Zhui Xu

: Grab the ground (1)

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On May 23, Xuzhou went west forty miles and north of Xiaoxian County.

The sky is clear, the air is quiet and dull, and the eagle flies in the sky.

The rugged mountain road spreads and disappears far away in the dense forest of the mountains. In the slopes in front of the mountain roads, the breathing of people gathers.

The smell of gunpowder was scattered among the crowds, and the lead was crushed into the gun.

The black banner spreads, and the queue of nearly a thousand people has been lined up on the sloping ground.

Luoye stood on the stone and looked at the eagle in the sky. There was a faint tremor on the earth, and the enemy was coming.

This is a glimpse of the entire battle of Xuzhou.

In the first half of the tenth year of Jianye’s reign, in the first half of Jianye’s ten years, in the southern invasion of the Jurchen and East Roads, the Central Plains land has erupted several large-scale defensive battles. For Huohai, the resistance of the Damingfu Guangwu Army was also the most fierce. In the meantime, the resistance of Xuzhou was relatively stable. In addition to being surrounded by nearly a million hungry ghosts in the winter, in the first half of Jianye’s ten years, after Yan Yanzong and Zong Yi started the siege, Xuzhou was not able to defend it. In the month, the evacuation began in mid-May.

Compared with the 50,000 troops of Damingfu, they resisted for half a year. Finally, they broke through the Huaxia Army who came to the rescue and survived thousands of people. The war in Xuzhou is not strong enough in the eyes of many nitpickers. At least for Li Anmao, the Xuzhou prefect who originally invited Huaxia Army to come to defend the city, the Huaxia Army’s 10,000-strong reinforcements and his tens of thousands of teams in Xuzhou, at least It is also good to stay in this four wars for half a year or even one year. If he can kill himself, he will also be full of his loyalty to the Wu Dynasty.

However, Liu Chengzong and others have not made such plans from the beginning.

Since the Huaxia Army of this 10,000-person came to Xuzhou, he has been working as a southern evacuation for residents near Xuzhou. Li Anmao has already saved the meaning of death. He does not have much opinion about evacuating the people. Instead, he has done a lot of cooperation. Later, the hungry ghosts scattered outside Xuzhou City, the Jurchens killed, the remaining residents of the city squatting on the road to the south, Liu Chengzong and the city's nearly 50,000 Xuzhou defenders carried out a tenacious defense.

The Jurchen East Road Army has more than 300,000 yuan. Since the beginning of the winter, it has been preparing for siege. Tens of thousands of people have been defending Xuzhou City for more than two months. Then Liu Chengzong and others stunned Li Anmao at a meeting and won him. The military power announced the withdrawal resolution of Xuzhou.

The number of soldiers hanging under Li Anmao was as high as 50,000, but it was complicated. Some of them were Liu Yu troops before the accident, and the other part was just a free-flowing person who was enlisted for food. Li Anmao pulled up more than 50,000 people and wanted to drag the Huaxia Army here. But the 50,000 people had no fighting power. After the arrival of the Huaxia Army, they trained with these people, cleaned up the military discipline, and opened the talks. Force to lift a part. At the moment, the Huaxia Army said that it is necessary to leave. The Xuzhou garrison will not listen to Li Anmao’s orders. The collection of tens of thousands of people who have experienced the two-month war has become a reality. At least in the process of retreating, no one really dared not listen to the deployment of the Huaxia Army.

Xuzhou has been a place of four wars since ancient times. The city is in the middle of the basin. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers with complex terrain. The rugged terrain is easy to defend. Zongfu Zongxi’s East Road Army is a fast-moving strategy. It is also a strategy of violently attacking the city instead of encircling the city into a dead land. The Jurchens are surrounded by three squads, and the tens of thousands of troops are not difficult to break through. It was violently pursued by the Jurchen army.

However, for the entire retreat plan, Huaxia Army began exploration and deduction since last year. When the army went out of the city, Liu Chengzong divided the backbone of the Huaxia Army into several stocks, and chose the rugged terrain to systematically block and retreat. Instead of coming in different directions, they were beaten up. On the day of May 23, Xiaoxian County was the first fulcrum of the entire retreat.

More than 10,000 Liaodong Army is being killed from the vicinity. The leader is Liu Guangji, the general of the Liaodong Han Dynasty, and the Huaxia Army is a special group of nearly 1,200 people led by Luoye. They were formed as an experimental unit of the Fifth Army of China. The entire equipment did not undergo actual combat, but the entire special group was composed of veterans of the Huaxia Army.

This special regiment performed well in the previous Xuzhou defending city war, and did not use the new weapons on their full staff - because the effect in the battle against the city is not good. At this time, I chose to defend in Chaoxianling. First, because the terrain is the most ideal. Second, because the nearby friendly troops retreated, this mountain pass is on the prominent point of the front line. The pressure on the defense may be the biggest, and there is Luo. The third point that the industry has not told too many people: According to the previous tactical deduction, this place is most likely to encounter the pioneers of the enemy army.

The most powerful pioneers in the Jurchen army are the Jurchen "four princes" who have dominated the entire Eastern Army's offensive posture.

In Luoye's view, this is the most suitable place for new weapons to shine.

If something can be done, he wants to take a personal head.

Unfortunately, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. It is not the trick that is killed.

This year's Jurchen Nanzheng has been more than ten years since the first south, and the army of the East and the West has nearly 600,000 troops. Although after several years of cultivation, it has laid down the name of "the invincible". It is impossible for Jurchen soldiers to expand to this number. In fact, the Jurchen children who joined the army in the past are actually very difficult to reproduce the bravery that was killed from the black waters of Baishan.

Therefore, the entire army, there are many other ethnic groups to join, such as the second largest such as the Bohai people, the Khitan people, the monks, the Han people, etc., although in the later generations, a Han does not say two words, but in this year and month In the Liaodong Han people, they look down on the southerners. In their eyes, the brave Jurchens are naturally worthy of following. It is also a very important thing to follow the Jurchens’ slogan in the process of the Southern Expedition.

The Liaodong Han people were not in a high position in the Jin State at this time. Therefore, in order to improve their status, they can only work hard. Liu Guangji is a member of the sect of Zongxi. He is temperamental and is known for his harsh military and fierce military. In his military camp, he first whipped a Hannu every day to death, in order to awaken the weak Liaodong soldiers: "If you don't dare to bleed, you will be a slave!" Later, Taizong made a decree and refused to kill Hannu. Liu Guangji will go to the hands and feet of a Hannu every day. If he is seriously injured to death, his status is only paying the money to pay the penalty. In fact, under the maintenance of the Ancestral Hall, even if the fine is fine, Liu Guangji basically does not need to pay. .

Before the two sides met, Haidongqing and the scouts sent a message, blocking the front road junction, about a thousand people of the Huaxia Army, because the front terrain began to narrow, the battle is not good for the offensive side, and the Huaxia Army First come, the place where the terrain is slightly higher must have arranged artillery. The first wave of the attack must inevitably bear huge losses.

The first time that the opposing army array was included in the line of sight, Liu Guangji also found the strange line of growth of the other side in the mirror. At this time, the infantry stratus is mostly dominated by the square matrix. Even if the appearance of the cannon poses a huge threat to the square matrix, it still needs to maintain the square matrix. Otherwise, the battlefield is easy to be chaotic and cannot withstand the other party's charge. But the array in front is just two or three rows of people, and the hand is a flashy firearm.

This kind of pyrotechnic weapon of the Wu Dynasty has been there for decades. However, it has basically no major effect. The short-range range is short and it is easy to explode its own eyes. Although since the rise of the Huaxia Army, the forces of all parties have become extremely attached to the gunpowder, but at least for this musket, there has not been any glory in the big battle.

Liu Guangji knew the name of the Huaxia Army. At this time, he saw a picture that was not understandable. He frowned. However, behind him, there was not much room for change. In the order of Zongtang, he must quickly break through the Chaoshanling and cut into the middle of the Huaxia Army who is retreating.

Even if there are cannons, it is the same...

Looking slightly at the other side of the defensive line, Liu Guang has bitten his teeth. In such a contracted terrain, he has to attack, and the other side's cannon is the most feared weapon. But there is no other way. In the past experience, the more powerful the cannon, the more intense the offense, and only one breath can break through the opponent's position to break the opponent's defense strategy. Fortunately, on your own side, the manpower is enough.

"Mother's! The dead bird is in the sky..." Liu Guangji vomited two mouthfuls of water in his palm, then waved a long knife: "Blow the number! The children, I am ready for me-"

The fierce sound rang in the mountain pass, and the various military units lined up. Liu Guang followed the rules and encouraged the morale in front of his own army. At the other end, Luoye’s eyes were calm. He walked down the big stone of observation, came to the side of the formation, took the drumsticks, and began to force the big drum in front.

The drums roared, and as the breath moved, the soldiers in the army led up the guns of Lin. Fighting on the battlefield, suffocating, dying, and exhausting, this moment, both sides eager to quickly decide the battle will boost morale to the highest.

At noon on the day of the day, Liu Guangji’s army launched an assault. The surrounding terrain is complicated, and the detour is too far away. He can't wait. Under the command of the military order, the army's striker fanned into the **** of the mountain pass under the leadership of a light-riding team. The sound of the cannon sounded, and the army lined up like a tide. The Liaodong army’s hysterical shouting shot. The first wave of arrows.

On the side of the Huaxia Army, facing the arrow that was shot, the long queue stood still with the gun. Due to the narrow queue, this hastily ejected did not cause much casualties, and several people with sparse pulls had arrows. The front of the storm surged, the light horse riding team and the rear soldiers opened the distance, the formation began to gather as the terrain contracted. Someone's hand is lifted high in the air.

"Stabilize -"

"Stabilize -"






At the fan-shaped mountain pass, the horse team was surging, and a long row of muskets was fired. More than sixty feet of the array does not look long, three hundred shots, three hundred clusters of blue smoke, three hundred rounds of lead bombs crossed the ground, while extending forward, the blood blooms in front.

After the firearms were fired, the soldiers had quickly squatted. With the changing drums, the second team of three hundred muskets have been lifted.

"The second team is ready -"


Blue smoke rose in countless roars.


"The third team is ready -"


The shrinking **** is turned into a huge mouth that engulfs life.

This is a glimpse of the retreat of Xuzhou. It did not stop the pace of the Jurchen people going south. At that time, it did not attract too much attention.

During the entire retreat of Xuzhou, Liu Chengzong used counterfeit terrain with complex terrain advantages, and successively defeated tens of thousands of Jurchen pursuers who tried to steal power and harvested thousands of heads of Jurchen East Road Army. In the battle of Chaoshanling on May 23, Luoye broke Liu Guangji’s crazy attack and launched a counterattack. In the second moment, he killed Liu Guangji, who was led by the team because of the defeat of the war, and then broke the whole. Attack the team.

In a series of battles between the Jurchen and the Huaxia Army, facing the Wu Yong of the Huaxia Army, the Jurchen aspect is gradually eccentric.

Lightning time illuminates, and the roaring thunder shakes the sky.

Chengdu, thunderstorm.

In the room of the tea house, the surface of the boat was standing gloomyly at the window, listening to the boiling vocals from the streets and squares below. A public trial has come to an end, and the roar of the crowd almost obscures the thunder in the sky: "kill the old thing -"

"Their family is not a good person -"

"Kill! Kill and kill -"

This public trial conference judged the party members of the great Confucian Chen Yu who had previously prepared to break the river. These people were arrested on April 27. They were originally prepared for public trials for about ten days. However, in order to complete the whole thing and to make the name and reputation of the court of the Chinese Army, the whole process went very detailed, all evidence, The testimony and arrest process are also published through newspapers and storytelling. On this day, Chen Hao was sentenced to death, and the decision to dispose of some of his party feathers was announced one after another. Although it was too late to prevent heavy rain, the crowds who came to the city in Chengdu still blocked the roads.

Throughout the process of advancing the trial, Cheng Zhouhai, who has come here, has been negotiating with Ning Yi, hoping to replace the old Confucian scholar with no compromises by some compromise or exchange of interests. However, Ning Yi has never let go. At this time, in public, the whole thing has been settled, and the look of Cheng Zhouhai is obviously not pleasant. He is a deep-rooted person in the city, but on Ning Yi's side, he does not care about showing such emotions.

"Chen Chen underneath, compared to Qian Xiwen of the year? When the Jurchen killed the scorpion, you are good, the teacher is good, have considered the Yellow River, you have even prepared in the early stage! Why, he is a bad person, you are a good person!?"

He tapped the window with his hand and looked at Ning Yi, who was sitting in the room drinking tea. At this time, in addition to him and Ning Yi in the room, there are two people, Qin Shaoyu and Song Yongping. Song Yongping was brought to Zhouhai to talk about the "business" with Huaxia Army. He brought Song Yongping, and Ning Yi was found to be beaten by Lin. Qin Shaoyu, who was sitting in a wheelchair after a broken leg, had a complicated negotiation to balance the human condition in the business. At this time, Ning Yi put down the teacup and raised his eyes.

"When the money was old, it was only implicating himself. He was definitely not able to match it. The blame of the blame was on the Jurchen. If it was really impossible, it could only be done with it. If you regard the Huaxia Army as a Jurchen. The same alien, then I and the old Qin, really no difference with this Chen Hao. But I am at least not a massacre, how much better than the Jurchen."

“How big is the difference between the death of the country and the country that died?”

"You don't really have to lift the bar, but I want to die. It's true that after your system has problems, and you and I can't find a way to improve. Not because I am a child, if you accept my opinion, Then persuade me, I will correct it. If you don't want to lift the bar, Chen Hao is a bastard, you and I are clear, no matter from the heart or the interests, I am justified to kill him. If you sit in my Location, you will let a person who prepares to defend the river against me to live!?"

In these few days, it is not the first time that the two men are full of gunpowder. Both Qin Shaoyu and Song Yongping can only stay out of it. In fact, Cheng Zhouhai is to cooperate with Ning Yi on behalf of the Princess House. Ning Yi is not hiding here. These days, I have visited many places with Cheng Zhouhai, and even operated at this time. Some of the advanced weapons factories, based on the development of the theory of physical science, have all been revealed to Cheng Zhouhai.

Ning Yi did not care about what Zhou Huahai learned from the Huaxia Army. Even he was more like an active "contamination" into the thinking of Zhouhai. This morning, they originally visited a new firearm workshop in Chengdu City. They have not seen it thoroughly, so they come here to visit the public trial. Cheng Zhouhai and Ning Yi argued for a moment, things have been settled, and he no longer insists.

After both sides were silent for a while, Cheng Zhouhai said: "I know that you have been very enthusiastic about firearms. However, the smoldering gun thing, the Wu Dynasty originally had it. Are you really planning to put it on the battlefield? I know this thing, It's cumbersome to use, it's easy to blow to yourself, and the range is not as good as the bow and arrow. Are you solving these problems?"

"Of course it didn't solve." Ning Yi took the teacup. "But things will always be solved slowly. The potential of the bow and arrow has come to an end. A good bow is done. For two or three years, a sharpshooter is trained. In a few years, the musket has a lot of problems at the beginning, but now it is only slowly leveling the range, but with the advancement of the assembly line technology, its production will be much faster than the bow and arrow, and the training of the shooter is very simple. Even a woman with a gun can kill you. The manpower is poor, the material resources are endless, and the study of things is far from seeing the head."

"That... is this thing sold to me?"

"Yes," Ning Yi said with a smile.

The brow of Cheng Zhouhai wrinkled, and the brows of Song Yongping and Qin Shaoyu were also wrinkled. Qin Shaoyu’s eyes were relaxed, and Song Yongping was somewhat vigilant.

- There is a conspiracy.

Ning Yi sighed and stood up, but did not evade: "I can sell you muskets. I can even sell you the whole concept of physics. If you can really learn and defeat Jurchen, then of course it is best. But You can't learn. When the enemy comes, you want to order something good, but the way of the things is endless, there are always better things, how to ensure that you always see better things, then everyone has to open their own thinking, You can't be bound by something that is taken for granted. People want to know, do you dare? Today, Junwu can promote things, but because today is going to fight, after the beating is finished, the people still make it better."

"The muskets are sold to you and sold to you. I am not afraid of your imitation. You have copied them. I have better muskets. And the imitation is not necessarily realistic. You don't have much time." Ning Yi smiled and tapped his fingers. Look at the coffee table, "The urgent news uploaded today..."

He said: "West Road Army... Xi Yin took the pioneer to cross the river."

The rain outside the window is still going down. Soon after, the news of the tube surge near Dujiangyan came, and Ning Yi took the man to the front of the rescue line - wherever he had his own problems. On the side of the Jurchen, in order to cope with the problems that arise at any time in the country, the army of the East and the West had to speed up the speed of their own south. At the end of May, Xi Yin led the striker of the West Road Army to cross the Yellow River and tried to reach the front line of Xiangyang as quickly as possible. In line with the strategic intention of the East Road Army to attack the Zhenjiang line.

Shortly after crossing the river, Xi Yin received news from the front battlefield in Xuzhou. The appearance of the Chaoxianling musket also aroused his vigilance. In fact, after the potential of the firearms was discovered, the Huaxia Army, the Wu Dynasty, and the Jin State were all studying its application. In the large building that Xi Yin was responsible for, the rifle was also studied, but there was no decisive breakthrough.

On the day of receiving the news, the mighty army is gathering at the port on the south bank of the Yellow River, and the flag is spreading like a forest. Xi Yin stood in the city outside the port, and suddenly saw the figure of the Huaxia Army in the southwest, the Han Chinese army that has been rebellious in the past ten years. Now the female real army still has the upper hand. If it continues, the Jurchen will still have the upper hand, but...

Take advantage of this opportunity to fight the world.

He didn't think much more, just re-determined the idea of ​​the beginning of the South.

If he is still young, he may not be willing to cooperate with Zong Fuzong’s offensive of the West Road Army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but prefer to sweep the entire Wu Dynasty on his own side. Take out the scorpion like Huang Tiandang.

But at this moment, Xi Yin took this idea up.

Lin'an, June.

The weather is so hot that you can only hear the sound of humming.

In the study room of the Princess House, the iced lotus seeds are placed on the table, it is no longer cool, and the room has not been swayed. The message from the parties in the north and the south gathered on this desk. Zhou Pei looked up from the case, her sweat on her forehead, but the face was slightly pale, she felt the air suppressed, and put a hand on the chest on the left. Hey, there is a sound like a drum.

In front of her, there was news from the southwest, and there was news from the north. Before things have come, people can imagine a variety of turnarounds or solutions, but at this moment, things are getting clearer and more stable, and preparations that can continue to advance from everyday work have reached the limit of ability.

In the frontline area north of the Yangtze River, the preparations for war have been pushed to the limit that can be promoted. The transportation and distribution of military food and ordnance, the cleanup of spies, the consolidation of defense lines, and the use of power have been used to the limit. Every day is killing, and occasionally there are rebellious rogues, but this is also necessary to maintain the entire situation. As for the message from the southwest, Cheng Zhouhai will send all kinds of news and irony news on the letter every few days. What Zhou Pei can see is also the smoke and the tension that is filled in all kinds of news. Root heartstrings.

This breath made her feel guilty, just as the gambler waited for the moment before the cuckoo clock was opened, like the moment when the prisoner waited for the exit. The atmosphere of the entire Lin'an City was suppressed and silenced. At this moment, no officials and the main battles sang against each other. In the palace, Zhou Hao had not been to the harem for several days...

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