Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 847: Cooking sea (6)

The winter in which Wu Jianzhen transitioned to the eleventh year was not cold, and Jiangnan only had a few snows. In the eleventh year of February, a rare cold wave seems to make up for the absence of winter. It is generally unexpected. It has come to most places in the Central Plains and the Wu Dynasty. It was a few days since mid-February. When it was dawn, thick frost came under the eaves and under the trees.

A lot of flower buds and buds were frozen overnight.

This rare cold spring lasted for several days. In the south of the Yangtze River, the pace of the war has not been delayed. On February 18, near the Danyang in the southeast of Zhenjiang, the Wu Dynasty general Lu Haifeng gathered more than 200,000 troops to attack Xi Yin and More than 50,000 females led by silver surgery are elite and then defeated.

In the years since the popularity of artillery, the pattern of war began to change. In the past, the infantry formed a square, which was for the soldiers to escape when they were hedged. When the artillery can be attacked by groups, such play is under the containment, and the importance of small-scale soldiers has begun to be highlighted. In the army of the Wu Dynasty, apart from Han Shizhong’s town navy and Yue Fei’s reciting army, they can be upright. There are not many soldiers who are braving the artillery in the field. Most of the troops can only take part in the combat power when they are defending themselves.

However, the army under the command of Lu Haifeng is not so unbearable. The direct troops he led were also one of the new troops that were trained under the martial arts after the move to the south. Lu Haifeng’s ruling army is rigorous, and it is good to use various kinds of harsh weather and terrain to train soldiers. For example, heavy snow and heavy rain, let the soldiers push and kill in the muddy land of the south of the Yangtze River. The soldiers who are under the arm of the military are also completely detached. Different looks.

Since Xi Yin and silver surgery can lead the Jurchen elite, the situation in the Jiangnan battlefield is more intense and tense. Among the capitals, including all over the world, are rumored that the East and West Roads have abandoned their determination to destroy the military. This kind of firm will manifests itself, and with Xi Yin and all the spies in the capital, the situation in the Wu Dynasty has become extraordinarily tense.

Before that, perhaps some people will look forward to the contradiction between the Jurchen and the Eastern Court, and do some articles in it. At this time, in the capital, I don’t know how many people have been lobbying or looking for themselves. The road is gone. In such a situation, and from the confidence in his own management of the army, Lu Haifeng attacked the forces of Xi Yin and Yin Shu.

This large-scale offensive was also carried out under the guise of the leadership led by Jun Wu. Compared with the inevitable long-term task of defeating the Zongfu army, it would be a problem if it could defeat long-distance trekking and logistical supply. And it is very likely that this former West Road Army with the suspicion of Zong Fu Zongxi is elite, and the crisis of the capital will be solved.

Of course, it is not easy to defeat the elite troops led by Xi Yin and silver surgery. But if you don’t even dare to attack, the so-called ten-year training is just a joke. On the other hand, even if you can't beat Xi Yin and silver at one time, you can be able to attack like a water mill twice or three times... 300,000, 500,000, or even a million-strong army. Grinding each other. Before this, the entire army of Jiangnan must have the determination to dare to fight.

The offensive was selected on a heavy rain day, and the cold spring continued, and the 200,000-strong army invited the other side to the other side in the cold rain. This kind of weather has wiped out the power of all firearms. Lu Haifeng took the 60,000-strong army led by himself as the vanguard and greeted the 30,000-year-old Tushanwei.

In the heavy rain of the downpour, even the arrow lost its power. The two armies were pulled back to the simplest rules of strangulation. The square of the long gun and the knife shield spread like a tide under the black pressed sky. The 200,000 troops seemed to cover the entire land, shouting and even overwhelming the thunder of the sky. The Tushanwei led by Xi Yin was right, and the two sides collided in the mud.

In a certain sense, if the Wu dynasty army ten years ago had the determination and quality of Lu Haifeng’s army, the battle of the dynasty would be different. But even this does not mean that the current Wucha army has the quality of the world's first-class soldiers, and Tu Shanwei, who has been with Zonghan all the year round, still has the truth of the year. The enemies are generous with morale.

Positive confrontation and killing an hour, Lu Haifeng army defeated, half a day later, the entire battlefield was in the trend of rewinding the bead curtain, Tu Shanwei and the silver surgery troops in the Wu Dynasty defeated the soldiers behind the killing more than ten miles, dead and wounded. Lu Haifeng was reluctant to retreat during the war. He eventually led the team to rush and was cut off by one hand. He had to survive and fight to survive.

If in this fierce battle, the Xi Yin side showed that it was still not inferior to the bravery of the year, but the death of the Wu Dynasty people still brought a lot of things.

Nineteenth day, with the number of casualties coming out, the face of silver surgery is not good-looking, see Xi Yin said: "As the **** of valley said, the determination of this little prince is not light, if the military of Wu Dynasty is like this every time. Resolutely, it will not be long before we should go back."

Xi Yin’s gaze is serious and calm: “The dead rabbit will also bite people. The big Wu dynasty will always have such people. With this battle, it is very convenient for others to make a fuss.”

Twenty, Junwu in Zhenjiang Day Camp affirmed and encouraged Lu Haifeng's death battle, and asked the court for the merits. He wanted to give Lu Haifeng the title and the official level.

"In front of us, this is the strongest and most violent army in the whole world. Losing them is not a shame! I am not afraid! They destroyed the Liao Kingdom and swallowed the Central Plains. I fell into the Wushan Mountains and the people were enslaved by them! Now he 50,000 people dare to come to Jiangnan! I am not afraid to lose me, I am not afraid that you will defeat you! From today, I want you to get everything to fight! If necessary, we will fight every day, I will kill them, I want to let None of their 50,000 people can return to the Golden State. If you are all in the battle, I will ask for your help-"

Jun Wu’s statement will soon spread throughout Jiangnan. At the same time, Yue Fei defeated the 130,000 Han army led by Li Yangzong in the vicinity of Taiping Prefecture and captured more than 60,000 Han troops. In addition to stifling some of the "first evils" that had previously been committed in the massacre, Yue Fei proposed to the court that he would recruit the Han army, only beheaded evil, and always refused.

In the fierce fighting between the two sides, some of the Central Plains Hanjun had previously made such a suggestion in the Jiangnan massacre and looting and plundering the blood debts. The interior suddenly caused a complicated discussion. In Lin'an City, the military sergeant Liu Yan and others directly wrote the book to Yue Fei. However, although the Central Plains Han army was extremely vicious after arriving in the south of the Yangtze River, in fact, the war was not determined. In the past few years, the spirits of the Central Plains have been coated with charcoal. Even if the soldiers lived in a very bad day, if Jiangnan could not afford to eat or even have a full meal, it is conceivable that most of the Han army will look down on the wind.

Soon after, in response to Yue Fei’s proposal, Jun Wu made an adoption and a statement. On the battlefield, he recruited Han troops who were willing to return to the South. As long as they did not commit the **** debts of the massacre, they could not do anything in the past.

At the same time, in response to Xi Yin’s request for “reconciliation” to Wu Dynasty, at the end of February, there was a corresponding message coming from the southwest. Under the deliberate push, in the Jiangnan area, he joined the boiling voice...

Jiang Ning, the sky in the field of vision was covered by layers of lead clouds. Wu Qilong and the master of the prefect, Liu Jing, were seated in the noisy tea house. Soon after, they heard the voice of discussion.

"...Speaking of the situation outside today, our grandfather, really strong, whoever has to give a thumbs up... That General Lu was defeated, but our people are not afraid, I heard, Changzhou has now mobilized more than 100,000 people, and it is necessary to join Xizheng with the Zhenjiang army. We are not afraid of defeat. The fear is that the golden dogs can go back alive..."

"...The green forest is also killing a lot. You don't know, the golden man slammed the fish and sneaked in the water, and killed a lot of people in the dark. I heard that half a month ago, there were several fires in Xuanzhou, and hundreds of people died. The snakes at the end of the Song Dynasty Song Dakun Was slaughtered, and left a book of slanders, but in fact, this thing is the running dog of the Jurchen... Later, the old man of Fulu took the lead to kill the golden dog, but this is true, Xuanzhou That piece, a lot of people died in a few days..."

"... In fact, to say that the person who really wants to kill, but also to see the southwest side, I heard that at the end of January, there was a roster in the southwest, whoever made evil and wanted to kill clearly. Changsha The Huang family, who had a yellow style in the past, had been in the book for two years, and was in the position of the squad, Da Lao Te, and although he was stopped, but in the past few years, there were countless party feathers. The real person sent the information, privately lobbied everyone to surrender, his mother's family bastard..."

"...He is countless in Changsha, and there are thousands of people in the family. He is a local tyrant. When he is in the southwest, he knows that he is wrong. Hearing, he set up a network at home, day and night, but by the end of January, The Black Flag Army is coming, more than a hundred people... I told you that that night, when the traitors were all out, they were all chaotic. They didn’t even get to the army..."

In the tea house, everyone was surrounded, the speaker lowered his voice, and he was talking about a big secret. Everyone also talked in the same voice.

"...Speaking of it, the southwestern one is a big rebellion, but in these matters, it’s really a good man. I know, Xi Yin’s beast had previously advised us to let the coffin pass to the west of Fuyang to all parts of Sichuan IV. For the sake of sticking to Chengdu, I went to fight the black flag army. Hey, it didn’t take long for the southwest to know. I heard that it was a few days ago. The Mr. Ning wrote a letter directly to Guy, and the above said: Waiting for you, You will be buried here later. Hehe..."

"...If these two fights, I really don't know what it is..."

In this discussion, Liu Jing smiled at Wu Qilong: "You said, among them, are there any people with black flags?"

"It's hard to talk." Wu Qilong held the teacup and smiled and shook his head.

Jiangning is the birthplace of the Xinmo Ning Yi, and is the old residence of Kang Wang Zhou Yi. For the devil in the southwest, the Jiangning people in the past are indifferent, but at the beginning of this year, Zongfu crossed the river and attacked Jiangning. Up to now, nearly two months ago, the residents of the city have become more aware of the people of the big rebellion. Not the same, I often hear people from mentioning him. After all, in today's world, the real ones who can stand in front of the Jurchens are estimated to be the fierce chaos of the southwestern gang. Ning Yi, who was born in Jiangning, together with other heroes who are sober, is often seen. Take it out to boost morale.

Also mentioned in the middle, there is the Princess of Cheng and his husband Kang Xian who died in the previous Jiangning fall.

"I heard that Wu brother was old with Ning Yi earlier? I don't know if he and the people mentioned in the population can have any discrepancies?" Liu Jing, a teacher from the field, was also a bit jealous of mentioning Ning Yi in the past. Just ask. Wu Qilong was silent for a moment, looking to the table and chairs by the window.

"If you are stared at him, it is true to have a layer of skin."

"Oh? Is Umbrella stared?"

"He is a cloth dealer, I am also a cloth dealer, have had a holiday, but I have not yet reached the level of life and death." Wu Qilong smiled, "the family went to a large part."

He said this, Liu Jing, who was opposite, frowned and interested. He repeatedly asked, and Qi Qilong also recalled, talking about the incident of the Emperor Shang of the year. At that time, the two entanglements, he found the Sujia’s ambitious shopkeeper Xi Junyi cooperation, and later broke the assassination of Su Boyong. Events, big and small things, are now inevitable, but in the context of this subversive war, these things have become interesting.

"Actually, now I want to come, the ambition of Junxi is too big. I can't think of some things he did. If my family is only seeking money, and I have not fully participated in it, I am afraid that it will not be possible to go to half of the family."

"That... how can I go to half of my family?" Liu Jing asked with expectation.

Wu Qilong continued to talk about the incident of the Emperor Shang, and took the formula and won the Emperor's business. He was so angry that Ning Liheng wrote the poem "The White Prime Minister knows that he is still a sword, and Zhu Menxianda laughs and plays the crown": "...and one day, the cloth faded."

When this was said, Liu Jing gave a slight glimpse, and then his face was blank: "...oh, then, then, how do you deal with you?"

"...and one day, just on this tea house, hey, that position, he was reading, I used to say hello ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to test his reaction. He was absent-minded, and suddenly reacted to it. Look at me and say, 'Oh, the cloth faded...' At the time... um, Liu Xiong can think of it... I want to kill him..."

The two looked at the window over there, the sky was gloomy, it seemed that it was going to rain, and now sitting there are two thin people drinking tea. Wu Qilong, who has been staggered with white hair and gracefulness, can seem to see the afternoon more than ten years ago. The window is bright sunshine. Ning Yi flipped the pages there, and then it was the matter of being cut by the Wu family.

At that time, Wu Qilong was in his early thirties, and he encountered the biggest setback in his life. The Wu family was laid down in the position of the first cloth dealer in Jiangning, and it was almost devastated. But not long after, Ning Yi, who was also from the north, joined forces with Jiangning’s merchants to start development in the capital. Later, there were disaster relief activities. He was exposed to the power of the Qin system, and later he was appreciated by the Princess of China and Kangma. Jiangning people, Kang Xian is quite caring for the Wu family.

At the beginning of the third year of Jianye, the old man broke Jiangning. The old man refused to drop Jiangning, who had lived for almost a lifetime. He died when the army entered the city. The Princess of Chengdu was also burned. Soon after, Wu Qilong returned to Jiangning with his family and rebuilt the Ukrainian family. Later, he took Uzbekistan to take up most of the military uniform business of the imperial court. When the Jurchen went south, he donated most of his wealth to support the army. The family property of Wujia is still several times higher than that of the previous year.

Many things in the middle, he naturally does not have to talk to Liu Jing, but at this time want to come, time is vast, as if it is also a glimpse of the past, compared to today, but still more peaceful.

Even now in the southwest, Ning Yi, who can fight against the world, I am afraid to miss the time when I was reading here.

Wu Qilong thought about this.

Not long after, there was a huge shock from the wall, and then the chaotic and violent voice surged...

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