year, Chen’s thought that the floods in the Lancang River could affect the Huaxia Army, so In the dark, some of the rivers and lakes heroes are connected in series, and they are ready to start at the right time.

Chen Haoyuan thought that the most difficult thing about this incident was psychological barrier. Who knows that the Huaxia Army’s entire batch of dispatches has been launched during the flood season. Although it has also launched a large number of people, it is extremely strict to guard against nearby guards and inspections. In May, the Huaxia Army entered the house and controlled everyone. The large amount of gunpowder that Chen Hao had prepared had not yet thought about where to start.

The action of arresting the Chen family is extremely large, and Ning Yi is accompanying the town. Catch Chen Yu is a place in the Chen family who is not far from the Lijiang River. Ning Yi saw the old man who had to be half-white. The two had met several times before. This time, the old man no longer had a previous It seems that there is no god, and Ning Yi smashed a big meal in his own hall.

Ning Yi pulled up the chair and sat in front, listening quietly to him.

In the past, dealing with Confucianism—especially for young scholars and scholars—Ning Yi liked to argue with each other calmly, but this time, he did not have an interest in arguing, and the martyrs varied. Qian Xiwen, Qin Yuyuan Kang Xian, Wang Qisong, whom he has never seen... For those who have died, the argument will lose its meaning.

He only listened to the old man with a solemn gaze, and then he said: "After ten days, you and your family will hold a public trial in front of thousands of people. The sin is strict, and you must talk about it when you break the levee."

On the way back, the heavy rain gradually became a light rain. At noon, Ning Yi and others rested on the way to the station. There were three riders in front of the robes, and they saw Ning Yi and others, and they went down to the store. She is a tall woman, but she has always handled the trivial things for Ning Yi. She brought some news from the north.

At this time, as time went by, some messages near Damingfu and even Liangshan had begun to become clear, and some people’s deaths were verified. The sacrifices of Xu Ning, Hu Yanzhuo, Nie Shan and others were repeatedly confirmed, but there were also Qin Ming, Li Jiaxuan, Xue Changgong and other generals have returned to Liangshan. The first batch of generals and soldiers who came back to the army had more than 4,000 people, which was regarded as the main force that was preserved in the battle of the famous government.

Due to the half-month blockade and sweeping of Yan Yanchang, some of the troops and soldiers were extremely scattered. It is possible that these soldiers will return to their homes or not return, and the number should be small.

"That is to say... nearly 30,000 people, the most left is six thousand..." In the room of the station, after listening to Juan's simple report, Ning Yi whispered.

"There are a lot of people caught, and people over there are planning to rescue."

"Don't think about it, Wan Yanchang is not a dead person. The guy who is well-known to do things well, publicly kills, just wants to fish." Liangshan's situation is urgent, and these days, the news has begun to become clear, the frontline intelligence personnel One by one, the first time, a lot of news was sent, so that a few pieces of information paper were written with a lot of words. Ning Yi looked at it and frowned.

Juaner stood for a moment, Ning Yi looked at her and smiled slightly: "Sit down. There are too many things in these two days, I am in a bad mood, you don't have to stand up... I have to write a letter to Liangshan..."

"Oh..." Juan's expression was a bit strange. "The last page... reported one thing."

"What?" Ning Yi frowned, turning over the last page.

Seeing Ning Yi began to look, Juaner licked his mouth and sat down on the stool.

On the last page of the paper, I wrote about the fact that Master Li is about to become a relative.

Rescuing the actions of the Guangwu Army, nine deaths, but in the normal battle, the Huaxia Army also tried their best to fight for the vitality. The Han army under the end of Yan Yanchang’s life was extremely difficult. The intelligence team led by Yan Qing had made great efforts to persuade some Han army generals to release water and even turn their backs. Such actions naturally succeeded and failed, but not many people knew The teacher Li, who was originally in Liangshan, also participated in the operation.

When he learned that the Huaxia Army had defeated the speed of the train to the southeast, Master Li knew that Zhu Xi and others could not rescue Wang Shanyue, who had already fallen into the dead. When the Huaxia Army went out, she also made it from Liangshan. After her own actions, she went to lobby a general of the Han army, named Huang Guangde, trying to get the other party to release water during the siege, and let the other party help save people after the campaign entered the round-up phase.

This Huang Guangde was originally a person from the Wu Dynasty. In the early years, because there was no backing in the capital, he could not make up for it after the middle move. He wandered the capital city and stayed in the tower for a long time. At that time, the teacher's girl was very popular, Huang Guangde was naturally difficult to get close to, and she was only a few faces. When she was in the reign of Li Xizhi, Huang Guangde was swaying under his hand. At this time, in the Han army mobilized by Yan Yanchang, it was still Relatively powerful generals, there are more than 10,000 brothers, and there are many confidants, doing some things.

Master Li found Huang Guangde, Huang Guangde initially tangled, but later, I did not know what conditions to agree, and finally reached out to help. At this point, I realized that the teacher and the teacher promised Huang Guangde to marry him. He also lost the glory of Huang Guangde, who was nearly fifty years old, or missed the beautiful years of the year. He took the risk. At this time, the teacher The girl has already lived in the backyard of Huangfu.

Ning Yi read the news carefully, his brows tightened a little more, and then turned back to the front, and the whole message was overdone. He naturally knew what Juan's expression was, and the more angry the heart, Put the information on the square table: "Who is the head of the intelligence at the end of Liangshan?"

Juaner blinked her eyes: "Hey, this..."

"Nervous disease!" Ning Yi stood up and took a picture on the table. "An intelligence officer, all the things are not written in detail! Write a story! Huang Guangde also told me at the age of forty-nine? Li Shishi more than 30 The old man, become a pro, can write a whole page after two lines can be written, he suspects that I have too much time? I think I am interested in what things! If the two are happy, let them be together, if I was forced to give this Huang Guangde to me! Is it necessary to write it for me?"

Ning Yi’s voice has been picked up in the room: “I thought I didn’t know what he was thinking! It was thought that I had a leg with Master Li! Who the **** didn’t care if I had a leg with Master Li! Tens of thousands died! A group of heroes Keeping their lives on the battlefield, their tens of thousands of family members are about to be slaughtered! Where he wrote such important information, he wrote me a whole page of Master Li! Neuropathy! The guy who sent this information must make serious Review!"

Juaner nodded and gathered the information. Ning Yi gave birth to a moment of anger, and sat down again: "I will write a letter to Liangshan tonight, at least... encourage them. Liangshan tens of thousands of families, plus Thousands of people, although occupying a geographical location, can’t afford to say it. It’s hard to say. On the southwest side, hundreds of thousands of people’s lives and deaths and futures are also hanging here. The news of one person does not need to account for so much, and people cannot Is it a good mood?"

He took a look at Juan: "You are also sick..."

Juaner lowered her head: "I thought... you are at least somewhat concerned about the teacher..."

"I have known each other for so many years. When I was in Beijing, people still took care of it... But what about caring, watching this kind of information, can I send an order from thousands of miles away, let people take the teacher The girl rescued it? If the two are in love, now the child is pregnant."

Ning Yi touched the bridge of the nose and paused. He looked at Juan: "And ah, I am a teacher with a teacher. I really don't have a leg..."

Juaner smiled. The two stopped talking about this topic. After lunch at noon, they took a light rain and went back to the front line of Dujiangyan. There were many other news from the outside world. One of them was: Wu Chaochang Princess Special Envoy Cheng Zhouhai, no day I will go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ old friend, welcome him. Ning Yidao.


When I arrived in Dujiangyan, I had already passed the Dragon Boat Festival. On the seventh day of May, the weather was fine. I was riding a horse in the **** team and saw the roads of the nearby villagers. The soldiers of the Huaxia Army participated in it, and other managers wearing red armbands stood on the big stones to cheer for the villagers who built the road.

"What is this?"

"Mr. Ning said that the workers and troops who know how to control the water are fighting against floods in the front, and the people behind them are ensuring that the roads are unobstructed, all for the sake of water control and one piece of force." The Huaxia Army personnel who followed Cheng Chenghai explained.

Cheng Zhouhai nodded: "After the water is cured, the road here has been repaired, and the big guys get along well... the dripping water is not leaking, it is the style of Ning Liheng."

Seen on this road, most of them are such labor scenes. When they arrive at a military medical camp where many people see a doctor, Cheng Zhouhai sees Ning Yi. The two have not seen each other for more than ten years. Ning Yi stepped into middle age, and Cheng Zhouhai was nearly fifty years old. He went down from the horse and bowed to Ning Yi. Ning Yi also went back and forth, and they looked forward to each other. They all laughed and didn't talk.

Then Ning Yi leaned over and pointed to the distance: "Here, my son."

"Ning bogey, follow the doctor." Cheng Zhouhai smiled. He used the drug dealers who had tried for it when he was under Qin. He worked with Zhou Pei in these years. He was the master of the Princess House. All kinds of intelligence here, except Li Pin, I am afraid that he is most concerned and clear.

He then said: "I want to let the news of the break of the Lijiang River, I released it, and some people arranged it for me."

Ning Yi nodded and failed to answer. Cheng Zhouhai smiled and said: "Give some benefits, I will not stalk you from it."

"If you can do it, I will lose it." Ning Yi also laughed.

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