Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 859: Haotian (10)

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Summer has gradually arrived, and the flames of the south of the Yangtze River, which was originally in the midst of the war, are blazing. In May, it seems to be under the cover of a sudden winter. The situation in the world is like a magical illusion. In a short period of time, everyone has been surprised, sceptical, and shocked... and then gradually became desperate.

In Danyang on the first day of May, Jun Wu woke up from a coma and felt something like this. The sun was shining on that day. When he woke up, he still had injuries on his body, but he only felt that there was boiling blood in his body. His wife came over and served him to wash and drink porridge. He then prepared to call Yue Fei and other generals, but first came over. It is the inner palace ambassador who has arrived from Lin'an and has been waiting for one day.

At this time, the emperor Zhou Wei, his sister Zhou Pei and others in the rear have already gone to the dragon boat on the Qiantang River. The Beijing-China affairs are presided over by a number of ministers. What is currently underway is the peace negotiations with the Jurchens.

Informed the frontline of the various units to stop the command of the confrontation, at this time is also being sent to the front line all over the place, the previous more than 100,000 troops led by generals Chen Shao from Changzhou to Zhenjiang, then stopped the advance to Xi Yin troops, The Tushanwei led by Xi Yin and the troops led by the speed of the program at this time put down the massacre of Zhenjiang and slowly turned to the road down the south.

Junwu, who still has pain in his abdomen, is stunned. He needs a lot of effort to gradually understand everything in front of him.

In Lin'an, the first round of negotiations was going on. The cavalry of the martial arts wanted to attack the city, but the emperor Zhou Wei had already arrived at the Qiantang River. The court officials proposed that the Jurchen army should be suspended. The two sides can continue the peace talks. After the death of Yan Qingyi, the Wushu military forces ceased fighting, and at the same time, the supply of food and grass supplies to the Jurchen army was exchanged.

On such a basis and on the basis of the discussion, the imperial court sent various envoys to the Jiangnan army to issue a truce command. In the Jurchen aspect, the cavalry stationed the cavalry outside the city and did not send it. It also sent a message to the Zong Fu of the Jiangning battlefield, but it seems that Xi Yin is not willing to comply with such conditions.

The court’s discussion continued, and after the situation was clearly explained to Jun Wu, the inner court ambassador began to persuade the martial arts to return to Beijing. Jun Wu sat on the bed and sat for a long time, licking his stomach and standing up hard. The wife came from the side and was pushed away by him.

He twitched out the sword hanging over the bed, and walked toward the inner officer, and the sharp sword tip pressed against the other's chest:

"You go on, I killed you." The inner officer's persuasion stopped.

On the bright Mayday, in addition to the sun through the window, there was a creaking sound like a hallucination. Jun Wu put down the sword and sat down for a long time. Finally, he whispered: "Please smell the gentleman."

The wife went out to summon the smell and came in. Jun Wu sat there and reached out and pressed his forehead. After a long time, he spoke. The voice was weak and hoarse: "When you smell the brother, do you know everything?"


"My brain...somewhat chaotic, it seems like I feel nothing wrong with it..." Jun Wudao, "What should I do?"

"For the sake of the present, we can only persuade your Majesty to take back your life. Your Highness may be useful."

"Father, he...wreaked the courage, has gone to the dragon boat on the Qiantang River, how to persuade? If you can persuade, the empress sister she..."

When he said this, he heard the people coming forward and whispered a word in his ear. Jun Wu understood.

"Since the emperor has already... I don't know how to convince the father and the man, I will wait for you to work on my behalf to repair a book, and the father will hurt Chen, and then I will leave it to the insider. He is a brother..." He got a pain in his abdomen and stretched his hand for a moment. "So far, if it’s peaceful, is it... Jiangnan is going to be finished?"

Smell the lips and move slightly, and consider for a moment: "I am afraid...the world is over."

Jun Wu stood up in the abdomen, and he walked away from the door, and his wife came over and helped him.

Flashing in front of me seems to be the rush and blood of the moment before the coma. He felt the arrow injury in the abdomen and saw the soldiers and the people rushing toward the Jurchen. The surging moment was the most eager moment he had in the past ten years, but with a dream, his father was Turn around and flee.

He went out in a hurry, and there was a wall in Danyang in the far side of the field of vision. This is a huge military camp built by relying on several huts. Further away is a refugee camp that is spread out, and his wife said a few words. This is the Zhenjiang Army, and the other side is the squatting army, and so on. In the mind of Junwu, I remembered the city of Yongliang, more than ten years ago. After the first time of defending the city, I saw that Qin Yuyuan was imprisoned, the teacher’s mood, and even the feeling of being in a good mood. Perhaps this is the case.

To bring this army, return to Lin'an and retain the father.

He thought of this in his heart and then settled. Outside Lin'an City, the army of martial arts is already camping. In the middle of this section, no one can go through it.

Send people back, lobbying the parties, rescued the sister, left the dragon boat, listened to the fate of others, and heard all sorts of thoughts in his mind. So slowly walked to the **** of the side of the house, only to sit down under a sick tree, the tree was smashed half of the branches, cast a staggered shade in the afternoon sun, Jun Wu sitting on the stone On, watching the summer sun shine on the earth in front of you.

Soon after, the wife said next to him: "General Yue is here."

Jun Wu straightened up and let him come. Yue Fei came over to see the ceremony with a armor, and Jun Wu smiled: "Yue General, how is it next? This world... can't hold it."

"The end will be for this."

"The general has an idea?"

"For the sake of the present, first of all, to stabilize the situation in Lin'an as the primary task, send a small number of people, contact the people of the Princess Palace, try to keep the majesty, or not, try to keep the Princess of the Princess, and the Prince will revisit and change his mind. The first thing to do..."

Yue Fei said here, arched his hand and paused: "However, since the Princess of the Long Princess can not stabilize the situation in Lin'an, it is difficult for him to make a tree. His Highness has to consider the follow-up of the inability to return to heaven... In the current situation, if you succumb to the shackles, the hearts of the people in the world will be mourned. The local sergeants will be hard to face the Jurchens. The world is in danger, and the only glimmer of hope is still here."

"General Yue is hope..."

"If you leave, all the princes in the world will kneel in front of the Jurchen, but there must be half or even half of the loyalists. I am so good to be old, and I am not willing to change my Jurchen. But even so, I have lost my righteousness. In the face of Jurchen, it’s hard to fight. If the three-hearted and two-minded people appear in the guard of Zhenjiang, they will end up in an endless stream. The most important thing is to clean up the inside, so that you can still hold the soldiers in your hands. As long as you still have one. The power of war, even if Lin’an is convinced and the world is falling, I am equal to the south of the Yangtze River. There are still people’s wills, and there is still room for survival.”

Yue Fei’s words are stunned and stern: "In the past eight years, His Royal Highness has been pursuing the military discipline of the world, but in fact he still has to compromise between the great members, the ministers and the generals, and the army of millions of troops cannot be unified. The law enforcement is not strict. Only the place of Jiangnan’s Xi Yin’s sin is coming in. The courtier invites His Royal Highness to be the prince’s identity, summoning all the members of the party that can be called at the moment, receiving the military power, strictly monitoring, and suppressing the military discipline!”

"In an extraordinary time, it is very law-abiding." Jun Wu’s eyes flashed and he stood up. "But if I do this, I am afraid I will break with Lin’an and the heart of the majority of the world."

"Return to His Royal Highness, if you squat down, the hearts of the people of the world, I am afraid that there is no more reliable. The only detestable person under the Highness, only a few things that can be held in his hand."

Yue Fei’s words have been confessed to the extreme, and Jun Wu can understand it naturally. In the past eight years, the front-line military forces that have been painstakingly managed have actually adopted the most strict military law of Yue Fei. Many times, it is harsh to the extent of being criticized. But when the war is over, the most capable fighter is this one. military.

The rest of the town navy, such as Han Shizhong, was isolated from many external influences by the name of the Prince and the name of Han Shizhong. By this time, he led the army of more than 100,000 troops who guarded Zhenjiang. He was still an elite in the army of the Wu Dynasty, but only one or two spies. Later, he broke the front line of more than 100,000 people and even destroyed the entire army. It’s hard to say that it’s the foundation of the DPRK.

In the past, he was the prince of the Wu Dynasty. Even if he could hold a huge army of two armies, but in the face of tens of millions of people, the forces of all parties had to weigh and give up. . In order to add a little bit of victory, he killed his little nephew and almost made his wife depressed. But finally unable to return to heaven.

At this time, if the father and the emperor fled Lin'an, the whole world would collapse, the whole mess, the demands of various vested interests, he could not pick it up, it was nothing but a dead word - he no longer had to reconcile.

In May, the sun that began to become stunned was shining through the twisted trees. Jun Wu pressed his waist and his eyes gradually condensed and became firm.

"Okay." There was murderousness coming out of his body. "It's murder!"

He strode down the slope.

"General Yue, even if this mountain river is in trouble... you and I will not die."

Yue Fei arched his hand: "The end will lead."

The summer has gradually turned deeper, and the atmosphere of the world has gradually begun to change.

On the second day of May, Jun Wu summoned the Zhenjiang Shoucheng army in the Danyang army, with the 30,000 elites as the core, began to gather military power and serious military discipline. At the same time, the book repaired the Jiangnan military forces, analyzed the status quo, Chen said that the interests of the parties, even if faced with this dangerous situation, can still take the interests of the Wu Dynasty as the first, strictly adhere to the bottom line, a total resistance to Jurchen.

The purification and reorganization of Danyang began in the most severe form. At the same time, Xi Yin and the team of Silver Skills ignored the preconditions and quickly went south. In the pilgrimage hall of Lin’an, Wan Yanqing’s "the peacekeepers were the two marshals, Zong Fu and Zong Yi, who could not restrain the Xi Yin troops. "On the grounds, promised to send messengers, try to delay or stop the pace of the Gushen troops southward. On the practical level, this is naturally an empty talk.

At this time, Zhou Hao had already been on the dragon boat. He did not care about the South Jurchen, and the order for the armistice was sent to all directions. In the following days, the forces of the Princess, the Prince’s Office, the Huaxia Army, and the main warring forces in the city continued to make efforts to intercept and rescue Zhou Wei and Zhou Pei. Chaos has nothing to do, killing everywhere.

On the fifth day of May, during the Dragon Boat Festival in Quyuan, in the case of determining that the Xiyin troops gradually approached Lin'an, Zhou Wei ordered the Dragon Boat Fleet to sail, and then went out to the sea, which led to the arrival of Qin Lan by Zhou Wei on the dragon boat and fled the capital. a part of it. The peace talks in Beijing are presided over by some ministers headed by Li Nanzhou, who is the leader of the party. Zhou Yu hopes that they can resist the persecution of Jurchens in the "no worries" and strive for a satisfactory surrender for the Wu Dynasty. condition.

In the eighth day, the Xiyin troops arrived in Lin'an and silently began to set up siege equipment. The negotiating situation was chaotic. Wan Yanqing forced the Li Nanzhou, who was in charge of the emperor's seal at this time, to send a messenger to call Han Shizhong to leave Jiangning.

On May 11th, the messenger who went to Jiangning went halfway, and was stopped by the princely martial arts. At the same time, the army that had completed the integration of Danyang began to move toward Jiangning. After ten years of operation, Jiangning is regarded as the real base camp of Junwu. The hundreds of thousands of troops of Zongshang are on the way, and the two sides face up in Jiangningnan.

At the same time, the court began to issue orders constantly, so that the Prince Junwu could no longer lead the army to incite, and can not lightly fight the Jurchen, the monarch left the will, and did not reply.

In the middle of May, at this time, on the vast land of the Wu Dynasty, thousands of people and countless wills were connected in private. When the news of the armistice was transmitted to Xiangfan, Liu Guangshi sighed and sighed, but he had already done it. Good preparations for death. At this time, the news of the split of the Huaxia Army from the southwest increased the chips in the hands of Jurchens more or less.

By the end of May, the nerves of all parties have been tightened to the extreme. On the evening of May 26, Lin’an City, Wan Yan Xi Yin has completed a complete siege preparation, and the ban will be biased to Niu Xingguo and others. In the most desperate situation, the rebellion was launched.

At this time, the humiliating traitorous regulations in the dynasty have been drawn up, and the gates of Lin’an are waiting to be opened. The 100,000-strong army outside the city is eager to move. The first batch of “Labor Army” women who have been collected under the urging of Jurchens have already Preparing to send out of Lin'an City, once again the most tragic Jingping's shame is about to begin.

Rebellion out of the city, facing 100,000 female real people, one dead road, stay in the city, waiting for the Jurchen to enter the city right and wrong, everyone is also a dead end. The "insurgents" in Lin'an City finally chose to make a desperate blow.

In the evening, the two gates in the west and south of Lin'an were opened. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians began to surge out of the city. The Jurchen soldiers also stalked, and the sky was getting dark. The raging fire was in Linan. The city burned up, and Niu Xingguo and others will lead the banned soldiers. They tried to block the Jurchen’s pursuit on the front line outside Lin’an City, but they were soon dispersed by the cavalry’s cavalry. Some soldiers and people carried bombs and gunpowders to the women. The real person launched a suicide shock.

People fled by the cover of the night, and a small number of soldiers and civilians survived. On the bank of the Qiantang River in the south of Lin’an City, large swarms of people were chased into the water, and some early-prepared fugitives carried wooden boxes. The cabinets, wooden beams and bamboo rafts floated on the water, and after that, the next life was preserved, and tens of thousands of lives were swallowed up by the water waves.

More people died in the massacre, and Xi Jinyin’s troops entered the city and officially took over the Wuchao Jiangshan after Zhou Wei’s departure. More humiliating and slaughter than the shame of Jingping, broke out in Lin'an City.

The bells of the huge collapse of Jianye’s world are ringing.


In the summer of that year, throughout Lin'an City, there was a tragedy that no one could detail.

The rebels were killed in the streets, and the public and ministers headed by Li Nanzhou collected the treasures, women, and craftsmen from the city and delivered them to the Jurchen army to compensate for the "deficit" of the war. This is a scene similar to the shame of Jingping, but only in Beijing. There are not many emperors and relatives who can be insulted and played by Jurchens.

The people in Beijing lost their husbands, lost their wives, lost their mothers, lost their children in this war... After a decade of calm, this sad and unspeakable scene is nothing but a small beginning of the tragedy that the whole world will experience.

Wan Yan Xi Yin walked into the wolf's golden temple, and he sat on the throne of the emperor. He was playing with a group of Hanchen who was kneeling on the ground. He saw him coming and waved his hand to send the Hans.

"The major events of the Wu Dynasty have been completed, and the things that have been discussed before should be done."

In the face of Yan Xiyin, the martyrdom did not dare to sit on the chair and face him, so he came down from the top: "The emperor of Wu Dynasty did not die, the prince did not divide, and his brother was still fighting in Jiangning. This place is three thousand miles southwest. How to do it?"

The eyes of Wan Yan Xi Yin condensed slightly, and the eyes began to become cold.

"Small four, your thoughts... say it again?"

兀 摊 摊 摊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江 江Intercepting him. Gu Shen, I said before my brother, I will help you to destroy the southwest. You can do anything, as we are all today, and the people of Wu Dynasty are attaching. This is all for you, as long as you bring it. Move, army, equipment, logistics, you bring it - enough for you to fill the southwest."

Xi Yin stared at him, and the scorpion was seen to be hairy: "My brother and I have annihilated the Wu dynasty. You and the south of the dying, the soldiers of the world have given you, what else? You are afraid that I will not be confused behind me? Promise in the name of the ancestor, this time, never in the back of you!"

"...Tushan Wei has lost in Zhenjiang, your cavalry, give me 30,000."

Xi Yin finished, turned and left, and the sorcerer stayed behind for a moment.

"...good. I wish the valley **** flag to win, the southwest thief is a battle!"


The world is falling.

The summer continues, and countless people choose their own team in such chaos. In June, under the betrayal of the traitors, Zong Han broke through the Xiangfan defense line. Liu Guangshi led a large number of defeated troops to the south and established a small-scale resistance. In the same month, Chen Fanbaima silver guns broke through Changsha City and inserted the black flag. Changsha City Head.

After more than ten days of confrontation, Jiang Ning attacked the flank of the Zongshen defense line and returned to Jiangning, and began another severe purge. At this time, the imperial court has been deliberately decreed, and has usurped the official power of the prince, but the chaos has already begun, and such a will has no meaning.

The will of the Jurchen is sweeping the world.



The first wave came, accepting the will of Xi Yin, the negotiations and persuasion from the Zong Han army. They arrived at Zhangcun with a paperwork written by Xi Yin, who wrote many requests. Among the instruments, there are various requirements such as the Huaxia Army’s referral to the Jurchen, the transfer of various technologies, the transfer of specific craftsmen, and the order of the Huaxia Army to self-cast in various technologies. There are many kinds of different kinds. In this era, such "civilization" is not common.

Ning Yi met with the ambassador, and the article looked interesting: "Hey, Xi Yin on your side has learned well with me, and it is more and more imaginative."

"When today's heroes, Wei Gu Shen and his husband cherish each other, Gu Shen often mentions Mr. Ning in the southwest. If the Tao is in a country, both sides will be confidants. Now, my gold country has wiped out the Wu Dynasty and dominated the world. The black flag of the southwest is difficult to support. It has been said that there has been civil strife. The Wulu army and the army of the great army of the martial arts have been smashing their horses, and they are ready to go, and the gods of the valley are thinking about the world, leaving room for it. Mr. Wang can make the right decision."

"A few years ago in Xiao Canghe, your messenger named Fan Hongji, you can be a man without you." Ning Yi smiled at the messenger in front, then wrote a few words on the thick paper, throwing Go back: "Do you know why?"

The messenger took the text and looked through it. The mouth said: "Mr. Ning..." When he said this, he saw the words written by Ning Yi, and his words stopped.

The back of the book is a random nine words.

- All don't agree, take it back and change it.

Ning Yi has come over and patted his shoulder: "That is because the Huaxia Army is not the Huaxia Army at the time of Xiao Canghe. After Yan Yanxi sent you over, but it is to look at my will, you are all It doesn't matter, I can't get it on the battlefield, I can't talk about it on the table... I originally hoped that the Wu Dynasty could support it more. Now it seems, forget it, let me come, what millions of troops are going to fight, and go back and call it And Xi Yin came over, your army of the West Road entered the Chengdu Plain, and I buried you."

His words were lightly finished, and they had left the room, and the light of the late summer came in from the window.


In the sea, time is at the end of the summer. Under the soft heart of Zhou Wei, Zhou Pei came out and walked around the deck of the dragon boat. At the beginning, the guards around them looked very tight. Gradually, facing the silent long princess, everyone gradually let go of their hearts.

On June 24, the seagull flew in the sky, and Zhou Pei looked up and looked at the sea.

Zhou Wei walked from afar, to Zhou Pei's side, he reached out and opened the guards around him, sighed softly and seemed to want to say something.

Zhou Pei stood up and ran to the ship's side.

She jumped high and the seagull flew over her eyes, her body falling to the blue sea.

A tear, falling from the sky...


In the cloud, Tang Minjie read all the information from the south, and then closed his eyes, the face of fortitude and indifference, there is also a flash of light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the second Jingping..."

He tightened the paper in his hand, gnashed his teeth, and sang a word.



Due to the collapse of the Jiangnan defense line, Liu Chengzong’s troops no longer have to threaten the Jurchen’s retreat. The troops that have gone through several months of fighting are dismantling in the direction of Shandong north of the Yangtze River.


Lou Shuyu and Yu Yulin’s army carried out several counterattacks under extremely difficult circumstances. Under the circumstances that the strengths of the various departments in the Jin Dynasty faded, they expanded the site and gained a little gasp. However, at this time, Tianhu and Tian’s real-time savings have been exhausted, and a more difficult time is coming.


At the end of June, in the little corner of the world where no one has noticed, something is happening.

In the northwest, since the Battle of Xiao Cang River, the Jurchens carried out a brutal and inhuman massacre here, so that the plague was rampant in a few years, and it was a thousand miles away.

This situation is about to be gradually forgotten by people.

Fuzhou, the rule can be ruled, after the Huaxia Army and the Jurchen people, the largest settlement of the people in the northwest, in the background of the fierce battle in the world, the situation here has gradually become a relatively quiet Taoyuan.

On this day, the sunshine of the swallowing sky was about to fall. Wushugang, a shack in the west of Fuzhou, the veteran guards appeared from the room, and the warm wind in the evening was rolling up the barren sand. He suddenly I felt an ominous shock.

The veteran squatted on the ground and began to reveal his confused eyes. For a moment, he saw that at the end of the earth, the raging cavalry came to the ground!

He had to turn and walk toward the rear. On the rear figure, an early figure leaped high in the air and waved the sabre.

The blood is raging and blooms -

(The ninth episode * the vast land * end)

(Welcome to the tenth episode of "赘婿" * long nights in the spring)

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