Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 833: Grab the ground (4)

The bonfire was burned, the drums roared, and the explosion sounded like a thunder, which shook the city. In Tianchang County, north of Yangzhou, with the rain of arrows, countless stone bombs are thrown to the distant city with a little ignition.

The tower above the city wall has collapsed in the explosion. The female wall broke out of the gap and the flag fell. In front of them, it was the striker of the Jurchen attack. More than 50,000 troops gathered under the city, and hundreds of slings were stuffing gunpowder. The hollow stone bombs are thrown to the wall like raindrops.

Among the Tianchang County, it is the 30,000-strong army led by Han Shizhong's lower part of Jiefang. It is located in Tianchang County on the north line of Yangzhou. It is the first place in the south of Jurchen. The city is small but easy to defend and difficult to attack. Stationed, supplemented by more than two hundred guns, it is already a sufficient defensive squad. However, with the arrival of the Jurchen striker led by Yan Zongxi, the first round of the launch is a fierce attack far beyond everyone's imagination.

Since Ning Yi promoted the way of the things, the artillery glory in the process of the Jurchen's first south, the time has passed more than ten years. In the past ten years, Huaxia Army was the originator of the way of the things. Under the advancement of Ning Yi, the accumulation of technology was the thickest. There are Junwu in the Wu Dynasty, and the Jurchen has a large building hosted by Yan Xiyin. The research and manufacturing of the two sides are parallel. However, on the whole scale, the technical strength of the Jurchen side is the largest.

In ten years, the Jurchen has invaded three times in the south and took away millions of Han Chinese in the Central Plains. Among them, Jurchens regard ordinary Han people as slaves, and women as animals, the most important thing is actually all kinds of craftsmen in the Han people. The two centuries of accumulation in the Wu Dynasty, this is the most prosperous and developed in the Central Plains. These craftsmen were taken to the north and divided up for various forces. Even if they lost their creative energy, they would do ordinary work.

On the other hand, the Wu Dynasty, although the power of the way of the things has been partially proved, but in the face of Ning Yi's move, all kinds of scholars and scholars still have to avoid this, only to say that it is a temporary path, for Junwu Efforts to advance, at most one eye closed one eye, the support of public opinion is ultimately not. The public opinion does not encourage, Junwu can not forcibly requisition the craftsmen of the whole world in preparation for the work, although the research vitality is higher than that of the Jinguo, but when it comes to scale, the monarch’s family in Jiangning’s house is ultimately more than a woman’s real country. Power.

The simple hollow blasting technology, which was already in existence for several years ago, is naturally sold, which is used on artillery. However, Yan Yanxi is more radical. During these years, the craftsman accurately controlled the burning speed of the lead wire. The hollow stone bullet was used to fix the lead wire. For every ten hairs, it was a bundle, and the slinger with a longer range was thrown. Strictly calculate and control the launching distance and steps, ignite before launching, and strive to explode after landing. This type of siege stone bomb is called "Day Girl Scattered Flower".

The first time he arrived in Tianchang, Zong Yi used the shells on the battlefield.

After the first three rounds of test calculations were completed, half of the hundreds of slingers began to throw "the goddess scattered flowers", and thousands of stone bombs flew at the same time, because the way of controlling the leads was still too primitive, half of the In the air, it has been turned off or exploded. It really fell into the city and then exploded. However, the power of a small stone bomb is not too big, but it still caused many soldiers in the first time. The injured fell to the ground.

The broken legs of the broken limbs are scattered, and the breath of blood and smoke is all over time. Zongtang stood in the battlefield and watched the explosion in front of the city head as if it were blooming. The smoke and mourning enveloped the entire city wall.

His fierce eyes also stretched a little.

Among the several sons of Agueda, Yan Zongtang, who is ranked fourth and famous, is the most brave and radical. He was younger. When he first started, the Jurchens almost destroyed the entire Liao Dynasty, and they were brave enough and less skilled. In the eyes of some veterans who have fallen into the world, they are just ordinary princes.

The martial arts are not willing to be an ordinary prince. After the second brother’s ancestor’s visit, the three brothers’ ancestors were too safe and swallowed to maintain the arrogance of the A-Bing family. They could not compete with Zonghan and Xi Yin, who controlled the “Western Court”. The singularity that has always regarded Zongwang as an example has stood up.

For more than ten years, the Jurchen was the most enthusiastic. He inherited the bravery of the Yanyan family. Every battle was the first, and the third time he went south, he has become the dominant person in the royal family. The whole search of the mountains and the sea, the martial arts in the south of the Yangtze River slashed, there is no match, but Zhou Hao hides in the sea and dare not return, when the Jurchen is also attackable and unstoppable to the south land, the martial arts can not Not returning to the north, this time, it was a setback in Huang Tiandang, the most sleepy for more than forty days, this only to kill.

Who can lead the victors? The Jurchens have a long history, even if they are abbot, Wu Hao, Zong Han Zongwang, etc., occasionally there is a small setback, no one has regarded Huang Tiandang as one thing. Only the people of the Wu Dynasty are excited about this. For several years, it has been a big victory to promote Huang Tiandang, and Jurchens are not incapable of defeat. This situation has been going on for a long time, and it has been passed to the north. People who know the inside story are crying and laughing. For Zongtang, it is a bit depressed.

Great victory for your mother! After being surrounded for more than 40 days, he did not die a few people. In the end, he used a fire attack to fight back. He chased Han Shizhong and hunted for more than 70 miles. The southerners actually did not know how to say victory!

Although Zong Yu’s heart thought so, he could not stop the bragging of the Wu Dynasty people. So by the time he went to the fourth time, he had a sigh of anger in his heart, and the battle of the longevity finally broke out. Just because this solution is also a pioneering general of Han Shizhong, with the arrival of the Jurchen army, it is still desperately preaching that Huang Tiandang defeated his so-called "records" on his side, and the anger of the martial arts could not be suppressed at that time.

In his mind, whether it is this Jieyuan or the opposite Han Shizhong, it is just a chicken and a dog. This time, it is necessary to break the group at the fastest speed to deter the nearly one million troops of the Jiangnan region. The bottom is the winner.

The shells bombed three rounds on the city wall. More than 4,000 rounds of stone bombs were consumed in the attack on this small town. With the bombardment of half of the solid boulder, it seems that the entire city and the earth are shaking. The flag was issued and the order for the offensive was announced.

Among the smoke that filled the smoke, the banner of the Jurchen began to spread to the wall.

The Jurchen's fourth degree of martial arts, this is the war that determined the Golden State's national movement. The risers who emerged in this era, with the bravery of the day, rushed to the land of the Wu Dynasty. After a while, the city's head rang the artillery of artillery. Sound, Jie Yuan led the team to the city and began to fight back.

On the second day after the start of the Battle of Tianchang, under the unusually strong offensive of the Jurchens, the disarming rate led the army to abandon the southward withdrawal of the city, and the cavalry chased the cavalry. Han Shizhong led the army out of Yangzhou and responded to Jieyuan’s entry into the city. Fierce killing. On June 27th, the original Falun Gong general Sun Peizhi began to besiege Gaoyou, north of the Yangtze River, and the fierce war spread across the vast land.

On June 27th, Sun Peizhi besieged Gaoyou on the same day. As a result, the Liangshan Shuibo, which was more than a thousand miles north, began the attack of more than 100,000 troops. This opened the curtain of the long and difficult Liangshan defending war.

Yangzhou went to the west for more than 1,300 miles. The former Jurchen general Ali, who was originally guarding the scorpion, led the 20,000-strong elite to Nanyang, preparing to cooperate with the original Nanyang, Dengzhou, and Xinye's more than 100,000 Han troops to force Xiangyang. This is the order issued by Wan Yanxi Yin to cooperate with the East Road Army attack, and the main force of the West Road Army led by Zong Han, has also crossed the Yellow River at this time, close to the Liangliang, the 60,000 striker led by Xi Yin, from Nanyang The direction is not far away.

On the day when Ali’s army arrived in Nanyang, Yue Fei led his army to take the initiative to kill Xiangyang and storm Dengzhou. On the night, Dengzhou defender rushed to the north, and Ali rushed to Dengzhou to make a break. June 29, The 20,000-year-old woman, including the 9000-strong rider, was inseparable for the 20-year-old north of Dengzhou.

The fall of the chill is coming, Jiangnan, the Central Plains... thousands of miles across the rolling land, the war is burning.

At the same time, the North is not too flat.

The place where the Golden State West Court is located, the Yunzhong House, the summer and autumn, the hottest weather will come to an end.

A tragedy that has not been detected by many people is being brewed in secret.

Gao Yue Tea House, Zou Wenhu, a Chinese man of Liaodong who was dressed in a Chinese costume, took the stairs and met with the people in the room at the end of the second floor.

A woman who was with him was plainly dressed, his eyes were stunned, and there were tears in his eyes. The woman’s surname is Xiao, and Xiao’s “Xiao’s Queen Mother” is Xiao. "Red Lady" Xiao Shuqing is one of the famous monks in the cloud.

After the fall of the Liao Kingdom, the Kim Kingdom had a period of suppression and enslavement of the Khitan people, and the massacre was also carried out several times. However, the Khitan people are brave, and the Jin people must not rely on the massacre to manage such a large area. Soon after, they will use the Huairou method. After all, the Jin people also have more suitable objects for slavery. After more than ten years of the destruction of the Liao Kingdom, some of the Khitan people have entered the top of the Jin Guo Chao Tang, and the Qidan people at the bottom have accepted the fact that they were ruled by Jurchen. But even the vast majority of such facts, after the disaster of the country, there are always a small number of Khitan members still standing on the stand of resistance, or not intending to get out, or unable to get out.

Xiao Shuqing was a descendant of the original Xiaozuo family of the Liao State. She was killed by the Jin people when she was young. Later, she was also enslaved by humiliation. Later, she was saved by the rebellious forces of the Khitan, and she gradually became famous. Compared with the Han people who are inconvenient to work in the North, even if the Liao Kingdom has died, there are always many remnants of the year who miss the benefits at that time. Therefore, Xiao Shuqing and others are active in the vicinity of the cloud and have not been annihilated for a long time. Others suspect that they are still sheltered by certain Khitan officials who are at this high position.

See Zou Wenhu come over, this always-minded female niece is indifferent: "How? The son of your family, did you think about it?"

"My master, there are some heartbeats." Zou Wenhu moved to a chair and sat down. "But it is too much at this time. Have you ever thought about the consequences? Have you ever thought about it? It is very likely that the whole temple will vibrate?"

Xiao Shuqing’s eyes flashed in disdain: "Hey, coward, your son is, you are."

"Hey, Xiao Yu, don't say that, say things, say things, bad reputations are not authentic. In these years, Zou's surname has not been said to be timid, but you don't provoke me like this, I am not a fool. "When the Xiao family was the mother of the world, Xiao Shuqing made a name for himself. Gradually, he was also acquainted with Xiao Yu. In the face of the disdain of the other side, Zou Wenhu buckled his nose and did not care.

"Know that you are not timid, but you are poor."

"Look at Xiao Yu, you said." Zou Wenhu looked at each other, and for a moment, smiled, "... really on the idea."

"Less poor mouth." Xiao Shuqing glanced at him. "This thing has been told to you earlier. The place where Qi family went to the Jurchen, so loudly, what is the centuries-old family of the scholars, who are the Jurchens, who have face? It doesn't matter if he plays, and it is not a big deal to see him. It is not a big deal. What's more, Qi family has accumulated savings in the Wu Dynasty for a hundred years. This time the whole family goes north, who is not jealous? Your son, after talking about Guogong, unfortunately, Guogong Laozi didn't leave anything, he couldn't beat it. This time, the people with the bones went to the south. In the future, they will be rewarded, and they will get a group of people, your son, and you, Zou Wenhu. ”

She said while playing with her fingers: "This time, it is good for everyone. And to be honest, moving a family, my life is very dangerous, your son's national brand, let alone us Pointing at your shipment, I will definitely not let you go wrong, even if things go wrong, look down on it? After the fight in the south, there is no beaten! Your son, and you, a bunch of children at home, watching them live in the future Got it?"

Listening to her words, Zou Wenhu’s face was smiling, but it gradually became fierce. Xiao Shuqing licked his tongue: "Well, I don’t have much to say nonsense. This is a big thing, and the family is also very big. We can't eat it, we can't eat it together. Nod of it, you know what you know, if you can nod your son, you can give it to you, I will give you peace of mind, can't pass, that is To protect you. Of course, if you shake your head, things will stop here... don't say it."

Speaking of the last sentence, Xiao Shuqing’s eyes flashed a real fierce light. Zou Wenhu looked at his finger and looked at it for a moment: “Things are so big, are you sure you are going to be clean?”

"Clean? Look at what you said." Xiao Shuqing smiled. "You nodded anyway. I gave you a few names and promised to have a head. I also said that when I have a family accident, everyone will only see it." Cheng, as for the accident, even if things are done, your family will look down on it? When the family has arrived, a group of hungry wolves in the cloud will only pounce on it. It’s just ours to catch it. Desperate... Zou Wenhu, people say that the younger the rivers and lakes, the smaller you are. You are like this, I really regret it, please come over."

The opposite side was quiet for a moment, then laughed: "Oh, good... In fact, Xiao Yu, you guessed, since I can come to see you today, my family has nodded before I came out, I will handle it..." He spread his hand~ Www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't carelessly, what you said is right, even if things are done, my family is afraid of anything, but can my family still protect me? ”

"Well, Zou Gong's embarrassment, the little girl knows." At this time, Xiao Shuqing finally laughed. "You and I are all desperate. After much care, Zou Gong knows how, Yunzhongfu has a relationship. In fact, many things in the middle have to ask Zou Gong for reference."

Zou Wenhu also laughed.

"Slightly the power of the blame... blame and blame this family is too arrogant, offended a bunch of rich sons, offended the poor ghosts like me, offended the anti-thief like Xiao Yu, and offended the dead. Black flag, he is not dead, who is going to die? Anyway, he is going to die, his family has to be someone else, and he is now a good deed, hahahaha..."

In the room, both of them laughed, and after a while, another sentence came out.

"Right, as for the start, it is the black flag that is not to be killed, right. The emperor in the south dare to kill and help to carry a pot. I think he definitely doesn't mind, Xiao Yu said, isn't it, haha? Haha..."

Autumn has come……

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