Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 862: I am afraid that the beach head said that I am afraid of 0 Ding Yangli sighs 0

The sea breeze, the lights swayed, and the dimly small platform, the two figures suddenly rushed past the distance, hitting the railing on the edge of the platform.

Qin Xiao’s throat made a dull sound, and he continued to push forward. He widened his eyes, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and Zhou Pei’s thin figure was pushed down. The long hair fluttered in the night wind. Among them, the scorpion on her head was tied to the face of Qin Yu, and she was pierced through the mouth of the old man. At this time, half of the scorpion was exposed on his left face, and the half-cutting sharply stabbed the right side. The **** breath gradually began. The spread of the whole makes his whole look very strange.

Just at the moment when Qin Lan rushed up, Zhou Pei turned and pulled up the metal hairpin on her head and slammed it hard against the other's head. The scorpion smashed the face of Qin dynasty, and the old man was afraid of his horror, but he did not stop at all, and did not even make any shouts. He slammed Zhou Pei to the railing and his hands slammed around Zhou Pei’s neck. The past.

Zhou Pei struggled. She kicked Qin Hao's two feet, one hand grabbed the railing, and one hand began to rub the hands on her neck. The old face of the Qin dynasty orange peel showed half a scorpion, the original one was righteous. The face was very strange in the light at this time, and his mouth made a "squeaky" resentment.

In front of the dragon boat, the brightly lit night banquet is still going on. The sound of the silk bamboo is faintly passed from there, and in the sea breeze behind, the half face exposed by the moon from the cloud gradually disappears. It seems to be happening here. The thing is distressing. The clouds are shrouded in the sea.

Long hair fluttered in the wind, and Zhou Pei's strength weakened. She reached up with both hands and grabbed Qin's hand, but her eyes gradually turned to the top. The old man's eyes were red, his face was bloody, and even though he was old, his hands holding Zhou Pei's neck were still firm – this was his last chance.

For so many years, all his calculations are based on the power of the king. If Jun Wu and Zhou Pei can recognize his value and use him as a teacher, he will not retreat to the next week.

If Zhou Wei is a powerful emperor and adopts many of his views, the Wu Dynasty will not fall to this point today.

If the non-Wu Dynasty falls to the point where it is today, he will not make a strong man's broken wrist to Zhou Wei, and he will lead the plan of the Golden State and Black Flag.

He has already proposed such a plan. The Wu Dynasty needs time, needs patience to wait, and quietly waits for the results of the two tigers to fight. Even if it is weak, even if it suffers from great suffering, it must be patient.

It’s gonna be dead!

This is the ending that he never expected. Zhou Yiyi died. The short-sighted princess and the prince must have hated himself and started to liquidate. If you succumb to your own death, you can make your own plans for the Wu Dynasty, and the calculation of the future revitalization must be defeated. The hope of the thousands of people in the Wu Dynasty is waiting for it, and it cannot be defeated!


In the severe pain, the blood of the old man's mouth was mixed in the sputum, flying out of the mouth of the cockroach. He slammed Zhou Pei's throat and pushed her toward the sea outside the platform!

Fortunately, the princess once cast a self-sufficiency in the sea, as long as she re-entered the sea before Zhou Wei passed away, Jiang Ning's Royal Highness Prince, regardless of life and death, the imperial court's righteousness, after all, can be on their own side.

Zhou Pei’s consciousness gradually became blurred. Suddenly, there seemed to be a voice coming.

The door outside the small platform was opened. Someone ran in. After a slight mistake, he rushed over. It was a relatively slim figure. She came over and grabbed Qin’s hand and tried to open it out: “What are you doing—” It is Zhao Xiaosong.

Her words were only halfway through. In the eyes, Qin Xiao twisted his face. Zhao Xiaosong saw a faint light in the face of a scorpion with a **** face. He was shocked, but she did not stop. He hugged Zhou Pei's waist and pulled her back. Qin Hao vacated a hand and slapped it on Zhao Xiaosong's face. Then she kicked her foot. Zhao Xiaosong squatted twice, but did not let go.

When Qin Hao left the neck with one hand, Zhou Pei’s consciousness gradually recovered. She hugged Qin’s hand and struggled to lean back. Zhao Xiaosong also pulled her waist and gave her strength. When the strength gradually came back, she On the hand of Qin Lan, bite it down. Qin Hao eats and shrinks back. Zhou Pei squats in the neck and escapes from the railing in two steps. Qin Yu grabs it. Zhao Xiaosong rushes to the waist and hugs his waist. He just shouts: "Princess Run fast, the princess runs fast..."

Qin Zhen lived in her hair and tore her on her head, turning the dim platform into a strange silhouette. Zhou Pei grew up in a mess, straightened up and walked back in the head, she was moving towards the small house. On the shelf, trying to open and rummage the box and box above.

The sound of "嗬" in the rear is like the low-pitched beast of the beast. The old man suddenly pulls out the bun on his face in the night wind, and squats on the back of Zhao Xiaosong, only listening to the "ah" Called, the girl’s shoulder was stabbed and fell to the ground.

In the dark light, the wind rushed. The lower half of Qin Lan’s face was full of blood. He flushed his eyes and walked over to the inside. He shook his hands and groped at his waist. He took out a dagger. Shaking to Zhou Pei, the wooden boxes that Zhou Pei opened were all useless paper and pencil.

"...in order...this world...you guys...ignorance..."

His eyes were red, and a strange voice was heard in his mouth. Zhou Pei grabbed the ring in a box and slammed his head back on his head.

Qin Lan two steps, fell to the ground, his forehead bleeding, his head creaking, I do not know when, turned over on the ground, trying to get up.

"Help! Help..."

At this time, Zhao Xiaosong was crying on the ground. Zhou Pei walked up to the Qin dynasty's side, and her long hair was dissipated. Her eyes were like cold ice. She was still subconsciously holding the arm of the dagger. Go on.

She has been in dire straits for a long time, her physical condition is weak, her strength is not big, and she has been smashed twice. Qin Hao released the dagger, but her arm was not broken. Zhou Pei was screaming on his head. In the dim light, in the cry of the girl, the tears in Zhou Pei’s eyes fell. She slammed the old man’s head on the platform. Qin Lan was still crawling on the ground. In a short while, it was full of blood. .

The guards who heard the movement had already rushed over here and rushed into the door. They were all shocked by this **** and weird scene. The face of Qin Lan crawling on the ground has been distorted and still moving slightly. Zhou Pei took it. The downfall went to his head and his face went down. When she saw the guard coming in, she threw away the ring and went straight, pulling out the long knife at the other side of her waist.

She turned back with a long knife, Qin Lan on the ground, has not moved at all, dragging the blood on the floor for half a liter. Zhou Pei’s eyes were cold and the tears were flowing again. Zhao Xiaosong’s sobbing kept on the terrace.

Zhou Pei slammed for a while and lowered the blade. He said: "Save people."

The song and dance in front of the dragon boat is still going on. After a short time, someone came to report what happened at the back. Zhou Pei cleaned up the injury on her body - she turned the nail on her hand when she waved the platform, and it was **** afterwards. The bruises on the neck were not scattered - she explained to Zhou Wei the whole thing. The witnesses at this time only had her maid, Zhao Xiaosong. For many things, she could not prove that Zhou Wei in the hospital bed had finished listening. After that, I just nodded and nodded. "My daughter has nothing to do. My daughter has nothing to do..."

- From beginning to end, he did not consider the responsibility of being an emperor.


Zhou Pei’s truth about killing Qin Yu may be difficult to say from then on, but Zhou Pei’s murder and Qin Yu’s tragic death have a huge symbolic meaning in the dragon’s small court.

On August 16th, Yu Zihua, the commander of the ban, and Li Shu, the general of the Dragon Boat Fleet, expressed their loyalty to Zhou Pei in the gesture of Zhou Wei. With the confirmation and expansion of this news, on August 17, Zhou Wei held a ruling party to determine the will of the ambassador.

She had previously wondered if she needed to pass the position as soon as possible, at least to give her brother in Jiangning a legitimate name. However, she was so slammed into the boat that there was no one available, and the ministers on board would not I am willing to lose my orthodox name to my own group. Zhou Pei, who had experienced betrayal, no longer recklessly opened her mouth until she personally killed Qin Lan and got the support of the military before she finalized the matter.

Since the Taihu Fleet has been chasing the sea, the purpose can only be used to carry the ship through the boat carrier and pass the world. The Dragonship Fleet continues to drift south, looking for a safe time to land.

After the transfer of the will of the pass, Zhou Wei’s body went from bad to worse. He could hardly eat, and occasionally became confused. He only had a few waking hours in a few moments. The life on the boat could not see the autumn color. He occasionally mentioned it with Zhou Pei. Jiang Ning’s autumn was very beautiful. Zhou Pei asked if he wanted to go to the beach. Zhou Wei shook his head and refused.

In this way, on the morning of August 28, the spirit of Zhou Hao became better. Everyone understood that he was returning to the light, and all the blind people gathered together. Zhou Wei did not say anything to them. . He called his daughter to the bed and talked about his experience when Jiangning walked the chicken fighting dog. He had no ambition since he was a child. The family also used him as a prince to raise him. He married his wife’s room and never did it once. Things, playing around in the whole day, Zhou Pei and Jun Wu’s childhood, Zhou Wei is not a good father. In fact, he gradually cared about the children, it seems to be the first thing after the search for the sea. It is.

"I am not a good man, not a good prince, not a good emperor..."

He said this to himself, and in a short while, he remembered Zhou Wei and Kang Xian who had already passed away.

"...When I was young, I was very afraid of Aunt Zhou Yi, and I couldn’t talk to Kang Xian. I admire them... I don’t know when I want to be like Aunt Huang. I have something to do. Wang Ye, but I can't do it well. You yell at me... I took the robbing of someone else's shop. After a while, it was gone, I still feel bored, but... for a short while, I want to be good. Wang Ye... I can't be..."

His gaze has gradually blurred.

"They... let me succeed as an emperor, because... I have a good pair of children~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really have a good pair of children, but unfortunately... this country has been defeated by me. Xiaopei... Xiaopei..."

He called his daughter's name, Zhou Pei reached out and he grabbed Zhou Pei's hand.

"A lot of people... a lot of people... dead, I saw... many people are dead. When I was at sea, your grandmother and grandson Kang Yin were killed in Jiangning. I am sorry for them... and Lao Qin. Adult, how many things he has done for this country, Zhou Hao killed him, he did not complain... I Wuchao, Zhoujia... For more than two hundred years, hehe... I don’t want him to break in my hand. I am already wrong..."

His chicken paws grabbed Zhou Pei: "I don't see them, I don't have a face. After I die, you throw me into the sea, redeem my sins... I am dead, I am dead... I should not be afraid. ... you assisted Jun Wu, Xiao Pei... You assisted Jun Wu, passed down the world of Zhou Jia, passed it on... passed on... ah?"

He said it several times, Zhou Pei nodded in tears, Zhou Wei did not feel it, just looked at him with gaze: "... ah?"

"...good! Oh... well."

Zhou Pei cried.


Zhou Hao nodded, and the look on his face gradually spread out: "You said... the sea is not cold..." And again, "You and Junwu... Come and see me..."

After a while, he whispered: "Xiao Pei...you and Ning Yi..." Between the two sentences, after a while, his gaze gradually stopped, and all the words came here.

At the moment of death, Zhou Wei’s weight was only 50 kilograms of skinny bones. He was the incompetent emperor of the entire Wu dynasty’s people who fell into hell. He was also an ordinary person who was sucked up by the emperor’s identity. He was fifty-one years old when he died.

The world of Jianye’s dynasty, at this point, it will end forever...

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