The title originally wanted to write "Nothing this month, ask for a monthly ticket", think about it or not.

Eight or four has been more, no more in the first ten days of March, and later completed twelve chapters. Thank you for rewarding many and many lords. I have cheated many and many monthly passes and tried my best. The recent update rhythm is indeed It is the limit of my body's ability to load. The pace of life in April should be stable. For 30 days, continue to challenge the 20 chapters. Of course, quality is paramount and best efforts are made.

Today, the more active new group leader told me, let me publicize this group of genuine reading, the last chapter was sent at the end, and now I will mention it again, the concentration camp, group number four seven four nine seven eight eight twenty seven ( 474978827). Why, it’s quite sad to think of it, my lovely readers... The update in March is not bad, two silver leagues, a group of ally and everyone, I saw the hope of doing things, the group asked me I won’t grab the monthly ticket next month. I said that it’s more like how to grab it. I really want to grab the monthly ticket. At least two or three months according to the current rhythm. I’ve asked if I’ve been connected recently. The idea of ​​course hopes to be more every day, this group of people said, well, we grab the monthly ticket in May!

They picked up, I still have no bottom, and I am uneasy.

Book friends, in addition to water and water chat, management is hoping to really grab the monthly ticket when everyone get together, there is an organization. I occasionally feel that if you can have more chapters, it will help you to read the book - but it is even more confusing. So things are like this. If you are interested, you will go in and play. Anyway, you can still stay with the nerves now... I want to be more in May, more in June, right, after all, the new year. For the time being, there is still a good outlook...

If... No, if you are not happy, you will not talk about it. Just add a group, I wish you a happy neurotic...

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