Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 843: Boiling the sea (2)

Wu Jianyu eleven years, the first day of the first month.

The sound of the firecrackers set off the atmosphere of joy in the plains of Chengdu. Zhang Cun, the place where the soldiers and the military are the mainstays, welcomed the arrival of the New Year in a lively and orderly atmosphere. After the New Year’s Eve party, there was a lively dinner. On the first day of the New Year's Day, we congratulated each other. Every family had a red blessing. The children were asking for money, and the firecrackers and laughter continued.

Carrying a big bag, Zhuo Yongqing took He Ying and He Xiu sisters. From the morning, they started to slam the door. At night, Qu Qing, Mao Yishan, Hou Wu and others came with their families. This is the New Year. The first meal, I made an appointment in Zhuo Yongqing’s home to solve his marriage in October last year. It’s not just the younger sister, but the sister He Ying and his sister He Xiu are both in the house. Ning Yi is the master. Married, a group of people laughed and this guy enjoyed the blessing of the people.

In the past year, Zhuo Yongqing and his sultry sister He Ying have a story of sadness or joy, and there is no need to say it at this time. The war will disturb a lot of things. Even in this place where the Huaxia Army gathered, the styles of the various soldiers are different. There are people like Xue Changgong who are consciously in the war, who are unwilling to marry their wives, and who care for them. Women, unconsciously came together in a family and a family.

Zhuo Yongqing's days are smooth and happy. The prostitute He Xiu's body is not good, his temper is weak. When he is complicated, he can't afford half a family. His sister He Ying has a strong personality, but he is a good hostess. In the past, she had a bad attitude towards Zhuo Yongqing. She called to drink, and after she became a relative, she naturally stopped. Zhuo Yongqing has no family. After he became a relative, he lived with He Ying He Xiu’s weak mother. He took care of him. When the New Year arrived, he also saved the trouble of running away. This day, a group of brothers and his family were called together. Celebrate, not so busy.

After the lively banquet, the women cleaned up the dishes, the men moved the tables and chairs, and the children of Mao Yishan ran out to find other playmates. Zhuo Yongqing and Qu Qing, Hou Wu, Mao Yishan, Hou Yuanzhang and others sat in the yard. Drinking and chatting, it will be until late at night.

Qu Qing was the last to go. When he left, he looked at him meaningfully. Zhuo Yongqing smiled and nodded.

After sending them away, Zhuo Yongqing returned to the yard and moved the tables and chairs into the room. He Ying He Xiu also came to help. After these things were done, Zhuo Yongqing sat down on the stool in the room, his figure Straight, hands clasped, thinking about what. Innocent He Xiu walked in, his mouth still talking, seeing his look, some confusion, then He Ying came in, she looked at Zhuo Yongqing, wiped the water drops on her body, took her sister, in him Sit down next to you.

"How, what?"

"I have some things, I want to tell you." Zhuo Yongqing looked at them. "I want to go out."

The woman suddenly stopped, and He Ying swallowed a slobber, and the throat suddenly became too dry to speak.

Recently, the situation has been tense since the beginning of the day. The task of the Zhangcun Huaxia Army Center has been aggravated and the atmosphere has changed. The families living here are mostly aware of the time. During the period of the year, the family members, the army, Even in the various central departments of the Huaxia Army, Zhou Wei’s affairs are regarded as jokes, but the development of the whole situation is becoming more and more tense and more and more urgent.

But no one thought that it would be going to go out now...

For the Huaxia Army Central Department, the whole situation suddenly became tense, and the high-speed operation of various departments began on December 28th.

The high-level meeting chaired by Ning Yi identified several important guidelines, followed by meetings and discussions in various departments. On the night of the 28th day, the entire village was almost overnight, even those who had not entered the decision-making level. Or less can understand that something is about to happen.

In the past two years, the Huaxia Army has been engaged in the rain in the southwest, and all kinds of things have been done with great enthusiasm. Apart from the bail-outs of previous years, the atmosphere in the entire army is mostly optimistic. The feeling of the arrow on the string is tense and exciting. Some people have even been able to vaguely guess some clues. Due to strict confidentiality regulations, everyone can't discuss it, but even on the street. As a smile, it seems to contain some kind of breath of the rain.

Obviously, the top of the Huaxia Army headed by Ning Yi has decided to do something.

Time went back to the morning of New Year's Eve. Zhuo Yongqing sat down outside the familiar yard. He was straight and his hands were clenched. Some people were waiting on the stool next to him. The figure was thin and resolute. Qian Zhiqiang, the deputy director of the Huaxia Army’s trade to the DPRK, said that the two sides had already said hello and did not speak at this time.

Soon after, some people came out inside. It was a fat and smiling monk with a smile and looked at them. They laughed and went out. This monk has not appeared in Zhangcun. Many people may not know it. Zhuo Yongqing knows the identity of the other party. The monk should be regarded as a subordinate of Qian Zhiqiang. He has been walking outside for a long time. He used the Wu Dynasty as a bridge for the business activities of Huaxia Army. Feng Zhen The "old monk" of the rivers and lakes, in the eyes of the outside world, is a free hacker who walks in black and white but does not belong to which party. Since it has not died for so many years, it can be seen that martial arts is also quite good.

After the monk left, Qian Zhiqiang went in. After a while, the other party came out, and Zhuo Yongqing smiled. Zhuo Yongqing entered the yard. At this time, the morning was still busy. Ning Yi was busy in the study room. When Zhuo Yongqing came in, he put down his work and poured a cup of tea for him. Then the eyes were serious and I saw the mountain.

"In response to the recent situation in the Wu Dynasties, we can't sit back and ignore it. We made some decisions in the past two days and we must have actions. Of course, we haven't announced it yet." He said, "There is something about you, I think it should be advanced. Talk to you, you can refuse."

Zhuo Yongqing stood up: "I am willing to obey all arrangements."

"Sit down." Ning Yi waved his hand. "The whole task will be announced in the first two days of the first day. Since it is a task, it is not allowed to easily evade it. But if there are reasons to have difficulties, others can of course apply. You are ahead of time, indicating that you are facing a different situation."

Zhuo Yongqing sat down and Ning Yi continued.

"After the Xiao Cang River War, we moved to the southwest and occupied the Chengdu Plain last year. You can understand the whole situation. You don't need to elaborate. The Jurchen's south invasion is bound to have a big battle. Now it seems that the support of the Wu Dynasty is quite difficult. Imagine more determined and more tactical. If we sit in the early collapse of the Wu Dynasty, then we have to fall into a great passive, so we must do our best to help."

"First of all, the most direct dispatch is not a viable option. We have just won the Chengdu Plain. From last year to this year, we expanded nearly 20,000 troops, but we are able to split up. Miaojiang and Dayang’s troops are even more Less, if you want to force a levy, you must face the danger of a rear collapse, and the family of the warrior will die here. On the other hand, we have previously issued a essay, voluntarily giving up the confrontation with the Wu dynasty, pushing the army east and north. First of all, it is the counterattack of the Wu Dynasty. At this time, it does not make sense to fight. Even if people are willing to take the road and push tens of thousands of people in our district to a few million troops, I estimate the Jurchen and Wu Dynasty will also choose to eat us in the first time."

"Without a large-scale army, there is only another choice. We have decided to send a certain number of people, supplemented by special operations and decapitation, first entering the territory of the Wu Dynasty, and confronting those who are prepared to connect with Jurchen in advance, to fight against water. The traitor forces, but those who rely on the Jurchen, kill."

Ning Yi’s words were simple and calm, but Zhuo Yongqing’s heart was shocked. This is the message that Mr. Ning passed from the southwest. It is conceivable that there will be vibrations in the world.

"We have been swearing a few steps of bad luck. We can't pick him up. We can't let the people of Wu Dynasty really think that Zhou Wei has already reconciled with us. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Wu Dynasty will collapse faster. We can only choose to send out in the most efficient way. My own voice, even if our Huaxia Army will forgive its enemies, it will never let go of the traitors who have turned against this time. I hope that in this form, I can stabilize the situation and seize the situation for the martial arts prince who is still resisting. A line of life."

"This thing is quite dangerous. It may cause some people who are vacillating to get rid of it. It will also make the forces that have already turned their backs even worse. Some people who have already been inserted in the Wu Dynasty before the Golden Kingdom will also move. Get up and stop you." Ning Yi waved his hand and said: "Of course, this is the best, then fight and clean them up."

"...These teams that are currently planning to go out are clear and dark. The reason why you are considering it is because your identity is special. You killed the Yan Yan room. It is a real hero against women. We are planning to put your team on it. On the bright side, let's say what we want to say, but they will stare at you like a fly. So you are also the most dangerous... Considering that you were married two months ago, you have to do the same. Dangerous tasks, I allow you to make a rejection."

Zhuo Yongqing stood up subconsciously, and Ning Yi waved his hand and did not look at him with his eyes: "Don't be impulsive, don't answer for the time being, think seriously after going back. Let's go."

"...Yes." Zhuo Yongqing left, and when he left the door, he looked back. Mr. Ning sat on the stool and did not send him, raised his hand to drink tea, and his eyes did not look at it. This is different from the Ning Yi he saw on weekdays. Zhuo Yongqing understands it. Mr. Ning probably thinks that it is not good to send himself to the most dangerous position. His heart is not. Better.

Thinking so, he was respected outside the door. After leaving the yard, I walked to the street, and Qu Qing came over from the side. He said hello to him and walked for a while. At this time, at the senior level of the General Staff, Qu Qing, the look at this time is also somewhat wrong, Zhuo Yongqing is waiting for his speech.

"It is my proposal to join you in the team that went out."

Zhuo Yongqing nodded: "With the bait, you can fish, and the proposal of the big brother is very good."

"You have been married for two months..."

"To be a pro-one day, we must also go out when we go out. If we are a soldier, don’t we have to do this?" Zhuo Yongqing rushed and smiled.

"But this is different from the expedition. Everyone is taking the same danger. In this case, when you go out, you have to become the biggest target. Although we have many plans, we still have It’s hard to keep an accident."

The two went forward, Zhuo Yongqing just smiled, did not speak, when he reached the crossroads of the General Staff, the channel stopped, and then said: "I have already proposed to Mr. Ning, will be responsible for this trip. A team, if you decide to accept the task, I am with you."

He smiled and turned to go in the direction of his work. After a few steps, Zhuo Yongqing opened his mouth behind him: "The big brother."


Zhuo Yongqing walked over and walked with him to the side of the road: "You know, I have always had a problem with my heart for years."


"When I finished the Yan Yan room, you know that I know, it was just a fluke. At that time, I was just a recruit. I went to the battlefield. The knife was not swaying. The killing room was because I fell. Hey, the knife took off... At that time, there were so many brothers, and finally you and me, waiting for the Big Brother, Mao’s brother, and Luoye Luo’s brother, to tell the truth, you are much more powerful than me. But the credit of the killing room fell on my head."

He looked at the channel: "In recent years, because of this inexplicable merit, the troops promoted me. Mr. Ning knew me. Many people also met me and said that Zhuo Yongqing is very good. What is powerful, on the list. On the battlefield, I can't get to the front. Of course I don't want to die, but many times I feel that I am not a warrior worthy of the title of Huaxia Army. I just happened to be introduced as a brand."

He smiled and said: "If you are in the Wu Dynasty, you will be able to take advantage of the brand, but because you are in the Huaxia Army, you see so many heroes, see Big Brother, see Luoye Luo, see you and your brother, look again. Looking at Mr. Ning, I also want to become such a character... When Mr. Ning told me, I was a little scared, but now I understand, this is what I have been waiting for."

Zhuo Yongqing paused, and then narrowly and ridiculously laughed: "Look at you, except for the madman of Luo Da Ge, they all grow up and smashed, representing the Chinese army to kill and speak to the whole world. Of course, it is a handsome and beautiful person like me to take on the task.

"...so, I am going to go."


"...so, I am going to go out."

The same words, speaking to different people, have different moods. For some people, Zhuo Yongqing feels that even if there are countless times, I am afraid I can't find a matching, just right tone. Meng pet counterattack: short legs also have to be cultivated into a fairy

On the night of confession with his wife, the family embraced and said a lot of words, who cried, and of course there was a smile. In the next one or two days, the same scene may still be repeated many times in the home of the Chinese military. The discourse is inexhaustible. Before the expedition, they each left the most wanted thing to say, and kept the troops in the form of a suicide note.

Ning Yi, Qin Shaoqian and others took turns to meet the team leaders and members of different teams. They all have different destinations and different tasks.

"Duo Zhuang, Fang Shuchang... The team leader went to Xiangfan, lobbied He Jiayou anyway, and cleared the suicides that have been found out now..."

"Ren Suli... led the team to Changsha, with Chen Fan's eyeliner, waiting for the opportunity to assassinate a list of 13 people on the list. On the list, if you confirm, you can handle it as appropriate..."

"Ji Yuanjing... Two hundred people went to the Jiange, and they talked with the defender, Zhongzhong, and talked about it in detail. In addition, I talked in detail with the local Chen family before and after, in my name..."

"Feng Zhen and Luo Xiguang led the team and decided to take action of Zhuo Yongqing's team. They lurked themselves and paid close attention to all the clues. At the same time, the three tribes on the list, there are 118 males marked, can kill... ”

"Let Zhiguang take the team and go to Lin'an..."

"Little black, Yuwen Feidu, you have to contact an old man who shouldn’t contact again..."

"Should wait..."

"Luozi clothes..."

"...to let those who are already in the game know that there are people standing with them in this world..."

"...to launch a green forest, launch a grasshopper, launch all those who cannot avoid this war, and launch all the forces that can be launched..."

"...to block the back roads of those who are swinging, to analyze them with them, to talk to them..."

"...to let those who have already walked the path of cooperation with Jurchen know! Even one day, the Wu Dynasty is dead, some people remember him, we will not forgive him! Heaven and the North, ten or twenty years, we let him live and die!"

Across the distance, the giant beasts in the southwest turned over the body, and the Spring Festival was just over. The men and women of the team and the team left the Chengdu Plain in different directions, and it was about to set off a fierce storm. This time, people have not yet arrived. The dangerous signals have expanded in all directions.

On the seventh day of the first month, there was an army going east in the haze of the sky. After finishing the Yan Xiyin ride, I watched the expedited line report from the fine work, then laughed, and he handed the information to the side of the silver, silver. After reading it, I passed it to the side. After a while, I ended up crying and screaming. After reading the news, the face was uncertain: "Teacher..."

"You are in the southwest, you have been dealing with the Ning people, and he is playing this game. What do you think?"

"The green is dull, and now I only think... This is a good thing." Finished Yan Qing’s face showed a smile. "Ning Liheng’s move is intended to echo the Jiangnan war situation and share some pressure for the Prince’s little apprentice. However, the Black Flag Army Once I started to kill in the Wu Dynasty, I was able to shock a group of hesitant people. However, those who had previously contacted us and had contacts, could only stand on my side of the big gold... Wu Dynasty Among these people, but if the teacher has a handle on his hand, he can lobby one by one, and there is no obstacle."

Xi Yin nodded, and finished Yan Yanqing finished, and slightly stunned his eyebrows: "It's just such a thing. I don't think that Ningren can't think of it. Since he is doing this, I am afraid there are still many backhands. I don't know, disciple. I feel that I can't help it."

He woke up to say this, and Yan Yanxi smiled: "You are too young to see the Ning people slaughter. For the teacher to see this number of years, he is good at using his life, more good at business, if he gives In his ten years, the black flag has become a reality, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for someone to stop him. This decade, after all, my Jurchen has taken over the trend, so he has to rush to fight, even for the resistance of the Wu Dynasty. Don't send your own elite and sacrifice on the battlefield..."

"That... why is the disciple screaming at him..." Wan Yanqing frowned.

Xi Yin’s mood seems to be very good: “Just because, in addition to this business, this person still has a trait, the most terrible... The narrow road meets, he must be the brave in the brave. Anyone who is famous for his wisdom, If you can't, you must come up with all kinds of detours to win the game. This is why you can not hesitate to spare your life and find the real biggest chance to win in the most critical time."

"...intellectual courage, this is the trait of a real big hero, so he can kill the emperor, anti-wu dynasty, facing the fate of my big gold, he is nowhere to go, but still can not retreat Although it is universally enemies, it is still hard to kill a piece of heaven and earth ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xi Yinze Ma, and smiled, "I see, it is just that some people will go crazy, Ning Liheng has sent people like this without hesitation, haha ​​just hit the net! ”

Before the war, Wan Yanqing quickly followed up, only to listen to Xi Yin said: "It is time, after two days, you are personally going south, responsible for lobbying all parties and mobilizing people to block the black flag, the heroes are competing, the world is vast, this The most ruthless things in the world, let those timid, swaying cowards, go to see the princes! They still sleep in their dreams, don’t wake up, this world..."

Xi Yin smiled and said: "It’s snoring." The laughter is as heroic as if it were burning the entire river.

This day, I have a fight. There is no place for the coward to survive. Lin'an City is burning in turmoil, Jiangning is burning in turmoil, and then the whole piece of Nanwu is burning. On the eighth day of the first month of the first month, Liu Chengzong, who was in the southeast of Qianliang, turned sharply. He turned back to Xuzhou City, which he gave up last year. He wanted to take the Jurchen’s focus on Jiangnan’s moment and cut off the Jurchen’s East Road Army again. Return home.

At the same time, the squadron of the martial arts arrived at the capital of the Wu dynasty, a prosperous city with more than 1.5 million people gathered at this time: Lin'an.

In the wind, it sounds like a song...

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