Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 832: Grab the ground (3)

In the middle of June, it was the hot days, and the Zhenjiang Navy military camp was hot and dry.

The Jurchen has arrived, and Han Shizhong has gone through the preparatory war in Jiangbei, where Junwu is sitting in Zhenjiang. Although the Prince’s status is honorable, Jun Wuping is only resting in the military camp with the soldiers. He does not specialize. When the weather is hot, the large households use the ice stored in the winter to cool down. Junwu is only on the mountainside of the river. A house with some cool breeze, if there is a guest, it is served as a cold drink.

It was only after the night of the eighth night that the window was opened and the wind blowing on the river was hot. Jun Wu prepared simple meals in the room and prepared a smoothie to entertain the sister who came all the way.

This kind of weather, riding a bumpy carriage all day long, is an unbearable torment for many women, but Zhou Pei has experienced many things over the years, and many times have long-distance running, this evening Arriving in Zhenjiang, it seems that his face is black and his face is awkward. Washing a face, taking a break, the face of the long princess will restore the former resoluteness.

Over the years, the burdens of the younger brothers and sisters have been extremely heavy. The monarchs have been under the jaws, covering the natural childishness of the faces. It is hard to say that Zhou Pei’s private affairs can be said to be wearing a mask that is solemn and alienated. For a long time, it has often become a part of yourself. After the grooming, Zhou Pei's face was slightly pale, and the look of alienation was not pleasing. Although it was slightly softer in front of the younger brother, it actually did not ease much. Every time I saw such a sister, Jun Wu always remembered her more than ten years ago. Although Zhou Pei was smart and proud, she was actually pretty and lovely. The man looked at him and estimated that he would only feel scared.

For the tragedy of Zhou Pei’s marriage, the people around him are not immune. But at this time, naturally, the brothers and sisters only met once a few months or even half a year. Although the strength is made together, the discourse is inevitably formulated.

Slightly chilling, supper is a simple one-of-a-kind, Junwu eats simple, sour radish strips under the rice, eats and sizzles. In the past few years, Zhou Pei was in Lin'an, and there was no major event. He was suddenly coming to Zhenjiang. Junwu felt that there might be something big, but she did not speak yet, and Junwu would not mention it. The two simply ate dinner and drank a cup of tea. A white dress appeared to be thin and thin, and Zhou Pei took a moment to open.

"Zhujiang, there is no big problem?"

This is a polite opening. Jun Wu just nodded and smiled: "Nothing, General Han has already prepared for the war. In the logistics, Xu Guangting has not got eight thousand shells. I am urging him, Huo Xiang’s Three thousand people crossed the river in the past few days. He was slow to move and sent someone to beat him. The rest was nothing big."

Zhou Pei nodded. "Yeah, it’s all these days... nothing is fine."

"The emperor suddenly came over, I don't know what it is for?"

"..." Zhou Pei took the teacup and silenced it. After a while, "I received the news from Jiangning, Shen Ruxin fell ill, I heard that I was sick."

Jun Wu’s heart sank, and his face flashed for a moment of gloom, but then he glanced at his sister and nodded. “Well, I know, actually... some people think that the royal jewels are eating, but like the sentence The door is deep like the sea, she has married to me, there are not many happy days. This time... There are Zou Tai doctors looking at her and listening to the fate."

At this time, the marriage has always been the words of the parents. The small family and the small family are squatting on their feet. When they reach the high gates, it is not a strange thing for a woman to go through a few years of unfamiliar marriage and lead to depression and early death. . Shen Ruxin had no family history. When he arrived at the Prince’s House, he was in a state of war and the psychological pressure was not small.

Although she and her martial arts are affectionate to each other, the burden on the shoulders of Junwu is too heavy. It is not easy to have a note in the heart, but it is difficult to care about meticulously - this is the normal state of this era. This time, Shen Ruhua was launched, and before and after the trial for two months, Shen Ruxin did not dare to plead in the Prince Jiangning Prince, but he was physically and mentally injured, eventually vomiting blood and being bedridden. The monarchs are in Zhenjiang, but they don’t have time to go back.

"I heard about this and felt it necessary to take a look." Zhou Pei took the teacup and couldn't see too many waves of change on his face. "This time, the clear stream of Shen Qihua, Yao Qifang, is not without problems, in Shen Ruhua. Doujia and Chen’s family who had committed crimes before, I also have a way to cure them. Shen Ruhua, if you want to keep him alive, first put him in the army. The things in the capital, the things that the next person is talking about, I will do it. ”

Jun Wu’s eyes twitched and his face really sank. How much pressure he has received over the years, but he does not expect his sister to come over for this matter. The room was quiet for a long time, the night wind blowing in from the window, it was a little cool, but it made people feel cold. Jun Wu put the teacup on the table.

"The emperor, such as Hua... It must be dealt with, I just can't think of you... for this..."

Zhou Pei looked at him and looked at him as usual: "I am coming for you."

"I'm fine. Over the years, so many things have withstood, and the offended people have also offended. The war is coming..." He paused: "It’s all right."

Due to the emotions in the heart, Jun Wu’s speech was a little bit tough, Zhou Pei stopped. She sat with tea and there was a team walking in the outer military camp, and the wind was blowing. Zhou Pei was indifferent for a long time, but he smiled for a moment.

"Shen Ruhua is not important, but if Xin is very important, Junwu, these years... you have done a good job. I am concentrating on the martial arts. In order to let the army be self-determined in the war, you have protected many people and blocked a lot of wind and rain. In recent years, you have been very tough, taking pressure, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong... This stall in Jiangnan, the fugitives coming from the north, many people can survive thanks to the hard resistance of your identity. I will not say a few years ago, and offending people will offend people. But like a sweet thing, I am afraid that you will regret it one day."

Jun Wu stunned, did not speak, Zhou Pei hands holding a cup of tea quiet for a moment, looking out the window.

"...Nan Du's years have been harder for our sisters and brothers. Others seem to be afraid. It is a last resort. You know, I am not happy after I became a relative. I don't like Hummer. I later dealt with him. Others said My heart is hard, I only have power in my eyes, I will be a loner, I will be a martial artist. When I deal with Qu Zonghui, I have no soft hands. Even today, I don’t think there is any problem. But time is like this, I often want to have it. My own family... I will not have this life."

Her eyes smirked and smiled, and then she added a smile: "Of course, I said, not the father and the younger brother, you will always be my family."

The room was quiet again. Jun Wu’s heart gradually came to understand, what is the reason for the emperor’s coming over, of course, this matter can be said to be very large, and it can be very small and difficult to measure. In these days, it is hard to think clearly in the heart of the monarch.

He was silent for a long time, and then he could only barely say: "If she enters the royal gate, she can hold it. Even if... can't stand it..."

He then smiled: "Sister, that is only a person around me. After all, the people around me, I personally ordered the killing, not a few. I can't go to today, I have to give up... How do you see me?"

"Maybe things are not as big as you think. Maybe..." Zhou Pei looked down for a moment, her voice became extremely low. "Maybe... these years, you are too strong, enough... I know you are learning that. People, but not everyone can become that person. If you are pushing yourself to regret, you want to take a step back... everyone will understand..."

In this remark, Zhou Pei said it was extremely difficult because she did not believe it. Jun Wu can understand the emotions, her sister has reached the extreme, there is no way to retreat, even though she understands that she can only do this, but before the war, she still hopes that her brother may have a path of regret. Jun Wu vaguely perceives this contradictory mood. This is the first time that my sister has exposed such indecisive thoughts for several years.

He just shook his head.

Zhou Pei no longer persuaded: "I understand... I sent people to take the best medicine from the palace and sent it to Jiangning. It is not a bad thing to have you in front."

The younger brothers and sisters stopped talking about it, and after a while, the heat of the night was still there. The two left the room and took a cool shower along the hillside. Junwu remembered Shen Ruxin in Jiangning. The two were strong in the journey of the search for the sea and the sea. They have been married for eight years and gathered together. For a long time, Junwu told him that he had to do something big. Before the big event, the children’s affair However, it is a display. But at this time, I thought, but I couldn’t help but feel sad.

When my sister came over, I was reminded of this.

"Not everyone will become that person, take a step back, everyone will understand... Emperor Sister, the person you said also said this, the people of Suiliang are like that, everyone can understand. But Not everyone can understand, bad things will not happen." After a while, Jun Wu talked about it.

Zhou Pei’s eyes flashed a sigh of relief, and just nodded. The two stood on the edge of the hill and watched the lights in the river.

"In these years, I often watched the things from the north. Every year, Jingping Emperor was forced to write the scripts, saying that the emperor of Jinuo had a lot of good treatment for him. For a while, he was raised in the well by the Jurchens, and the clothes were I didn't have to wear it. The Queen was insulted by the Jurchen in front of him. He had to be insulted, and he had to smile and beg for the Jurchen to eat. All kinds of emperor palace ladies, not as good as prostitutes... The royals are also vain. The capital’s idle princes who look down on the field, do you still remember the appearance of those brothers and sisters? In those days, I remember that when you went to Beijing with your teacher, you met Zhou Qing, the county magistrate of the Chongwang House in Beijing. The family also asked you to go over with the teacher. The teacher also wrote a poem. The shame of Jing Ping, Zhou Qing was taken by the Jurchen, and the emperor, you remember her? Two years ago, I knew her whereabouts..."

Zhou Peiwang went to Junwu, and Junwu smiled awkwardly: "The Jurchen took her to the Yunzhong House, all the way to the top of the abuse, went to the place to become pregnant, and was sold to the Qing Dynasty in the cloud house as a prostitute, the child was pregnant six In the month, I was beaten and aborted. After one year, I was pregnant again. Then the child was beaten by the medicine. Two years later, a group of Jinguo’s dignitaries went to the building to play with the courage. Hit, put her on the table, cut her ears, she was crazy, and then she was interrupted by a leg... died three years ago... she lived for a long time..."

Jun Wu said this thing as calmly as possible: "The outsider talked about the royal family and talked about the struggle in the court. He did everything without it. Lu Wei, the queen of Han Gaozu, could cut people off their hands and feet in order to fight for the wind. How cruel... Can you want to get the feeling that the Zhou Qingjun master was treated like this? Those things are coming to the front, and the Jurchen has come over..."

"I know." Zhou Pei replied. Over the years, those things that have happened in the North have certain restrictions on the spread of the people, but for them, as long as they have the heart, they can understand clearly.

Junwu looked at the river in the distance: "In these years, I was actually very scared. When people grow up, they slowly understand what it is to fight. One person rushes over to kill you. You pick up the knife and fight him. He beat him. You must also break your foot, you don't resist, you have to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to break my foot, I don't want to die like this, she is dead... I will regret it one day. But in these years, one thing is the most feared in my heart. I have never told anyone, King Sister, can you guess what?” He said here, shook his head. “Not a Jurchen... ”

Zhou Pei looked at him.

Jun Wu can be silent for a long while, pointing to the river over there: "In the second year of Jianye, the army escorted me to the river, only found a small boat, the guards sent me to the boat, and the Jurchen killed it. Tens of thousands of people were killed by the speed of the people in the river, some people desperately swim, some dragged others to drown, there is a drag on the house... There is a woman, holding her little child, the child is water I got involved, and I could hear the shouts from her when I stood on the boat. Sister, do you know what my mood was like at the time?"

Jun Wu’s eyes widened: “I feel in my heart... I am fortunate... I have survived, I don’t have to die,” he said.

The wind in the night has blown over the hillside.

"So many years, I remembered their eyes in the night, I was scared, they were slaughtered, I didn't feel angry, Queen Sister, I... I just thought that they were dead, but I am alive, I am very Fortunately, they sent me to the boat... For so many years, I killed a lot of people by military law. I told Han Shizhong, I and Yue Fei, and countless people, we must defeat the Jurchen, I am with them, I kill them. In order to resist the gold industry. Yesterday I brought Shen Ruhua over and told him that I must kill him. I am fighting against gold... Huang Jie, I said a few years of rhetoric, I think about the next day to say, I am practicing these words alone, I am afraid... I am afraid that someone will jump out on the spot and ask me, in order to fight against gold, they will die, and the soldiers on the battlefield will fight blood, yourself?"

"Everyone who died that day is watching me. They know that I am afraid. I don't want to die. There is only one ship. I am going to go up. Why can I go up? Now after so many years, I said so. Too many words, I ask myself every night, when the Jurchen is coming again, can you live? You can bite your teeth? Do you dare to bleed? I sometimes take the knife and want to cut a knife into my hand! ”

Jun Wu said, pulling a dagger from his waist and making a stroke toward the left arm. Zhou Pei's face changed, two steps passed, grabbed Jun Wu's left arm and opened his sleeve.

There was no knife on the arm, and Jun Wu laughed: "Emperor, I can't get my hand once... I am afraid of pain."

"You, you..." Zhou Pei looked complicated and looked into his eyes.

"What I am most afraid of is that one day the Jurchen was killed. I found that I would still be afraid of death and fear of death. I am afraid that one day, tens of thousands of people will be pushed to the river with me. I went to the ship. Boat, my heart is still fortunate that I have survived. I am afraid that I am righteously killing so many people, and I will come to my head and give my little nephew extralegity. I am afraid that I will kill my nephew. When I came to Jurchen, I was still a coward. I have never said anything about this thing, but Huang Jie, I am afraid every day..."

"I am afraid of anything..."

He said that his eyes were dazed, his eyes had turned red, and his teeth had been bitten hard. Yes, who is not afraid of this world? He is just a spoiled son of a royal family. Fear of bloodshed, fear of sacrifice, fear of defeating 仗~www.wuxiaspot.com~ afraid to experience all the tragedies. And before the real test comes, no one knows what it is like.

This night, the two brothers and sisters talked a lot. On the second day, Zhou Pei found the smell before he left. If the war is in front of the crisis, he must take Jun Wu from the battlefield. She left Zhenjiang and went back to Lin'an, and the weak Prince kept on the riverside and continued to surround her heart every day with iron.

At noon on the first day of the tenth day, the 18-year-old Shen Ruhua was beheaded in the town of Zhenjiang. In the Prince of Jiangning, the physical condition of the four ladies, Shen Ruxin, is getting worse and worse, struggling at the border between life and death. This is just a negligible thing in the world today. Life and death. On this night, Zhou Junwu sat on the riverside on the side of the military camp and never slept for the night.

At this time, the north side, the Jurchen dynasty Yan Zongxi’s east road forward army has left Xuzhou, and is heading in the direction of the pilgrimage. It is less than three hundred miles away from Yangzhou.

Around Yangzhou, Tianchang, Gaoyou, Zhenzhou, Taizhou, Zhenjiang... With Han Shizhong as the core, more than 800,000 troops including 100,000 sailors are waiting.

Wu Jianxuan ten years, June 23, the Jiangnan war broke out.

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