Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 858: Haotian (9)


In the midday sun, at the same time that Yan Yanqing and others went to the palace, on the small square on the side of the Imperial City, the team and the horse team were assembling.

The palace door is holding and carrying all kinds of boxes to the square. The hazelnut look of the harem is followed by a sly look. Some of the boxes are lying underground in the process of moving in. The various items inside are dumped, and the scorpion is anxious. The look was shouting beside him, even screaming at the palace.

Everything is so lively as the market.

Zhou Pei came out from the inside with the guards. The temperament was indifferent but majestic. The nearby palace and the shacks subconsciously avoided her eyes.

She walked all the way through the square, watching the busy scene around, the door of the palace was closed in front, she went to the side of the ramp to the side of the wall, the guards around me quickly blocked.

"His Royal Highness, please don't go to the top."

"You stop me from trying!"

"The danger is above."

"What is the danger? Is the Jurchen called?" Zhou Pei’s eyes are like blood. "I want to watch them hit!"

"Please don't let the little ones do the hard work."

Zhou Pei and the guards were on the stairway, and everyone in the square secretly used the glory to sneak past, and after Zhou Peichao sorrowfully swept over, they evaded the gaze.

In the side of the palace, the phoenix trees in the phoenix tree swayed the breeze, and Zhou Pei’s eyes swept through the escaping scenery. Many years ago, the humiliation of Jingping was not in the Liangliang, and later the search for the sea, it was more like After the war, she was forced to flee. Until this moment, she suddenly realized that what is called 140,000 people, and no one is a man.

The sky is still warm, and Zhou Wei is wearing a large robe and striding to the square here. He looked thin and quiet earlier, and seemed to have some anger at the moment. When the people around him squatted, he waved his hand as he walked: "Let's move flat, move faster and move faster, some useless labor does not need Brought it."

The palace is in chaos. Many people have not expected the upheaval of this day. The ministers in the front of the Golden Temple are still arguing constantly. Some people are pleading that Zhou can’t leave, but these ministers are sent by Zhou Wei. Blocked outside - the two sides had a bad time before, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The guilty guilty in the palace was not in the eyes. He was over-indulgent in his early years. After he was enthroned, he did not have anything to do. The scorpion was nothing but a plaything. All the way through the square, he went to his daughter's side, with a blush on his breathless face, but at the same time he was a little embarrassed.

"Hey, daughter..." He pondered. "The father had said it before, but at the moment, there is no way. There are small things in the city that make trouble. I know that it has nothing to do with you, but... the messenger of the Jurchen has entered the city. ”

Zhou Pei looked at him with cold eyes.

"In addition, the cavalry of the dog thief has been pulled over and wants to put pressure on them. Qin Qing is right. Let's go first and stay on the boat of the Qiantang Navy. As long as they can't catch it, they can do anything. No, you can't destroy the Wu Dynasty, they have to talk!"

At this moment, Zhou Wei is quite proud of his own response. When the Jurchen ambassador comes to the palace, he must be scared. If you are fierce again, I will leave, and I will stare at you, your lion. I don’t agree with the opening... The more he thinks, the more he makes sense.

Zhou Pei looked at him, and spent a moment, his voice was hoarse, and he said: "Father, you are gone, the Jurchen can't destroy the Wu Dynasty, but what about the people in the city? What about the people in the Central Plains? They can't do it. The Wu Dynasty is another time to search the mountains and check the sea. How can the people of the world live!?"

Zhou Wei slightly stunned, Zhou Pei stepped forward, took Zhou Yu's hand and walked up the stairs: "Hey, you accompany me up! On the side of the palace wall, you accompany me up, look at that On the side, the 100,000 million people, they are your people - you are gone, they will..."

Zhou Hao’s hand swayed like a fire, and the next moment he stepped back: “He said it, what can I do? You can save them by staying here? You have to be sold with them! The thief also said, people must save themselves!!!"

He shouted out loudly, Zhou Pei’s eyes were rounded in anger, only to hear Zhou said: "Hey is also self-help, it will be like this before, but it is a strong man who broke his wrist... Time is running out, you give When you get into the car, you can go on board with you first, and the things in the palace and the palace can come slowly. Even if the Jurchens come and get on the boat, they can only hope to sigh!"

He said, pointing to a carriage not far away, let Zhou Pei pass, Zhou Pei shook his head, Zhou Wei waved, let the nearby female officer come over, set up Zhou Pei to go to the car, Zhou Pei was pushed by people Walking, until she entered the carriage, she suddenly struggled: "Let me go! Who dares to touch me!"

The female officers were shocked and shrank their hands. Zhou Pei ran towards the gate of the palace. Zhou Yan shouted: "Block her! Stop her!" The nearby female officer leaned over again, and Zhou Wei also came over: "You Give it in!"

"Let's go! I stay! Father, you have to leave and leave me to sit in Beijing."

"Hey won't let you stay! I won't let you stay!" Zhou slammed his feet. "Daughter, don't make trouble!"

Zhou Pei and the female official tore up.

People in the palace rarely see such a scene. Even if they are embarrassed in the inner palace, the scorpion of the temper will not do anything that is neither image nor futile. But at the moment, Zhou Pei finally could not restrain this kind of emotion. She waved her face to the female officer on the ground. Several female officers in the vicinity were also slap in the face or shredded by her, and the face was bleeding. Unbearable. The female officers did not dare to resist, so in the embarrassment of the emperor, Zhou Pei pushed to the carriage, also in such a tear, Zhou Pei pulled up the scorpion, suddenly inserted into the neck of a female officer in front!

The sun shone vertically, and the blood on the square shattered. The squirting Zhou Pei and the surrounding female officials were full of faces. People screamed, and Zhou Pei’s long hair was scattered, slightly stunned, and then waving the **** bun: "Let it go, let it go!"

"Catch her and win her nephew!" Zhou Wei sipped, and a female martial artist near the rushed up, grabbed Zhou Pei's hair, and surrounded the female officials, and Zhou Hao also rushed over. I picked up Zhou Pei’s waist and pushed her one by one to push the carriage made of steel: “Close it! Lock it up!”

Zhou Pei’s tears have already poured out. She climbed up from the carriage and rushed to the front. The two doors were closed. Zhou Pei slammed on the door and heard Zhou Wei shouting outside: “Nothing, nothing. This is to protect you..."

"Fazzle -"

"do not talk……"

"The people of this world will look down on you, look down on our week... oh, you are no different from Zhou Wei-"

Her body slammed into the door of the car. Zhou Wei slammed the wall and walked forward: "It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s already here, it’s already here... Daughter, you can’t be caught like this, you’re going to give you and Junwu. Time, I want to give you a way to live. These nicknames will let you take it, and it will be good in the future. You will understand sooner or later, you will understand sooner or later..."

His muttering continued for a long time, and he also got on the carriage. The various things on the square kept loading and unloading. After a short time, he finally opened the palace gate and passed through the long street to the south. The gates passed.

In the dim iron car, Zhou Pei felt the movement of the carriage. She was full of blood and smell. The front door was slid into the long strip of light. The carriage was driving all the way to the street of Linan she was familiar with. She patted For a while, then I started hitting the door again, but it didn't work.

On the way to the car, there was a confusing sound in front of it. It seemed that there was a crowd coming up, blocking the way the team went. After a while, the chaotic voice grew louder. It seemed that someone had launched an impact on the team. There was a figure over the gap in the front door, curled up and seemed to be being protected by the ban, it was his father Zhou Wei.

He was there: "Nothing, nothing, it’s a clown, nothing..."

After a while, the outside solved the chaos. I don’t know if it was to stop Zhou Wei or the person who rescued her has been cleaned up. The team will drive again, and then it will be smooth all the way to the Qiantang River pier outside the city.

When the full-fledged Yan Yanqing arrived at the palace, Zhou Wei had already boarded the ship on the pier outside the city. This may be the only thing he was surprised about on this road.

When I searched for the sea nine years ago, in order to keep a stable life at sea, Zhou Wei had built a huge dragon boat. Even if it floated on the sea, the big ship was as calm as land. After nine years, the ship was again Take it out.

After boarding the ship, Zhou Yu sent people out of the carriage and arranged for her to live and serve the next person, perhaps because of her guilt, this week, Zhou Wei did not appear in front of her.

The huge dragon boat fleet was parked on the surface of the Qiantang River. There were all kinds of things coming and going throughout the afternoon. Zhou Pei was locked in the room. April 28 and April 29 did not. Going out, she sat in the room and couldn't close her eyes. Until the late night of the 29th day, Zhou Pei, who had finally slept for a while, was awakened by the movements that came. The fleet did not know what happened. There was a huge collision.

The rushing pace rang out of the door, and Zhou Yi, who was dressed in white, rushed in. She saw her sleeping in her clothes and came over with anger and anger. She pulled her up and walked outside.

Zhou Pei went out with a word, and gradually went to the deck of the outer dragon boat. Zhou Wei pointed to the movement on the river not far away to let her see. It was a few warships that had been hit, and the flame was burning. The sound of the shells rang across the night, and the light shattered.

"Look at you! Look at it! That is your person! It must be yours! You are the emperor, you are the princess! You believe that you have the authority of the princess! You can't kill now!" The sorrowful words are anger and anger, pointing to the other side of Lin'an City. There is also a chaotic fire in the city. "The thief! They are all thieves! They are not good to end! Your people have also broken the rudder of the rudder." Fortunately, I was found in time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are your people, it must be, you are rebellious-"

Zhou Pei’s eyes were tearful and she couldn’t help but fall. She naturally understood that her father had been scared. He was scared by the act of destroying the rudder, thinking that he could no longer run away.

At this moment, the mountains are dark, near the water, and the fire on the city is reflected in the sky. Zhou Pei understands that this is the battle between the various factions in the city, including the warships on the river, all of which are desperate. Make a final blow. In the meantime, there must be efforts by Li Fengcheng and Zhou Hai, but the previous Princess House never made preparations to rebel against Zhou Wei. Even in the case of the ability to become a boat, in such a situation, I am afraid it is difficult to do so. There is a Chinese military intervention, but for a long time, the Princess House has always kept pressure on the Huaxia Army, and their reach is finally useless.

The flames of the night sky are like the ashes of a huge palace burning in the dark sea.

The fleet stayed on the Qiantang River for several days. The excellent craftsmen repaired the small damage of the vessel. Since then, officials and dignitaries have carried their families and carried all kinds of treasures, but Prince Wu has never been there. Come over, Zhou Pei no longer heard the news under house arrest.

On the fifth day of May, the fleet set sail and carried a small imperial court and attached people. They drove past the mouth of the Qiantang River. Zhou Pei looked out from the gap of the window that was sealed. Free seabirds Flying through the line of sight.

She caught the iron window and cried, and the most sad cry was no sound. At this moment, the Wu Dynasty was in name only. They sailed to the sea, her younger brother, the most brave prince, and even the Wudai people in the whole world, were left in the **** of fire...

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