Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 848: Boiling the sea (7)

At the beginning of the 11th lunar calendar in the 11th year of the Lunar New Year, the main force of the East Road Army led by Wan Yanzong was assembled after the war of more than two months of low-level war and siege preparation, and launched a general attack on Jiangning. Some of the Han army were recalled, and a large number of Han troops continued to cross the river. As for the middle and late March, the combined total offensive strength reached 500,000.

Including the towns and the navy of Wu Lieying and Han Shizhong, who were stationed in Jiangning, the nearby Jianghuai army also concentrated in Jiangning during this period. For a period of time, the scale of the entire war continued to expand, starting in the new year. This spring has attracted everyone's attention.

At the beginning of the war, there was a small episode that broke out before the knife and gun saw red. This episode goes back to the beginning, probably starting in January of this year.

With the issuance of the Chinese military, the struggle for choosing and standing up has become fierce. The call for smuggling traitors is getting higher in the society, and some people with swaying hearts are no longer thinking, but with the intense situation of the station The female real lobbyists have also increased their activities in private, and even voluntarily arranged some "troubles" to urge the shakers who were in the army to make decisions quickly.

An official named Hou, who is in charge of the hearing of the department in Jiangning City, was so rebellious. At the time of the war, the listening department was responsible for monitoring the movement of the underground and preventing the enemy from digging into the city. The official named Hou Yuntong is not a very vicious generation. However, the father and brother at home have had contacts with the Jurchen party earlier. With the assistance of the Jurchen forces, they have gathered a lot of money, and the slaves have been slain for years. In this form, The Jurchen took away his pair of children, and then threatened with the lives of the children with the evidence of the ecstasy, so that they could cooperate with the Jurchens to dig the tunnel.

In February, Han Shizhong confirmed the incident twice. The first news came from the whistle-blowing of the mysterious characters. Of course, after several years, it was confirmed that the person who warned the Wu Dynasty was the person in charge of Jiangning. Yan Yangyi, and his deputy named Liu Jing, served as a master in Jiangning for several years - the second news came from Hou Yuntong surrendered in mid-February.

In such a situation, surrendering to the top, almost sure that the children will die, may not have too good consequences. But in the years of war, such things are not alone.

From February to April of this year, the Wu Dynasty and the Huaxia Army tried several rescues for Hou Yuntong’s children, and eventually ended in failure. His children died in the third day of April, and his family was killed before this. After the seventh day of April, after finding the bodies of the children who had been smashed outside Jiangning City, Hou Yuntong died in a wild field. In this chaotic tide of tens of millions of people, his experience was later recorded only because of the key position. For himself, it is meaningless.

In response to attempts by Jurchens to enter the city from the ground, Han Shizhong took a strategy that would be counted. In mid-February, the nearby forces began to concentrate in Jiangning. On the 28th, the Jurchen side used the tunnel as a guide to attack the city. Han Shizhong also chose the troops and the navy. On this day, the only cross-river of the East Road Army was stationed at this time. At the ferry of Ma Wenyuan, it is almost at the cost of replacing the Navy’s Navy on the Yangtze River.

When the Jurchens searched the mountains and checked the sea, after all, because the northerners did not understand the Navy, the martial arts were trapped in Huang Tiandang for more than forty days, and lost their faces to today. Later, the Jurchens urged the Southern Han army near the canal to develop a navy. During the period, there were troops from the Jin State, and there were also a large number of technicians and money. In the Yangtze River water war last year, although the Wu Dynasty side prevailed, it did not make a decisive victory. By the end of the year, the Jurchens took advantage of the Yangtze River to dry up and form a pontoon to cross the Yangtze River, eventually opening a road near Jiangning.

Today, the Jurchen Navy is located near the West Ma Wenyuan in Jiangning, maintaining the north-south access, but it is also the biggest flaw of the Jurchen side. Therefore, Han Shizhong will count on the plan, taking advantage of the Jurchen’s thoughts and making a raid.

More dramatic, Han Shizhong’s actions were also noticed by Jurchens, and faced with the already prepared Jurchen army, they eventually had to withdraw. The two sides stabbed each other at the end of February, and in March, they launched a large-scale slaughter on the battlefield.

The battlefield battles cover a lot of things like smoke, and no one knows how many dark waves are surging in private. In March, the situation in Lin'an was even more chaotic. Outside Lin'an City, the squadrons who were willing to run away burned everything near Lin'an, and even several counties were destroyed and burned. The area on the north side of Qiantang River is within 50 miles. In addition to the army that came to Qinwang, everything was turned into ruins. Sometimes, when the martial arts deliberately sent cavalry to harass the city defense, when the huge plume was raised outside the city, half of Lin'an City could see clearly.

Gossip is going privately. The seemingly calm Lin'an City is like a hot iron pot. Of course, this hot one can only be felt by people who belong to the middle and upper levels in Lin'an.

In mid-March, in the courtyard of the side of Lin'an City, the ornamental mountains and rivers have the green color of spring, the weeping willow grows sprouts, the ducks swim in the water, it is the afternoon, the sun from the side of the house When he fell, Qin Lan and a handsome old man walked in the garden.

"Guanting Temple North Jiating West, the water surface is low at the beginning of the cloud. Several early battles for warm trees, who are new Yan Yan Chun Mu... Lin'an spring color, this year is the most bad, last month, cold, thought flowers and trees must be It’s frozen to death... but even then, it’s still growing up, and the lives of all beings are tenacious and sighing, and it’s gratifying...”

Before going to a tree, the old man patted the trunk and said this. Qin Lan carried his hands on the side and smiled and said: "Mei Gong said this, there is great philosophy."

The old man, known as Mei Gong, smiled and said: "The younger brother of the meeting is very busy recently."

"The front line is really busy, I am running away, but the custom is gone." Qin Xiao smiled and spread his hand. "This is not, Mei Gong invited, I am coming soon."

"The meeting will be a courtier, and when this is a critical moment, I am fascinated by the faint people at home. There are some things that should not be. But at this time, I have some doubts in my heart, I want to ask the younger brother of the meeting, so Take the liberty of opening..."

"Hey, let's not say the friendship between Mei Gong and me for decades, to the talent of Mei Gong, if you want to go out of the official, how simple is it, to the public, I hope that Mei Gong has been out for a long time, Mei Gong mentioned this time, I want to..."

"The matter is excused." The other party smiled and waved his hand, and then flashed a complex look on the face. "The temple has been up and down for years, and it has been dominated by the ignorant generation. I am old and unable to compete with them." However, it is a few sighs that the younger brothers of the meeting have been in the past few years. After the unhappy with the sergeant and the sergeant, you can still call the most in the palace, that is, the sage of the meeting."

"Hey." Qin Xiao sighed. "Kneeling him... my heart is also anxious."

"What is the view of the current situation, the younger brother of the meeting?"

"If I can hold it down, I will be able to live a few years in the Wu Dynasty."

"If you can't hold it down?" The old man cast his gaze on his face.

Qin Lan looked back: "Mei Gong said this, what do you mean?"

The old man spread his hands and then the two went forward: "The situation in Beijing is chaotic. Private talkers will inevitably mention these things. People are already confused. This is a sign. Yes, you and I have been together for many years, and I will not avoid you. In this war in Jiangnan, I am afraid that there is no victory in the 5th Five-Year Plan. At most, there are three or seven, I am three, and Jurchen is seven. When I arrived at the Wu Dynasty, I wouldn’t have talked about it. ""

The old man went straight in, and Qin Hao took his hand and walked silently for a while: "The people in Beijing are in a chaotic mood, and the suicide of the Jurchen is in the confusion, on the other side... Mei Gong, since mid-February, there have been rumors in Linan. Boiling, the road is the news from the North, the emperor of the Golden State, Wu Hao, the condition has intensified, and there is not much time left. Maybe I will support it in the Wu Dynasty, and I will be able to survive."

"Don't lie to me, the news is the biography of the people of the black flag. On the other side of the princess palace, it may be fun to see it. Is it credible? It is hard to say... but the news of the Jurchen side is Not necessarily fake."

"Mei Gong, the human heart is like this, what is true or false? You really want it to be true. When it is fake, it’s a heart attack, or is it a good thing in the southwest... If everyone can be fooled, support it. In a few months, maybe the Jurchen is really not fighting, it is a good thing."

There were birds flying over the yard, and the ducks crossed the pond and left. The two people walking in the sunshine smiled quietly, and the old man sighed: "...the old man is also trying to talk about the devil, the younger brother of the meeting and the old southwest, can’t let it go. Mindfulness? Just because you first attacked the southwest, the imperial lady really proposed that the southwest will not let you go."

"The imperial court event is a major event of the court. Personal grievances are personal grievances." Qin Hao turned his head. "Is it true that Mei Gong is talking about a female real person?"

"I can't talk about it." The old man looks as usual. "The old age is already high. This bone can be thrown to burn. It's just that there are still children and grandchildren in the family. Some things, I want to ask the younger brother of the meeting first." It’s a little selfishness, and I hope that the younger brother of the meeting will understand.”

He said this and gently arched his hand: "Don't talk about the goldfall. If the real situation is not supported, what is the way out, I always want to have a number. The Jurchen has let go, if you want to talk, the court It is necessary to cut the land thousands of miles away from Xiangfan to facilitate the attack on the southwest. This proposal may not be a fake. If it is impossible, it is a retreat. But the heart of the sire is now dependent on the rumors of the sage. Xiandi, the battle of Xiao Cang River, the second son of my family was in the hands of the black flag monk. If there is such a thing, I am happy."

When the old man said it, his face was full of heart-felt expression. Qin Hao hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "...the female wolf ambition, you can believe it, Mei Gong."

On this day, when he left the other's residence, Qin Hao did not say more intentions and ideas. He has always been a very strict person. Many things have been fixed, but naturally. In fact, since Zhou Wei asked him to ask questions, many people want to visit him every day, and he quietly looks at the changes in the hearts of the people in Beijing.

Since the relocation of the Wu Dynasty to the south, Qin Yu has gradually climbed to the top of the Wushang officialdom, but it has also experienced several ups and downs, especially in the southwest of the previous year, which caused him to almost lose the holy shrine. On the official stage, Zhao Ding and others took advantage of him. Attacking, even the jumping clown like Long Qifei wanted to step on him, which was his most dangerous time. But fortunately, nowadays, the mind of the extreme is deeply trusting, and the field is gradually coming back.

But for such a proud excitement, Qin Hao has no joy in his heart. At this point in the family situation, as a person of the court, I only feel that there is a pan under the pan.

If it is the ambition of the official, Qin Hao naturally wants to be a capable minister who only cares for the sky. He once admired Qin Yuyuan, but Qin Qinyuan did not know how to advance and retreat. Qin Hao had also had a warning in the past. When he was in Beijing, when Qin Yuyuan was in office, he repeatedly called the side to remind him that many things were moving. The whole body had to make a sudden decision, but Qin Yuyuan had never heard of it. Later, when he died, Qin Hao lamented in his heart, but after all, he proved that this day, he still understood it.

If it is not the rules of the world, why have you killed the outstanding disciples like Luo Jinyan?

However, when Qin Haoyuan fell down, his stay outside of the house eventually brought some bad influences. After Kang Wang succeeded to the throne, his sons and daughters were quite arrogant. Under the support of his father, Zhou Pei Zhou Jun had a lot of great things. They had the support of the Jiangning Department and were deeply affected by the Qin dynasty. Although it was not rehabilitated by Qin Yuyuan in the past, the re-used officials were mostly Qin disciples of the year. Although Qin Yu had a "home" relationship with Qin Yuyuan, but because of his later involvement, Zhou Peijun This pair of younger brothers did not deliberately lean over, but even if Qin Hao wanted to take the initiative to rely on the past, the other party did not show too close.

If possible, Qin Lan is more eager to get close to Prince Junwu. His unchanging personality reminds Qin Qin of Luo Jinyan's words. If he can teach Luo Jinyan better in the past, the two sides have better communication, and maybe there will be A different result. However, Junwu did not like him, and regarded his kindness as a rhetoric with other people. Later, many times, the little prince was staying in Jiangning. Qin Yu wanted to make more contacts and there was no such opportunity. He can only sigh.

The little prince is different from Luo Jinyan. His status makes him have a capital of nowhere, but after a while, he will fall.

He understood this matter, as he did from the beginning, he understood the ending of Qin Yuyuan. The problems of the Wu dynasty are intertwined, and the drawbacks are already deep. It is like a patient who is ill and ill. The little prince is fiery and hot. He just lets him contribute and stimulate his potential. Normal people can do this, but the patient will die. If it is not for this reason, then why did he want to kill Luo Jinyan?

At the same time, it was also life. After all, I missed the opportunity in the past, and obviously became the Prince of Xianjun. At this time, it is better to have more self-knowledge.

As for Mei Gong, as for the Princess House, as for the people who are desperately trying to release all kinds of inspiring black flags in the city... Although the fight is fierce, but the sentient beings fight, they can only see the square inch in front of them, if it is the southwest If you are slaughtered, you may be able to understand what you think in your heart, at least not far from the north. The Goddess of God who manipulates everything in secret can understand all this clearly.

He can only close his eyes and wait quietly for the arrival of the event. At that time, he will hold the authority in his hands, and perhaps he can also take advantage of the Wu Dynasty.

Even if things can't be...

For many days, the most common words in this private voice flashed through his mind. Even if things can't be done, at least they are invincible... The answer is flashed in his mind, but then the unsuitable answer is swept away from his mind.

Gently sighed, Qin Hao opened the curtain, watching the carriage drove through the city where all things were born, Lin'an spring picturesque. It’s just near dusk.

There was rain in April, and the knights on the horses wore black robes, rushing through the undulating low mountains, far away to see the uncultivated fields, the deserted villages, the human bodies falling down on the roadside, the feathery crows He looked up from the body and looked ominously at people.

In the past years, the land of Jiangnan is already a green one.

The horse team drove past the ridge and went forward. The outline of the gradual military camp came into view, and a patrol team came over. The two sides reported the name with the Jurchen, and the patrolling team stood and watched the line more than 300. The human riding team went to the military camp.

The formation of the team is a variety of strange things, with a fierce face, there are many injured. The headed Yan Yanqing was pale, and the injured left hand was wrapped around the bandage and hung around her neck.

On the first floor of the military camp, one battalion and one battalion, orderly, when there is a middle section, there are also relatively lively camps. Here, the squatting, captive slaves, and some Jurchen soldiers exchange the treasures plundered south. A place of bliss for a soldier. After Yan Yanqing waved the horse to stop, then smiled and instructed everyone not to follow, the injured first went to the medical hall to heal, the rest took his token, each of them was happy.

The Jurchens have killed the Yangtze River this time and did not come for the captive slaves. Therefore, there are many killers and fewer people to raise people. However, the Jiangnan women are soft and beautiful, and they are still good at being caught in the army. They are often sedated by military officers. These places in the military camp are often visited by military officers, but they are in short supply, but the group of Yan Yanqing’s men are quite high. The brand of the prince, all kinds of things can be enjoyed preferentially. At the moment, everyone praises the little lord and righteousness, and laughs and dissipates.

Wan Yanqing went straight inside, and the summer rain gradually stopped. He went into the big account of the central government and asked him to ask him. He was holding a few copies of the information on the table. Yan Yanyin looked up and looked at him. He didn’t say anything about his arm injury.

"How's it going?"

"Returning to the teacher, there are some results."

Wan Yanqing said, took two close-fitting letters from his arms and handed it over to Xi Yin. Xi Yin opened it and quietly read it again. Then he closed the letter. He looked at the map on the table and his lips were slightly. Move, in the heart to calculate the things that need to be calculated, the camp is so quiet for nearly a quarter of an hour, Wan Yanqing stood aside, afraid to make a sound.

"What happened to the hand?" After a long time, Xi Yin just said something.

"A person who met a black flag near Changning, someone sneaked from the fall immediately, has no problem." Wan Yanqing simply answered. He naturally understands the character of the teacher. Although he is famous for his name, he is actually interested in listening to the injury of Xi Yin in the military squad.

The conflict in Changning is not really a big deal. The suspected black flag character he encountered is actually not highly trained. The two sides have conflicts. After that, they each leave, and Yan Yanqing wants to pursue. Who knows In the melee, he was shot by a dark gun. He did not know where to shoot from a bullet. He rubbed his thigh and knocked his horse to the ground. He finished his hand and broke his hand.

Xi Yin nodded with both hands to show that.

"It’s really time for you to come back, the rain stopped, let me go and go."

After the end of the Yan Yanqing arched hands up, out of the big account, the early summer of the rain breaks a bright light. The old man walked forward: "Zong Fu attacked Jiang Ning, and has already caught the attention of the Wu Dynasty people. The Wutai little prince wanted to stare at me. After all, he was repulsed twice. There was not much spare energy, but the food around him had already eaten. Almost the same, he is now wary that I will wait for the people from Changzhou to eat in the south... Linan direction, people are heart-wrenching, shaking people a lot, but want them to break the courage, but also lack the most important part..."

Xi Yin is more like talking to himself and speaking in a tone of indifference, but there is no confusion. After Yan Yanqing is listening to it, he finally said: "The teacher has a fixed mind?"

Xi Yin shook his head and didn't look at him: "The recent events remind me of the world twenty or thirty years ago. I waited for the emperor to follow the heroes and kill hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Liao State. At that time, I was only going forward. The name of the woman who is invincible is the one that was played at that time. After ten or twenty years, only in recent years, I always talked to people about what kind of people, what kind of persuasion, rumors, private acceptance. Confuse others..."

A team of soldiers passed from the side and saluted the first one. Xi Yin waved his hand and his eyes were complicated and dignified: "You are talking to you about the Wu Dynasty."

Wan Yanqing said: "The teacher said a lot."

“When the year...” Xi Yin recalled the things of the year. “When I was just getting started, I often heard that there are big countries in the south, everyone is rich, the land is rich, the people are obedient and educated, all are courteous and courteous, Confucianism is deep, and the world is benefited. I have studied Chinese sinology since childhood, and I am awed by everyone around me. I am willing to join the martial arts ambassadors to form alliances with me. I am against the Liao people. I am ecstatic in the emperor and others. Who knows... Later I saw Wu As for many problems, I have doubts in my heart... From doubts to sneer, and gradually, I became disdainful. In the 16th state of Yanyun, they are incapable, but they have repeatedly tried their best to fight the court. However, they all thought that they were unparalleled in their plans. Later, Zhang Jue, who voted for them, also killed us. Guo Yaoshi was a great man, and he entered the Wu Dynasty and finally became disheartened. When the emperor died, he said that he had finished the investigation. It’s a good thing to take the Wu Dynasty, it’s also something to do...”

"Green 。." Xi Yin walked along the road of the military camp to a small hillside. "Now, it is our turn to make conspiracy and ambition. You said, is this smart? Is it weak? ..."

"...when it is weak." End Yan Qingying replied, "However, as the teacher said earlier, the kingdom of gold must be strong. Originally, it was impossible to use force to suppress everything. I have spent 20 years in the world, if I have been from now to now. I have always ruled the country with Wu. I am afraid that one day will only be faster."

A few years after the search for the sea, Jin Guo fell in a carefree and enjoyable atmosphere. When he arrived at the Battle of Xiao Cang River, the dim room and the resignation of the retreat were as awkward as the head of the Jurchen, such as Xi Yin and Zong. It is not the first time that John et al. discussed these topics. Xi Yin’s feelings were not a question, and Yan Yan’s answer did not seem to enter his ears. On the low hillside, there is wind blowing after the rain. The mountains in the south of the river are not high. From here, you can see the income of the camp full of mountains and valleys. The flag of the rainwater spreads among the mountains. Xi Yin looked at it all seriously.

After a long time, he said: "The situation in the cloud, have you heard that?"

Wan Yan Qing Yu hesitated: "... I heard that some people are making rumors in private, both sides of things... want to fight?"

"Last year, the thing in Yunzhongfu, someone killed the grandson who loved it, and blamed it for Zongfu. This is a confusing thing. By this year, some people in the private world will be rumored everywhere, and the Wu Dynasty will be completed. The next person is reminded to make preparations. If you are not alert, the opposite side is already sharpening the knife. At the end of last year, it was only a few small frictions. At the beginning of this year, some people on the top were pulled down."

"Dayuan's business under the hand of the company was intercepted. It was the time when Yan Yanhong was under the guise of the East. He said that after the population business, things should be demarcated. Now, let's talk about it, so that it can be revived. This is being provoked. I am ready to fight both. The matter is still being talked about. The monks and Han people under the two men have made several hard fights. Once they are in the clouds, they are angry and angry. But these things, as long as Some people really believe that he is just exhausted and can't hold back."

The old man frowned and his words were quiet, but there was already murderousness spreading out. Wan Yanqing can understand the dangers of this: "Someone is provoking in private..."

Xi Yin's gaze turned to the west: "The people of the black flag have started. They go to the person in charge of the Northland. It is not simple. These people rumored to love when they beat by Zong Fu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from the bottom Start... For the above-mentioned things, the upper level is not daring or tampering. When the time is in love, even if you have a grandson, you will never make a big fuss, but the people below can’t figure out the truth and see others prepare. I want to start with a strong hand, and the lower ones start to move. The middle and the top are also pulled down. For example, Dayuanyu and Shidong dare have already fought. Who wants to retreat? Things will get bigger and bigger. These means, you can try to figure out what you are..."


Xi Yin walked forward. He sucked the fresh wind after the rain, then spit it out, thinking about things in his head, and the seriousness in his eyes did not weaken.

"...Jiangning war, has already transferred a lot of troops." He seems to be talking to himself. "Zong Fu should ask for it, and has already handed over all the remaining 'Tianfu Sanhua' with the remaining stoning equipment. Arubao shipped, I have been fighting here several times, and I am seriously consuming. The Wu Dynasty people thought that I wanted to attack Changzhou, breaking the city and replenishing the grain and the south to go south. This is naturally a good road, so the Wu Dynasty was stationed by the 130,000 troops. Changzhou, and the little prince guards Zhenjiang with 100,000 troops..."

Xi Yin paused and looked at his old palm: "Our army is 50,000 people, and the other side has 100,000 and 130,000. If I was ten years ago, I would not hesitate, let alone... Of the 50,000 people, there are 30,000 Tushanwei."

His words have not been finished yet, and the end of Yan Yanqing has already understood what the other party is saying, and understands where the sighs of the old population come from. The cool breeze blew gently, and Xi Yin’s words fell carelessly into the wind.

"After half a month, I and Silversmith, General Arubao attacked Zhenjiang at all costs."

The old man slowly moved forward and whispered: "After this war, Wuchao world... It should be..."

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