Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 856: Haotian (7)

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Everything is like a smoke sweep.

April 28, Lin'an.

When the carriage ran on the road between the cities and towns, turning the sharp bend of the road, the opposite carriage came and could not escape. The bang collided, the troubled horse struggled to get up, the wooden wheel left the axle, and the bones were muddy. Roll to the food stalls on the far side of the road. In the small square, everyone gathered in the chaos, and some people gathered to help the struggling horses.

Cheng Zhouhai climbed out of the car and touched his forehead. It was scratched by wood chips and was bleeding out. He just wiped it. The opposite carriage didn't know which one was. Linan closed the city in April, and the pace of life was slowing down. So he might have heard the news. He patted the shoulders of the accompanying person and let the other party handle it. In the past, one of them was solved. Horse, turn over.

This road used to be a different industry in Lin'an City North Li Frequency. Some people opened the door to welcome. Li Fen has arrived in the yard, and Iron Tianying has arrived. The lonely courtyard has planted a solitary weeping willow. It swings in the morning sun. The three people go inside and push the door open. The handle of a handle is full. The warrior in the house is full of sharp hands, and there is a knife in the corner of the room. The technique is skillful and fierce, and the blade is rubbed on the stone to infiltrate the blue light.

The three continued to walk inward.

"Is the message ok?"

"There is still half an hour, and the king of the country is entering the security gate, and the identity is temporarily pending."

Opening the curtains of the door, the second room is also the way to polish the weapons. The warriors have men and women, each wearing different costumes, which looks like the most common pedestrians in the streets. The third room is also the same.

"The situation in the Chaoyang Hall is chaotic, and it is impossible to see the clues. His Royal Highness has entered the palace this morning. There is no news for the time being."

"Would you like to wait for the Highness to make a decision?"

"His Royal Highness is handed over to me. I have been operating for a year. I don't know how many people in Beijing are going to stand in the queue. Ning Yi's **** order makes me more united, but I don't support it. When I live, I am afraid I will be out of control."


Tie Tianying nodded, and his eyes showed a decisive color. Li Pin also nodded. Cheng Zhouhai stood there. The front was the door to another empty courtyard. The sun was falling over there.

"The **** of the Jurchen sergeant may come in the army of the Guards. This matter, no matter what the outcome, maybe you all..."

Tie Tianying waved his hand and interrupted his speech. He looked back and said: "It’s all the blood of the knife, the morality is heavy, and you don’t value your king."

He said that Cheng Zhouhai nodded slightly and smiled. Iron Tianying hesitated for a moment, and finally added another sentence.

"I expected that there will be these things, that is... early."

The warriors in the room hid the soldiers in their arms. Cheng Zhouhai did not say, Li frequency sent him out: "The hello, have been greeted one after another, time hastily, the letter is unknown, the ban army Niu Xingguo and I are old, I will see him again later, check the situation, His Royal Highness On the side, you have to worry about it... Chengxiong, the wind starts at the end of Qingping, and when things are clear, it is already late, and the things to do are done. After all, since Ning Yijun, this world There is nothing special about it."

Cheng Zhouhai nodded: "I will contact my Highness first, and I will do all the preparations."

Lin'an Imperial City Inner Palace, Fu Ning Hall side room, Zhou Pei sat there, reading a book while listening to the sound of birds singing in the garden outside the window.

She had already waited all morning, and the outside of the Jinzhen Hall, who was called to the government, was still arguing and fighting in chaos. She knew that her father had provoked the whole thing. Jun Wu was injured, Zhenjiang fell, and his father’s entire chapter was already in chaos.

In fact, when the Jurchens started the war, her father had no rules to speak of. When he went to the words and black flags, he broke the sinister chess and broke with the hundred officials. The fear may have enveloped his body and mind. Zhou Pei often came over and hoped to open a solution to his father. However, although Zhou Hao nodded his face, it was difficult to listen to his own words.

In any case, his father did not have the courage to overcome difficulties, and all of Zhou Pei’s solutions were ultimately based on courage. Jun Wu took the courage to face the Jurchen army, but the father behind him even believed in his courage. nothing.

She can only listen to the fate of human affairs. During this period, Zhou Pei and Qin Hao have seen several times. The other party is only unassuming, but the water is not leaking. Zhou Pei does not know what the other party will finally play. Until this morning, Zhou Pei understood his master and Willingness.

She waited to convince her father that she was not suitable for the past, but she had already notified all the big members who could be informed in private, and tried her best to say good things to her father and the Lord and the faction. Even if the reason is too late, she hopes that the officials of the main battle can unite and let the father see the situation is stronger than the people.

She took a sip of the tea that had been cooled in the teacup. I don’t know when the footsteps came from the outside. Zhou’s figure appeared at the door of the room. He was wearing a nine-five-supreme Huanglong robe, but the body under the yellow robe was already The weight loss is exhausted, and the look on the face is also tired. Just when I see Zhou Pei, the thin face is still showing a warm and soft color.

"Did a daughter wait for a long time?" He walked over quickly. "No gifts, no gifts, Junwu's news... Do you know?" When it comes to this, there is a faint color on the surface.

"Junwu is only wounded, it is not a big problem. My daughter came here today. I hope that... I can tell the father of the emperor Chen that I can recover my life. If Zhenjiang loses, but things are still possible, as long as Linan..."

When she said this, Zhou Wei waved his hand: "Daughter, these things are handed over to the DPRK, oh... oh..."

"Why can the father emperor order the transfer to the Qiantang Navy..."

"Daughter! These things... Let Qin Qing tell you good? Qin Qing, you come in -"

Zhou Hao looked distressed and opened his mouth outside the door. He saw the old minister waiting outside the temple door. Qin Qin's hair is half white. Because of the tossing of this morning and a half morning, the hair and clothes have been traced after messing up. He slightly lowered his head and was humble, but his face and eyes were all "thousands." The generosity of the tens of thousands of people. Qin Yu met with Zhou Pei and then began to tell Zhou Pei Chen the whole thing.

The morning sun slanted into the palace, and Zhou Pei took a long skirt and stood straight. Listening to Qin's remarks, her lips were close, but the expression on her face gradually became angry. When she was not much, she pointed to Qin Hao. Qin Lan immediately collapsed, and the rhetoric did not stop. Zhou Pei or Yu Zhen argued that he eventually turned to the side of the father to start talking.

She looked stunned. First of all, it was said that Junwu’s struggle in front would be worthless. He also talked about the sacrifice of millions of people. Later, he began to refute Qin’s wolf ambition. The Wu Dynasty feared to repeat the mistakes of Jingping. Later, Zhou Wei finally couldn't help it.

"Fighting and fighting, what fighting, who can fight... Zhenjiang first battle, the frontline soldiers broke bold, the Prince of Junwu identity in the front line, Xi Yin then attacked, who can still keep him! Daughter, you are the king of mediocrity I don’t know how to fight, but I don’t know what a bad guy is! In your daughter’s eyes, it’s the bad guys who are thinking about surrendering in the capital! It’s a bad guy! I’ve been a bad guy before, so I know that these bad guys can do it. What's coming! I don't believe them!"

His voice shook the palace, and the sputum stuck to his mouth: "I can trust you, trust the monarch, but the situation is here, I can't get it! The only way out now is in the black flag. The Jurchen wants to fight the black flag. They don't have time. Searching for the Wu Dynasty, let them fight, you have already gone to the front line to call Junwu back, and your daughter, let's go to the sea, if the Jurchen can't kill us, we will always have a chance to regain the nickname of escape. When you give way to Junwu, can't you? Things can only be like this-"

Zhou Pei shed tears and whispered: "I knew that it would be better to cut the half of the river to the Huaxia Army!"

"Hey wants to cut too!" Zhou Yi waved and said, "Hey, let go of the meaning! I want to negotiate with the black flag! You can rule with the world! Even the daughter you... you can... but the black flag did What! Daughter, I also said this to you twice, oh... I don’t blame you. Hey, blame the people who are famous in the hall, blame the black flag! It’s already here, can you blame? You can do it all! This is their fault -"

"I will not go to the sea, Junwu will not go!"

"That's only alive, maybe Jun Wu can still save a life! After thinking about it, I have already decided -"

"The father is greedy and afraid of death, and it is a big mistake..."

"Shut up and shut up!"

Zhou Hao shouted hysterically.

"Hey is the king of a country!"

"Oh is the emperor!"

"Hey is the emperor -"

The voice echoed, representing the majesty of the ninety-five sage and the grand golden robe sleeves fluttering in the air. The birds on the tree were stunned and flew away. The majesty of the emperor and the princess squatted together in the palace...


The figure of all kinds of pedestrians left the yard from different directions and merged into the crowds of Lin'an. Tie Tianying and Li Pin walked together for a while.

"The forbidden army Yu Zihua is a confession, can only be limited and loyal, and persuasion is not persuaded. I went to visit Niu Xingguo, and then I went to Niu Yuanqiu to discuss them. I only hope that everyone will be united and things will eventually turn around."

"Where the temple is, I can’t say anything about Wufu. It’s only desperate. It’s Mr. Li, for the world, and take care of it, you can’t do anything, you have to act on the plane, you don’t have to be stubborn.”

"In the world, sometimes you can't force it. Sometimes, you have to be stubborn. Who can say it."

"That is also... Mr. Li, reunited for a long time, forgot to ask you, how is your new Confucianism?"

"I value the object and carry out the education. I hope that in the end, the old school of Qin will be integrated, and it will be carried out, and it will be opened. Unfortunately, the world is uncertain, and I will not wait."

"Do you still believe in it?"

"I have learned dullness, perhaps because of what I learned in the Taiping years, to the left and right of the chaos, but who can grow up in the chaos, and have more updated insights. I hope, maybe. On the next generation. But Confucianism is a thousand years old, and Dexin is convinced."

"That will do."

"Is the iron catcher not convinced of this?"

"The old man is a man of the rivers and lakes in his life, and he has smashed the water through the public door. Many things are right and wrong, and they are inextricably and inconsistent. In fact, they are not so particular."

The old catcher smiled and the figures of the two men gradually approached the scheduled location near the Anding Gate. In the past few months, the cavalry of the martial arts has been wandering outside the city. There are not many pedestrians on the street near the gate. Several shops have opened their doors with powerlessness. The soft cakes on the stalls of the oil cake are scenting, and a few passers-by Going slowly, in this calm scenery, they are going to leave.

"Mr. Li, you said, at some time in the future, will someone talk about the things that happened in Lin'an City today?"

"Maybe one day, Ning Yi won the world, and his storyteller will write down these things."

"...that's not bad."

They laughed and said that they took care of themselves and left. The old catcher is carrying a long knife, wearing a thin cloak, and stepping on the second floor of the street samovar. Many people who have been separated have already waited here. On the road below, people are getting more and more.

Tie Tianying called a pot of tea and slowly drank it at the window. At some point, his brows picked up slightly, and some people came down under the samovar, gradually filling the position in the building. Someone came over and was in him. Sit down at the table.

"There is someone here." Iron Tianying looked out the window and drank a cup of tea.

The man sitting down from the top is 40 years old. Compared with the Iron Tianying, he is still young. His face is obviously carefully washed, and there is no need under the jaw. However, it still looks right and strong. This is the temperament of the long-term person: "Iron Help the Lord not to reject people. The younger brother is sincere and does not look for things."

"Nie Jincheng, the outside man said that you are Jiangnan martial arts scorpion, do you really think that you are? But it is the dog of several adults in the DPRK." Tie Tianying looked at him, "What happened? Your master wants When the dog?"

"The iron lord is highly respected and said that everything is the guidance of the younger brother." Nie Jincheng raised the teacup. "Today's business, forced to do so, Nie Mou respected the predecessors, but on the hair, peace of mind, can not go wrong. Younger brother Just to say the words of the lungs, the iron helper, useless..."

Between the words, at the end of the street, there are already powerful troops coming over. They drove the pedestrians on the streets, or rushed into the nearby houses, they were not allowed to come out, and the streets were full of doubts. I still don't understand what happened.

"Since you have a respect, this thing is yours? Let's do it together." Tie Tianying raised the teacup.

Nie Jincheng closed his eyes: "Heart is full of blood, and his husband is angry. If this matter is twenty years old, Nie will do it without hesitation, but now the parents are in Linan, and Nie can not agree with this matter. The people on the top haven't talked yet, why are you so desperate? Maybe there is still a turning point, there is still room for talks with Jurchens, or, if you want to talk about it, do you want to talk about it, do you kill the messenger, isn't the Jurchen really awkward? ”

"The adults behind you really want to make a sudden move."

"Even if you don't want to, iron helper, you can't do this thing today. Once you start, all your brothers will die. I have already come, it is a testimony." Nie Jincheng said, "I don't want the brothers to do it."

Iron Tianying sat there and stopped talking. After a while, there was a riding team at the end of the street, and the team came slowly. Then someone went upstairs. It was a team of officers and men. The leader was dressed in a patrol costume. It was the inspection of Lin’an City. This is the inspection of a post-management commander stationed in the army, the banned army to fill in the teaching, patrol the thieves and other thieves and other duties, it is the usual boss of the Jianghu people, and his followers are also mostly in Linan City. Head catching.

When the team came up, Li Daoyi, who was headed, waved his hand. He quickly walked over to the nearby tea tables. Li Daoyi himself went to the Iron Eagle, and opened a seat to sit down.

He poured himself a cup of tea and handed it to the iron eagle: "Iron lord, this official respects you as a predecessor of six doors. I don't have much to say. I call you, go back to the official, and passed today. At noon, when nothing happened, the Xingqing Building tonight, the official gave you a drink."

Tie Tianying looked at the scene outside the window. His heart actually felt early. Just like ten years ago, Ning Yijunjun, Tie Tianying had already noticed the problem. This morning, Cheng Zhouhai and Li Feng has their own fortune, but the cows and ghosts who can move in Lin'an City have finally moved at this moment.

These people have held their previous positions. When the Princess House occupied the authority, they also acted squarely, but on this morning, the forces behind these people finally made a choice. The team he looked at and understood the difficulties of today's things - you may not be able to do things, don't do it, follow them back, and then don't know what it is.

In the tea house and on the opposite floor, each eye has a look at it. Their eyes flashed a question. Iron Tianying held a teacup and his eyes were even more mournful. He remembered the dialogue with Li Feng, and the matter could not be ~www. .wuxiaspot.com~ Don't be reluctant, yeah, the form is stronger than the people, you don't have to be stubborn.

"You said..." The old-fashioned white-haired hunter finally said, "When will someone remember the little things that happened today in Lin'an City?"

When the sun shines in the early summer, the vast Lin'an City is like a living object. It is rotating calmly and as usual. The wall is its outer shell and skin, the magnificent palace, the majestic bureaucracy, and the various courtyards. The house is its internal organs, the streets and rivers become its blood, the ships and vehicles help it to metabolize, the activities of people make it a great and orderly life, and the deeper and greater culture and spirit stick together. all of these.

The old catching eyes finally flashed the anger and pain deep into the bone marrow.

The table between the three people flew up. Nie Jincheng and Li Daoyi stood up at the same time. Someone at the rear got a knife. The two apprentices of Tie Tianying came close and squeezed the way to Nie Jincheng. Nie Jincheng’s body was twisted like a giant clam. One hand, the one that was squeezed in the back was cut open, but in the next moment, the long knife in the hands of Tie Tianying was like a thunder, and the arm of Nie Jincheng had already flown out, the wooden table was scattered, and it was like Another knife like the Thunder roll dance, Nie Jincheng's chest was pulled apart with the belt bones. His body flew over the distance of two feet in the tea house, and the thick blood splattered.

Li Daoyi’s legs trembled and saw the old-fashioned eyes that suddenly turned around and looked like a tiger-like **** red eye. A slap fell and was photographed on his heavenly cover. His seven cockroaches simultaneously pour out plasma.

Numerous swords and rifles were squirted, and the ignited fire ray fell toward the center of the road. The dark weapon and the arrow flew. The figure of people rushed out of the window, rushed out of the roof, and shouted and fell toward the street. The tranquility and order of the city was torn apart, and time reflected this scene in its silhouette...

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