Zhui Xu

: I am afraid that the beach head said that I am afraid of 0 Ding Yangli sighs 0 Ding (on)

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Sandalwood, the faint light candle moves with the slight fluctuations of the waves.

She saw the blue sea, the clear agate color, the body turning, the bottom of the ocean, is a huge abyss that does not end.

The deep and huge darkness was terrifying, and there was an illusion of chaos in the ear, and a yellow figure flung into the water.

At the moment when the body sat up, the noise faded away from the surrounding darkness. The cabin was still familiar with the cabin. After the smoked, the scented bedding was carried out with a little scent, a little star candle, and there were undulating waves outside the window.

Outside the cabin came to know the sound of the cable.

"His Royal Highness, are you awake?"

"Nothing, don't come in."

Zhou Pei replied, sitting quietly in the candlelit bed for a while, she turned her head to look at the sky outside, and then put on her clothes.

When she got out of bed and went outside, the maid Komatsu, who was staying in the cubicle, had quietly raised up and asked if Zhou Pei had to wash her face and followed her to the outside.

Between the aisles that pass through the cabin, there are orange lanterns that illuminate and extend to the doorway leading to the large deck. Leaving the upper deck of the inner cabin, the day at sea is still not bright, the waves are undulating on the sea, and the stars and moons in the sky are embedded in the transparent glass of green ash. At the end of the horizon, the sky and the sea are integrated into the boundless place.

Looking back, the huge dragon boat was fascinating, like a palace sailing on the sea.

Ten years ago, in order to facilitate the escape of Zhou Wei, countless craftsmen spliced ​​dozens of large ships, and carried out various transformations to build this huge sea dragon palace shaped like a land even on the windy sea. After moving to Lin'an, the dragon boat was moored on the dock of the Qiantang River, and it was melted into a variety of craftsmen's ingenuity. In this calm night, looking back, it was magnificent and graceful.

But in Zhou Pei’s heart, it’s hard to have a little ups and downs.

The huge fleet of dragon ships has been drifting for three months at sea. It is summer in the Lin'an fashion, but now it is getting closer to the Mid-Autumn Festival. In three months, many things happened on the boat. Zhou Pei’s emotions went from despair to The heart died. On the day of June, the father came over and the surrounding guards avoided. Zhou Pei jumped from the ship's side.

Then, the first figure that jumped into the sea was Zhou Wei, who wore a royal robe.

Since the Jurchens went south, Zhou Wei was scared and scared. His body shape was once thin and skinny. He used to be indulgent, and now he is physically weaker. But at the end of June, with the daughter’s jumping into the sea, not many people Can explain the conditioned reflexes of Zhou Wei at that moment - he was always afraid of death and jumped toward the sea.

His jumps on the sea level did not help. If the guards who had jumped into the sea later rescued the two, both father and daughter would probably be drowned in the sea.

But because of such a move, after being rescued, Zhou Pei’s hatred for Zhou Wei gradually turned into more complicated emotions. She cried in the room for a long time and was no longer willing to meet with Zhou Wei, but Zhou Wei also Gradually fell ill, first a small illness, gradually increased in mid-July, at this time, has fallen over the sick bed, unable to get out of bed.

Under such circumstances, whether it is hate or not, for Zhou Pei, it seems to have become empty things.

She sat on the deck under the night sky, quietly watching the moon and the moon, the sea breeze blowing in the autumn, with water vapor and smell, the maid Komatsu stood quietly behind, I don’t know when, Zhou Pei slightly Head, noticed tears on her face.

She let the bench open a seat and said, "Sit down."

"The slaves don't dare."

"You are the granddaughter of Zhao Xianggong?"

"... um." The maid Komatsu wiped her tears. "Slaves... just remember the poems that Grandpa taught."

"I heard... The sea rises in the bright moon, the end of the world is at this time... You are also the book of Xiangmen, I was in Lin'an, I heard someone say your name." Zhou Pei whispered, Zhao Xiangong in her mouth, Zhao Ding, when he gave up Lin'an, Zhou Hao called Qin Hao and others to board the ship, and also called Zhao Ding, but Zhao Ding never came over and sent only a few promising grandchildren to the dragon boat: "You should not be Slave..."

She said this, Zhao Xiaosong behind him could not restrain the emotions in his heart, and he cried more and more fiercely, reaching out to wipe his tears. Zhou Pei feels sad - she understands why Zhao Xiaosong is so sad, she is swaying in the autumn and the sea breeze is quiet, she thinks of the rising sea and the moon, and the family and grandfather in Linan, I am afraid that I have died under the knife of the Jurchen. The whole Lin'an, I am afraid that I will soon pay for it.

This fierce grief clenched her heart tightly, making her heart feel like a huge hammer squeezed, but there was no emotion in Zhou Pei’s face, she looked quietly at the front. The sky and the sea, slowly opening.

"If I remember correctly, when Komatsu was in Lin'an, he would have the name of a talented woman. You have been sixteen this year? Have you ever made a dear, have you been a good person?"

Zhao Xiaosong shook his head, and Zhou Pei looked indifferent. By the end of the year, she is nearly 30 years old, and her marriage is unfortunate. She has been busy with many things. In the blink of an eye, she has gone through more than ten years. At this time, the rush of the road has finally turned into an empty existence. She looked at Zhao Xiaosong and was able to see herself when she was a girl more than ten years ago.

"No, if you encounter such a year and month, love and love, and finally it will inevitably become a wounding thing. When I was at your age, I was very envious of the game of the talented and beautiful people in the market. In retrospect, we... When I left Lin'an, it was the fifth day of May, the Dragon Boat Festival. Jiangning, more than ten years ago, had a Dragon Boat Festival word. I don't know if you have heard it..."

Zhou Pei recalled the word, slowly and whispered in a low voice: "Slightly sweating slightly through the tourmaline, Ming Dynasty Dragon Boat Festival Fang Lan. Flowing incense is full of Qingchuan. Colorful lines wrapped around the red jade arm, small The slanting hangs the green clouds. The beautiful people meet... a thousand years..."

She smashed this fascinating word to the end, and the sound gradually became inaudible, but she smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Today, fast Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival words... When the moon is there, ask the wine for the sky... I don't know the sky. Gong Yi, what year is it..."

This low-pitched voice sang, and it was light and soft on this deck. Zhao Xiaosong knew the author of this word. In the past, these words were also circulated in the mouth of Lin’an everyone, but only in the mouth of the princess. What came out was the singing and tune that Zhao Xiaosong had never heard before.

She looked at the princess in front, only to see her face still calm as water, but the words seem to contain countless things. These things she still can't understand now, that is more than ten years ago, the seemingly endless peace and prosperity of the sound of water flowing...

Komatsu listened to the voice, and the mourning in her heart was gradually infected. When she did not know when, she subconsciously asked: "His Royal Highness, I heard that the gentleman, was that your teacher?"

This is not something she should ask. When the voice falls, I can see that the long princess whose expression has been calm has held her forehead, and the time is as ruthless as a roller, and the tears fall in an instant.

- The news on land was passed over a few days ago.

For the crisis in Lin'an, Zhou Wei did not prepare for the flight in advance. The Dragon Boat Fleet walked in a hurry. In the initial time, he was afraid of being caught by the Jurchens, and did not dare to arbitrarily land until he wandered at sea. For more than two months, I stopped a little and sent a man to log in and inquire about the news.

The news was turned around four days ago. After Zhou Wei read it, he vomited blood and fainted. After waking up, he called Zhou Pei to pass. This was the first meeting between the father and the daughter after Zhou Pei jumped into the sea at the end of June.

At this time, Zhou Wei’s illness was intensified, and she was so skinny that she could no longer get out of bed. He looked at Zhou Pei and handed her the news that she had only a heavy mourning. On that day, Zhou Pei also read the news, his body trembled and he finally cried.

After Zhou’s abandonment of Lin’an, throughout the May, the situation in the world was brewing in the chaos. By June, it had already been outlined. During June and July, many forces originally belonging to the Wu Dynasty had begun to express their views. On the bright side, most of the army and the governor still slogan loyal to the Wu dynasty, but with the sweep of the Jurchen army, the number of identities gradually increased.

In this case, the land of Jiangnan was the first to bear the brunt. In June, Jiaxing, a major town near Lin'an, refused to surrender, and was broken by the traitors and the Jurchen army. The Jurchen was a massacre on the 10th. At the end of June, Suzhou looked down on the wind, and the major towns in the Taihu Lake Basin have expressed their views. As of July, more than half of the people who surrendered in the city.

From the coast of the Yangtze River to Lin'an, this is the most affluent core of the Wu Dynasty. Resistors have it, but they seem to be weaker. The situation of the military commander who was once criticized by the martial arts martial arts was too heavy. At this time, it finally began to appear in the whole world. On the Jiangnan West Road, the military and political officials broke out due to the inability to unify the order, and the generals of the military commanded the troops to enter the state of Jizhou. All the officials were imprisoned and the banner of the goldfall was raised. On Fujian Road, the two troops originally arranged here were already preparing for the killing.

Liu Guangshi, who has traveled from the south of Xiangyang, entered the Dongting Lake area and began to collect land. At the same time, he collided with the sticky forces in the north and the Miaojiang black flag invading Changsha. In the situation where countless people in countless forces have begun to act in this day, the women’s real orders have been issued, driving all the martial arts troops that have already dropped their gold in name, and they have begun to pull out the west, and the military front points directly to the black flag. The real battle to truly determine the ownership of the world is imminent.

Under such circumstances, the authority that once belonged to the Wu Dynasty has collapsed in front of everyone.

The destruction of a dynasty may take several years, but for Zhou Wei and Zhou Pei, all this and huge chaos may not be the most important.

In July, Jun Wu, who had entered Jiangning, refused all orders from Lin’an Xiaochao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to rectify the military discipline, and not to retreat. At the same time, the tens of thousands of troops under Zongfu’s squadron, together with the surrendering Han army that had gathered here, and the surrendering and rushing troops, began a fierce attack on Jiangning, and by the end of July, In the vicinity of Jiangning, the total number of troops that launched the attack has reached as many as one million. In the middle, even half of the troops were subordinated to the command and jurisdiction of the prince, and after the departure of Zhou, they turned their backs.

End Yan Zongfu released the words, even if Jiangning is an iron city, he has to dissolve it into a pot of hot metal.

The chaos in the world is happening fiercely, and the Jurchen's westward advancement has just begun. So in June and July, a Jiangning City turned into the core of the most fierce battle in the whole world. The Wu dynasty has collapsed. Only the former prince of the Wu dynasty led several units of reciting and Zhenhai. It was like a desperate behemoth whose homeland had been destroyed. On this ruin, it was a tenacious and tragic revolt.

In front of it, the enemy is still surging like a tide.

No one knows what kind of tenacity this future can hold.

"I am sorry for Jun Wu... I am sorry... my son..."

Perhaps it was that the sea that took him that day took his vitality and took away his fear. At that moment, Zhou Yi’s reason gradually recovered. In Zhou Pei’s cry, he just murmured this sentence.

In the afternoon, he summoned the ministers of the small court, decided to abdicate, and passed his throne to the monarch in danger, giving him the final help. But not long after, it was opposed by the ministers. Qin Hao and others put forward various pragmatic views and thought that this matter would be harmful to the monarchy.

Zhou Wei was fainting in the past in the quarrels and noises of the ministers.

On the same day, Zhao Xiaosong knew that Lin’an was being slaughtered, and his grandfather and his family may have died in tragic death...

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