Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 838: Grab the ground (9)

The cloud tragedy in the fifth day of July stunned in the mighty battle situation in the world. In the battlefields of Yangzhou and Xiangyang, it became a catalyst for the attack of the Jurchen army. In the following months, more or more Or less caused a few horrific massacres.

But the war is like this. Even if there is no tragedy in the cloud, everything will happen after that, and people can't make it clear. The Qi family, who used to stir up in the Wu Dynasty, died in obscurity in the cloud house this evening—at least after the appearance of the body of the Yuanji, their existence was insignificant.

The Qi family, headed by Qi Qi, was once trapped in a wooden building in the government. After the chaos was expanded, the wooden building was ignited by the fire. No matter the old woman in the building, she was still young and strong, and she was burned by this fire. The great Confucianism of Zhongyuan’s life was with two great-grandchildren hiding in the water tank in the building, but the fire was too strong, and then the wooden building collapsed. They were suffocated in the water tank, similar to death. The slogan of Ding Chai, but I do not know how much suffering I suffered before I died.

The conclusions of the massacre in the cloud have been made clear in the near future. Compared with the Wu dynasty’s involvement in the destruction, people are more inclined to the conspiracy and chaos behind the black flag army. Parallel, defined as the joint efforts of both the Wu Dynasty and the Black Flag Army, the Tang Dynasty Wu Chaozheng, has been squatting in front of the southwestern devil.

There is a dark tide in the interior.

On the evening of the first nine days of July, Yunzhongfu handed over the last manuscript left by Dai Mo to the desk of Li Liai. Shili love burned the manuscript after reading it, and ordered this to be a traitor and no longer pursued it. However, the whole news was gradually spread in the middle and high level of the Jurchen. Whether it was true or not, the grandson who loved to stand up and loved, the spearhead pointed to Yan Zongfu. This is complicated and strange and intriguing.

For a long time, the Jurchen and the Eastern courts have balanced each other and are interdependent. When Agu hits, naturally there is no doubt of authority. When Wu Hao buys a good body, everything is safe. But in general, after the establishment of the imperial dynasty, the direct blood relatives of Agu Dao were a group of powers. The core of this power was in the Eastern Court. At the beginning, the second son of Agu hit, Yan Zongwang, headed down, and the ancestors went down. Sanzi Zongfu and Sizizong弼 (兀术), prestige and strength, but it is almost the same as the cult of the Prince.

In the west, the military gods finished Yan Zonghan (sticky), finished Yan Xiyin, and even the original undefeated God of War, the Yan Yan room and other heavy gatherings will be assembled and cast into the Western court. Jurchen is divided into two things, not because of the great interest struggle, but because the Liao country is too large, and the two cores of mutual trust are easier to make governance. In the previous years, I imagined the collision between the two courts and the income of the court. It was just a whisper of a group of Wushu scholars, "the heart of a gentleman."

The death of Zongwang expands the possibility of friction. The third son of Agu Dao was relatively honest and honest, and there was no domineering domineering. Zongyi’s domineering was more than enough. Even because of his overly arrogant and arrogant personality, he did not succumb to Yan Xiyin’s embarrassment when he was a child. When Zong Fu was asked to take over the class of his brother, the friction between the east and the west began to appear. But at this time, Yan Zonghan, who can be side by side with A Bone in his life, is nothing more than treating the Zongfu Zongzi brothers as ignorant juniors.

Wu Hao bought the fall, the Jurchen launched the fourth Southern Expedition, is a very restrained external catharsis for domestic contradictions - everyone understands the overall situation is the most important, and has already seen the choice of the leader - this time Even if the two sides’ wars are provoking, such as Zong Fu’s Xi Yin and Xi Yin’s Zong Fu, people can easily see that the real people are the people in the South.

In the final analysis, the degree of suspicion in Jurchen has not yet reached the level of the Southern Wu Dynasty court. The group of people who really sat on the top of this temple are still the people who started the country with a cup of wine.

The identity of the time is the most special.

He is a Han family, with a deep foundation. He is in the cloud and stays in the Western Court. The official position in the Jin State is the same as that in the middle of the book. It is slightly equal to the prime minister of the state affairs, and the privilege of the management of the military, but At the same time, he was also the commander of the Han army. If he did not understand this, he would feel that he was the confidant of the Western Dynasties’ boss, but in fact, Shili Ai was the military sergeant who used to be the second son of A-Bing. He was Zongwang please come out of the mountain.

The military division of Zongwang, who lived in the Western Court all the year round, finished Yan Yan Yin as a friend, and Yan Zonghan relied heavily on him. He himself had his own family power. In a sense, he is the most complicated person used to balance the North and the South. On the surface, he is loyal to the Eastern Court. After his death, he is loyal to Zong Fu, but Zong Fu killed him. Grandson?

On the surface, this thing is of course fake. But if it is fake, who benefits? Black Flag and Wuchao did not benefit. And if it is true, this is too intriguing.

I learned that the whole incident clue points to Zong Fu at the moment when the picture is poor. Chen Wenjun in the Valley of Gods was a bit embarrassed for a long time, frowning for a long time, this day is still the late night of July 9th, and the next day, she did not move, the entire cloud is like a quiet quiet without any sound. On the day of July 11th, the sun was shining. Chen Wenjun found Tang Minjie, who was sorting out the vegetables in the backyard of the restaurant. Her appearance seemed to scare Tang Minjie. "Wow" slammed the wounded face and turned his eyes around.

Chen Wenjun went forward and walked to his side: "Why is it Zhu Zong?"

"Shish, what?"

"Don't be confused, I admit that I missed you, but why is it that Zong Fu, you know that Shili Ai is a person of Zong Fu."

Tang Minjie touched his chin and then spread his hand for a long time: "Oh... yes... ah... why?"

"What do you want to suggest? What are the posters that have not been released?" Chen Wenjun frowned. "When is the time to love the rebellious East Court? Zong Fu wants to beat him? Sticky to prepare for the power, deliberately provoke Zong Fu and Time to love? Or to say, you want to point the finger at someone else..."

Chen Wenjun whispered her inference. Tang Minjie stood on the side and looked at her innocently. When the other party’s stern eyes turned, he shouted: "This is not a play! You don't want to be stupid here!" Tang Minjie This is a pouting and nodding.

"Actually... this is the case." Tang Minjie pondered. "Mrs. Wan Yan, you see, Dai Mo is an official of the Wu Dynasty. He has been caught for almost ten years. His wife is dead, her daughter is ruined, he There is a complaint in my heart. Is this okay? I found him with grievances in my heart. I ended up teaching Yan Wenqin to be a bad teacher. Oh, this is no problem. It is my intrigue. Then Dai Mo has a daughter, she Just being caught, I was recorded in the name of Yan Zongfu..."

He crossed his hands: "That... what can I do? I want to record her under the name of Zong Han, but how long have I been here? I didn't think so much, I just wanted to play tricks. I am trying to kill a few brothers of the Golden Kingdom. You smart people think too much. This is not good. You see that you all have white hair. I used to listen to Lu’s boss and said that your beauty is good...”

Chen Wenjun was unmoved: "Even if the girl is actually in the name of Zong Fu, whoever you kill in the first five nights, you will choose it. It is obvious that you deliberately chose the long-term grandson of Lili, this is your deliberate Manipulating. You are not choosing the son of Zong Han’s family. I am not the child of my family. I chose the time... I want to know what you have, how to provoke the support and the time to make love. Already standing in the team? Zong Fu has broken with him? Or who is going to pull next?"

"Really no!" Tang Minjie whispered, then moved a box of melons and put them away. "You guys are hard to deal with, hesitant, I am not a god, it is killing people, you are anger, you I thought that the grandson of the time is always good to follow, and the opportunity that I have been staring for for a long time is of course, he is, oh... come again..."

He spoke slyly, and the steel knife was placed on his neck. Tang Minjie was so angry that he closed his eyes. After a moment, his eyes opened and he changed his face. "Hey, kill the Zonghan family." What are the benefits? What are the benefits of killing two children in your family? Mrs. Wan Yan, the Jurchens chose Nanzheng instead of guilt, which shows that they have done a unified ideological relationship, and those scholars of Wu Dynasty feel that one day It’s very interesting to be provocative in the evening. So, even if I grab the two children in your family and kill them, all the evidence points to the end of Yan Zongfu, you, the **** of Gu Shen, will revenge for Yan Zongfu. ?"

He opened his hand: "How is it possible? It must be done by the people of the Huaxia Army. It must be done by the people of the Wu Dynasty! I will change the other words. Even if it is really a shogun, you know clearly, both sides will play. Is it true? The pro-institute is a good sorcerer, madam, can’t fight, ah, God. The following people will hold you and your husband. This must be done by the bad guys, even if Gushen is going to seek revenge. This incident is not too big, but ah, the grandson of Shili Ai is dead, Zong Fugan’s, hey, it’s weird...”

Tang Minjie said that while looking at the eccentric gaze of the female guardian holding the knife, the woman can follow Chen Wenjun, and it must be a determined person with a small heart. At this time, she could not help but move the blade. Tang Min Jay went to move things again. The sound is depressed.

"What do you think, Mrs. Wan Yan, you just didn't see it? Smart people are the most troublesome, always thinking about it, but my teacher said, everything is..." He looked exaggeratedly attached to Chen Wenjun's ear, "... ... afraid of pondering."

"Is this answer satisfactory? You should go and ponder. In fact, there are not so many things at all. It is a coincidence. The wind of the first five nights is so big, I can't count them, right." Tang Minjie started to do things, then he said One sentence, "You will not come again in the future, dangerous. I said someone is staring at me. Maybe I will find me here. I will see you, Mrs. Wan Yan. When you jump into the soup pot, you can't wash it... Hey, soup pot... ...hey, it’s not clean, it’s screaming, hahahaha...”

He whispered, seemingly aware of something interesting, and laughed uncontrollably.

Chen Wenjun looked at him, frowned a bit, and finally said: "Shili love was originally stepping on the middle of the two factions. He has been ignoring for a long time. He will not let go of any possibility. On the surface, he has pressed the investigation and will inevitably pull out the clouds. All the possible enemies in the capital, you are sad in the next days, be careful."

After this was said, he turned and left, behind him was Tang Minjie’s indifferent scene of moving things.

The time is autumn, the golden leaves are falling, and the servants are clearing the ruins of the Qifu mansion. Mandudaru stood by the burnt courtyard and thought about it.

The deputy came over from the side: "Adult, what happened?"

"The things that night were too messy, some things have not yet been clarified." Mandudaru pointed to the ruins in front. "A part of the family, including the old man, was burned to death here, and ran out too. Less... I found the burnt door, you see, someone hit the door... Who finally locked the door?"

"Hey, adults..." The deputy gave me a little hesitation. "This thing, when the old man has already spoken, is it... and that night, the dragon and the snake are mixed, their own people, the east side, the south side, the southwest... I am not idle. If I find out that there is nothing in the south, I have to pull out the radish with mud, adults..."

"Yeah, don't check it." Mandudaru frowned.

The deputy came up from the side: "And, I will plant the things of the old man to the three halls. The small one always feels that it is awkward, too strange, not like the Wuchao or the black flag... I always feel that There will be something..."

The shredded guess disappeared into the autumn wind. In mid-July, Shi Li loved to come forward and kept the wealth of Qi’s family and returned it to the survivors of the Qi family who survived the cloud tragedy. At this time, Qi Hao was dead, and several middle-aged people in the family were the pillars. Already on the night of the fire, either dead or injured, the descendants of the Qi family battled and tried to send a large number of treasures, field deeds and cultural relics to the home and seek asylum. On the other hand, they also thought that the grandson of the time died in their own home. apologize.

The time has not been received, but on behalf of the Golden State Court, he apologized to the Qi family who was attacked by the tragedy, and released a message: "I see who will dare to move you in Dajin in the future." A wood! Even if the king is in the country, I will never let go of Daikin!"

In the cloud, the tragedy was set. In addition to the condemnation of the Wu Dynasty and the Black Flag Army, no one dared to make unnecessary arguments. During this time, the news has also been transmitted to the front. Xi Yin, who was in Nanyang, read all the information and punched it on the table. He only told the Zonghan army in the rear to speed up.

As long as this battle can be a winner, there will be more fear of jumping over the clowns. Naturally, you can slowly clean up. However, if this war is not smooth, the enemies in the rear are already at the foundation of the Jin Dynasty. The contradiction between the former East and the West in the tacit understanding of the South is likely to erupt.

In August, the time of the Golden State began to become weird, but this strange atmosphere did not enter the eyes of the people of the world, especially the Wu Dynasty people in a short time. In addition to the Chinese military center that has been closely watching the situation in the North, more people have only noticed the people's minds since the time of Jin Guo in a few years.

Although many of the Jurchen powers are already preparing for the future after Wu Yi’s illness, the vast Nanzheng has suppressed many contradictions, and from then on, the situation inside the Golden State is gradually moving. Deterioration, many if nothing seems to have started from this cloud tragedy.

During this time, the time-loving love in the middle of the cloud cleaned up the suspicious people in the local Han slaves and killed the entire city. On the one hand, with the pain of bereavement, no one dared to touch the old man's mildew. He was expanding the power of the family and had to deal with the violations. On the other hand, the old man who has risen in the political reforms of Liao and Jinzheng seems to have vaguely noticed the sinister behind the conspiracy.

Judging from the manuscripts left in the last days of his life, Shi Li’s thundering means for the Han Chinese in the cloud during this time is precisely to find out the suspected southwest "hearts and devils" hidden behind the shadows. power. However, the shadow behind Yunzhongfu was quietly silenced. He did not hand out further backhands related to this. Instead, he divided the period into a question mark, clarified the relationship and allowed him to ferment in people's hearts.

This is something.

In the fall of Wu Jianyu's ten years, our eyes left the cloud and landed in the south. It seems that the news of the massacre in the cloud has stimulated the attack of Jurchen to some extent. In July, Yangzhou and Xiangyang were caught in a fierce battle.

In Yangzhou City, Han Shizhong set aside the defensive, according to the city defense, but the Jurchen's offensive was fierce. At this time, many veterans of the Jin Bing still had the fierceness of the year, and the Khitan, the monks and the Liaodong people who joined the army. They all took a sigh of relief and tried to make a contribution in this war. The entire army was fierce and unusual.

In August, Han Shizhong pretended to abandon Yangzhou's southern escape. Jin Yushu was ecstatic, and he led the army to pursue it. He wanted to take the lead of Han Shizhong to show the world, and then suffered the ambush and counterattack of Han Shizhong troops. In the head of Yangzhou City, Jin Yushu bombarded with a large number of siege equipment, and concealed the upper hand. When he got this battle, he was surrounded by Han Shizhong and killed more than 3,000 Jurchen soldiers. He was thrown into the cannon by himself. .

This battle has become the most eye-catching record of the entire Eastern Front battlefield, but at the same time, in the battlefield near Yangzhou, all the participating troops totaled more than 1.5 million people, of which the Wu Dynasty army accounted for 900,000 people. About half of the 12 different teams were defeated in the first battle. After the defeat, these teams spoke to the Zhenjiang camp. The reasons were different, or they were deducted from the military, or they were weak, or they were not equipped with guns and guns. .

However, compared with the first squadron defense war more than ten years ago, 100,000 Jurchen troops have been defeating millions of martial arts reinforcements outside the city of Suiliang. At present, many troops in the north of the Yangtze River can still play. There are a lot of things going on and going.

The routed army was gathered together and re-introduced into the system. Soldiers who had already experienced the war were slowly selected into elite troops. Junwu, who was in Zhenjiang, was abolishing and promoting the officers every day according to the frontline war report. The warriors are fed into the establishment of generals such as Han Shizhong. Many of the soldiers on the battlefield in Jiangnan have never experienced a big **** battle, and they can only continue to filter and purify under such circumstances.

In September, the Yangzhou defense line finally collapsed, and the battle line gradually pushed to the edge of the Yangtze River. Later, it retreated to the Yangtze River and defended with the Navy and Zhenjiang Camp.

In October, parts of Jiangbei that had not experienced the Jurchen attack were still recalcitrant, but most of the troops headed by Han Shizhong had already withdrawn from the south of the Yangtze River. From Jiangning to Zhenjiang, from Zhenjiang to Jiangyin, the 100,000 Navy vessels are ready to go on the river, watching the movement of the Jurchen army at any time, waiting for the opponent's army.

On this day, in Lin'an City, Zhou Yi called his daughter to the palace again and asked about the situation. Where are the Jurchen troops, when do you fight, Jun Wu should be evacuated in Zhenjiang, there is no grasp and so on.

Zhou Pei once again explained the situation in the northern battlefield. Although the situation in Jiangbei was not ideal, he finally withdrew from the Yangtze River, but this was originally a psychological preparation. After all, the Wu dynasty army was not as long-lasting as the Jurchen army. When it was first slashed, it was later killed by the black flag. Although some veterans retired in these years, there are still a considerable number of elites that can support the troops. After a certain smothering of the Wu dynasty army, they have given them a lot of preferential treatment over the years. The training is also strict. Compared with the situation of Jinghan, it is much better. After quenching the front, it is necessary to use blood to water.

Jiangbei’s three-month war has won or lost, but the soldiers who have actually seen the blood still have a lot of lives. The Jurchens want to cross the river and fight, and they have not occupied the land. If the first wave of attack, the Jurchens attacked fiercely, they would use Jiangbei to train and fight in Jiangnan. As for the Zhenjiang camp, they were guarded by layers, and the waterways and roads were all in all directions. Junwu was there, and nothing happened.

Zhou Hao nodded again and again: "Oh, this thing, you have a lot in mind, of course it is the best. But... but..."

The emperor, who has often been embarrassed recently, walked around the room, and there was something in his throat, but hesitated for a long time: "But..."

"There is something in the heart of the Father, but it is no problem. In this battle with the Jurchen, there is no way to retreat. The daughter and the family of the Father must be standing together."

She aggravated the tone of "returning without retreat" in the words, trying to remind her father of certain things. Zhou Wei smiled and nodded and looked at her: "Well, there is one thing, the father and the emperor listen to others, Daughter, don’t worry, this is a good thing, just, just..."

"..." Zhou Pei turned his head in a polite manner, staring at him, his eyes stunned.

"The father is heard, daughter, you sent people to the southwest..." Zhou Hao said this sentence, his hands dangling, "Daughter, don't be angry, the father has no other meaning, this is good... Hey, What the daughter does, the father does not interfere, never interfere, but the father has recently thought about it, if there are some things... the father wants to cooperate, say a word... the father has a heart, daughter, you... ..."

Zhou Wei smiled and gestured to her, cautious and treacherous. Zhou Pei stood there and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. After ten years of emperor, he had a white hair on his head and he was old. He was his father. As an emperor, he was not qualified. Most of them were At that time, he was more like a kind father. In fact, he was neither like an emperor nor a kind father earlier. In Jiangning City, he was only like a ruined prince who was uncultivated and temperate. When did his change come from?

In the second year of Jianye, the Jurchen came south. He was chased to the sea and drifted for half a year. After he came back, he gradually had a kind father. Or the heart of the guilty martial arts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or finally understand the value of family. Zhou Pei and Jun Wu gradually satisfied with such a father. Even if you sit on the emperor's seat, how can you ask him?

But I don't know why, at the moment I saw it, Zhou Pei's mind suddenly felt disgusted. This is the emotion she has never had before. Even if this father is unbearable in the throne, he is at least a kind father.

But at this moment, the war has already started four months.

Lin'an still looks too peaceful. The Jurchen has not yet crossed the Yangtze River, but only Zhou Pei understands that from the time the Yangtze River is on the way to the south, there have been many people who have been dragging their families to the wandering and migratory. In the north, how many people have lost their families and even lost their lives. What is the atmosphere of anxiety and chilling on the south bank of the Yangtze River.

At this moment, Zhou Pei suddenly saw the two words in the eyes of the smiling father in front of her eyes. For many years, the meaning of these two words has been hanging in the eyes of the father, but she only feels ordinary, only to Right now, she suddenly realized all the meanings of these two words. In the twinkling of an eye, the back of the back was cold, and the whole body's cold hair was upside down.

The two words are


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