Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 854: Haotian (5)

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The flag was rebelled, and the horse screamed in the pool of blood. The infiltration of the suffocating air, the sky in the west, the burning of the clouds became the last ashes. The darkness is like a behemoth with life, and it is opening its mouth. Engulf the sky.

On one side of the field of vision is the wall that is generally across the hills of Zhenjiang. On the other side of the darkness, the battle in the city continues. In the wilderness here, the neat Jurchen battalion is being shrouded in chaos and mess. The catapult was dumped on the ground, and the fire after the bomb exploded was still burning.

In those places that were infiltrated by the fire, the figure that ran in the chaos was reflected. The soldiers carried the stretcher and rescued the broken limbs from the collapsed tents and equipment piles. Occasionally there were enemies with shadows. Awakened from the chaotic crowd, small-scale battles broke out, and the surrounding Jurchen soldiers encircled them and cut the enemy's figure into a pool of blood.

Not long ago, a fierce battle broke out here. It was in the evening. After the position of the prince Junwu was completely determined, Wan Yanxi was waiting to be pursued, and suddenly arrived at the back of the army. Riding, launched a fierce and determined impact on the side defense line of the Jurchen Camp.

The number of Jurchens was gathered in Zhenjiang. In order to attack the city, the fortifications did not do much. However, in the face of the cavalry that was suddenly killed, it was not unprepared. The infantry quickly assembled the formation and the artillery turned its direction as far as possible. In theory, the slightly rational Wushu army would choose to confront or retreat. But the cavalry that was killed only turned slightly in the wilderness, and then launched the charge at the fastest speed.

In the past eight or nine years, the largest cavalry team in the rebel army may be one of the most elite troops of the Wu Dynasty. However, Tushanwei has been so despised in the world, facing the arrival of the cavalry, the square is not Hesitantly wrapped up, followed by the fierce hedging and slaughter of both sides, the impact of the horse team slightly rounded back, plowing a large piece of blood on the side of the square.

As the sun sets, a part of the war horse that is covered with eyes rushes to the Jurchen camp like a consumable. The infantry of the dismounting horse is killed. Yue Fei is shaped like a blood, killing all the way, trying to rush to the handsome flag of Yan Xiyin. In the opposite end, Yan Xiyin immediately understood the crazy intentions of the opposing generals. The two sides had already played against each other in Xiangfan. At that time, the backing army was in front of Tushanwei, still at a disadvantage, and was repelled several times. He must be open and raise his sword.

"Yue Pengju - Huangkou children, I married you!"

At this time, Zhenjiang City had been broken, and Yan Yanxi had almost held the chip in the situation of the Ding Dynasty, but then the blockage of Tushanwei in Zhenjiang City somewhat made him faceless - of course, this is also a fine detail. Little things. If only the other incompetent Wu Chao generals are in sight, Xi Yin may not feel insulted. The insult to the insects only needs to crush the other party, but Yue Fei is among the generals of the Wu Dynasty. Looks like a torch, using the name of the soldiers.

At this time, even if half of the Tushanwei had entered Zhenjiang, and there were at least 12,000 Jurchen elites in the area outside the city, there were still some silver weapons on the side, and Yue Fei took the five thousand fine rides. Killing the land and killing it, its strategic purpose is very simple, that is, to directly kill itself under the city, in order to regain the chassis that the Wu Dynasty has lost in Zhenjiang.

This kind of adventure that puts the life and death out of the way and can also drive the whole army to follow is certainly exhilarating, but in front of it, a junior general has made such a gesture to himself, and it seems to be somewhat stunned. He was angry and on the other hand provoked the fierceness of the original competition for the world. He took over the command of the generals on the spot and encouraged the morale to greet him. He vowed to smash the tiger’s juniors. The most war-torn team in the Wu Dynasty stayed on this battlefield.

In less than half an hour, what happened in this wilderness was the strongest battle in the entire Zhenjiang campaign. The confrontation between the two sides was like a **** wave, and a lot of human lives evaporate in the first time. Going on. Reciting the fierce and fearless advancement of the army, Tu Shanwei's defense is like the iron wall of the iron wall, while resisting the advancement of the rebel army, he is surrounded by all sides, trying to limit the space for the other party to move.

In this short period of time, Yue Fei led the team to make several attempts. Finally, the whole battle and killing route traversed the female real camp. The soldiers lost nearly half of this large-scale assault, and ultimately only It is even more tragic to take the road to leave, and the slaughter of the slaughter of Tushan, who failed to leave the rebel army. Until the **** cavalry team grew up, no Jurchen troops dared to chase the past.

The face of Wan Yan Xi Yin gradually became gloomy from anger, and finally he still calmed his teeth and cleaned up the messy mess. With the battle of the back of the army, the plan to catch up with the army was also delayed.

On the road from Zhenjiang to the south, there are crowds of people who have fled. After the night, the little fire spread like a dragon on the road, the wilderness and the canal. Some of the people stayed and rested on the side of the campfire, and soon they set off again, hoping to leave this warrior as soon as possible.

When Yue Fei and the princes who were the guards of the Wen and others waited for each other, the time was close to the midnight of the day. In the previous fierce battle, there were also several injuries on his body. In the middle of his shoulders, he also had a knife on his forehead. Now he is covered in blood, wrapped in a small bandage, and the turmoil in the body is expected. Awesome.

"The court is too late to rescue the car." Yue Fei and the smell of people are already familiar, but a little bit of a guest. "I heard that the arrow in the temple was injured, how is it now?"

"The Shakespeare's arrow is not deep, and it hurts a little. It's not a big problem. It's just that since the Jurchen attacked the city for several days, His Royal Highness has been running away every day to boost morale. He has never blinked, and the overdraft is too much. I am afraid that it will take a few days to raise. OK." Wensheng said, "His Royal Highness is still in a coma. Before he woke up, would the generals go to see His Royal Highness?"

"The state has this prince, it is my great fortune in the Wu dynasty. Since my Highness is in a coma, flying a **** body, it will not pass. It is a pity... I have never killed Yan Xiyin..."

The two walked in the military camp and heard the people look around: "I heard the general Wu Yong, killing Arubao, it is exciting, just... with half of the cavalry hard to finish Yan Xiyin, there is in the military camp Said the general is too reckless..."

Both of them have a relationship with Ning Yi, and they are both priests and confessed. When they whispered this, they were not blaming. In fact, they only reported to Yue Fei. Yue Fei’s face was serious and gloomy: “The news of Xi Yin’s attack on Zhenjiang was confirmed. I guessed that things were wrong, so the 5,000 cavalry immediately came, but it was still a late step. Two messages of Zhenjiang’s fall and Prince’s injury To Lin'an, there is a big change in this world. I guess the situation is in jeopardy. I have no choice but to do this. After all, I am lucky. I heard the brothers, how is the situation in the capital, you have to come and deliberate..."

As a general, Yue Fei is the most aware of the rapid changes in the situation. He said this, and his face was also dignified: "...Two days after the break of the city, the Prince ran around, inspiring everyone's heart, and the soldiers inside and outside Zhenjiang died. I also felt in my heart. When the Prince was wounded, there were too many people around him. Soon after, the army showed a gesture of mourning, and the people bravely marched forward. The people also cried for the prince and rushed to the Jurchen army. I know that the news is blocked first. However, witnessing this situation, it is also inevitable... and, at the time, the news was really difficult to block."

He paused: "After the matter subsided a little, I repaired the book and sent it to Lin'an. I also informed the generals of the Alubao, and now I only hope that the Princess House can still control the situation... Zhenjiang, of course, the Prince. I will not leave, but as a close minister, I can’t go into dissuasion, it’s too big. If there is a temporary subsidy, I will write a letter to sin... In fact, in retrospect, at the beginning of the war last year, the princess His Royal Highness once succumbed to me. If one day is in danger, I hope that I can force the Prince to leave the battlefield and protect him. At that time, the Princess of the Princess expected it..."

When he said this, he closed his eyes with some pain. In fact, as a close minister, he couldn’t know what choice was best. However, in the past few days, the work of Junwu has also been made very moving. It is a process in which a young man truly grows up and becomes a man. After this step, his future cannot be limited. In the future, he will be the hero of the Confucian family, but it is naturally dangerous.

The difference between the middle and the middle is not difficult to choose. In the end, it can only be dominated by the will of the monarch.

Yue Fei sighed: "It is not necessary to smell the brothers. As Mr. Ning said, the world's affairs require the efforts of everyone in the world. Princes, you and me, have tried their best. Mr. Ning's thoughts are cold. Ice, although often correct, does not leave any face. When I was with my master and me, the idea was different. Master’s temperament was straightforward, and he ran for a lifetime of good and evil, eventually stabbing and dying, although Failure, but no hesitation, only because Master believes that the old man believes that there is a spirit and righteousness beyond the human beings in addition to manpower. He stabbed and ruthless, and he finally believed that the Wu dynasty passed the country for more than two hundred years. Being thousands of people, the world will eventually heal this world."

The **** spots on his face, when he said it, smiled slightly: "Master has passed away for more than ten years, and his spirit is still affecting the world. Although the Wu Dynasty is chaotic and chaotic, I always believe that At the end of the day, people will give this day a chance."

After saying this, Yue Fei patted the shoulders of the people, smelled the silence for a moment, and finally laughed. He turned his head and looked at the light outside the military camp: "The battle of Zhenjiang is gradually fixed, and there are still hundreds of thousands outside. The people are fleeing south, and the Jurchens may be slaughtered at any time. If they are awake, they will hope to see them all the way, so the team that has withdrawn from Zhenjiang South is still guarding against this."

"Because of this." Yue Fei nodded, then handed over, "I will come over with the main force, I will certainly not let the Golden Dog hurt my Wu Dynasty people. Wen brother, there is hope in this world, I hope you will look after it." His Royal Highness, the Flying Club will do its utmost to take back the righteousness from the Golden Dog."

In the dim light, the tired two men smiled and smiled. At this time, the messengers of the scouts and the persuaded descendants have been rushing on the road to the south...


Lin'an, the dark night like the ink.

Qin Lan woke up from the nightmare, he quietly got out of bed, picked up the lamp, and the sound of the ringing came when there was an emergency message outside the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your clothes are on the screen..."

Didn't find the robe, Qin Hao was going to open the door when he wore the inner shirt. The voice of the old wife in the bed came out. Qin Hao nodded. "You sleep." The door was opened and the outside person was handed over. Sealing things, Qin Lan took over, closed the door, then folded back to get a robe.

"I will come over, you sleep."

He whispered aloud, put the robes on, took the oil lamp and went to the corner of the room to sit down, before disassembling the information.

He repeated this information for a long time, and his eyes gradually lost his focal length. He sat and sat in the corner like that, and he was silent as if he was dying. I don't know when the old wife came down from the bed: "...you have a tight thing, I let the next person give you water."

Qin Lan looked at his old wife and wanted to say something. He didn't know what to say. After a long time, he lifted the paper in his hand: "I am right, this Wuchao is finished..."

Qin Hao used to complain like this. The old wife didn't pay attention to him. After the hot water was washed, Qin Lan slowly stood up: "Well, I have to groom, I have to prepare... I will pass after I will."

"Where to go?"

"Into the palace." Qin Hao replied, then muttered to himself, "There is no way, no way..."

With the help of his old wife, he combed the white hair meticulously. The face in the mirror looked righteous and resolute. He knew that he was going to do what he had to do. He remembered Qin Yuyuan, and soon after, he remembered Jingping. Tang Yan, who was ashamed, said: "You see me and Tang Qinxi, there are some similarities..."

The old wife does not understand what he is saying.

After a short time, the palace came to the people, Qin Hao followed the past. The carriage left the Qin government, and above the street, it sounded louder. Lin'an is still dark in the city. It will never light up again.

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