Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 855: Haotian (6)

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The passage in the palace was dim and quiet. The guards on duty stood in the inconspicuous corner. The eunuchs who led the way clung to the warm yellow lanterns, walked through the early morning, familiar roads with Qin Lan, crossed the long street and turned to the palace. The cool air is accompanied by the wind that has slowly blown, making it all addictive.

The inner palace of Qinzheng, the lights are lit up in the summer, reflecting the flowers and plants in the flower beds at night. After the **** entered the newspaper, Qin Yu was promoted to the public. There was a big map hanging on the wall on the side of the temple. Zhou Wei sat in the chair and looked up at the map and looked down at the head. After Qin Hao asked to be safe, Zhou Wei from the chair. Get up, then turn to this side.

Holding the incoming letter, the emperor's face was pale and exhausted.

"Qin Qing, the news of Zhenjiang... passed over."

"Chen... already know."

"Oh." Zhou Hao nodded. It was not surprising. It was just a look of disappointment. "Jun Wu was injured, and the prince of the scorpion...had to defend the Zhenjiang without retreating. After the traitor was offered to the city, he ran for the people of the city. In order to save the innocent subjects, strong, this is the true righteousness! The prince of the scorpion...not lose to anyone!"

"The Prince is such a benevolent righteousness, for the blessing of all people." Qin said.

Zhou Yi waved his hand: "But Zhenjiang is still broken. Qin Qing is right. After Yan Yanxi, this person is desperate to fight Zhenjiang, it shows that he has a perfect policy. Haha, the best policy! It is the connection of those who are fine! Let people open the city The door put them in! Yesterday evening... The Prince was injured, this time you look, this city is getting up and down again, the best policy, Qin Qing..."

Zhou Hao paused: "You tell me, what should I do?"

Qin Lan was silently silent, Zhou Wei looked at him, and the letter on his hand was photographed on the table: "Speak. Qin Qing, Wu Dynasty died, Linan broke, you just escaped? Lin'an outside the city... Lin'an City, outside the Golden Mile The troops of the surgery have been turning around for four months! He is not attacking the city. He is also waiting for the perfect policy of Zhenjiang! You don’t talk, are you investing in Jurchen, you have to sell it!?"

Zhou Wei’s voice was sharp, and the sputum was mixed with tears. The emotions were obviously out of control. Qin Hao stood down and waited until Zhou Wei had finished a little while, slowly arching his hands and kneeling.

"The minister is pleased, and the court is not guilty."

"You are hiding... you are not guilty!"

"The old minister is dull. In the past, there were always omissions, and he had to take care of him. This can only survive in the pilgrimage. So before, although he felt something, he did not dare to speak out, but when it was overturned, some improper However, I have to say and sire. Your Majesty, I received a message today, the old minister... I couldn’t help but think of Tang Qin’s at the time of Jingping’s time.

The Qin dynasty voted for the land. When it came to this, the voice of the whimper in the throat became heavy and he couldn’t help but cry out. Zhou Yi also felt something. His eyes were red and he waved his hand: "You say!"

"The old minister said next, the sorrow of power and humiliation of the country is not true, but ... this world, the situation of the world, Linan also understands that the end of the death of Yan Yanyin to attack Zhenjiang, it is necessary to use the situation in Zhenjiang, pressure on Linan, he is in Zhenjiang With the best policy, it is because privately has instigated the spies of all parties and cooperated with the Jurchen army. His Majesty, now he broke the Zhenjiang on the 3rd, and the Prince Edward was seriously injured. How many people will collude with him in the capital, this I am afraid...no one can say it..."

When he said this, Zhou Hao nodded: "Oh, understand, you can guess..."

Qin Hao paused: "The Golden Dog is the fourth time to go south, for the purpose of breaking through Lin'an, destroying my Wu Dynasty, and reappearing Jingping. Your Majesty, the enemy has not yet emerged, it is a taboo for the military, but In the case of Lin'an, the veteran only felt that when the Jurchen attacked the city, I was going up and down... I am afraid that there will be no more power."

He said that his head was heavily squatting on the ground. Zhou Hao looked stunned and nodded. "You said, there is nothing to say."

"The situation is critical and the situation is overwhelming. If you don't want to repeat the mistakes of Jingping, the old minister believes that there is only one policy, and in this case, I can save a life for the Wu Dynasty. This policy... others care about the name, no Dare to say that by this time, the old minister had to say... Chen, please.

Qin Yu’s words were generous but calm. In fact, this idea is not surprising. Zhou Wei was not surprised - in fact, even if Qin Hao proposed a bizarre idea, he would not be surprised at this time - nod. Road: "In this case, how to discuss?"

In the early morning, the palaces seemed to be quiet everywhere, and the wind blew, Qin Qin said: "Chen will never underestimate the fierceness of the Jurchen. If there is only one of my Jinwu and the two sides, it is a dead end, but there is still a black flag in the world. This has become the first-line vitality of the peace talks, but it is only a glimmer of life. On the other hand, if I choose to negotiate and reconcile a few months ago, it will be equivalent to no war, and the majesty will be damaged. The Wu Dynasty will be resentful, but When it comes to the current situation, Chen believes that if you can understand the situation, there will be no less than the same thoughts of the minister."

He said: "Zhenjiang has been defeated, the prince is wounded, Lin'an is in danger. At this time, accepting the conditions of the Jurchen negotiation and ceding the land west of Xiangfan is a last resort choice. Your Majesty, now I can only bet on the Black Flag Army in the eyes of Jurchens. The weight, no matter what the conditions of humiliation, as long as the Jurchen is in the southwest with the black flag, I will be saved in the martial arts. The gold and black flags are all tigers in the world, and the waves are hit, both lose, even if When one side defeats, the other side will inevitably hurt. I have a squat in the middle of the town, and there is a prince and wise, as long as I can give the Prince a time, Wu Dynasty... there must be ZTE."

Zhou Wei was silent for a moment: "At this time, it is really helpless, but... the king of the golden country and the wolf, he took down Zhenjiang, and he has the upper hand. He is willing to stop? He said at the beginning of the year, I want to cut a thousand miles. Killing the generals of South Korea to comfort the Jin people, and now I am seeking this and the disadvantages, the Jinren will be satisfied with this? This and ... how to discuss?"

Zhou Xin was afraid in his heart. For many terrible things, he had already thought of it. Jin Guo can eat all the Wu Dynasty, and he will retreat to the next level. He asked this question, and Qin’s answer came soon.

"Your Maternity is worried about this matter, but it is quite reasonable. However, the countermeasures are actually simple." He said, "Golden people want to die in Wu Dynasty and reproduce Jingping. The real core of this matter lies in His Majesty. If I really seized my majesty, then my martial arts will fall to this point, but as long as the squatting is not caught, how long can the Jin people stay in my Wu Dynasty? As long as we are tough, the Jinren must choose to compromise. ""

When Qin Lan said here, Zhou Wei’s eyes lit up slightly: “You mean...”

"Your Majesty, this matter is more serious, nothing more than a search for the sea. The Majesty only has to go out from the Qiantang River. After that, he will take care of the dragon body. No matter where I go, my Wuchao still exists. In addition, many things can be As a matter of fact, I promised Jurchen, but even if I did my best, as long as I could send the Jurchen troops to the southwest, I would have a chance to win the game in the Wu Dynasty. But this matter is to bear the burden of humiliation, and I have to bear some nicknames, and I am guilty."

Zhou Hao’s eyes were alive, and his heart was eager to move. He was silent for a long while, muttering: “I’m not a name, I’m fine, I just have a chance to have a chance, ZTE’s world...”

Qin Lan still squats there: "The safety of His Royal Highness is also the most important thing at this time. According to the old minister, although His Royal Highness has a heart of virtue, but the son of a thousand gold is not sitting down, His Highness is running for the people, but the world. The blessing of the people, but the neighbors of the princes failed to fulfill the righteousness of the courtiers... Of course, His Royal Highness has no life, this is a small matter, but His Highness harvests the hearts of the people and stays in the north. The old minister is afraid that he will also become a Jurchen. In the eyes of the nails, the thorns in the flesh, Xi Yin if the desperate to throw a slap in the first place, after the death of the town of Zhenjiang, the morale of the priests around him is also low, it is difficult to be Xi Yin Tushan elite strike..."

"Yes, that's right..." Zhou Yi thought for a moment and nodded. "Xi Yin attacked Zhenjiang because he bought the people in the Zhenjiang defenders. I am afraid that there are more than one, Wang Jun, said There are still some...can't let him stay in front, so he can get him back."

"The minister feared that the Prince would be brave and would not return."

"Hey, let him come back, he will have to come back!" Zhou Yan said, but after a moment, his eyes finally trembled. "If he really doesn't come back..."

"The only first-line vitality is still on the body. As long as you leave Lin'an, Xi Yin will understand that Jin Guo can't destroy my Wu Dynasty. At that time, he needs to retain his strength to attack the southwest, and will not start the war again. The bargaining chip is also in the matter. And even if the Prince stays in front, it is not a bad thing. With the courageous temperament of His Royal Highness, Xi Yin may believe that I am determined to resist the Wu Dynasty. When it is time to meet, I will accept it. ”

"Ah... I have to leave after all..." Zhou Haoran nodded.

The Qin dynasty lying on the ground straightened up the upper body. His previous words were calm, and he could see it at this time. The face of the righteous and fortitude was full of tears, overlapping his hands, and hoeing his head down, his voice choked.

"Your next! The things that the minister said before, staying between the tongues, but it is a rebellious rhetoric, but if it is done, my martial arts will sweep the ground, the temples are overturned, the social turmoil, the sorrows are hard to say... For the courtiers, the veteran is really reluctant to say these words..."

He cried aloud: "If possible, the old minister dreams of the beggar, but it is my martial art that can forge ahead, break through the ground, and be able to walk to the land of the golden people, invade the land, destroy the country - The Wu Dynasty walked to the front of the eye, the old minister was guilty, and he died, he died, he died, he died..."

He cried, his head went down, and he went down again... Zhou Wei couldn't help but cover his mouth and wept, then came over and supported Qin Qin's shoulder and pulled him up: "It's awkward wrong! Yes... is the former traitor The fault! It is Zhou's fault, faint jun, 佞臣...Cai Jing Tong Tong they are all... 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 朕 当 当 当 当 当 当 当 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

Dawn has not yet arrived, and in the palace under the night, the monarch and the minister both help each other and set a coping style. Zhou Yichao said: "At this time, only Qin Qing can tell the rumors of these anti-earing words without hesitation. It is only a matter of great concern. Qin Qing presided over the plan and told the people that it was so powerful... ”

This is not a plan to get a good reputation. Zhou Wei’s eyes are on him. Qin’s eyes have not revealed the slightest escape. He solemnly slammed his hand and squatted heavily.

"For the Wuchao community, the minister, is willing to carry this nickname, willing to be a pioneer, to do everything, to die and then -"

Soon after, on a refreshing morning, the sky was bright and bright. When the people of Lin'an City got up, the emperor who had not had a good face for a long time called Zhao Ding and other ministers into the palace, and announced the ideas and decisions of the meeting. .

In the early morning study, there was a big chaos in the study room. After understanding all the meanings of the emperor and refuting the unsuccessful results, some officials shouted in support and the collegiate. Zhao Ding pointed to Qin Lan, hysterical: "You are old Qin I will know that your mind is narrow and narrow, and you have planned for the southwest. You are going to die here. I know this and the discussion. Even if it is just a discussion, I will be dying and dying. There are no two things! The millions of soldiers in the Yangtze River will be killed in the thief! You are a chaotic thief, you said, are you privately connected with Jurchen, and you are ready?"

Qin Lan pointed to Zhao Ding also said: "The peace is the thief, the main battle is the loyal minister! The murder of the country, such as the locust, for the loyal name, regardless of my Wu dynasty has been so weak! Said Southwest! Two years ago the military In the southwest, if Rufer and others are stalking from it, they can't go all out. Today is the only way to fight here. I only want to fight in the Chaotang Hall. It is only for the sake of two short names behind me. My mind is narrow and selfish. I don’t want to come out to the world. This nickname! It’s the same as everyone else. I don’t know how much I have with my heart and the Jurchen confidant. Stand up –”

On both sides, afterwards, Zhao Dingchong will go up and start to play, and there will be a ping-pong in the royal study room. Zhou Wei sat in the chair and looked at it all sullenly.

The soldiers who had been ordered had left the palace and went to the Qiantang River pier, which was inevitable in the city. Soon after, the Jurchen persuaded the messenger who had traveled all night and night to arrive in Linan.

When the time came, the sky was filled with soft white clouds, and the breeze was blowing. The carriage passed from the street of Lin'an City to the direction of the palace. Zhou Peiyu drove the curtain and watched the shops on both sides of the road still open the door. The residents in the city walked on the street and began to follow them every day.

On the morning of April 28, this is Zhou Pei’s last memory of Lin’an.

More than three hundred miles away, Jun Wu was still asleep in the tent of the military camp. He has completed the transformation and is not afraid in the endless dreams. Two days later he will wake up from a coma and everything will be unable to return to heaven.

The avalanche-like chaos is about to begin...

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