Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 842: Boiling the sea (1)

Sudden martial law brought heavy pressure to the lively Lin'an City, and the previous year's efforts to create the scent of the cold also became weak. On December 29, when the carriage passed through the market, Li frequency looked out from the gap of the curtain and saw the hidden belts of the people walking in the market, but with a slightly confused look.

Due to the martial law of the ban, the news of the flyer was controlled at the first time. However, the so-called control only prohibits the spread of the news to the lower class. For the people in the middle and upper classes of the Wu Dynasty, the things that have entered the eyes of the students are too unbearable.

The ban on the ban of the ban, the chill of the Beijing atmosphere, and even the tensions and changes of many middle and upper-level officials and various forces will eventually convey the atmosphere one level after another. People who have not left before, at this time, buy the last new year on the street, but they do not consciously exchange various information. The year is close at hand, and the shadows are finally coming down.

Feeling this strange and dissonant, people always want to do something, but the actions of the lower class are ultimately insignificant. In Lin'an City, in this world, many people and many things have already moved or are taking action.

Li Feng took the scene of the street to his eyes. The deep and melancholy eyes did not have much fluctuation. He followed Qin Shaohe and defended Taiyuan in the early years. Later, he confronted Ning Yi in the northwest, and later experienced the disaster of the Central Plains. He followed. The refugees walked through the desperate road to escape south. He has seen too many things like this.

The carriage passed through the street and finally entered the back door of the Long Princess Palace and stopped in the rear courtyard. Li frequency came down from the car and opened the curtain. There was a box wrapped in black cloth. The priest and the guard who came with him and the two princess guards carried the box down, and then one of the princesses. The famous manager led Li Feng and entered the depths of the Princess House.

Through the gaps in the porches, many people have already gathered in the Princess House.

Li Pin and the person carrying the box walked into the study room inside the princess house. After a while, Zhou Pei first arrived. Then Cheng Zhouhai led six men of different ages and different eyes, who seemed to be able to come in. He Introducing the six people one by one: "All the old friends who have been trusted." Li Fan and the six people also greeted one by one, several of whom he had already known before.

After the man came to the tea, Zhou Peiyu retired the next person except the confidant guard and let everyone sit down in the room. Li frequency sat down for a moment, and looked at the rest of the circle for a few laps before he stood up again: "There are many old people in the room, and the time is tight, so I don't turn around. I used to study and run newspapers in Lin'an, but I didn't make achievements. There is a bit of success in the newspaper. The matter of the newspaper is to spread the news with the people. After a long time, a lot of news will come to the next side. In a few years, Li is free to do nothing. I sorted out many seemingly useless messages and analyzed the clues... Now that the scorpion has come south, the Jurchens have been arranged, or have been launched, or launched soon, these things should be taken out."

He said this, everyone turned their eyes to the box wrapped in black cloth on the ground. Cheng Zhouhai had already opened the black cloth, and Li Feng took a key from his arms and handed it over, then pulled out a blue one. Sealed booklet.

"The wind rises from the end of the Ping, and it takes a shot and moves all over the body... Everything in the world is related. This principle has been understood in the past, but in the past few years, the most used ones have been used, and in the end, the number of Ning Liheng in the southwest is now counted. The news in the box, Li can be seen to be clues, have been recorded, the rest of the rulings to do analysis and reference, I am a member of the Wu dynasty, the big family, and the Jurchen has been contacted, the mind is not The tyrant, who has been lobbied, can find one, that is..."

The lights in the room are a little dark, and Li’s words are calm. It seems that the face is a bit pale, but it’s just saying: “The 50,000 people who attacked the martial arts can’t break through Lin’an, and the people who walked are nothing but the heart attack. These wrists are the best in the past, in recent years, In the north, Xi Yin and others follow the same path, and often make achievements. Because of the method of the devil, the conspiracy and conspiracy are alternated. Once the general trend is formed, it is difficult to resist. This trend, the Jurchen has already had a decade ago. In the past ten years, my heart and soul have struggled for a chance, and Jurchen has come to the forefront. Lobbying and rebellion have always worked twice as well..."

He said this, the person in the room said: "However, with the new box of Dexin, holding Lin'an, it has become more and more grasped. I think that Xi Yin is smart, after all, he was born in barbarism, but the conspiracy is a momentary benefit. I can't reverse the Qiankun, I will wait for the discussion, and as Dexin generally speculates, the 50,000 cavalry of the martial arts will be lightly loaded, and it will be impossible to break through the security. As long as the rear is stabilized, the Prince will be able to find a counterattack."

Li frequency shook his head gently, looked at the other side, and sighed and nodded. "That's the case... I hope so, but it doesn't make sense. I have reviewed the information contained in the past 30 years in the North, the Jurchen family, Since the beginning of the incident, he has been extremely brave and said that he is invincible. There is no dispute about this matter. However, what the world knows little is the use of siege equipment and the method of warfare in the process of destroying the Liao Dynasty. The study was not yet proficient. Under such circumstances, when the Jurchen State was in Beijing, it took only half a day, and there were many lucky and coincidences in the middle, but many of them were thought-provoking."

"... After the Jurchen defeated Liao, they captured a large number of Liao national craftsmen, and this gradually became familiar with many siege devices. Later, when they invaded the south, the techniques of siege were swift and harmonious, especially in the process of the fall of the Central Plains, the value of Jin Guoren to captives. The first heavy artisans. Many things in the middle coincide with Ning Yi’s thoughts... The prosperity of the Golden State is only in the hands of the generations of A Gu Da, Wu Yi, Zong Han, and Xi Yin. They are of great origin. But there is no prejudice in the chest. As long as it is a good thing, it will be quickly learned. This is why I am a martial artist, not as good as them."

His eyes swept through a circle, and everyone’s eyes were also awe-inspiring: "After the Northwest War, the diverticulum and the resignation were all black flags, and Zonghan and others paid more attention to the black flag. I am going to the West, Jianyin Jianda, the Jurchens support the country, the Prince is a good thing, but everyone is watching the cold, and they all think that they will defeat the Jurchen in the future. These strange paths can be abandoned. In recent years, Jurchen not only The grand building was done very well, and Xi Yin privately imitated the southwest, forming a team to rush to the Wu Dynasty to lobby for promises, soft and hard..."

He sighed: "...When Tian Tian was in the gold, the strong man broke his wrist and cleared the inside to do what was terrible. In the end, he was assassinated by Xi Yin and lost all over the place. This time the Jurchen is going south, it is necessary for me. The two-way army has temporarily abandoned the former suspicion. Since the martial arts are adventurously going south, Xi Yin’s calculations for Lin’an will not be the only point in front of you. You must not look at it...”

Li Fei said that he had arched his hand here, and everyone was solemnly nodded and handed. After a while, when everyone began to analyze the message from Li Feng, Li Pin and Cheng Zhouhai and Zhou Pei went to the room next to each other and talked about another more urgent matter.

"...The news from Li Xiong yesterday, we have been aware of this, the plan has been set, waiting for Li Xiong to come over and do the final reference..."

On December 29th, Lin'an was covered with thin snow, and the Princess House was busy. In the evening, many people came over. One of the passengers dressed in robes and dusty servants entered the Princess House in the middle of the night. He untied the robes, removed the shackles, and the fire was shining. The head was already a staggering white hair, but it was still in the air. The eyes are majestic. This is the total catch of six doors. Today, the Weihe helper, Tie Tianying.

His gaze looked at the courtyard in the middle of the night, and there were already acquaintances greeted him under the door not far away...


The same December 29, Fuyang, Fancheng defense line.

The trebuchet throws huge stones, shaking the wall in the bang, and the battle of the siege is going on as always.

In December, Zonghan’s army has been pulling out all the fortress towns around Xiangfan in a steady and steady manner. Its main force and hundreds of thousands of surrendering Han troops have surrounded Fancheng and launched a large-scale offensive to try to monopolize Hanshui. The Navy in Xiangyang and the other side launched several major wars. Although they ended up with victory, they could not defeat each other's vital forces. Some Jinbing have successively crossed the river from the upper and lower reaches, and the complete encirclement of the Xiangfan land will be in January. Become a reality.

The sky was filled with snow and snow. On the school field, tens of thousands of soldiers gathered together. Yue Fei walked up to the front of the stage and spoke to the soldiers. Then he took the spirits and sacrificed it to the ground.

December 30, in the early morning, two hundred miles east of Xiangfan. Xi Yin, who led the 60,000 troops on the eastbound road, received the expedited information from Xiangyang.

Twenty-nine late nights, Yue Fei led the 40,000 elite reeds to abandon the city, a 30,000 or so sailor along the Hanshui River, a cavalry out of the city, before the completion of the Zonghan army, the attack to the south of Wu'an Temporary rest.

Xi Yin pointed his finger on the map, and there was a smile on his serious face.

Xiangfan, a place to come and go for nearly five months, even though the Wu Dynasty army relied on the land to defend, but this is already a very long battle for the Zonghan army who tried to attack. In the past five months, they gradually became familiar with each other. For the young general who guarded Xiangfan, Zong Han and Xi Yin also had a rough outline.

The Xiangfan two cities are extremely important, which is an important support point to block the Jurchen West Road Army from destroying the Wu Dynasty. However, the focus of this war is not here - especially in the case of the Jurchen, based on the premise of the extermination of the Wu Dynasty, even if it breaks In Fuyang, there is a thousand miles of the Wu Dynasty to the south.

But here, the half-walled military power of the Wu Dynasty was gathered.

Zonghan tried to remove the help around Xiangfan a little bit, with the Jurchen military power, supplemented by a large number of Central Plains Han army, directly smashing the sun, even if it is not for the purpose of breaking the city, it is necessary to surround this fulcrum. At the same time, an elite army was sent into the hinterland of the Wu Dynasty to expand the chaos.

But obviously, the other party gave up Xiangfan.

Without this young Yue Pengju, there is no core army, and the siege of Xiangfan is only a matter of time. However, just before Zonghan and other siege forces had to gradually encircle and gradually ruin the Wuji Navy’s life force, the other side broke through.

The Wuchao Navy of Hanshui is still dominant. It goes southward into the Yangtze River and then descends along the Yangtze River. It will eventually reach Zhenjiang. Needless to say, another 10,000 cavalry that gathers the power of the country to choose the purpose. The land is also bound to be the battlefield of Shura between Zhenjiang and Lin'an.


In the swaying light, Xi Yin said softly.

There are countless extended military accounts outside the account. The goose feathers and snow are falling, but above the Hanshui, which is more than a hundred miles away, the fleet of the reciting army rushes to the future of more than two thousand miles in the snow.


The moment before the fall of the possibility of the fall, thousands of horses and horses were gathered together, from the court officials, the soldiers generals, to the green forest heroes, the soldiers and pawns... Some people left near Lin'an, and some people came over...

On New Year's Eve, Tie Tianying is in the high place of Lin'an City, holding a thousand mirrors to secretly watch the movement of a family. This is one of the many operations in Lin'an City. Tie Tianying came back as a professional to help the town. The previous six-door total arrest was just an employee status, and it was not allowed to be a high-ranking person. But over the years, he followed Li frequency worked with Ning Yi, and later led the Luohe gang to pass on a lot of intelligence, which made him possess more important identities and qualifications than that.

Cheng Zhouhai came in from the outside: "How is it?"

"Thirty people are the desperados who want to sell their lives to the rich, and there are traces of fire and thunderbolt buried outside the yard. If it is recalcitrant, the movement will be very big..."

"If it doesn't work, let the Forbidden Army drag the gun over and blow it up first."

"Well, the consideration of adults is not unreasonable. But the people underneath have already made some arrangements, or let them try first."

It seems that there is a bit of speculation and both sides are quiet. In fact, when Qin Yuyuan had an accident, Tie Tianying was one of the people who fell into the rock. When he met Li Feng and passed through Qin Shaoqian, he was also unhappy with Cheng Zhouhai. In the past years, Tie Tianying followed Li frequency to do things because of the northwest. The peers and reconciliations, and Cheng Zhouhai, can not talk about harmony.

But today, many people who couldn’t talk about harmony at the same time have gathered together. At this time, in the princess’s palace, there was also an enemy of the Iron Tianying who had married Liangzi in the past. He had his colleagues in the same year, and they were all old. At this moment, many things are no longer in my heart.

"When you followed Li frequency, you went to the northwest." Quiet for a while, into a boat.


"When you were still in Beijing, you also stared at Ning Liheng, how do you feel about him?"

"In that year, he was regarded as a small person, and he pursued Fang Baihua and Fang Qifo on the way. He always wanted to kill him... I later knew that it was a joke." Iron Tianying is old at this time, talking about this. Things, a slight smile, "These years of walking in the world, the surname of Ning, of course, is that he wants to die, all work, but after all, he is right."

"Well? What?"

“Iron started to run the rivers and lakes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Later, when I was in the six doors, Jingping’s shame, I was disheartened, and left the six doors, went back to the rivers and lakes, turned to the folds, and there were Time is dull, sometimes I want to escape. Sometimes, I learn the people who used to be in the past, the real women of the prostitute, and the black flag army. When they get to the present, they have to come back to Lin’an and do what they should have done... There is only one thing, and I want to be clear." The old man smiled back and smiled. The smile was exhausted, relieved, and complicated. It was simple and pure after it was added. At this time, outside the hidden window, the entire Lin'an City, countless people are leaving.


"They have to live on their own lives..."


Haze, iron blue.

There is a lot of snow between the sky and the earth.

There are countless illusions in this sky, and the cavalry of the sorcerer comes to Linan. The iron eagle goes to the enemy, countless people go to their enemies, the sails break through the heavy snow, the iron rides across the land, The fireworks exploded and flew into the sky.

In the southwest, the female behemoth, moved up...

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