Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 829: Burning wind (9)

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A variety of news, crossed the mountains and passed north.

Yunzhongfu, also known as Datong at this time, is the best time of the daylight in May. The wind passing through the city has a refreshing and pleasant atmosphere, which is the core of the "Western Court" of the Jin State governed by Zonghan. In the Yunzhong Prefecture, the heroes and nobles gathered together. Although with the departure of the Nanzheng army, the interior of the Golden State has become more and more strict with the bottom of the army, but in the upper class of society, it is the season of exchanges and banquets.

In the many houses and gardens around the city, large and small banquets are going on every day, and you sing me to debut. In this year, most of the aristocrats of the Golden State have already set off with the army, and all kinds of outbreaks and deaf children who have stayed in the country have also encountered the best seasons. They are banqueting guests and spending a lot of money. Many young people show themselves. The means of strength.

In the south of the city, a lavish and quaint old house has recently become the upstart of the upper social circle. This is a family who has just arrived in Yunzhongfu, but it has deep intrinsic connotation and savings. Although it is an outsider, it has attracted the attention of many people in the cloud in a short time.

This family is from the Central Plains.

The Qi family, headed by the great Confucianism, once swayed the Wusong River to the east of the real family. Last year, it was moved from the cloud. For the family, there are clouds in the common sayings. The three generations look at the four generations to see through the five generations to read the article. The general family is rich in three generations, but the family is lavish to the big clan of the six or seven generations.

Although for the Jinguo nobles who have accumulated military merits, some people subconsciously do not take the Wu Dynasty's clan as one thing, but the top officials of the Jin State still have the ambition to give the family enough courtesy. For the former senior officials of the Golden State, it is easy to get the world right now. Nowadays, it has become a problem to rule the world immediately. The problem of the second generation of corruption and unsuccessfulness of Jin Guozhong is also in front of the founding people. Even though there are many people who are ruthless on horseback, people who are truly knowledgeable have already begun to see these things.

Qi Qi has thus received a huge courtesy. Some of the old people in the cloud often call them to ask questions and talk and laugh. For the young people of the second generation of the Jin nationality who are so popular, the number of young people in Qi’s family is far more than the stupid sons of these upstarts.

One to two, although everyone said no, but these high-quality banquets held by the readers of the time have quickly conquered and led the trend of enjoyment in the city, and for a time became the focus of everyone's eyes. By May, there have been many young people from the Golden State and the young people of the Qi family who began to call their brothers and sisters.

Since the beginning of this month, with the arrival of some good news from the south, the visits and banquets of the Qi family and the gold country have become more and more grand, and even a few grand ceremonies and celebrations have been held. The reason is because last year happened in Zhending, forcing the assassination of Qijiabei.

In the assassination initiated by the Huaxia Army, Qi Tong’s two sons, a grandson, were killed along with some relatives. Due to the fierce anti-gold sound, the old Qiqi can only move the family to the north. However, when the Liangshan Tusu family, the Ningren butchers smashed the entire Liangshan Mountain. At this time, the black flag was smashed to the house, and the accumulation of Jiwei for many years was also a must. ?

On the one hand, on the one hand, on the one hand, using its own influence to match the alloy country, it is against the Huaxia Army. At the end of March and the beginning of April, the Damingfu was finally broken, and the Huaxia Army was involved. Finally, the whole army was wiped out. Wan Yanchang captured more than 4,000 people, and a batch of people began to kill. Qi Tong heard the news, and he was overjoyed and tearful. His two sons and a grandson were killed by the assassins of the Black Flag Army. The old man could not kill the entire Huaxia Army, and even killed Ning Yi, and all the women in his family. It is good to invest in the village.

At this time, this great hatred was reported a little, but it is always worth celebrating. On the other hand, Qi Wei also sent a message to the Wan Yanchang family in Liaoyang to send 100,000 yuan to express his gratitude. He repaired a book and gave it to Yan Chang, asking the other party to evenly capture some of the captives of the Huaxia Army. Returned to the cloud* He killed to comfort the descendants of the Chinese in the Spirit of Heaven. In May, the letter that Yan Yanchang readily promised has come over. Qi family has already thought about many kinds of ideas about **** these enemies.

In such an atmosphere, the old man did not know that Yan Qing, who was the leader of the assassination of the Ding Ding, and even the more vicious shadow than the demon of the Liangshan Mountain, had already shrouded the Qi family.

Commanding a few cars and fruits into the backyard of the Qi family, the dealers of the car went down to negotiate with Qifu and settled the money. Soon after, the team went out from the backyard again, and the vendor sat in the car, and the smile on his face showed a little cold.

The team drove to the market, the dealers came down, crossed the street, and got a quiet courtyard, only took off the hat on the head and ripped off the beard at the corner of his mouth. At this time, his face became gloomy. This is Tang Minjie, the gloomy face is also the usual color of the days after he heard the Southern Da Mingfu battle report.

Entering the room, the gloom on his face faded slightly, Lu Mingfang had already waited in the room: "How? Recently, your face is not very good."

"The things in Damingfu are too bad." Tang Minjie said frankly.

Lu Mingfang silent for a moment: "Some things, not you and I will be able to turn the tide, or that sentence, your heart is too anxious, pay attention to the body, in addition, pay attention to hiding, I know, your previous actions are a bit intense, part of People have noticed you."

Since the Jurchen preparation for the Southern Expedition, Tang Minjie made several major events in a radical way, initially inciting the Han slave uprising, allowing Shi Jin to send a list of traitors to the south. Later, he secretly matched the line and threatened the Jin officials. The rations of the army, and then the serialization of the internal power of the gold country to sell the military capital...

The big and small things he did alone could not shake the entire southern war situation, but because of the radical means, the clues of the "clown" code were revealed several times. If the history of the entry into the north, the "clown" is just a cloud. Zhongfu has an unremarkable code name. Today, this code name really hangs on the top list of high-level wanted lists. Fortunately, in the past few months, Tang Minjie has converged, so that the wind outside is slightly closed. Received.

"Well, I know that I am hiding." The persuasion of friends and comrades in the same position still made Tommy smile slightly. "Is there anything today?"

"Great joy."

“Well?” Lu Mingfang rarely said this. Tang Minjie’s brow moved slightly. He saw that Lu Mingfang’s eyes were complicated, but he had really smiled. He said two words: “Zhan Mei.”

"Found it!?" Tang Minjie suddenly looked up, Lu Mingfang smiled and nodded.

"Found, found...not dead yet, she still has a child, still not dead, now people are in Liaoyang, I am ready to go..."

Lu Mingfang’s tone is already restrained, but the smile is still full of excitement. Tang Minjie laughs and his fist squats on the table: “This news is so good, is it true?”

"Most of them are true. Once confirmed, I will arrange them to go south..."

The two said this, laughing in the room like a child. Zhan Mei, the full name of Wang Zhanmei, was the name of Xiaoxi, who was last guarded by Qin Shaohe when Taiyuan City was broken. It has been ranked first in the search list of Huaxia Army in recent years.

Speaking of this incident, the two people were delighted for a while. For the past ten years, how did the mother and son survive? Lu Mingfang did not speak, and Tang Minjie did not mention it.

After a while, Lu Mingfang said: "This is a big event that cannot be lost. I went to Liaoyang. I have to hand over to you all the things here. Yes, the last time you said, Qi family It’s going to be a few Chinese military brothers to press here..."

"I will arrange it, you can rest assured." Tang Minjie replied, and then said, "I will celebrate with the family."

"..." Hearing the ominous atmosphere in Tang Minjie's words, and then looking at his smiling face, Lu Mingfang snorted a little, and then did not say anything. Tang Minjie acted radically. Many methods have won the true biography of Ning Yi. In manipulating the people's minds and using drugs, Lu Mingfang is not his opponent. For this type of man, he can only watch the overall situation, and the rest do not have to do anything. .

"The rest of the story is not said." Lutonton patted his shoulder. "You should be clear about the things you are doing, or the words, be cautious, take care. The world is big, the world is plus I can finish it together, you... don’t be too worried."

"I understand." Tang Minjie smiled. "You are a big event on the other side. You can keep the blood of the Qin family's son. You will certainly not be easy in these years. You will give me a gift for the lady."

"Will do."

After saying this, Tang Minjie said goodbye to Lu Mingfang. When he left the yard, he smiled and looked up. He took a deep breath and the sun was warm. There is such good news. Today is a good day. .

He thought of Qi.

so happy.


It is time to kill.


When Lu Mingfang got the message of Wang Zhanmei in the north, the water in the southwest was still roaring.

Dujiangyan, the rain stopped and stopped, stopped and went down.

In the evening, in the grass shed on the edge of the Lijiang River, Ning Yi and Cheng Zhouhai, who had been traveling for several days, waited for the reduction of the rain. When they were bored, Ning Yi handed him a fried broad bean.

Cheng Zhouhai is not coming to break the dike. He is here to talk about business. Although he may do it if he can break the dike, the main purpose is to represent Zhou Pei and Ning Yi to talk about practical things.

For many years, this was the first contact between the Princesses and the Huaxia Army. The personnel brought by Cheng Zhouhai and the staff of the General Staff of the Huaxia Army are responsible for specific negotiations. However, between Ning Yi and Cheng Zhouhai, the words are much better. Of course, these two days have been discussed. Most of them are trivial.

On the southwest side, the situation in Ning Yi’s home is worrying about the future of the child. In the north, the famous palace is defeated, Wang Shanyue and Zhu Xi. In the mouth of Cheng Zhouhai, most of them talked about the situation of Ning Yi’s more than ten years, the situation of the people in the same family, the situation of the princess house, the situation between the princess and the puma...

"... Hey, the world is like this. Children must grow up, adults must grow old, old people will die, things are human..."

"Lin'an City is more prosperous than the previous beam, you don't go see it, but unfortunately..."

"Lin'an Lin'an, temporary security, the name is not auspicious, then you have been ... ... these days are in the water, or else I will take you to the mountains to see, let you feel what is called industrial prosperity... paper mill The water outside can't be drunk."

"I felt in my early years that you always have some messy new names in your mouth, and you can't understand them. It's hard to get along with people."

"The character is a bit extreme, I can't help you anymore."

"After you killed Jinghan, I don't think it's strange. Like you said, it's not a neuropathy, you can't do this kind of bad thing."

The rain fell from the edge of the straw shed like a curtain. The two licked the broad beans and rubbed them. When it came to this, Ning Yi couldn’t help but smile and laughed at the body: "The bastard, Do you know what he was saying when I was in the DPRK... I didn’t tell people, I learned to listen to you..."

He learned the words that Zhou Yu said on the day of the Golden Temple, and stopped the worms in Chenghaihai and sighed. After all, there is no such thing as a father without a father. He is not good at all. It is only a moment of silence. He said: "I don't remember, I used to find you a few days before you started."

"Well... Zong Feixiao found some things, my people killed him, and you felt that I had to do it at the time." Ning Yi nodded. "It is indeed a matter of doing it."

"I thought you have to deal with Cai Jing or Tong Tong, or you have to go to Li Gang plus who and who... I can stand it and want to work with you." Cheng Zhouhai smiled. "I didn't expect you to do it later." That kind of thing."

"Tell you at that time, I guess I can't live today."

"Yeah." Cheng Zhouhai nodded and sent a broad bean into his mouth. "If I knew it, I must have tried to kill you."

"now what?"

"Now... what is the use of killing you?" Cheng Zhou Haidao, "As you said, this Confucian world has a problem, Li Pin wants to kill you, but also his reason, but I don't want to, you have already started. I have to make such a big plate. I want to see what you look like in the end. If you win, as you said, it is good to know everyone is awakened and everyone is equal. If you lose, we also Can have some good experience."

"The brother is open-minded."

"It’s just a little disheartened." Cheng Zhou Haidun paused. "If the teacher is still there, the first one to kill you is me. However, the teacher is no longer there. His arguments have encountered difficulties, even now When we push it up, I am afraid it is difficult to convince the public. Since I have not taught, I have done some pragmatic things in these years. Naturally, I can see that all the people in the hall are at a loss, and when they go to the front, they have learned you. Junwu."

He put a broad bean in his mouth: "It’s just a way of Junwu. It’s too strong, it’s hard to last for a long time. You’re here... I don’t understand it, I don’t have to understand it...”

When Cheng Zhouhai said that there was a deep exhaustion between the eyebrows hanging down. Although Qin Xiaoyuan was evaluated as a means of poisoning in the early years, there is no scruples in the means of poisoning, but in the case of Cheng Zhouhai, one of the biggest backbones is Qin Yuyuan as a teacher. Qin Yuyuan was killed and imprisoned, and eventually he was killed on the way. It is impossible to say that there is no hate in the heart of Zhou Haihai.

However, supporting the Wu Dynasty is the most important thing in Qin Yuyuan's thinking. As he said, if Ning Yi rebelled before confessing with him, Cheng Zhouhai would have to hate Ning Yi for the first time. This is Qin Yuyuan. The Tao, but because of excessive scruples, Cheng Zhouhai’s own heart, but not his own.

After Qin Yuyuan’s death, how to leave the road is no longer clear to him. After the death of the ancestors of the ancestors, the people of Jue Ming and Kang Xian also went, and the people who followed this monarchy took a relatively radical approach. Cheng Zhouhai assisted Zhou Pei. His acting method was of course brilliant, but in his heart. The goal has also gradually changed from protecting the Wu Dynasty to protecting the younger brothers--although in some sense, this is a two-to-one thing, and after all, it is somewhat different.

At the beginning of the year, Zhou Hao’s hustle and bustle caused Zhou Pei’s mood to be chaotic. However, after her heart calmed down, Zhou Pei had to admit that the Wushu’s weakness in the situation of this Jurchen Nanzheng was finally sent to Chengzhouhai and decided to secretly cooperate with Huaxia Army. The forces exchanged a certain degree of interest. This is also the maximum effort that Zhou Pei has been able to put down the knot under the premise of foreign enemies.

At the beginning of the year, Zhou Yuhu’s background, Cheng Zhouhai knows a little, but in the face of Ning Yi, naturally will not mention. He only mentioned the grievances of Zhou Pei and Yu Ma Qu Zonghui over the years. When he talked about Qu Zonghui’s murder, Zhou Pei’s handling, Ning Yi nodded: “The little girl has grown up.”

Cheng Zhouhai looked at Ning Yi: "His Royal Highness is not a little girl... I said, you met with His Royal Highness, I know."


"That was what happened before you went to Liangshan. In the squatting beam, the highness of the temple was almost what it was... Gao Muen was thin, but it was actually the bureau I made. Later that night, she said goodbye to you and went back to be a relative..."

The broad bean squeaked and rubbed, Ning Yi nodded: "Hey, it’s been a long time since I said it."

"The Princess of Her Royal Highness..." Cheng Zhouhai wanted to say something, but finally shook his head. "Forget it, don't say this..."

"Of course I know about her things." Ning Yi was just casually aware of what Zhou Zhouhai wanted to say. "If you are hurt and angry, you will not say it. For so many years, she can't find a suitable one." Man? You elders are not right."

Cheng Zhouhai laughed out loudly: "With the identity of His Royal Highness, how can I find it, who dares to come? Who is your dare to look for? And you also said, you know all the things of your Highness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when both sides fight What do you do when you put the message out."

Ning Yi laughed: "Is it a dejector? Is this kind of thing I promise, I will not do it."

"Is there still a Jurchen?"

"……That's true."

Speaking of Jurchen, both of them were silent for a while, and then they opened the topic again.

The sky is gloomy, the rain is heavy, the river in front is roaring. In the seemingly casual chat, the two under the grass shed actually understand that it is extremely difficult for Cheng Zhouhai to come to the southwest, although all the business is still It’s done in secret, but this is the biggest sacrifice and effort that Zhou Pei can make after she has let go of her heart. The premise of sacrifice and hard work is because the world’s overturning is already in sight.

At the moment when they chatted, Lou Shuzhen of Jindi burned the entire Wasion City. She and Yu Yulin took the army into the mountains and looked back. It was the fireworks in the city. Thousands of Huaxia troops in Xuzhou, together with tens of thousands of defending city troops, began to take the initiative to evacuate to the surrounding areas after resisting the offensive of the martial arts and other people for several months. The Liangshan campaign, which was launched at the north, was just a small episode in such a situation.

Next, the Wuyang Fuyang and Zhenjiang defense lines led by Junwu, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others will be connected with the 300,000 army of Jurchen East Road.

There are nearly two million troops, which are stuffed on this stretch of defense. They are coming to block the women’s two-way army. However, this moment of the test is coming, for the fighting power of the Wu Dynasty army, everyone’s heart, But they are all sweating.

In May, the rivers of the Lijiang River roared down, even in the heavy rain of the mountains, carrying the broad beans and chatting, the smell of the two people’s noses was actually the smoke of the wind and rain. .

It’s like the whole world,

- All are burning.

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