Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 834: Grab the ground (5)

The relatively quiet yard, the rudimentary room in the yard, Tang Minjie sat in a chair and looked at the crumpled letter in his hand. The man's clothes across the table were worn out. It was a member of the Huaxia Army who was connected with Tang Minjie after Lu Mingfang left.

The letter was written in a password, which was relatively time-consuming to read. Tang Minjie read it again, his brows were slight, and then he slowly tore it.

"Jiangnan has already started playing, and Jin Yushu played very fiercely in Yangzhou... Now it seems that the most unexpected thing is the siege equipment he used. The hollow stone bombs are a group of ten, throwing the stone wall with a slinger, pressing The city is playing, the power is not small. Before the Golden State, the stone was processed, we thought it was used as a mine or other purposes, and it was not enough to control the delay detonation. I did not expect this to solve the problem. This is our negligence."

The opposite person nodded: "Fortunately, it is not easy to assemble a stone throwing device. It is only suitable for siege."

Tang Minjie shook his head: "If Zongtang puts this thing on the attack on Xuzhou, it is too late to prevent it. Many of us will also be injured. Of course, he took a whole winter in the north of Xuzhou and made hundreds of thousands of stones. The machine is enough, so General Liu was not selected as the target of the first attack..."

His eyes turned and thought: "Well, one is the time-delay lead. First, the stone throwing device is thrown out. The control of time must be very accurate. The stone throwing equipment will not be rushed to assemble. In addition, one cast stone once. Throwing ten pieces, it really fell to the wall and exploded. It’s hard to say whether there are one or two. It’s just a battle of the sky, it’s estimated that it’s used for five thousand hairs, the ancestral temple of the East Road, or the Zonghan of the West Road. It is impossible to fight like this all the time. We are now investigating and estimating how many such stone bombs have been secretly made by Xi Yin in the past few years. People in the south have a number in their hearts."

"Well, the number on the side of the Grand Building, I will find a way. As for the amount of such stone bombs made by the entire Golden State in these years, it may not be easy to find out. I guess that even if Yan Xiyin himself is finished, it is not necessarily counted. ”

"There is a rough figure. The other thing is very strange. The one around Xi Yin has not heard the wind before. Xi Yin is really hiding this time. The combination of shells is definitely carried out in the field... Either the one has changed, or..."

"That lady is awkward, isn't it possible?"

"I don't think it's too likely." Tang Minjie nodded and his eyes turned. "That is to say, she was also completely buried in the drums by Xi Yin. This is very interesting. If you are unintentional, this lady should not miss it." Such an important news... Xi Yin has known for a long time? How much has he learned? Is it safe to be safe here?"

Tang Minjie said here, look at the opposite companion, the companion also sweared: "The connection with the lady is not too dense, if ... I mean if she is exposed, we should not be dragged out... ”

He said this, and it is not certain that Tang Minjie’s face showed a thoughtful smile: "Forget it, keep your eyes in the future. In any case, the lady is unlikely to change the festival. I received a report from Yangzhou. After that, she must be more anxious than us. In the past few years, Wu Dynasty has been propagating Huang Tiandeng to defeat the martial arts. This time, the martial arts slammed into Yangzhou. I don’t think Han Shizhong can live. Lu Laoda is not here. I tried to touch the lady and explore her tone..."

Nodded oppositely, Tang Minjie said: "In addition, this time, we have to do a review. Such simple things, if not in Yangzhou, but in the city of Xuzhou, we have responsibility."


"That... nothing else?"

"When Yan Yanchang sent the brother from the south, I heard that these two days..."

"I know this. You are going to implement the shells over there."

Tang Minjie nodded, no more to say, nodded on the opposite side, no longer said.

This time the joint ended, Tang Minjie went out of the room, the sun was shining in the yard. On the afternoon of the fourth day of July, the message from the south came in an expedited form. Although the request for the north side only focused on the "female girl" The problem of scattered flowers, but the whole situation of the south side of the war can still be clearly constructed in the mind of Tang Minjie.

The mistakes in his work made his thoughts somewhat resentful, and he had a slight introspection in his mind. In the past year, he constantly planned how to destroy in the cloud. There was something wrong with the attention of such under-eyes. This matter should be vigilant in the future.

After standing for a while in the yard, after the companion left, he also went out and passed towards the chaotic crowd on the other side of the road.

The film in front of the scene is a slum in the Yunzhong government. It crosses the market and crosses another street. It is a gathering place for the three religions. In the afternoon, Lu Mingfang rushed past a street from a big car and glanced at the head of Qingyingfang.

He did not go in.

In the tea house under the excuse of Qingyingfang, Mandu Daru, one of the heads of Yunzhongfu, slightly lowered the hat and sipped his face at random. The deputy came over from the opposite side and sat down at the table.

"Some problems, the wind is not right." The deputy said, "This morning, someone saw the ‘eat the dog’ dragon Jiuyuan, and the south of the city also squatted, someone borrowed.”

Mandudaru held a teacup and muttered to himself: "Is there anything big in the city recently?"

"Black flag army is going to be into the city?"

"The black flag army is the case, the city is not allowed to enter the city. It has been greeted with the Qi family. It has to be dealt with outside. It is really going to happen. It is reasonable to say that it is also outside the city. The wind in the city is something to fish in the water. Still deliberately put the bait..."

"Is it possible?"

"Where is the family?"

"These two days are still opening a banquet, it seems that I want to tie a bunch of sons."

"But the moat army did not move." Mandudaru smiled and said: "Weird."

The afternoon sun is still dazzling. At the same time, Mandu Daru feels a strange atmosphere on the street. In the Qingying Square, some people have met here. Among these people, there are Xiao Shuqing and Zou Wenhu who have previously discussed, and there are clouds in the underworld. The most unruly but infamous "eat the hyena" Long Jiuyuan, and several other desperate people who were on the list of the official wanted list.

On the side of the crowd, there is also a male son who looks pale and thin. This is a female noble person. Under the introduction of Zou Wenhu, this son is standing in the crowd and playing with a desperate monk who seems to be poor. call.

This is a woman who is really a national official. After her name is Yan Wenqin, her grandfather was a member of the early years who followed A-Bing, but it was a pity that she died young. After the death of Yan Wenqin, the father passed by the grandfather's legacy, although the days are more common than ordinary people, but in front of the crowd in the city of Yunzhong is not valued.

If possible, Wan Yan Wenqin is also willing to follow the army to the south and conquer the Wu Dynasty. Unfortunately, he has been weak since he was young. Although he is conscious of his bravery and does not lose his ancestors, his body cannot support such a fearless soul. After the Nanzheng army swept the army, Other brothers and children have fun in the city all over the cloud, but the life of Yan Wenqin is extremely depressed.

Seeing this desperate man at the moment, he has a deep hatred and hatred with the imperial court of the Golden State. He is not afraid. Even the cheeks on the cheeks show an exuberant flush, and he greets everyone with no humbleness. The name of the other party, in the slight movement of the crowd, said his own ideas to support the people's actions.

"...Qi family, arrogant and shallow, the old man of Qi family, the son was killed by the black flag army, he will come to Yan Yanchang to come to more than ten black flag army prisoners. The captives will arrive tomorrow, but they are imprisoned The land is not in the city, but in the Xinjiazhuang of the south of the city, the old man not only wants to kill the prisoners, but also wants to take the captives, and lead the black flag army in the cloud of the government, he and the black flag army, It’s really a deep hatred.”

End Yan Wenqin said, took a deep breath: "Because of this incident, the big guys are staring at other industries outside the city. As for the city, everyone is not without heart, but... cough, everyone does not care about Qijia There is an accident. If we want to move our homes, we will not do it outside the city. In the city, we will seize the four grandchildren of Qi Yu and his three sons, five grandchildren, and transport them out of the city. Big."

He paused: "There are many things in Qi's family, many treasures, some in the city, and many others are hidden in the world by the old man of Qi family... Han people are the most bloody, catching Qi Qi With the descendants of his veins, you can make a good preparation. If there is anything in the old man, you will naturally spit it out. If you can ask, you can take it with your own skills and get it back. I can shoot for you... Of course, you They are all old rivers and lakes, and they all have means. As for Yunzhongfu, if you can take it away on the spot, take it away on the spot. If not, I naturally have a way to deal with it. How do you feel?"

"If something goes wrong in the city, we are afraid that it is very difficult to run."

Wan Yan Wenqin also laughed: "The heroes don't have to lie to me. It's not the first time that you come in and out of the cloud. The means of life must be there, otherwise you dare to come to this party, you should die..."

His words are not good, and everyone is exposed to fierce light, but Wan Yanwen is not afraid: "Second, I naturally understand that there will be risks in this matter, and the guarantees next to them will be difficult to win. I am finished with Yan Wenqin, I am desperate, I am with you. Peer. I will go to Qifu to go to the banquet tomorrow. You are sure that I am going in, and then I will move my hand and grasp me. If I deceive you, you will kill me at any time. Even if there is something unexpected, there will be me and a group of people. The younger brother is a quality, afraid of anything? Can't go? Or, I will take you out to kill?"

Finished Yan Wenqin said here, showing a scornful and crazy smile. When the Yanyan family was in the world, they had their own domineering spirits. Although Yan Wenqin was weak and weak, his grandfather’s edge was always in his eyes. At this time, this fearless momentum made him shocked. Awe-inspiring.

Indeed, in front of this matter, no matter how to ensure that everyone is always difficult to trust each other, but the other side is so identifiable, directly put on life, it is no more to say. Insurance to achieve this step, the rest is naturally seeking wealth. Even the most embarrassing desperate, it is inevitable to say a few words of compliment to Yan Wenqin.

Now I have a little discussion on the steps of the second day. Wan Yanwenqin gave a brief disclosure of some information. Although this incident seems to be Xiao Shuqing's contact with Zou Wenhu, but Yan Yanwen has already mastered some information, such as Qi Jiahu. In the situation of the hospital, etc., the joints that can be bought, Xiao Shuqing and others have already mastered the homes of some people, such as the Qifu House Management and Nursing Home, and even have prepared to grab some of the family members. After a little exchange, the reservoirs were also well understood for some of the treasures in Qifu, and according to Yan Wenqin’s statement, the members of the black flag had been taken to the cloud at the time of the incident, and the turmoil had to arise outside the city. The moat army will put all the attention on the other side. For the small chaos in the city, only one eye will be closed.

In this way, everyone naturally understands that for this sale, Wan Yanwen has already linked some other people. It is no wonder that he has opened his mouth at this time and wants to swallow the Qi family in the Yunzhong House.

For these internal conditions, the crowd no longer asks more. If it is only these gangs of desperation, if you want to divide the family, you will still have to catch up. There are also these big women who are going to fall down on the top. They are cheaper with some scraps, then It's better.

A group of people negotiated, and then they greeted each other and laughed and left. Just when I left, more or less looked at the wall on one side of the room, but did not make much expression. After they all left, Wan Yanwen waved his hand and let Zou Wenhu go out. He went over there and pushed a secret door.

In the room, there are three Jurchen men sitting and watching their appearance. The oldest one is probably not over forty. When Wan Yanwen went in, the three men looked at him with a look of astounding eyes: "I can't think of it, Wen Qin seems to be weak, and the heart is actually decided to do so."

"My family was in the world, and it was the future of life. Wen Qin had longed for it since childhood, but unfortunately... Keke, God does not give me the chance to kill the enemy on the battlefield. The South Zheng, the world must be fixed, the text Although Qin is not as big as the family, but there are dozens of mouths to eat, there will be more in the future. Wen Qin’s name is not enough, but he does not want this family to be scattered in his own hands. The world is fierce, the weak meat is strong, Qijia is a good deal, Wenqin catches his life, can you have any opinions?"

He smiled and looked fearless. The three looked at each other. The oldest person picked up two cups of tea, gave each other a cup, gave them a cup, and then the four raised the cup: "Dry."

Several people have drank tea, and everything has been settled. Wan Yanwenqin laughed again: "Actually, I am thinking, don't you have a brother who will have a family, will you meet?"

The trio was slightly wrong: "Wen Qin is not going to want to help the guy who is playing for it?"

"The things in the world, killing and killing, no meaning, the pattern is small." End Yan Wenqin shook his head. "In the hall, the brothers in the army are big men, but there are heroes in the grass. As Wen Qin said After the South Expedition, the world will be settled, and the situation in Yunzhongfu will be settled slowly. At that time, you are Baidao, they are underworld, and they are black and white. In many cases, they may not have to fight. It’s not a good thing... you brothers, maybe consider..."

The three men looked at each other, and Yan Yanwen and his hands held each other. The words were filled with confusing voices: "In the past, these mixed characters of dragons and snakes will not come together. Even if they come together, it is difficult to join hands. This is a good opportunity. If this sale is done well, we will unify these people in the future. The gangsters of Yunzhongfu, even if they are all coming down, have three brothers’ relationships, and the gangsters are not hindered. What can I do to make a fortune? I heard people say that Wushu Green Forest has the so-called martial arts lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are ally, there must be alliances... oh, things in the world, fear of alliance, once alliance, It’s a big deal, it’s a big deal...”

"Things in the world, afraid of alliance?" The oldest person looked at Yan Wenqin. "I don't think Wenchin is young and has such insights. This is interesting."

He looked at the other two: "For this alliance, or else, let's discuss it?"

This time the Jurchen man went south, with the banner of destroying the Wu Dynasty, with great determination, everyone knows. The world must be, because of the rise of military power, there will be fewer and fewer things. Everyone understands that the minds of the Jurchen people in the north are more worried. After the end of Yan Wenqin's instigation, everyone really saw a glimmer of hope, and now they have done some discussion.

After leaving each other to leave, Wan Yan Wenqin's body was slightly shaken, but it was weak, but the flushing on his face was even worse. Obviously today's things made him in great excitement.

Born in the country's home, Wan Yanwen Qin was very upset since childhood, but unfortunately the weak body and the early grandfather did affect his ambition. He was not satisfied at all, and his heart was filled with grievances. This matter, more than a year ago. Only suddenly has the opportunity to change...

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