Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 828: Burning wind (8)

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In mid-May, north of the Yellow River, the alternating of sunny and rainy turns, above the earth, one by one, the atmosphere is gloomy and chilling.

Compared with the Central Plains ten years ago, there are not many people who still live on the land today. A large number of villages and land are almost ridiculous. The bricks or thatched houses are smashed and spoiled between the hot and the rainy. The roads that have been in disrepair are staggering and the roadside is starving. And sell thin bones.

An army that is as embarrassed as a refugee is mobilized between the cities and towns. In the large areas of Jingdong East Road and Hebei East Road, more than 200,000 troops have begun to gather in the area around Liangshan, forming a huge encirclement and blockade.

The aftermath of the Battle of Damingfu has not disappeared, and new wars are already brewing.

Of course, compared with the dripping water that Wan Yanchang led the attack on the famous temple, hundreds of thousands of troops were slightly confused and disordered about the siege of Liangshan. At the beginning, Yan Chang took the 30,000-strong elite to sit in the battle, and waited until the Guangwu Army and the Huaxia Army broke through. After the Yan Yanchang calmly responded, the whole army suffered huge casualties under the offensive of the Guangwu Army and the Huaxia Army.

Today, but the 20,000-strong Jurchen army needs to hold down a quarter of the Central Plains situation. For the battle against Liangshan, there are not many warlords who can be dispatched. The transfer and gathering of 200,000 troops is true for these. For the Han army, which lacks military resources, it also has a great burden. After arriving at the vicinity of Liangshan, these army fishing and fishing, looting and looting, in addition to making the surrounding people live, the blockade of the entire line of defense is difficult. Play a substantial role.

For such a situation, Wan Yanchang has already done his best, slowly mobilizing the ship, and in the future can attack the entire Liangshan to achieve the goal. No matter how negative the posture of these Han troops, more than 200,000 people rushed to the tens of thousands of old and weak women and children on the island, and they were able to cut the last life of the Huaxia Army and the Guangwu Army. On his side, although he is free to kill or replace the new Han army generals, but in the case of the Jurchen army that is not enough, the meaning of killing and changing can not be great.

It is said that a small number of military personnel are also sneaking back to Liangshan in succession - that is exactly the same.

If 200,000 people fight tens of thousands of old and weak women and women, if they can still lose, then they will change into a batch and then fight. In any case, the conscription of this place is always the blood of the Central Plains Han people. Wan Yanchang does not care about it. How many people are plugged.

On the day of May 12, the weather gradually turned from yin to yin. A reed on the south bank of Liangshan Shuibo, a fleet of cars came along the rugged road. The horse riding in front of the team was a plain-looking general who had to be half-white. Although his figure seemed to be strong, even if he wore the general uniform, it seemed that there was no hardship. When the team arrived at the water's edge, a man near the general walked a few steps and whistled, and several boats sailed from the reeds.

The man who blew the whistle was of medium build, and his appearance seemed to be very inconspicuous, but it was made by Yan Rong, a prodigal son. When I saw the boat coming over, in the rear carriage, there was a woman with long hair in the smock coat who opened the curtain. It was Li Shi, who was more than 30 years old when he was old, and his temperament precipitated more and more clearly.

Since she was a child, she has seen her heart and mind. Many things have been seen clearly. Although I have been worried about the world in the past few years, my mind has become more clear and unconcerned. This also made her even as beautiful as a girl, but her eyes are clear after the world. She is more like a water, and she is more like a crystal in her 30s.

The old general immediately looked over here. For a long time, he didn't blink. Until Yan Qing came back from there, he handed him a hand: "General Huang, who had previously offended." The general named Huang Guangde sighed: " Don't sin, don't sin, go ahead, don't know." In his tone, there are some regrets and some open-mindedness.

The teacher also came over: "Mr. Huang, thank you."

"Oh, nothing, nothing..." Huang Guangde waved again and again. "I am bothering you. It is best not to see it from now on."

"From now on, I will not know with General Huang." Several figures came out from the rear carriage. The man who said the first sentence said that the man was wrapped in gauze and the sickle was still turned up. From the exposed eyes, the clues were revealed, and the skin was fleshy and horrible. When Huang Guangde looked at him, he turned away and said: "These are very busy."

"It’s just a different battle in different days. I met on the battlefield. General Huang also asks for care. Of course, if there is anything to help, cough... Wang will never give up.” The speaker was entangled in gauze, but The instrument's temperament was solemn, but it coughed twice in the speech, and apparently the injury was still there. He was followed by a tall woman wearing a menswear, murderous, but broke his left hand, but can be seen clearly from the appearance, this woman is the 扈三娘.

Behind them, they followed a dozen or injured or disabled men, but many people still showed an amazing murderousness even if they were injured. These soldiers who swayed from the Shura field were on the boat several times.

Master Li and Huang Guangde chatted here for a while, Huang Guangde rode on the horse, never came down, and then the teacher also went to the boat. When the boat started, Yan Qing still stayed on the shore and made a few words with Huang Guangde.

On the night when Damingfu broke out, Yan Qing did the work at the rear, but the danger was not inferior to the front line. Fortunately, he was a martial artist and finally became the first person to escape. After that, he contacted Lu Junyi and others who were injured in the rear, and began the rescue work for his companions. Some time ago, the teacher and the girl came out with a message saying that she was prepared to marry this Huang Guangde and to save some people. Yan Qing knew that it was a bit tricky. He secretly followed Huang Guangde two days ago and prepared to start at the other side.

Who knows that when he really wants to start, he discovers that Huang Guangde does not have much precautions. He led Yan Qing to see the hidden Li Shi, and found that Li Shi’s place in the garden was still hidden. Some of the Guangwu Army and the Huaxia Army wounded soldiers, the most surprising of which is Wang Shanyue and Yan Sanniang.

The couple did not die. It was a big surprise for the two rebellious army. Huang Guangde actually hides the Wang couple at this time. The risk of taking it can be imagined. Yan Qing knows that he can no longer work with Huang Guangde. The teacher is afraid to catch up with himself. Who knows that he has been chatting with Huang Guangde for a while before he knows this person. What I thought in my heart was to send away Li Shishi and Wang Shanyue and others. He has already taken a big risk in hiding these people for a time. If he hides the teacher Li in the house, he may die at any time.

Huang Guangde’s words are like this, but at this time, Master Li went to the boat, and the old man immediately watched the figure that had gone away for a long time and never moved away. Yan Qing knew that this person’s heart was also very thoughtful to Master Li.

"General Huang is so reluctant, why not take the army to Liangshan?" Yan Qing said this sentence, his heart slandered his mouth, and Huang Guangde, who was on the side, just gave him a look.

"With you on the mountain, are you going to die? Can you still live for a few days?"

Yan Qing looked down at the nose and no longer persuaded him.

At this time, the sun shone from the surface of the water, and the reeds drifted far and near. The teacher stood up from the boat and went to the side. Huang Guangde looked at the figure and raised his hand slightly.

More than ten years ago, the prosperity of Yan Liang was still in front of him. At that time, he went all the way to the exam and went to the capital to travel. Although he did not want to make up for the lack of things, it was still in the evening of the tower. The brightest and brightest memories in my heart.

The Jurchen is coming, the squatting falls, the Central Plains is broken day by day, the old city, the hustle and bustle of the houses, and the tired bones on the side of the road are the status quo that he sees in his eyes. If he is slightly careless, it will be his tomorrow. Look like that.

After more than ten years, the teacher Li’s body was still the best time of the Wu Dynasty. Huang Guangde’s heart was indulged in this. He refused Master Li on the other hand, and on the other hand, he did not firmly extend his hand in the battlefield. After the next person, my heart is worried about when it will happen. The Jurchen murderous Han Chinese officials are unceremonious, and the longer the time is dragged, even the people around them may not be reliable.

Therefore, he did not dare to touch Master Li. He did not say that this woman belongs to the rumor of the devil. If she really married her, he would help the Chinese army and the Guangwu army. He felt that he was dead. .

On the side of the reeds shaking the water, the general Huang Guangde, who was nearly fifty years old, watched for a long time the figure disappeared into the distant reeds and the rays of the sun, like the past for more than ten years. Looking back, what he needs to face is the same fierce future as everyone else.

Yan Qing sighed and went in another direction. Although for the sultry, the Chinese military can use this secret to threaten the general Huang. However, in the current situation, the other party has done enough. However, the Huaxia Army can only remember such gratitude in the heart.

The heavy rain of the day has caused the water to flood. On the other shore far away from the horizon, some figures pushed down the rafts and began to cross the waterway and head toward Liangshan.

The boat team on this side also sailed to Liangshan. At the end of the boat, Master Li sat down and looked back. Since then, she has already made preparations for her dedication, but Huang Guangde’s choice made her feel embarrassed.

For Huang Guangde, this person, in addition to grateful to her, naturally has no more feelings. At this time, she was relieved with a slight sigh of relief. The three mothers came over and asked her emotional things: "You really like that surname." Ning? He is not a good person... Also, if you like it, you will go to the southwest."

The teacher dragged her one sleeve and just smiled. Does she like Ning Yi? It used to be natural. Now that I have seen this age, I have seen too many things, and the boundary between right and wrong has become quite blurred. There is a lot of people in the world, and she wants to do things, but she is just a weak woman with no hands and no power. Many people's lives, the teacher thinks... I don't really care.

But when I look back, if I really want to say it - she certainly likes it. It was very light and very light. When I was ready to marry Huang Guangde, she deliberately asked the Chinese military to send a letter to the southwest here. Now that my heart is calm, I can calmly think about it, Ning Yi in the southwest. What kind of emotion will it be when I know this news?

Just thinking like this, she felt very interesting in her heart.

The fleet traveled for a while, and in the distance of the field of vision, there was another scorpion appearing, and the scorpion was far away. It turned out to be like a person. When the driver was exhausted, the teacher suddenly stood up. She suddenly found the opposite scorpion. In addition to the members of the Guangwu Army and the Huaxia Army, there are also Zhu Xi and Lu Junyi.

Eight hundred miles of Liangshan water mooring, although there are wind and waves, but the boat is also able to cross, but the opposite is a small wooden coffin, the body bandaged Zhu Xi standing on the top, but still lively. Here, the bow of the boat, Wang Shanyuelang, who was wrapped up in the whole head, said: "In the past few days, there was a master robbery on the side of Xinfang. Are you two?"

"That's still used to say that you have burned the city and your brother has been invincible for a long time. How can you block me under the ambush of three or five cats and dogs... Hey, and the cooperation of this Lu-class--?? What monster are you?!"

Although Wang Shanyue was wounded with a head, but the voice did not change, I wished that the loud voice was obviously ridiculous, and the teacher had already laughed at the stern. Here, Wang Shanyue snorted and stood up and began to tie the bandage wrapped around his head.

When the bandage was solved, I saw that Wang Shanyue looked as beautiful as a woman’s face. At this time, the flesh was still healed and it was not seen. Wang Shanyue said: "I was injured." There was quite a sense of self-satisfaction in the speech. Someone on the raft had looked at this appearance and was sad. At this time, he laughed again. In fact, Wang Shanyue has been distressed by his own appearance since he was a little bit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This knife is not broken at the moment, he is not only sad, but quite satisfied with his own knife.

I wish you a sigh, then smirked and laughed, and smiled and said: "Ha ha ha ha, you guys have today..." He smiled like this, and the rest laughed, Wang Shanyue and The people on the side of the boat couldn't help but laugh.

For the three mothers who broke a hand, Zhu Xi and others did not care, he said: "In the future, you can learn to use the knife, he just broke a hand and become so powerful."

After a while, he said: "Your husband and wife will walk in the green forest in the future. You can take a nickname called ‘the day is missing,’ hahahaha—”

In this unconventional ridicule, all kinds of laughter sounded on the water. If they didn't know the inside story, they thought they were playing a big victory and coming back.

The fleet went all the way. After a while, there was a big ship on the lake, and everyone went on the big ship. Far away, Liangshan in the water park has entered the field of vision. Above the island, a row of huge souls are flying, and there are traces of paper money on the water. When Zhu Xi and Wang Shanyue stood together at the bow, I wished you a look at Wang Shanyue and pushed the other side out. He stood on the bow and arrogantly. At this time, someone shouted on the side of the ship. Get up: "Look, there are people over there."

At one end of the field of vision, several boats are coming from afar, and the people on the boat shake their arms hard - that is, people who come back from the outside. The people on the boat laughed and said hello, and the teacher was laughing. Suddenly, tears flowed down. At this moment, when I saw the fluttering white pelicans on the island, she suddenly felt that there were countless boats coming back from all over the island. It was thousands of heroes, drums and laughter. Under the guidance, I am gathering here.

- Go home.

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