Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 836: Grab the ground (7)

In the middle of July, Wu Jianyu was in the south of Jindi, and the mountains were stretched.

In the northwest of Jinning, Yanhuguan, the newly-built Guanyu, the small half has already fallen into the sea of ​​fire. In the south wall that has been broken, the densely packed soldiers are rushing into the city with a team and a flag in the forest. Underneath, the flame shook the soldier's white face.

In the already smashed city, the killing is still fiercely continuing. Yu Yulin led the team to help the work in the city to succumb, and the slinger and the squadron repeatedly fired in the direction of the breach. Yu Yulin, who was bandaged on his body, stood at the highest point of the city, commanding the battle, and the flame sizzled into the sky with an anxious breath.

After the city wall was broken, the battle had lasted for one day and one night, and the recalcitrant in the city did not stop, so that the soldiers who attacked outside the level did not have the original spirit. But in any case, the superiority and the large-scale attacking army continue to push the team to the Guancai, and the mountains in the east of Yanhuguan are densely waiting for the soldiers to march forward.

Since the first month of the 21st, the Tianshi was assassinated. At the end of February and early March, the Jinjin faction led by Liao Yiren substantially completed the division of the Jindi. In May, Weisheng broke the city. Under the order of Lou Shuzheng, the whole seat was The city pool pays a torch. At this time, the West Road Army, led by Yan Zonghan and Xi Yin, chose to go south directly, and appointed the forces headed by Liao to preside over the annihilation of the anti-gold power of Jindi.

Lou Shuzhen and others abandoned Weisheng and then retreated to the west and south of the mountains, relying on the increasingly rugged terrain and the defense. The surrendering forces that had just invested in the Golden State were desperately mobilizing heavy troops and pushed in this direction. On the eighth day of July, Yanhuguan was torn apart by a pair of soldiers after being trapped for more than a month.

In the west of Yanhuguan, the people who are unwilling to drop gold are still in the mountains under the jurisdiction of Lou Shuzhen and others. In the southeast direction of Yanhuguan, Wang Juyun, who led the Ming Wangjun to try to come to the rescue, was led by more than 50,000 soldiers. The surrendering general, Chen Longzhou, was blocked and caught in a fierce fight.

The sun is like blood, the rugged mountains, You Hongzhuo slashing and killing, he looks at him, his body is blood, and the horrible wound is extending from his shoulder. In this mountain, the twelve Green Foresters who received the task escorted the scouts to Yanhuguan, and reported to Yu Yulin that the sufficiency rate of the small units was bypassed. However, on the way, the army was reduced. Scouts found that after some killings, there are only five people including You Hongzhuo.

There was a long shot on the opposite side. You Hongzhuo screamed and slammed into the scope of the gun. The long knife had already pulled out, the other side was dodging, the gun body pushed open the desperate tour Hongzhuo, and then took the gun. Spurs. The injured and exhausted You Hongzhuo swayed a bit, and saw the tip of the gun stabbed in front of his eyes, but he could not escape. At this moment, some people came from the side, the long gun was broken in the air, a huge figure was caught. The tip of the gun that was shattered in the air was inserted into the neck of the gunman in the forward direction.

"...This is the Wang family gun of Yannan, but it is more flexible than the inner one, but it is suitable for battle and killing. But if you have deep internal strength, you will not be afraid of it if you have a high degree of arrogance... The cannon hammer is now playing the best. In the hands of the two, Chen Fan, in the hands of the two, simply humiliated the martial arts, stupid style... This made the original learning of the knife a tiger-shaped, empty shelf, no momentum, you see the tiger in my hand... ..."

You Hongzhuo is in shape, and the figure has already entered the crowd. The pace does not seem to be fast. However, as the sound spreads, the figure is punching and punching, the sleeves are flying and whistling, the hurricane is thundering, and the scouts are killed in front. The figure is like a scene flying on the battlefield. In an instant, he flies left and right. Later, he plays a tiger-shaped boxing. In the air, he can hear the roaring roar like a tiger. The figure in front of him is like a blast. Opened in general.

Such a profound inner strength, the martial arts accomplishment that has been degraded, the tour Hongzhuo only faintly seen in the Zhao couple of the year, and now the eight-armed dragon king around the female side. He was hurt too much at this time and his eyes were already shaking. Before the arrival of this master, the two sides had already had a fierce fight. There are still eleven people on the opposite side. After a while, only the last gunman was killed. I saw that the huge body was coming to the rear. Swing, called a child who had previously been hiding under the tree.

"...I said before the teacher, the green forest makes the gun, pay attention to one inch long and one inch strong, how to deal with him? Peace, the knife is taken out, today he is yours..."

The child in the rear is short and looks like he is only five or six years old. At this time, You Hongzhuo naturally cannot remember the child he had saved in Zezhou. This is the figure of a peaceful child. Trembling, in the voice of Master, took out the dagger, but did not dare to go forward.

The man in front just laughed: "Peace, what did the teacher say? People are in the rivers and lakes, chivalry is first, as today is turbulent, these traitors are relying on the Jin people, bullying me Hanshan, eating and drinking, and thinking about these days." Take the scenes you have seen, think about the **** golden soldiers who have seen these days, think about the children who are the same size as you! Don't be afraid! They **** it! Kill them! They are a little longer than you. Years old, taller, but the neck is soft! Today is the teacher for you, you go to see their blood -"

The man said, reaching for the child's robes and throwing the child out, the child's figure screamed in the air, and the last scout with a gun couldn't help but spurt the martial arts. The high-powered huge figure robe sleeves whistling and waving, the child's figure fell on the gun body, only to listen to a few moments, the figure crashed into the ground, the man with the gun fell to the ground, climbed up, reached for his neck, The blood came out and fell on the face of the child who was getting up from the ground. The gunman’s throat had been cut off by the dagger.

"Ha ha ha ha, good -" You Hongzhuo heard the thick laughter in his ear, the sun is filled with blood, "Peace! Good! From today, you are a man, no less than anyone -"

The atmosphere of troubled times has changed, even if it is such a scene, I am afraid it will be strange. The pervasive smoke rises to the world, and people are struggling and struggling under the sky.

Liangshan water mooring, the boat walked through the reeds, the people on the boat held their breath, saw the body floating on the water in front, along the body, the sound of the killing gradually became clear, then they smashed the reeds, toward The battlefields in the open waters of the front are gathered together.

The guns thundered and the arrows flew. The soldiers smashed on the boat, on the water, and on the water. On a large official ship, the gunpowder was ignited, and a huge explosion accompanied the flames out of the cabin. The boat carried the diffuse smoke. The bottom of the water sinks.

Southwest, Chengdu Plain. The lyrics in the summer have slowed down. After completing the flood-resistance mission and defending the expansion of the first year of the Huaxia Army, the Chinese Fifth Army returned to the rhythm of training preparations, and the small-scale conscription was also carried out in an orderly manner. In theory, once the autumn harvest of this year is completed, the Huaxia Army in the southwest can enter a new round of expansion.

Zhang Cun, the core of the Huaxia Army, and the General Staff Department, have already entered the state of tension as early as June. On the one hand, it receives outside information, studies various weaknesses of the Jurchen army, and on the other hand, based on previous news, predicts and predicts the development of war. In fact, considering the war that will inevitably occur in the future, various kinds of targeted Sexual war preparation, at this time must also submit the project, communicate logistics, and start doing it.

The message of the east and west roads is transmitted daily, and is summarized in Zhangcun. There will always be half an hour every day, so that everyone can gather for group analysis and discussion, and then various tasks will be assigned to each one. On the head of the person, for example, according to the determined battle situation, the war mentality and habits of the generals such as Zong Han, Xi Yin, Zong Fu, and Zong Yi, such as Zong Han, Xi Yin, Zong Fu, and Zong Yi, are analyzed, and a rough-step logical framework is established based on the psychological analysis of each of them. , analyze the decisions they might make next.

Although it seems to be on paper, the prediction of the behavior of some simple thinking generals has already been quite accurate.

In recent days, in this general staff, the most ridiculous thing is the tactical trend of Yue Fei in the direction of the West Road Army. He has been operating in Fuyang for a long time. With the arrival of Jurchen, it was his first attack, besieging Dengzhou and then helping.

The Jurchen general Ali scraped the original squatting guards. Based on the search in the Central Plains, the tens of thousands of cavalry were gathered. For the heavy-duty ride of the Iron Float, it was once a keen development direction for the Jinren, but later the sapling gun and gunpowder. After using it more and more, after the iron cannon was born, the Xiyin side realized the limitations of the heavy ride and gradually stopped. However, the large-scale armored heavy armor is still a force that cannot be ignored on the battlefield. Ali scrapes the part of the original iron raft in the former Golden State, and later added a large amount of supplements in the Central Plains, expanding the Iron Float to nearly 10,000. The number, this time see Yue Fei attack Dengzhou, he rushed to kill.

Yue Fei’s reciting army completed the selection and deployment of the battlefield in a very short time in the 20 miles north of Dengzhou. After the two sides met, the two sides launched a fierce battle. Yue Fei skillfully built several iron cannons. In the line of defense, Ali Scratch tried to push the opponent's artillery array on the front of the heavy cavalry. After successively overthrowing the two positions of the Raging Army, he entered a large-scale iron cannon and suffered a fierce attack.

This fierce battle between the two sides suffered a lot of losses. The back-to-back army suffered thousands of deaths and injuries, and was destroyed by more than 100 iron cannons. Ali shaved the first time and tasted the sweetness in the sudden rush, and then the mud feet were deep and unable to extricate themselves. The cavalry lost nearly a thousand on the spot, and more than 3,000 rides lost their fighting power due to serious injuries to the horses. The infantry suffered more than two thousand damages. Waiting for Ali to scrape the troops, the rebel army withdrew, and defeated the New Army in the city of Dengzhou, the dagger of nearly three thousand, completed a head-on attack before the arrival of Xi Yin.

When Xi Yin arrived in Nanyang, the reciting army calmly returned to Fuyang, and Xi Yin, who came up with fire, directly solved the position of Ali, and became a pioneer. After that, the army repaired and no longer attacked, and it was recognized as the sergeant of Yue Fei. The strength of the battle.

As for Yangzhou, it has been a few days since the city began to indiscriminately bombard the city. Since the rear of the Zongfu army, it has been confronted with the 100,000-strong army of Fu Dingkang, who has come to the rescue. The striker has begun to kill, and Gaoyou is violent in the direction. The war has not stopped. At present, most of the participating troops are in place, but it will take several days to develop.

On July 11th, the staff of the staff gathered for a meeting. The small staff named Peng Yueyun submitted a tactical inference that Han Shizhong might have begun to play tricks. Everyone talked about this tactic. Ning Yi also came over. After a moment of discussion, new information was sent. Ning Yi saw the first copy and smiled and gave it to others.

"Perhaps in the middle of it, it seems that Han Shizhong is really likely to abandon the state in the future to lead the emperor. The deposit is lost, the land is lost, the land is lost, and the land is lost. This is the refugee from Jiangnan. According to the report of the evacuation, it seems that the little prince is ready to give up the thoughts of every place north of the Yangtze River. The south of the Yangtze River is the chosen battleground... Of course, to make this bureau a good job, certainly Take time to see when Han Shizhong gives up Yangzhou... um..."

Ning Yi said as he watched the second piece of information. At this time, he frowned slightly, his face was a complex smile. Everyone looked over here, and Ning Yi was silent for a moment, and gave the information to everyone. His face was a bit tangled.

"This guy, how do you do it..."

Everyone saw the information, first frowning, then stunned, then excited, then they looked complicated and looked at each other.

"It's a soup..."

"This... this guy is too embarrassed..."

"Is it a treat tonight?"

"The Jurchen is going crazy, is this good or not..."

"Hey, everyone said, this news... is it that we get it first or the Jurchen thing, the two army first know..."

"...Do they know that we did it?"

"Ha ha ha... I don't know why, I suddenly don't want to hang on to the relationship with that guy, or else we will make a statement first, saying that this matter has nothing to do with us?"

"Or else, the statement of the relationship, we sent before the Jurchen went crazy?" In the voice of the people, Ning Yi glanced at everyone: "This way, it looks more realistic, hahahaha..."

He said, he couldn't help but laugh.

Please report the news of the massacre in the cloud.

On the fifth day of July, a group of anti-Golden monks entered the cloud, and they wanted to plunder the Daru Qiqi government. After they arrested the Qi family, they immediately evacuated. However, there was an error in the act. First, the Qifu family resisted and slightly disrupted the public. The pace of the sultry, and then the grandson of the time, the grandson of the time, was entangled in the incident, was cut by the throat and died, and the whole incident was involved in the direction of complete control.

Shili Ai is one of the most famous people among the Han Chinese in the north. When Kim was destroyed, he was an official in the Liao Dynasty. At that time, there were several calls to the Wu Dynasty. When he was in love, he felt that the Wu Dynasty was decaying, unable to get rid of it, and serious. Warning that the entire family does not get the official.

Until the time when the Golden State was unified, Shili loved to rely on the Golden State and was greatly re-used. Today, he is the head of Han Han, who is the lord of Zong Han and even the entire Jurchen court, Feng Guogong, and the Privy Council. After Zong Hannan’s resignation, the size of Yunzhong’s affairs was hosted by him.

If it is based on real power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a few Jurchens and even the princes add up, I am afraid that they are more than today's time. This evening, other Jurchen honours were involved in the family, I am afraid that it will not be big, but the first to die, but the time to love the grandson.

Shortly after the disappearance of the evening in the evening, the family had already noticed that it was wrong. After that, the Yunzhong government was martial-stricken, and a kind of monk who entered the Qi family could not walk away. Facing the body of the time-loving grandson, it began. After a series of crazy moves.

This night, hundreds of people who entered the city rushed to kill in the middle of the cloud. They frantically survived and set fire everywhere. It was the dryness of the dry days. I don’t know why, some places hoarded with fire oil. This night, the wind blew, the fire in the cloud Tens of thousands of people have been killed in this chaos and fire. In the process of surviving a group of people, more than a dozen female sons of the Jurchen who were being adults were killed and died.

In this huge chaos, the black flag army's spies also entered the big building that was almost affected by the fire, and carried out some damage.

Time goes back to the night of the fifth day of July.

In Qifu, when Wan Yanwenqin saw the body of the Yuanji, the whole person was forced...

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