Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 835: Grab the ground (6)

With the help of A-Bone, the accumulation of military merits was finally sealed down as a national identity. Although Yan Yanqin’s family was embarrassed in Yunzhong, it was only compared with the various brothers of the same class. Being able to enter the palace at any time, the characters on the table can greet the family, and the annual rewards are enough to make many ordinary people happy for a lifetime.

It was only the beginning of the Golden State. Many things and rules were in a period of turmoil. Some people were hot-faced, and no one was on the cold door. The grandfather of Wan Wenwen’s grandfather had passed away. The single-passed one was weak and sick, and the family’s desolateness was foreseeable. In such an environment, the top name is very resentful.

Wan Yan Wenqin grew up in such an environment. He couldn’t write martial arts, but really, growing up in the Jurchen family, everyone is advocating the courage, and there is no such environment for him to learn. Although he is very knowledgeable, it is also because he is respected by martial arts. Wan Yan Wenqin was ridiculed and ridiculed since childhood - at least he thought so - and the mind of Xue Wen gradually faded.

But he likes to hear books and listen to stories.

In the early years, the Jurchen rose up and destroyed the Liao martial arts. Among the Liao people, there were knowledgeable people. Some teachers were brought to him at home. The temperament of Yan Wenqin was annoying, and people were beaten out and even swords. Killed a few old things. However, he has always had the habit of hearing the book. In the early years, an old scholar who came from the Wu Dynasty was gradually loved by Yan Wenqin.

The old scholar of the Wu Dynasty talked about the story, fascinating and not vulgar, and told him some stories or taught him some southern idioms or vocabulary. After the end, Yan Wenqin was not aware of it at the beginning. He spoke a few words and words with people. He explained that the family thinks that the little master is smart, there is hope in the family, and he admire and boast, and Wan Yanwenqin feels reading. The benefits and insights.

He slowly paid attention to the old school, and then he knew that the old man was named Dai Mo, and he was also a famous person in Yan Liang. Wan Yanwenqin asked Dai Mo to tell him a book. He occasionally talked about various kinds of knowledge after the storytelling. From the world to the surrounding knowledge and opinions, the various concepts of Wan Yanwenqin have since grown up.

Wan Yanwenqin, who grew up in the northern environment, felt that there was no hope since he was a child. In the past, he was only tempered and arrogant, and Dai Mo gave him a sort of combing. He also told the story of many people who are weak and able to make meritorious deeds. This has only found a way. He gradually understands that Jurchen has established a country by force. However, after the country is stable, the knowledgeable talents are the most needed by the state. The fist can no longer solve the problem. It can only solve the problem. It is only its own. mind.

I saw hope so. Last year, the old man named Dai Mo was seriously ill. Wan Yanwen was afraid that there would be no books to listen to. He asked his family to heal him anyway. For this reason, he even shot the same treasure in his home. After the old man recovered, he confided the mantra to Yan Wenqin. He was the descendant of the Spring and Autumn Ghost Valley, the way of the vertical and horizontal, the middle school asked, the most concerned about the game between people, but the power of learning is also poor. His understanding did not reach the deepest point. The Wu Dynasty had deep defects. He wanted to serve the country, but he was unable to return to the sky. After being sent to the Golden State, he wanted to go to the underground with his chest, but he did not expect to encounter it. Yin thick little master...

In Dai Mokou, the Ghost Valley Horizons studies the knowledge of this world. The thinking is flexible and adaptable. It is not a dead book to learn. After the end, Yan Yanqin thinks that he is born to be the descendant of this Tao.

The Golden State has been settled for ten years. For the literary affairs of the Wu Dynasty, it has always been longing for it. Wan Yanwenqin has been wronged for nearly two decades and finally waited for such an adventure. In the various stories he has heard, the protagonist is thick. The people of Germany have never encountered such an adventure, let alone look at the bullying of other Jurchens to Hannu, and their attitude towards Daimo, and thinking about it over and over again. In the following year, he listened to Dai Mo’s talk about all kinds of sinister things in the world, people’s heart, and the way to break the game. Since then, he opened a new world in his chest. Dai Mo occasionally talked to him about various inspirations. The story motivates him to move forward.

At the end of last year, the corporal of Yan Yanwen Qin Lixian took the initiative to propose Bai Daimo as a teacher. Since then, he has been treated with his father. Dai Mo is grateful to zero. He had only one woman. He was already dead in a military disaster, but he couldn’t think of coming to the old. With such a son and a descendant, he could endure the old age.

In Dai Mo’s explanation, Wan Yanwenqin gradually realized the various problems in Jurchen and his own problems. I want to point to my grandfather’s status as a lifelong life. It’s something that people who have no interest to do, and it’s never realistic. Men’s fame is only taken from the project, and they can’t get on the battlefield and want to gain a foothold in the cloud. Then there is your own family and strength.

At this time, after the founding of the government in the middle of the cloud, there was no way to reach out to others because of the cold door of Yan Yanqin. However, since the arrival of Qi Jia, he saw hope. For more than half a year, Dai Mo gave it every day. Wan Yanwenqin analyzed the situation, studied feasible plans, and privately investigated the intelligence of various gangs around the cloud.

The news that the captives of the Black Flag Army were to be sent was confirmed, and the entire plan for dealing with Qi’s family finally had a focus. Xiao Shuqing and others outside the Yunzhong government thought that they were the dominant players, and they pulled themselves into the game, but they did not know that the back of the trade was on their own side.

Half a month before the entire plan has been set, the old man who spent half a year’s efforts and dedication has finally reached the end of his life. At the time of his death, Dai Mo and Yan Wenqin said that he could not see each other in the country. The rise of the look, I only hope that he will be able to walk out of a glorious avenue in the future, to carry forward this ghost valley, the vertical and horizontal way.

Seeing that the old man is dead, there is no more concern and hesitation in the heart of Yan Wenqin. There is no fear of the way to put himself in the game to dispel the doubts of everyone. The man’s fame is taken from the project, and he has to use the heavens and the earth as a chess. If he does not dare to catch up with his life, what will happen in the future!

In this way, on this day, everything is finally going to be a success. Wan Yanwenqin left the Qingying Square in a sedan chair, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

At the same time, Tang Minjie had already drove the city out of the city with his food. The management of these days and the guards of the city gates were daily and the search was not strict. After leaving the city, the carriage turned to a barren hill outside the city. When stopped, a woman with a thin face was crawling out of the car.

Tang Minjie led him to the mountain, through the woods, and saw a tomb on the edge of the forest. One of the tombstones was written on the tomb of Dai Yuyuan. The woman was in tears and squatted in front of the grave.

Tang Minjie looked around.

"When Dai Gong was born, he was very concerned about you. I wanted to bring him to see you, but he said that he was fed a tiger and wolf, afraid of his own weakness, and he had the opportunity to meet after the incident. But I didn't expect that a month ago, he suddenly fell ill, may have a harbinger in his heart, he repeatedly told me about you, said that he regretted not seeing you again, can't hold you... Dai Gong said before, as a man Let his wife and children suffer this hardship. As an official, the country suffers for thousands of people. The martial arts are thousands of men. The sin is hard to redeem. For the rest of his life, he only lives for redemption. This is... more than you can’t help. Of course, he also knows that you have been relatively stable in the past few years to be able to settle down. If she knows that you are still suffering, he will certainly take you first."

The woman on the ground scratched her head, and then she kept shaking her head and wept. Tang Minjie was silent for a moment.

"Dai Gong did something wrong. When the Jurchen was added to you, we will slowly come back... but you can’t stay here again. I have arranged the car and the horse. You first Step south, and later, all levels must be martial..."

Someone came over the mountain road and gestured. Tang Minjie patted the woman's shoulder:

"Daily girl, it’s time to leave..."

After a while, the woman climbed up from the ground, wiped her tears, then turned and reached out to Tang Minjie’s chest, making a hoarse and weak voice: “Promise me, don’t let them go... Don’t let me white dead……"

Tang Minjie looked at her and turned her head.

At this moment, his eyes were soft, revealing a clear smile without any impurities.

"Take care all the way."

The Golden Heaven Club’s fifth day of July, the fifth day of July, is an unusual and unusual day. If there is a seemingly devastating atmosphere in the cloud, many people are not aware of it, but some people feel this kind of clue in advance.

In the Yu Wangfu of Wan Yan Xi Yin, the second son, Yan Yan, was dressed in makeup. Chen Wenjun came in from the outside and saw him for a while: "What's wrong? Dressing up so beautiful, is it going to be a girl?"

"Mother." Finished Yan Yiyi bowed to her, but hesitated slightly. "Don't dare to bully the mother, the son wants to go to Qifu for a feast."

Chen Wenjun frowned. Although she is a Han Chinese identity, she has never been fond of the rebellious martial arts. The Confucian scholars have visited her younger woman several times, and Chen Wenjun has not promised. Of course, in many scenes. Naturally, she wouldn’t say too much that she doesn’t like Qi’s words.

"Qi family has a feast today? What can't help you?"

Finished Yan Yiyi smiled: "Qi family today has a **** book, please invite people to appreciate the "Golden Bridge Map", it is reported to be genuine, the son just wants to look at the past."

"Painting the holy work, it's no wonder that you are itching." Chen Wenjun smiled. "Golden Bridge" is the work of the Tang Dynasty paintings of Wu Daozi. Among the two sons of Xi Yin, Wan Yande's calligraphy is extraordinary. It’s no wonder that there is a love for paintings. She frowned and thought about it, then she sank her eyes.

"Don't go to the house today, some strange, you can bear it."


"Okay." Chen Wenjun laughed. "In this way, I promise you, you will not go to the house for a few days. I will go to the family for you to ask for the "Golden Bridge" for you to take home, privately. Enjoy a few days in the product, okay?"

"Well... why? Is there a problem with the family?"

"Who knows? Qi family and black flag have old ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time things have been done, caught the black flag of the captives into the cloud, said to be late, to kill, see, some people want to go crazy, Qi Jia sooner or later suffers losses... You have taught before, the gentleman is standing in morality and virtue, and he can carry things. He said that he is a Wu Dynasty person. He has spent a hundred years in the Wu Dynasty family and is not guilty. I don’t miss the old country at all, and the hearts of the people are not allowed..."

Chen Wenjun smashed up, and later, his face gradually sank, and his face was solemn and solemn, and he was taught.

When the sun went to the heights, it gradually fell. When it was late in the evening, Wan Yanwen left home, and several former sons and sisters who had previously greeted him went in the direction of Qifu. On the streets outside Qifu, the pedestrians stepped on the streets. Already arrived, in the inconspicuous back door position, Tang Minjie drove the carriage and dragged the last half-car and fruit and vegetables into Qifu. A place outside the city called Xinzhuang, the captives of the Black Flag Army have been taken to the place, and many forces outside the city have put their eyes on it.

On the fifth day of July, this is the eighth day after the beginning of the Jiangnan War. The siege war in Yangzhou has entered a state of white heat. The confrontation of Xiangyang has already had the first wave of victory and defeat. Nearly two million troops have already or will soon Entering the war, the whole world has been dragged into a huge vortex. At night, the world’s horrific case in the cloud shocked the world.

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