Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 837: Grab the ground (8)

The color of the blush is reflected in the night sky, and then the voice of the human voice shouts and cries. The leaves of the trees dance along the heat waves, and the wind is whistling.

The wind of this night was unexpectedly large, and the burning flames swallowed up a few long streets in the cloud and spread in a wider direction. With the intensification of the fire, the ravages of the people in the cloud have reached the highest point.

At the first time of understanding the identity of the Yuanji, Xiao Shuqing, Long Jiuyuan and other desperate people understood that they could not surrender this road again. The perennial knife and blood stale more clearly told them that they were arrested. The end, that must be life is not as good as death. The next road is only one.

After the city was lit up at night, some of the dignitaries in the Yunzhong government were surprised, and a few of them heard the news and revealed their awkward look. It’s not surprising that a group of people are aligning with the government, either early or late. A small number of people with a keen sense of smell are still wondering if they want to enter the show tonight. The message that came after this made people scared and scared.

On the Yin Yin House, Wan Yan had the first time to hear the chaos, but she was amazed at the mother’s keenness in this matter, and then the fire was burned out, and finally she was out of control. Then, the atmosphere in the house was also tense, the family guards were gathering, the mother came over and knocked on his door. When Yan Yan had a look at the door, the mother wore a long cloak, which was already ready to go out, and there was a long brother next to him.

"Qi family accident, when the time is far away, Xiao Shuqing and other gangs raging in the city, the wind is big tonight, the fire is difficult to suppress. The number of water dragons in the city is not enough, we have 20 out of the house, Dezhong and you have a leading First, when I went to ask for a family, I said that my family’s Zhongwei and Shuilong teams listened to him.”

Chen Wenjun is nearly fifty years old. On weekdays, he has a white hair. However, at this time, the order came down, and it was neat and tidy.

"Shishibo will not use our housekeepers, but will accept the water dragon team. You will send people in the past and then come back. Your father is out of the door, you are the pillar of the house, but it is not appropriate to intervene too much at this time. The two of you will behave neatly and beautifully, and others will remember."

She said, finishing the face and cuffs of Yan Yanyi, and finally said seriously, "Remember, the situation is chaotic, and the people know that they are unfortunate, they will fight the beasts of the beasts. Wei, pay attention to safety, if there is nothing else, go back early."

Wan Yande and the Yan Yan Youyi brothers took the order to go, outside the city, the moat army has been mobilized on a large scale, blocking the various exports of the city. A lord-born moat commander was captured in the first time.

Shi Li loves to shoot.

In the night, the flames and chaos continued in the city for a long time, and there were many small undercurrents that quietly occurred in places that people could not see. In the large building, the destruction of the black flag burned down the drawings of half of the warehouse, and several people were confused. The Wushu artisans were killed after the destruction, and Xinzhuang outside the city, when the time was loved by the grandson and was killed, the moat army commander was seized and the center of gravity was transferred during the chaos, the already arranged black flag power saved Ten black-flagged soldiers who were taken to Xinzhuang. Of course, such news, in the middle of the fifth day, there are still not many people in the cloud.

Tang Minjie crossed the street and felt that the scope of the chaos in the city had been getting smaller and smaller. When he entered the temporary small courtyard, he felt that it was not right.

The blade was handed over from the side, someone closed the door, and in the dark room in front, someone was waiting for him.

The blade held his neck and Tang Minjie raised his hands and was pushed into the door. The chaos outside is still ringing, and the fire shines on the sky and then shines on the window, drawing out the faint outline of the room, and the opposite seat.

"In the Huaxia Army, is this kind of person?"

"Shishsh, what... you, the kings..."

"Don't pretend to be crazy, I know who you are, Ning Yi's disciple is such a thing, it really disappoints me!"

"Oh... I played well, Mrs. Wan Yan, I met for the first time, I don't need it... Is that right?"

Tang Minjie gestured to the knife on his neck, but the knife did not leave. Chen Wenjun slowly stood up from there.

"Listen to the sound outside, is it proud? What is your flower name? Clown?" The woman shook her head in the dark, suppressing the voice. "Do you know what you have done!?"

"Hey... let the bad guys be unhappy?" Tang Minjie thought for a moment. "Of course, I am not saying that you are a bad person, you are of course very happy, and I am very happy, so I am a good person, you are a good person. So you are also very happy... although it sounds like you are a little bit, hehe... Is there anything unhappy?"

"Successful? Hey, indeed, you will feel proud of this kind of person." Chen Wenjun's voice is low, "to deal with the Qi family, assassinated the grandson of the time to love, and even killed more than a dozen children, in the large building I have blown up a pile of waste paper, and I have been tired of those poor people who have been tempted by you. Maybe you have saved more than a dozen black flag heroes outside the city. Do you know what will happen next?"

"The Jurchen Hall will be so angry that those who fight on the front line will fight for killing! Every time you attack a city, they will start to kill the people! No one will stop them! But this side? Killing more than a dozen children who can't be a device, in addition to venting anger, what do you think is affecting Jurchen? You crazy! Lu Mingfang has worked so hard in the cloud for so many years, you used to blow up Group waste paper! Saved more than a dozen people! From tomorrow, the entire Jin State will conduct a large inventory of Hannu, tens of thousands of people will die, and the poor craftsmen in the large building will also die a lot, as long as there are suspects Can't live! Lu Mingfang's layout in the entire cloud is over! Do you know!"

"Oh..." Tang Minjie thought for a moment, "Know."


"But it’s not that you are dead or alive? Mrs. Wan Yan... Mrs. Chen... Ah, this, we usually call your lady, so I don’t know how to call you Mrs. Wan Yan, or Mrs. Chen, but... The slaughter of the real people in the south is a good thing. Their slaughter can make the people of the Wu Dynasty know that surrender is a kind of delusion, killing a few more cities, and the rest will take the bones and fight with the Jurchen. The death will tell other people that when the traitor did not end well, and ... the family was not killed by me, he was killed by the Jurchen. As for the grand building, Mrs. Wan Yan, doing our business, there is success. The actions also have failed actions. If they succeed, the dead will fail and they will die. They are dead, I don’t want to, I... In fact, I am very sad, I..."

Tang Minjie in the dark said, crying in the throat. Chen Wenjun’s chest was ups and downs, and there was a moment there: “I think I should kill you.”

The knife on the neck tightened tightly, and Tang Minjie swallowed back: "Wait a minute, good, good, okay, I forgot, the bad guys will cry today... Wait a minute, Mrs. Wanyan, and Next to this, as my teacher often said, we are a little mature, don’t be scared to scare. Although it is the first time I met, I think the effect of this play is not bad today. You said this, I feel very wronged. My teacher used to praise me..."

"That is because your teacher is also a madman! I saw you, I know what kind of madman he is!" Chen Wenjun pointed at the vague noise and light outside the window. "Look at the fire, even if those honours are dead, Even if you do well in order to vent your anger, how many people are going to die in this fire today, do you know that there are Jurchens among them, there are also Khitans and Han Chinese, and there are old people and children! This is the way you do things! Do you have humanity! ”

"The wind is too big." Tang Minjie squinted. "The wind and the wind are too big..."

Chen Wenjun looked at him in the dark, and his anger was almost suffocating. Tang Minjie was silent for a moment, sat down on the stool at the back, and soon the voice came out.

"Although... although Mrs. Wan Yan is very biased against me, I want to remind you of one thing. The situation this evening is a bit nervous. There is a general catcher who has been tracking down my whereabouts. I guess he will trace it. If he sees you with me... Will the things I do tonight be really effective? Will you suddenly appreciate me, you see, such a big thing, finally found... Hey Hey……"

He laughed in the darkness, Chen Wenjun and others in the room suddenly tightened his gaze, and there was some action on the roof outside the room. Before the knife light came over, Tang Minjie waved his hands: "Just joking, they are all joking. My teacher told me that jokes will be very effective when you are in danger. It seems that you have a sense of humor, can tell jokes, and are not so afraid of death... Mrs. Wan Yan, how many years have you been with Xi Yin?"

Chen Wenjun did not answer, Tang Minjie’s words have continued: “I respect you very much, I admire you, my teacher said – well, you misunderstood my teacher, he is a good person – he said that if possible, we Going to the enemy's place to do things, I hope that it is not a last resort, try to follow morality. But I... Hey, I can understand this sentence before I come, I can't understand it after I came..."

"I saw so many evil things, the tragedy of the world, and the hardships of the world. I saw that the Han people here have suffered so much. Are they living every day, is it a human life? No, dogs are just such a day... Mrs. Wan Yan, have you seen people who have been cut off? Have you seen the Hannus who have been wearing cheekbones? Have you seen the mad women in the brothel? You have seen... Hey, you have seen it, Hey, Mrs. Wan Yan... I admire you, you know what kind of things you will encounter when you are dismantled, but you still do what you should do, I am not as good as you, I... oh... I feel myself Live in hell..."

"I have come from Wuchao and have seen people suffer. I have been to the northwest and have seen people die. But only when I get here, I open my eyes every day. I want to put a fire to burn everyone around me. This is this. Street, the past two yards, the Jurchen raised a Hannu, the Hanu was beaten by a leg, was smashed right hand, a chain slammed him, even his tongue was cut off, The tooth was knocked out... He used to be a soldier. Hey, now the clothes are not worn, the skin of the skin is a dog. Do you know how he cries? I will learn from you, I learned the most, he ...... um um oh oh ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

The cry of Tang Minjie’s learning sounded in the darkness, and then turned into an unstoppable low laugh: “Hey, hahahaha... Sorry, sorry, scared you, I burned a lot of people, ah. It’s too cruel, but...”

His head swayed for a long while: "Oh, that's all... that's the wind's fault. That's...hey..."

The room was silent again, feeling the anger of the other party. Tang Minjie sat down with his legs and no longer argued. It looked like a baby. Chen Wenjun took a few deep breaths and still realized that the madman could not communicate at all and turned and walked outside the door.

"I will talk to Lu Mingfang about this matter. Before that, you will be in this chaos again. I will kill you."

Throwing this sentence, she and the followers walked out of the room, but just after leaving the door, the sound suddenly came from behind, no longer the slick tone of the slap, but a steady and firm voice.

"Mrs. Wan Yan, war is a matter of life and death, a family of dead people, have you ever thought, if one day, the Han people defeated the Jurchen, Yan Ran has been, where should you go back?"

Chen Wenjun’s pace has been paused, and he has not spoken yet. The voice that has suddenly become cheerful has come from behind.

"Hey, Huaxia Army welcomes you!"

Chen Wenjun's teeth were tight, and the dagger on the side of the body was pulled out. One turned and flew out. The dagger flew into the darkness of the room, and there was no sound. She took a deep breath and finally suppressed her anger and strode away.

In the darkness of the room, Tang Minjie grabbed his face and did not move. When Chen Wenjun and others completely left, they put down their palms, and the scratches on their faces were covered with blood. He grinned: "Married to the Jurchen, not at all gentle..."

The night is burning, and the complex is gradually calming down. On the third day of the second day, the city is still in martial law. The investigation of the whole situation is constantly going on, and more things are brewing silently. On the fourth day, a large number of Hannu and even the Khitan people were taken out, or they went to prison, or began to kill their heads, killing blood inside and outside the cloud. The preliminary conclusions have come out: the Black Flag Army and the Wu Dynasty The conspiracy caused this horrific case.

But internally, there are naturally different views.

The development clues about the whole situation of the massacre in the cloud were quickly cleared up by the cool-minded people who participated in the investigation. The previous tandem and the whole thing was initiated by Yun Yan, who was unwilling to be in the Yunzhong government, although he was like Xiao Shuqing. Most of the leading figures in the chaos, such as Long Jiuyuan, were reluctant to die in the chaos, but the arrested crickets were still there. Another **** who participated in the squadron was in charge of the end of the time. Depressed, it also revealed the fact that Yan Wenqin colluded and incited everyone to participate.

The truth of such an event is no longer open to the public. No matter whether the whole thing is short-sighted or stupid, it must be that the Wu Dynasty and the black flag carry this black pot. On the sixth day of July, the members of the entire government office of Wanyan Wenqin were imprisoned and entered the trial process. On the afternoon of the seventh day of the seventh day, a new clue was cleared. There was a situation about the Hannu Daimo around Wan Yanqin and became the whole event. The new source of seizures - this matter, after all, is not difficult to check.

The officials who handled the case cast their eyes on the already-dead Dai Mo. They investigated some of the books left by Dai Mo, compared some of the manuscripts in the dead Yan Wenqin’s study, and determined the so-called ghost valley and vertical and horizontal studies. The scam. On the early ninth of July, the head-hunters conducted a second search on the room where Dai Mo lived. On the night of the first day of July, Du Daru was sitting in the town of Yan Wenqin, and found something.

Dai Mo had a daughter who was arrested in the territory of Jin Guo. According to the confession of some of the family members in Yan Wenqin, the daughter disappeared and could not be found later. However, Dai Mo recorded her daughter's whereabouts ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in a hidden manuscript.

At the moment of seeing the manuscript, Manduda closed his eyes and his heart shrank.

After being arrested by Jin Guo, Dai Xiaoyu was assigned to a slave under the name of Yan Zongfu, and a year ago, he arrived at the knitting workshop of Yunzhongfu as a female worker. During this period, the family slave who had finished Yan Zongfu led Dai Xiaoying. Far away, let Dai Mo take a look...


At this moment, the manuscript left by Dai Mo is like a poison, burning his palm. If possible, Mandalu wants to throw it away, tear it, burn it, but in this evening, one The crowd was almost watching him around. He must hand the manuscript to the time to love...

The setting sun is falling.

Tang Minjie walked on the streets of the Yunzhong House. His nose was bloody. He looked at everything around him. He looked humble, cautious and as usual.

War is the game of life and death.

If possible, I just want to hurt myself...

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