Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 857: Haotian (8)

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The sun is like water, and the wind is awkward.

When the arrow flies into the sky, the explosion and the chaos of the smashing have been pushed up on the long street. The teahouses on both sides of the street are spreading through a window through the window. The strangled people jumped out of the window, from the top of the nearby house, and on the far side of the street, someone drove the car.

"Kill the Golden Dog!" "Wu Chao men, never surrender!" "Let's open -" shouts mixed in the sound of chaos, the banned army team rushed under the wave of the generals.

In a courtyard farther away, Li Feng, who was meeting with several generals, noticed the sound coming from the air and turned his head. The morning sun was shining.

Several generals left behind and joined in their actions. At the second moment, the bells of the city's martial law rang with the fierce military code. The people in the city's markets rushed to their homes. In a few moments, there were several chaos in the panicked crowd. In the past few months, Linyi was harassed in Linan except for the opening of the year. Later, it was not attacked. Today, this sudden day-to-day martial law, most people do not know what happened.

But naturally something happened.

Most people rushed to their homes, and some people took the knife and guns to the streets at this sensitive moment. In the southwest of the city, among the paper houses and newspapers run by Li Pin, some workers and students took to the streets and shouted at the court for the crowd. The news that the golden dog had entered the city, and soon, caught up with the city. Pair together.

In the Chengdong Wuxing Boxing Hall, more than a dozen boxers and hundreds of warriors wear red scarves and carry swords in the direction of Andingmen. Behind them is not the power of the Princess House, but the owner Chen Hongsheng once worked in Wu Liang, and received the two instructions of Zhou Wei in the early years. Since then, he has been shouting for the anti-gold, and today they got the news late, but they have already taken care of it.

In the west of the city, the banned army favored Niu Xingguo all the way. Before the martial law was not fully released, it gathered hundreds of cronies and “supported” the direction toward Andingmen.

More people and more forces have moved in this city, and some can make people see that more actions are hidden under people's sight.

Fifty miles away from Lin'an City, this time, the cavalry of the martial arts has been drawn from the camp, and the hoofs raised a staggering dust.

In the streets near Andingmen, the banned army that has come from all over the place has blocked several intersections. When the explosion sounds, the dead limbs and broken meat can be seen in the **** dust. A team of soldiers took the Jinren’s envoy’s team and began to detour. The **** iron eagle ran on the roof of Lin’an City. With the roaring roar of the tiger, it leaped to the house on the other side of the street. Also running and killing.

The long knife will smash the enemies that are rushing back into the air, and Mars and blood will splash. The shape of the Iron Skyhawk is slightly low, like a rushing, devastating tiger, flying in three eyes and flying over the three houses. . The catch of the steel ruler greeted him and he opened his shoulders with a knife. The shadow shrouded over, on the roof on the side of the long street, a master rushed like a flying eagle, and in a blink of an eye, the iron eagle took a hand on the steel ruler, and the backhand pumped up. The other side's chin and side face, the air is the sound of infiltration, the bones, teeth, and flesh of the human face are flying toward the sky at this moment, and the iron eagle has rushed out of the opposite suspension.

Kim’s carriage was turning, and the arrow flew over the top of his head and on his side. There were countless people around him. In addition to the assassin of the Princess House, there are also helpers who don’t know where to come from. They are doing the same thing. The iron eagle can hear the sound of a musket in the air. The flying projectile and the arrow penetrate the gold to make the carriage. The side walls, but no one can confirm the success of the thorns, the army is gradually encircling and dividing the crowd.

With a intercepted master to change a knife, Iron Tianying is still killing the front, several soldiers rushed with guns, he smothered, half-blood, followed the team all the way, half-blooded gold made from the carriage The wolf smashed out, and was surrounded by the guards of the armor. The iron eagle crossed the stairs on the second floor of the house and went to the roof to go down. When fighting with two enemies, a **** figure from another One side chased it out, and the knives killed an enemy for him. The iron eagle cut down another person and was waiting to continue to catch up. Hearing the voice came out: "The iron catcher stood up! Call your people to go. !"

The person who came is a middle-aged woman. Although she helped kill the enemy before, at this time she listened to her saying this, the iron eagle blade fell behind. When the sneak attack was left, the woman followed: I am Wei Lingxue of the Huaxia Army, and I will not be able to walk anymore."

Hearing the words of the Huaxia Army, the Iron Tianying glimpsed and stood still. The Chinese character face woman named Wei Lingxue was not hurt, and he gasped heavily: "Today's plan is to go to the palace to pick up the long princess. It is meaningless to kill and not kill. You retain strength..."

In her words, there was a group of soldiers on the opposite street who shot arrows in the room. The iron eagle knives danced and leaned toward the woman of the Chinese army. However, he was guarding the other side. A little farther, when the arrow rain stopped, the other side of the chest swayed twice and fell down.

Iron Tianying subconsciously grabbed the shoulders of the other side, rolling behind the wooden pillars between the houses, the blood of the woman's chest poured out, after a while, there was no interest.

The old catcher hesitated for a moment, finally screamed and rushed out to the outside...


The shout shook the long street, and in a blink of an eye, it was drowned by the voice.

At the time of the three moments, many news have been reported. Cheng Zhouhai made arrangements and left the back door of the Princess House in a carriage. The palace has been confirmed to be ordered by Zhou Wei, and the princess could not come out in a normal way in a short time.

The notice has been notified in the past, and more means and concatenation may be carried out later. The whole situation of Lin'an has been suffocated by Yan Xiyin and the people in the city for four months. All the people are in a sensitive state. Someone points to the flame, and all the things must burst open. At this moment, people who are watching in secret are scrambling to stand up and fear that they will fall behind.

The sudden martial law in the entire city has not yet been completed, but the ban on the patrol, the fast-moving, and the servant have all gone to the streets. Cheng Zhouhai got off the carriage at a street, facing the invisible yard at the other end of the roadway. After entering the courtyard, several people accompanying him began to guard, and Chengzhouhai entered the small room in the yard. Something, but after a while, there was still a knock on the door.

One person opened the door of the hospital, and there were eight people on the other side of the city: "Lin'an Mansion, let's ask Mr. Cheng to go over."

"What Mr. Cheng, is it wrong? There is no..."

"Don't be embarrassed, know that you are inside, Mr. Cheng, come out, know that you are the noble person of the princess house, our brothers are still invited by the courtesy, don't make the scene too ugly, they are all ordered."

Cheng Zhouhai opened the door of the small house. Six people quickly watched the situation in the yard. They were also wary that some people would start to work. The two heads came over: "I have seen Mr. Cheng."

"I found it here, Luo Shuwen does not have this ability? Which one are you?"

"This is the brand of our brothers. This is what makes you, Mr. Cheng, don't think too much. It is indeed that we are going to invite you." The two catchers lit up the signs and instruments, and the eyes of the boat swayed and sighed. Tone: "Well, I take something."

"Things don't need to take..."

The catching head waved his hand, and the boat sailed sharply: "Don't give your face a shame!" In the past, he was above the 10,000 people in the Princess House. In this shackle, the eyes are majestic, and several catching heads are squatting. The situation was also shocked at a time. Cheng Zhouhai turned and went in, and slammed the door. After a while, the two catchers felt wrong and rushed into the room.

No one in the house, they rushed to the door behind the hut of the hut, the next moment the door was pushed open, the blazing flame broke out.

The entire small yard together with the houses in the courtyard, the open space in the yard exploded in a roar, and all the catching speeds were drowned in. The explosion in the light of the day shocked the entire area. One of the catchers who rushed out of the back door was smashed by the air and rolled a few laps. He had a good martial art. When he struggled to raise his head on the ground, the Chengzhou Sea standing in front of him was holding a short cylinder against his forehead.

"砰", the head was tilted back and the head was blown up.

"Ning Liheng's things are really a bit..." Cheng Zhouhai's hand was shaking and murmured, and several cronies were coming from different directions around the line of sight. The remnants of the small courtyard explosion were shocking, but in the process. In the eyes of Zhou Hai, the entire city has been moved.

If it is in peacetime, a Linanfu Yin can't do anything to him, even in the weekdays, with the long-term majesty of the Princess House, even if he sent people directly into the palace to grab Zhou Pei, I am afraid no one. Dare to be. But this moment is not so simple, it is not a simple two-party struggle or an enemy liquidation.

The emperor Zhou Wei just sent out a weak signal, but the real help comes from the fear of the Jurchens, countless invisible hands, and they are unanimously sticking out, to press the princess house completely. There is even a composition of the princess house itself in the middle.

In the past, the princesses’ palaces were so majestic, and the ideological work of the princess’s department could not completely eliminate the influence of Zhou’s influence – and Zhou Pei was not willing to consider how to confront Zhou Yu. This kind of thing is too big to be rebellious. Although Cheng Zhouhai is very sultry, in this matter, he can't go beyond Zhou Pei's will.

So at this time, when Zhou Yitie took the heart to the party of the Lord and the party, the interest chain of the Princess House suddenly collapsed. At this time, many people still dominate the threat of Zhou Pei station team is no longer a knife and gun, but only depends on their conscience.

Cheng Zhouhai cannot calculate the value of the conscience in this city.

Looking at the bombed yard, he knew that many of the back roads had been blocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He sighed slightly and ran away with several confidants before the crowd was stunned. ......

It will arrive at noon.

The sunshine in the early summer in the sky did not look hot. The Iron Eagle climbed over the low courtyard wall and walked forward in a small, ridiculous yard. His hand held the wall and left a **** palm print.

The chaos is continuing on the street outside.

Yu Zihua rode over the horse and looked at the body of the Kim Jong-soo in the soldiers on the street.

The willows in the city are shaking in the sunshine, the market is far and near, there are hard-to-statistic bodies, unspeakable blood, and the blood red is covered with several streets before and after.

Someone laughed in a pool of blood.

Yu Zihua turned around and shouted loudly. The nearby soldiers used to hesitate to pierce the assassin who laughed and laughed under the gun.

Further away, dressed as a squadron, Yan Yanqing, carrying his hands, breathing the air of the city, the blood in the air also made him feel intoxicated, he took off his hat, put on the official hat, crossed the floor The corpse, accompanied by the accompanying staff, walked forward.

The blood everywhere is the red carpet in his eyes.

Soon after, his face was cold and he said the identity of the deputy to Yu Zihua, and took out the instrument written by Xi Yin. Yu Zihua breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately from the moment, he spread his hand toward the front.

There was a follower who picked up the dead body of Jin’s body, and Yan Yanqing walked toward the front. He knew that at the end of the long road, the palace that symbolizes the dignity of the Southern Dynasties is waiting for his questioning and trampling. He wins. The gesture walked through the path of countless Wudai people's blood. The roadside sunlight sprinkled through the leaves. The body of the dead was the body of the deceased, and there were eyes on the body that could not be closed. The sound of the wind is moving, it is like the sound of victory. It is playing in the summer, pleasant midday...

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