Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 853: Haotian (4)

The collapse of the building was sudden.

In April of the eleventh year, Wu Jianyu decided to decide one of the most critical time periods in the whole world. The Jiangning war is in full swing, and the hundreds of thousands of defenders are still struggling under the storm of Yan Zonghan.

Since the beginning of the second half of last year, the Wu Dynasties have shown their strong national strength and profound heritage under the fierce attack of the fourth Nanzheng.

The nearly ten years of forbearance and preparation, even if it lost the Central Plains, but built a more prosperous economic system in Jiangnan, supported a relatively powerful giant-like body, in the recent year of the war situation, Wu Although the times have been defeated, they often have disadvantages, but the rich heritage and the steady number of soldiers make up for the loss of the defeat. Even though the Yangtze River defense line has been broken, several important fulcrums supporting the Jiangnan skeleton have been steadfast. Some places have even formed a situation where you come and go, so that the Jurchen army that has been desperately thrown around the Yangtze River has not been able to go south for a long time.

If such a situation proves that the Wu Dynasty still has enormous strength in the total amount, the Zhenjiang incident at the end of April may have profoundly explained the hidden darkness and contradiction hidden in the giant body of the Wu Dynasty.

Compared with the Jurchen, which was more than ten years ago, the first time it went south, although the Wutai army was smashed before the powerful force of the Jurchens, many people in the world still maintained the dignity that once belonged to the country. If you are defeated, you can run away. The enemy is not too much. Even if the combat power is not good, the resistance of the entire Central Plains is endless.

However, after more than ten years of brewing and change, the resistance to gold has turned more to the tragic and strong on the paper, and for the ordinary people, what happened during the Jingping period has been a shameful disgrace, social resistance. The sound of gold is a wave higher than the wave, but in the middle and upper levels of the Wu Dynasty, the proportion of real people and heroes who have contact with Jurchens and even those who have invested in the enemy has greatly increased.

For more than ten years, you have come to me. On the one hand, they are in a state of opposition. On the other hand, Jinwu and the two sides are constantly deepening their contacts. When the contrast of power on the counter becomes obvious, most smart people will have their own calculations. The battle between Zhenjiang and the end of April is not so much a comparison between attack and defense, but also a fierce collision between the two sides.

This is a battle that is different from the previous situation. Even if it is the appearance of a complete use and rebellion, but the layout of the normal battle, the purpose of the beginning of the last year, Jurchen The infiltration of the Wu Dynasty and the heart of the Lin’an court made this all more like a large-scale replica of Ning Yi’s break of the Liangshan incident.

Relative to the rapid transmission of information, tens of thousands and even more than 100,000 military movements, every big move is very slow. In mid-April, Yan Yanyin’s army turned to Zhenjiang. For his desperate behavior, the parties have already smelled an unusual clue, just to keep up with his actions. The various troops of the Wu Dynasty side also need long enough time. In the process, everyone has to embank the possibility of a sneak shot.

By April 19, Xi Yin began to prepare for siege, and the surrounding army could determine the truth of the whole movement and encircle it in the direction of Zhenjiang.

Twenty-two, Xi Yin sent a messenger to Junwu and others in Zhenjiang City. On the same day, he sent a large number of leaflets to Zhenjiang City, which will participate in the arrest of the nine people of the city, and first spread the information of the city’s meritorious people. At the same time, at the same time, it has also spread the evidence that the court’s squad has surrendered to the woman. In this atmosphere, the Jurchen army launched a full-scale siege in the afternoon.

Wan Yan Xi Yin’s attack on Zhenjiang has already been a desperate attempt. Almost all the powerful flowering bombs have been thrown into the city in desperation. In the gap between the bombings, Tu Shanwei slammed the wall hair. At this time, more than 200,000 troops from southeast and south of Zhenjiang came to the scene, and in Zhenjiang City, Junwu and others increased the enforcement of the military corps, and at the same time took a stare at the military generals. Strategy, even before the siege war, even changed the defense area of ​​each team.

If Xi Yin’s siege is fruitless, the tens of thousands of people led by Tu Shanwei, Yin Shu, and Aru Bao, who he led, are likely to be surrounded by the army and eventually buried under Zhenjiang City, and even if they broke through, they paid a lot of money. After the price, the morale of the Wu Dynasty people will be so high, and the fourth South Expedition of the Jurchens will only be the end of the bleak end.

The crazy attack of the Jurchen, together with the declaration of the defenders of the Nine inhabitants, brought tremendous pressure to the army in the city, but at the same time made the resistance of the defenders become more determined. However, compared with the siege, the decision to defend the city is not the longest board of the most high-spirited fighting spirit, but only a key flaw is enough.

On the afternoon of April 25, in the early morning, a flaw appeared. A small number of escorts named Xiao Changzhong led his rebellion. After contacting the Jurchen, he tried to open the double-angle gate in the east of Zhenjiang. His rebellion was not completely successful. However, the Jurchens launched a storm on the double-angled door through civil strife and opened the door after occupying the city wall. At this point, the Jurchen army surged into the east of Zhenjiang.

The flame raged in the city during the explosion. The battle spread in the city. The morale of the Jurchen soldiers was high after entering the city. But in the near future, they were greeted by the defending army and they tried their best to resist. Jun Wu took the soldiers out of the big camp and launched the soldiers of the whole city to fight against the Jurchens. At the same time, they organized the people in the city to flee from the rest of the docks and roads.

I am afraid that not many people can understand the mood of Jun Wu at that time. The resistance of more than tens of thousands of people is destroyed by one's weakness. Of course, if this person can get longer, there may be other weak people. However, in the darkness of the early morning of this day, Jun Wu did not fall down in this headache. He rode the silver armor and waved the sword around, constantly issuing orders to cheer the soldiers and guide the fleeing people.

There are still water military vessels and merchant ships docked on the pier near Zhenjiang. Officials of the Prince’s House, including the smell of people, tried to persuade Junwu to board the ship and escape the already hopeless Zhenjiang, but Junwu directly refused. With such persuasion, he ordered the Navy to carry the people across the canal so that the people in the city could flee, and at the same time let the defenders in the south of the city open a path for the people.

Zhenjiang is the hub of the intersection of the canal and the Yangtze River. By the end of last year, the number of people living in Zhenjiang has reached one million. After the war, the people in the vicinity were scattered. The people living in the city still have more than 400,000. This night, the massacre and the flames. Spreading in the city, the team that fled was so vast that the entire city was caught in a boiling slaughter.

Breaking Zhenjiang is the most crucial step in Xi’s entire war plan. Even if the purpose of breaking the city is realized, even he will enter the state of excitement. Shortly after Tu Shanwei and a group of actresses entered the city, the defending army’s counterattack came on the scene. At this time, Zhenjiang has been broken. According to Xi Yin, all the Wushen soldiers will face the fate of the Yi and Jiu nationals after the Jin Dynasty ruled this place. The resistance of the whole city will enter a state of enthusiasm in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhenjiang, Xi Yin led the Tushanwei, plus the silver surgery, part of the army of Arubao, the number of Jinbing is close to 70,000, and the Wucha army in Zhenjiang City is only in the early 100,000, but broken in the city. On the twenty-fifth day, Zhenjiang’s fight against the Golden Man’s battle was the most violent climax. Some of the ties led the soldiers to madly charge, and they did not retreat after exhaustion. Some of the Tushanweis after entering the city were even The fierce counterattack was beaten, and it retreated.

On the morning of the 25th, the small half of the city was in flames. A large number of people were still fleeing outside the city. At this time, fighting broke out near the escaped road outside the south. The Arubao army tried to seal the south road. He died, but he was violently blocked by the Wu dynasty army arranged by Jun Wu here. The martial arts general Zou Tianchi, who led the 20,000 martial arts troops here, was nearly sixty years old. He was arranged here by Junwu. Backward, his armored army collapsed or died in the next two days. There were also surrenderers. After two days, they faced the attack of Arubao. The old general was bombarded by shells. After climbing, his right arm was bloody. The cockroaches were bloody, and the old general led the crowd with a single-handed knife, and eventually fell on the way to the front.

This is just a small episode in the whole Zhenjiang War. On the morning of the 25th, Jun Wu, who had been running all night, was able to breathe a little. He drank the rice porridge from his wife in the street house. The person wiped the tears in his eyes, and then stepped on the horseback and ran across the battlefields to boost morale. During this period, countless people persuaded him to leave Zhenjiang immediately. Even some people who had not escaped saw the fatigue of the Prince. They also persuaded the Prince to leave the ship. Jun Wu shook his head and refused, screaming and screaming.

"The defending soldiers will give up their lives, and I can go first! If I leave, you will have no way to live!"

He said this to the people, and he continued to inspire the soldiers who defended the city on the side of the battlefield: "The Jurchens will not give me a way to live! I will not give birth to the Wu people! I am with the monarchs, before the people evacuate, The princes will not retreat, and I will not retreat -"

Zhenjiang City is not small. However, during this day, even the soldiers and the people saw the Prince who passed by three times. His robe was gradually dirty, the voice of the call gradually became hoarse, and the action gradually became weak, but hey. Shouting words and actions have become more and more determined, and some of the formerly timid soldiers have embarked on the road to the Jurchen.

Twenty-five nights this evening, Jun Wu fell from the horse immediately, followed by the smell of people and came to persuade him to leave, Jun Wu refused: "I can not go, the military heart is available, the people can use, I saw, we still have hope!"

Wen Wen has shaken his head: "Zhenjiang has been trapped. It has been a trivial matter since then. Wu Dynasty cannot be without His Royal Highness! His Royal Highness will go to Lin'an, but there is still a line of life, His Royal Highness..."

Jun Wu kept shaking his head. His face was already gray and even mixed with some blood stains. At this time, tears flowed out: "It's not a trifle! The life of hundreds of thousands of people is a trivial matter! Wenren brother, I know what you think! But have you seen it? People can use it, they can fight, dare to fight, Zhenjiang has not lost! They come in, we defeat them, hundreds of thousands of people are coming over, we will finish Yan Xi Yin stays here! We still have hope!"

In the eyes of Jun Wu, I saw the final hope and enthusiasm of the last hope, perhaps because I saw the resolute and heroic resistance of the twenty-fifth day, and I was no longer persuaded to hear the people’s hearts and minds. Twenty-six, the Jurchen troops entering the city have begun to persuade, the resistance is still fierce, but it has begun to decline.

Twenty-seven, half-seat Zhenjiang City fell into a sea of ​​fire. At this time, there were still tens of thousands of people who could not escape. The defense line in the southern suburbs of Zhenjiang City had already started to rush under the attack of Arubao. When Junwu led the army to support, the old general Zou Tianchi has already died on the way to the super Arubao charge.

On the road to the south of Zhenjiang, on the side of the Grand Canal, at this time, the people who are full of mountains and valleys are all fleeing people. Junwu gathers the soldiers and organizes the defense line. At the same time, it is also urging the rapid transfer of military and civilians in Zhenjiang City. At this time, the situation in Zhenjiang is already in jeopardy. A cavalry of Tushanwei looked for the direction of Junwu and killed it here. The surrounding generals and the aides carried out repeated persuasion. Junwu stood on the top of the hill and looked at the people who fled below: "You can't beat them." ?"

The guards following the monarchy set the defensive formation. The soldiers also urged the people to leave at the fastest speed. When the cavalry on the other side appeared, it was the afternoon of the day. The sun reflected the water on the Grand Canal. On the side of the wildflower green grass, Jun Wu put Wang Qi on the hillside, watching the guards retreat from the cavalry's charge, the cavalry will return to the crowd, throwing arrows into the crowd, the guards of the cavalry chasing the past, in the chaos Killing in the middle.

At two o'clock, the Jurchen cavalry turned into a number of shares, and it was killed here. The people around it persuaded the monarch to avoid it. The monarch who had not blinked for three days just shook his head subconsciously, and there was a forbidden army formed in front of him. There are gun guards around, and there are guards around him. He is not afraid. He left his wife under the king and walked forward, trying to make those Jurchens more real--and remembering their deaths more truly.

Arrow rain came.

Someone raised the shield, some people took Junwu, Junwu subconsciously struggled, several shields had been covered above his body, what shot on his armor bounced, Junwu’s body shook, feeling It was hit by a blunt instrument, and when he reacted, an arrow was embedded in the gap of the armor - it hit his stomach.

He felt uncomfortable, but there was no pain. The next moment, some people came around in a panic. Jun Wu held the arrow shaft with his left hand and pressed it on the armor.

It turned out to be such a feeling.

It hurts……

He thought about it.

But this time, his hands that have been shaking for fear in the past few days are no longer shaking.

- It is just that feeling.

Jun Wu extended his right hand, slowly and firmly pulled out the long sword with him, pointing to the direction of the Jurchen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said in the mouth: "...kill the enemy." But his throat is very painful, already Can't speak out.

Someone around: "The prince was injured..."

Such voices gradually spread out, and tears came from the eyes of some people. These days, the soldiers around, and even some people, have seen the appearance of Junwu. Jun Wu was still marching forward, and there was a general in front of the general who shouted and led the soldiers to rush to the Jurchens. The cavalry in the Guards was also killed. They braved the arrows and rushed to the galloping horses. In the past, after a while, the voice of turmoil rang among the people who fled, some people cried, some shouted, and gradually, there were men in the crowd who put down their homes, one, two, three... gradually became A group of people came to the battlefield on the side of the hillside.

The sun is dazzling, it is dizzy, and the forward Jun Wu fell down in the warmth of the human heart. The place of the arrow seems to be very painful, but it doesn't matter.

- It's just that feeling.

He is no longer afraid.

On the pale face of Junwu, he smiled slightly.

"...kill the enemy."

He said hoarsely and softly.

More Jurchens are still squashing around. Shen Shi, after determining the intention of Xi Yin, will be rushing into the battlefield under the leadership of Yue Fei, and he will rush into Arubao. The main force, less than half an hour, in the most fierce posture, the Jurchen generals Arubao.

At this time, the main cavalry of the squatting army was reduced to about 5,000 after a long-term slaughter. Yue Fei was the coach of the army and came in. After the battle of Arubao, he could kill the sex, and the horse and the pistol in his hand were covered with dripping. Blood. On this evening, the cavalry crossed the battlefield, and before Xi Yin led the Tushanwei to the martial arts, he made a white-and-white battle with the main force of the handsome realist.

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